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Chapter 197: Brother Cheatings Sister

After hanging up the phone, Xu Chuan turned around and was startled.

Three friends stood behind him and eavesdropped.

"Brother Chuan, tell me honestly if this is the call from my sister-in-law!"

"I heard a female voice!"

"Bring it here and ask my sister-in-law to come over quickly. We also know each other."

The three of them were chattering away, and Xu Chuan couldn't help but rolled his eyes. He ignored the group of arrogant friends and walked back to the table.

Skipping this topic, the four of them had a few drinks in a row, and after drinking two bottles of beer, the topic gradually opened up.

Sometimes we talk about arrangements after graduation, sometimes we talk about games, and sometimes we move to things happening at home and abroad.

For example, a female college student from a certain school who stole headphones was not only not punished, but was even guaranteed to graduate.

For example, a certain celebrity joined the idol trainee program and released a self-introduction video. He became popular because he practiced for two and a half years and wore overalls to play basketball.

We haven't seen each other for nearly a year, which is quite a long time for a group of college students.

Unlike after entering society, it is not unusual to not see each other for a few years or even for life.


The meal lasted for two hours before the four of them dispersed, agreeing to meet again when the three of them graduate.

Xu Chuan returned to the hotel arranged by Nanda University. He did not forget to invite his senior sister to dinner in the evening. He took a shower to get rid of the smell of alcohol and took a nap to rest.

The alarm clock woke him up at a fixed time in the afternoon. He stretched out and climbed out of bed. Xu Chuan touched his phone and looked at the time. It was almost four o'clock.

After turning on the computer and processing the emails in his mailbox and replying to some messages, he got up and went to Xiaoxianzhuang at the entrance of Nanda University again.

Just as he was about to send a message to his senior sister to ask when she could come over, a familiar figure sitting by the window came into view.

Walking over quickly, Xu Chuan smiled and shouted: "Senior."

"You came."

The senior who was reading with her head down raised her head when she heard the voice. When she saw Xu Chuan, her eyes showed a hint of joy.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Xu Chuan said embarrassedly.

I thought he should arrive first, but I didn't expect this senior to arrive earlier than him.

"It's okay, I just arrived a while ago," the senior said in a low voice, then closed the books in her hands and put them on the table.

Xu Chuan glanced at the book that his senior had closed and put on the table. The "Introduction to Algorithms" on the cover made him smile happily.

With the support of his original suggestion and the bonus from the tungsten diselenide research project, the senior sister finally embarked on the path of further study and achieved very excellent results.

I have to say that he has a pretty good eye for seeing people.

At the beginning, he felt that this senior had great academic potential for further study, and now the facts have proved this.

Perhaps because her life difficulties were solved and she no longer needed to work part-time day and night, she showed great academic potential. She just entered her junior year, completed her undergraduate studies, and entered the postgraduate study stage.

Now more than a year has passed. I occasionally chatted with Professor Zhou Hai and heard that she has almost completed her graduate studies and is preparing to apply for a doctoral degree.

It takes two years to complete an undergraduate degree and more than a year to complete a master's degree. This speed can be said to be quite fast.

Xu Chuan sat down and asked: "Have you ordered? Senior sister"

"Not yet." The senior sister shook her head.

Hearing this, Xu Chuan waved to the waiter in the store and shouted: "Waiter, take your order."

Soon, a waiter came over, and coincidentally she was the aunt who was there at noon.

After seeing Xu Chuan, her eyes lit up and she said: "Young man, you came too late. This little girlfriend of yours has been waiting here for at least half an hour. Even if you are a great scientist, you still have a date.

Remember to be on time."

Xu Chuan was stunned for a moment and glanced at his senior sister.

Didn't you say you just arrived a while ago? What's the situation like for more than half an hour? It's not even half past five, that is, she came at about four o'clock?

After being exposed by the waiter's aunt, the senior sister was stunned for a moment, then a blush appeared on her face, and she lowered her head in embarrassment.

Xu Chuan coughed, looked at the waiter and said, "Sorry, I'll be careful next time and order first."

He was too lazy to explain the waiter's aunt's misunderstanding all along.


After ordering the food, Xu Chuan looked at his senior and asked: "Which field are you planning to study in depth as a Ph.D.?"

"Mathematical algorithms and artificial intelligence." Liu Jiaxin whispered back.

"It's good. These two fields are both hot fields in the future. As long as you have the ability, it is not difficult to make tens of millions a year."

Xu Chuan smiled and replied, although earning tens of millions per year sounds exaggerated, it is not that he was bragging. Top experts in the fields of mathematical algorithms and artificial intelligence said that earning tens of millions per year was still low.

For example, for a certain news that will gradually become popular next year, its algorithm experts were previously poached by the United States with an annual salary of over 100 million.

This shows the potential of this industry.

In the future, the fields of algorithms and artificial intelligence are the hottest development prospects. After all, the era of big data cannot be separated from these two.

Hearing this, Liu Jiaxin's cheeks turned a little red, and she lowered her head slightly in embarrassment.

I think she thought an annual salary of two to three hundred thousand was already an exaggeration.

"Are you still planning to study at Nanjing University for your Ph.D.?" Xu Chuan asked curiously.

Although NTU's mathematics department isn't great, the computer science major is pretty good.

Although the scale is small, it takes a high-precision approach.

It is one of the best in the country in core fields such as software, AI, system architecture, and data mining, and its scientific research output is of extremely high quality.

Liu Jiaxin nodded, glanced at Xu Chuan, and continued: "But I applied to my tutor for a place as an exchange student at Princeton."

Xu Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It seems that your academic performance is much better than I imagined."

What he said is indeed true. Not only is Princeton University’s mathematics department unable to accept a few doctoral students from China in a year, but the same goes for the computer science department, which can accept as many students from China as one hand.

Although the computer science department of NTU is not ranked very high in the country, it is the only three domestic universities to have a first-level key discipline in computer science, a national key laboratory, a double first-class world-class discipline, and a national top-notch base.

Although the number of exchange students at Princeton is small, it is not impossible.

However, it is quite difficult to apply for an exchange student quota. If you are not among the top five in this subject, you will basically not be able to get this quota.

That's why he lamented that his senior's grades were much better than he imagined.

After a pause, he continued: "It would be good to study at Princeton. Although the computer science department at Princeton University is not as good as mathematics and physics, it is still pretty good."

"And your study directions, mathematical algorithms and artificial intelligence, are excellent subjects there, and you can learn a lot."

The senior nodded vigorously and said seriously: "I will work hard."

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Come on."


After staying at Nanda for five days, Xu Chuan set out to go home.

On the one hand, I have to go through a ceremony to accept the title of Honorary Professor of NTU, and on the other hand, I have to accept award ceremonies from NTU, the city, and the province.

After all, people have given you money. It is necessary to go through the process and let the media take a few photos to promote it.

On the other hand, in addition to giving a speech to the junior students of NTU, he also needs to hold a report meeting at NTU.

This is something he had promised long ago.

As for the content of the report, there is no doubt that it is Hodge's conjecture.

In fact, he received many invitations to this type of lectures.

Whether domestic or foreign, many universities and even some scientific research institutions have sent him invitations, asking him to come over to open a report or give a speech.

The highest reward offered by one university even reached 300,000 meters.

But Xu Chuan declined most of the seminars or speeches, leaving only domestic invitations.

On the one hand, he doesn't have much time to travel around and give speeches.

On the other hand, it's just because he is a Chinese and a student of Nanjing University.

Although the development of mathematics is gradual, a report meeting cannot immediately improve the development of the domestic mathematics community, but it can still play some role.

As a top scholar in this field, if he is willing to spread knowledge in this area, he can still play a lot of roles.

Although this effect may take several years or ten years to fully manifest.

But the subtle influence is there and will not fly away.


After handling the affairs in Jinling, Xu Chuan bought a ticket and took the high-speed train from Jinling back to Star City.

Although flying is faster, it's not much faster.

It is very troublesome to go through the various processes of entering the station, checking in, and waiting for the flight.

In China, if we talk about a high-speed rail journey within five hours, from departure to exit, the high-speed rail is actually not much slower than an airplane.

And more importantly, high-speed rail is more comfortable and gives people a sense of security than airplanes.

After all, we are running on the ground. If something happens, there is still a glimmer of hope. But if something happens on a plane, it will really make everything go wrong.

Dragging his suitcase, Xu Chuan headed to Xingcheng No. 1 Middle School.

Before returning to his hometown, he had to go to No. 1 Middle School to pick up that girl Xu Xiao.

For this reason, Xu Xiao spent a long time on the phone.

Although he didn't know why the girl insisted on him picking her up, after spending a long time, he finally couldn't help but agreed.

You can also go and see Lao Tang on the way.

Xu Chuan has always been grateful to Lao Tang.

After all, there are so many geniuses in this world? But how many have really stepped forward?

He and Old Tang are the real version of Chollima and Bole.

If he hadn't been discovered and taught by this high school teacher in his previous life, he would most likely have been lost in the vast sea of ​​people.

Standing at the school gate, Xu Chuan took out his mobile phone and called Old Tang.

Hearing him at the door of No. 1 Middle School, Old Tang didn't come back to his senses for a while. He was stunned for a while and then quickly hung up the phone after confirming again.

After a while, Old Tang appeared at the school gate and took him into the school.

"You kid, why didn't you call in advance when you came here?" Old Tang complained when he saw Xu Chuan.

Xu Chuan chuckled and said, "It's not a big deal."

Old Tang glanced at him sideways and said, "Why is it not a big deal? A Philippine Prize winner comes in person. Every school has to welcome it, right?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "I haven't gotten it yet."

"It proves Hodge's conjecture. I will take your last name if I win next year's Philippine Prize!" Old Tang said with disdain.

"Then should I tell the Philippine Awards jury and ask them to postpone the award for four years?" Xu Chuan joked with a smile.

Hearing this, Old Tang glanced at him sideways again: "If you have the ability, can you say it again?"

Xu Chuan quickly gave up and said: "I have no ability, no ability."

"But speaking of it, you quietly proved Hodge's conjecture, which really shocked a lot of people's jaws."

Old Tang sighed and continued: "Although I know that your boy is talented in mathematics, this is too exaggerated."

Xu Chuan: “It’s just an occasional inspiration.”

"Okay, stop being modest." Old Tang rolled his eyes and led him towards the teaching building.

"By the way, teacher, when will the school have winter vacation?" Xu Chuan asked, following Old Tang.

"The first and second graders in high school have been released, and the third graders will be released the day after tomorrow. Are you coming here to pick up your sister?" Old Tang asked.

"Of course I will also visit you, teacher." Xu Chuan chuckled.

"Haha, you are still a human being." Old Tang snorted, as if remembering something, he stared at Xu Chuan and continued: "Speaking of which, you have a good sister, who is exactly the same as you."

Xu Chuan smiled dryly, knowing what Old Tang was talking about.



In class 1401, after seeing the teacher's figure at the door, Xu Xiao jumped over excitedly.

Xu Chuan smiled and rubbed the girl's head, and said: "Tell me, why do you need me to go there in person instead of taking a taxi home? Your brother, my time is very tight."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Xu Xiao wrinkled her nose, held his hand and shook it, and said: "You are my brother, I am on the way to pick you up during the winter vacation.

What happened to my dearest sister?"

Xu Chuan glanced at her and said suspiciously: "That's it?"

Xu Xiao vowed: "What else?"

As soon as she finished speaking, a girl from the same class walked over, looked at Xu Chuan, then at Xu Xiao, and said blankly: "You're really here?"

Xu Chuan asked in confusion: "What's really coming?"

Hearing this, the girl in the same class reacted and said: "Xiaoxiao made a bet with me before, saying that she could let you pick her up... The one who loses will learn... Well, early.


Before the girl finished speaking, Xu Xiao rushed up and covered her mouth.

However, Xu Chuan still heard something, and looked at Xu Xiao who was making trouble with a dark look on his face.

I can't have this sister anymore.


After successfully picking up Xu Xiao, the two took a taxi back to their hometown with their suitcases in tow. No, it should be said to be their new home.

After his repeated persuasion, Xu's father and Xu's mother finally moved from the original two-story building into the villa built last year this year.

They were unwilling to live here before.

In the eyes of Xu's father and Xu's mother, the villa was a new home reserved for Xu Chuan's future marriage. Why would they move there? It's not like the old house was uninhabitable.

Parents are always like this, always wanting to leave the best things to their children.

But in the end Xu Chuan convinced his parents. After all, houses are built for people to live in. What's the point of building a house that no one can live in? Should it be put there for display?

And to be honest, there is a big difference between houses in rural areas and those without people.

Houses that are not occupied by people, even if they are newly built, will age very quickly.

Just like the houses left behind by the five-guarantee households in the past after they passed away, they would collapse into disgrace in a year or two.

During his lifetime, those old houses, even mud houses made of loess embryos, could withstand wind and rain without any damage.

In rural areas, this is called "popularity". Only houses that are inhabited are popular. If no one is inhabited, God will take them away for you.


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