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Chapter 223 The right candidate

Qiu Hongyi left, leaving Xu Chuan and Peng Hongxi alone in the office.

At this moment, Peng Hongxi also realized that what Xu Chuan was about to say might be unusual or highly private, so his expression became more solemn.

"That's it, Academician Peng..."

Xu Chuan didn't waste any words, he directly stated his purpose of coming and revealed some things.

Before coming, he had discussed and communicated with the old man and Qin Anguo from the Ministry of Science and Technology, including the manpower needed for the subsequent development of some projects.

After all, it is impossible to just find someone for such a major scientific and technological project, nor can it be disclosed to everyone.

This is why I asked Professor Qiu Hongyi to leave temporarily.


After listening to Xu Chuan's explanation, Peng Hongxi was a little surprised and his expression was a little moved.

He didn't expect that the young man in front of him would get in touch with senior officials as soon as he returned to China and promote a series of ambitious projects.

The research and development of room-temperature superconducting materials, the mechanism of nuclear beta radiation energy concentration and conversion into electrical energy, the ultra-high temperature plasma turbulence control system...to the final controllable nuclear fusion project.

In this series of plans, each one taken individually is a huge project involving hundreds of millions or even billions of funds.

Of course, if these projects can succeed, even if only one or two of them succeed, the returns will be huge and can far exceed the investment.

Regarding these, Peng Hongxi could only say that the ambition of the young man in front of him was astonishingly huge.

But correspondingly, these things are also quite attractive.

Even though he is already in his seventies or almost eighties this year, he is still tempted after hearing these plans.

But, can he or he be able to sustain this series of ambitious projects?


After pondering for a long time, Peng Hongxi breathed a long sigh of relief, raised his head, shook his head, and said: "Thank you Professor Xu for your invitation and consideration, but I'm afraid I can't be of much help."

"I'm getting older. I'm already in my seventies this year. It's okay for me to be an honorary professor or a consultant or something. I can provide opinions and experience, but to support such a large project, to be honest, it's very difficult."

Although he was moved for a moment, after thinking for a while, Peng Hongxi finally shook his head and refused the invitation.

Xu Chuan frowned slightly and looked at Academician Peng Hongxi, and sincerely extended the invitation again: "Academician Peng, I sincerely want to invite you. In my opinion, you are the most suitable candidate."

Peng Hongxi smiled and said, "Thank you for thinking so highly of me, a bad old man, but I am also telling the truth."

"It doesn't matter that I am still active in Shuimu University. I will give lectures when classes begin, and occasionally do one or two experiments myself. But as people get older, energy is the biggest problem. As people get older, they really have to accept their old age."

"If it were just a simple project, I might try it again, but for a series of subsequent projects, I really can't do it, and I can't sustain it."

Sitting opposite, Xu Chuan frowned.

He actually did not expect that Academician Peng Hongxi would refuse the invitation.

Because this series of projects is extremely attractive to any scientific researcher.

Even if they are just doing odd jobs in the project, countless people will squeeze their heads to join.

What he didn't expect was that it was actually this series of huge projects that 'scared' Peng Hongxi.

If it were just one or two, Academician Peng would have agreed.

Opposite me, Peng Hongxi paused for a moment, and then said: "If Professor Xu doesn't mind, I can recommend someone to you, which may be suitable."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan raised his head and asked, "Academician Peng, please tell me."

"Professor Han Jin is currently working in a nuclear industry group." Peng Hongxi recommended a name.

Xu Chuan recalled in his mind that he knew a few physicists named Han, but he had no memory of the name Han Jin.

Seemingly seeing his doubts, Peng Hongxi explained with a smile: "This Han Jin is actually my student."

"Although it is said that people should avoid relatives, but sometimes, capable people can still be recommended."

"I won't introduce much about Han Jin here, so as not to interfere with your judgment too much. Professor Xu, you can collect some information from the above to see if he is suitable."

"Of course, everything is focused on national projects."

Xu Chuan nodded and said, "Are you really not willing to go out?"

Compared with Han Jin recommended by Peng Hongxi, he was more optimistic about this old man.

He is a veteran-level person in the field of nuclear physics. He has the ability, knowledge, and connections to help him handle many things in the early stages of the project.

It's a pity that he didn't want to.

Peng Hongxi thought for a while and then said: "Well, thanks to Professor Xu, if you don't mind, I can serve as a consultant in the project team. Let's take advantage of the last stage of my life to contribute some residual energy.


Hearing this, Xu Chuan nodded, knowing that this was probably the result. Although he failed to invite the old man, the consultant was also good.

With a smile on his face, he stood up and said goodbye: "You are welcome to join us. I have some other things to do here, so I will leave first. I will wait for your arrival in Jinling."

Peng Hongxi shook hands with a smile and said: "I'm an old man, as long as you don't mind."


Xu Chuan left and stayed in the hotel for half a day before receiving the information sent from above.

The first thing I read was about the people recommended by Academician Peng Hongxi.

Han Jin is from Xijiang.

Born on November 3, 1954, father ***, mother ***...

He attended primary and junior high school at Xiejiatan Middle School in Poyang County, Guangxin City, Xijiang City. He attended Poyang No. 1 Middle School in high school and graduated from Shuimu University with a postdoctoral degree...

In 1981, he participated in the design of China's first nuclear power plant, Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant, and was responsible for the pressurized water reactor, loop system, and fission control...

In 1984, he participated in the construction of China's first nuclear power plant and was responsible for...


Several thick documents were flipped through in Xu Chuan's hands.

The various materials and information collected are also horribly detailed. From elementary school to junior high school to entering society, all aspects of information are collected.

In front of the state, individuals are transparent.

It has to be said that when the state machinery is used, the efficiency of various things is terrifyingly high.

In addition to Professor Han Jin recommended by Peng Hongxi, there are several backup candidates and candidates recommended by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

He needs to select a manager from these people who can help him manage the entire project.

Xu Chuan carefully browsed the information in his hand.

The people recommended by Academician Peng Hongxi are indeed excellent based on their resumes.

The first is age. Professor Han Jin is currently less than sixty-five years old.

Although he is not as energetic as those middle-aged people in their thirties and forties, he has more work experience.

He has presided over many large-scale nuclear industry projects, and has participated in the design and manufacturing of second- and third-generation nuclear power plants. He has considerable experience. His academic level is also very good. He has published many top SCI journals and has conducted in-depth research in nuclear physics.


This kind of person is an application-oriented talent. His theoretical research may not be very deep, but he is absolutely great at application. If there is a problem on site, he will quickly find the reason and solve it for you.

In terms of personality, judging from the information passed to him above, Professor Han is not bad.

If you were placed in a company, you could become a deputy general manager.

As for the general manager, he may not be enough, because he may not be pioneering enough, lack some adventurous spirit, and is better at doing things calmly.

To describe it in words, it is the golden mean, which means more than enough to maintain achievements and not enough to develop.

If such a person does not have any big opportunities in the future, he will probably be like this.

Seeing this, Xu Chuan probably understood why Academician Peng Hongxi recommended Professor Han to him.

In China, there are not many people who are better than him.

After all, the domestic scientific environment has always been focused on the field of applied science, and many applied talents have been trained.

Whether it is his own backup candidate or the one recommended by the Ministry of Science and Technology, there are all those who are more capable than Han Jin.

But in addition to excellent abilities, Xu Chuan also needs to consider the character of the person who will be hosting the project for him.

There are many things involved in a large-scale scientific research project, especially in its early stages.

For example, personnel selection, establishment of research institutes, handling of various relationships, project expectations, budget management...etc., all aspects must be dealt with.

Although he can manage it, he cannot waste time on this. His main task is to overcome the real difficulties in scientific research projects.

As for managing things big and small, you have to find someone to help.

Academician Peng Hongxi clearly knows what kind of manager he needs.

He does not fight for project management rights, does not seize the right to speak, is not strong, but can do everything quietly and has the ability to cooperate well with him.

This is actually a very good choice.

"As people age, they become better."

Xu Chuan sighed and had an idea in mind.

But in the end, we still have to meet these people before we talk about it.


With the help from above and coordination with relevant departments.

Xu Chuan met with several selected managers in the next few days, and finally determined the managers of the current "Nuclear Energy Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion Electric Energy Mechanism" project.

The staff member is Professor Han Jin recommended by Academician Peng Hongxi. He is a middle-aged and elderly man wearing glasses and with half-white hair. He looks very gentle and has the temperament of a scholar.

Compared with other candidates, Han Jin is indeed more suitable at present, and the two can complement each other to a certain extent.

As for how it will develop in the future, that remains to be seen.

Xu Chuan didn't worry too much about this aspect. If he couldn't suppress these people, he would play ball and be the first person in the physics world and go back to his hometown to grow sweet potatoes.

However, the candidates on his side have been confirmed, and the senior management is still meeting to discuss it.

After all, this is not a project, but a grand plan composed of a series of huge projects. It is not that easy to completely confirm it.

Xu Chuan did not stay in the capital for long before the official notification came down.

After leaving some preliminary preparation work such as personnel selection to Han Jin, Xu Chuan took the high-speed train back to Jinling.

Before officially launching the "Nuclear Energy Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion into Electric Energy Mechanism" project, he still has some things to do of his own.


This chapter has been completed!
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