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Chapter 201 NS Equation

When Xu Chuan went to the office with Fefferman to discuss smooth manifolds, his first class at Princeton caused quite a stir in the university network in North America.

Some well-known university forums are discussing this matter.

[Hey, you know? The genius who proved the Hodge conjecture said in his first class that he only had five months to prove the Hodge conjecture!]

【Five months? Are you kidding?】

[I can swear to God that nothing I said is false.]

[If this is true, it would be too scary, but in fact it is impossible. Five months have proved Hodge’s conjecture that no one can do it. In fact, he also said later that he paved the way for this.

The foundation has been laid for more than ten years.]

【Nine years of education, three years of college entrance examination, five years of simulation?(?v?)ノ】

【This is the magical magic from the East.】

Just as Xu Chuan had expected, few people would believe that he had really proved the Hodge conjecture within five months. This was outrageous.

In fact, Xu Chuan himself would not believe it if this matter were brought to others.

After all, it took him only five months to complete the proof of Hodge's conjecture, but this was inseparable from his research in the fields of topology and mathematical analysis in his previous life, as well as the algebraic geometry and algebraic geometry he studied with Deligne in this life.

differential equations.

It is not an exaggeration to take more than ten years to sharpen a sword.

But if a scholar can sharpen such a sword and kill the evil dragon that looms high above him, that would be the greatest achievement in his life.

However, Xu Chuan was not satisfied. After conquering the Hodge conjecture, he and Fefferman joined forces and launched a charge towards the smooth and popular ultimate goal of 'n equation'.

This proposal was made by Fefferman.

After communicating with Xu Chuan twice about the idea of ​​smooth manifolds, Fefferman couldn't hold back his thoughts.

After all, he has made huge contributions in the fields of function theory of multiple complex variables and smooth manifolds, and has an in-depth understanding of this area of ​​knowledge.

In 1974, he proved the world's difficult problem that "a biholomorphic mapping from a strictly pseudo-convex region with a smooth boundary to another can be smoothly extended to the boundary."

This is something that many mathematicians in the 20th century tried to prove without success.

Because the region of multiple complex variables is different from the case of single complex variables, two singly connected regions are not necessarily holomorphically equivalent, so the method of single complex variables cannot be applied.

And he solved this problem with his own original new method.

Based on this, Fefferman has attempted to attack the n equation several times, but all ended in failure.

The arrival of Xu Chuan brought him a new dawn. After thinking for a long time, he finally plucked up the courage to propose to Xu Chuan that they jointly try to solve the n equation.

As for Fefferman's proposal, Xu Chuan agreed directly without any hesitation.

The Navier-Stokes equation was one of the problems he most wanted to solve in his previous life.

By solving this problem, it may be possible to curb the evil dragon of ultra-high temperature plasma turbulence in controllable nuclear fusion and put reins on it to tame it.

For this reason, he chose to cooperate with Professor Fefferman in his previous life.

But unfortunately, limited by his mathematical ability and Professor Fefferman's physical ability, this problem ultimately did not yield a result.

In the first reincarnation, he came to Princeton again and cooperated with Fefferman again, and the object of solution was still the n equation.

This makes people sigh, destiny is indeed wonderful.

Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

In Xu Chuan's office, Fefferman was writing with white chalk on a blackboard.


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