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Chapter 225 Super dangerous experiment

There was silence in the office.

A dozen scientific researchers who had not officially joined the company looked at the young man who opened the door and walked in with disbelief.

Is this their boss, the person in charge of this project?

Were they dazzled, or were they hallucinating? The person who came in was Kawakami, who just won the Fields Medal this month?

Everyone looked surprised, but it was impossible for them to recognize Xu Chuan's face. They could only wonder if they had seen it wrong or had hallucinations.

Not long ago, China won its first Fields Medal in history. The country's publicity efforts were astonishing, even higher than those of previous Nobel Prize winners.

Whether it’s TV news or Internet hot searches, everything is flooding the screen.

Under such circumstances, how could they, scientific research dogs, not recognize Xu Chuan? Even if they were not in the same field, they would still be able to recognize him.

If it was Xu Chuan, no, if it was Sichuan God, then it is entirely possible that Han Jin would offer them such a high salary.

A Fields Medal winner, with just a few official researcher slots, is not taken seriously at all.

And if you can do research with a Fields Medal winner, who cares whether you can successfully apply for a formal researcher?

If this project produces results, it doesn't matter if their names don't appear on the first, second or even third work. As long as they can be briefly mentioned in the project report, it will be enough.

Doing scientific research with a Fields Medal winner is truly gold-plated.

After it comes out, whether it is national universities or research institute laboratories, they will rush to get it.

You don't have to worry about being a formal researcher or anything like that.

What is more important now is to find a way to stay!


Looking at the researchers with different expressions in the office, Xu Chuan smiled and sat at the head of the table.

After coughing and bringing everyone back from their thoughts, he said: "Besides meeting you all, I would like to introduce myself first. Of course, I believe you all know me."

"My name is Xu Chuan, you can call me Professor Xu from now on."

After finishing speaking, a younger researcher excitedly raised a question that everyone was concerned about.

"Kawashen, is this nuclear project we are participating in really yours?"

As soon as this question came out, everyone looked at Xu Chuan expectantly.

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "The nuclear energy beta radiation energy concentration and conversion electric energy mechanism technology project is actually not my project."

"It is a research and development project funded by the state, and I am just the person in charge."

When they heard the first sentence, the hearts of the scientific researchers in the office tightened and they held their breath involuntarily; but then the second sentence made everyone calm down and feel relieved.


Sichuan God is really naughty, scaring people like this.

Xu Chuan didn't care about the reactions of these researchers. He continued: "Although this is not my project, I will be fully responsible for its management."

"In my opinion, this nuclear energy project does not require ten scientific researchers. According to my estimate, two to five people will be eliminated in the next six months, and your performance will determine whether you stay or leave.


"During the six-month probationary period, those who perform well can stay, and those who do not meet the standards will automatically leave."

"Of course, if you perform well, it's possible for you all to stay."

"I hope I can see you all again in half a year."

"in addition......"

Xu Chuan didn't say much. He directly stated that he had the power of life and death, controlled the fate of everyone present, and established some rules.

There is no way, mainly because he is a little too young.

At less than twenty-one years old, compared to the others here, even the youngest researcher is more than ten years younger.

The huge age gap will definitely give people some different opinions.

Especially in China, social atmosphere, traditional culture and impressions are difficult to change.

He does not require these researchers to have much innovation ability at present. It is enough that they can do things well according to his arrangements.

In short, it's just what I arranged. Just do it honestly and don't make any trouble.

He doesn't want those who rely on their seniority to show up in his team, even though he has already screened them during the interview.

Of course, if such a person really showed up, he wouldn't mind kicking him out directly.

Anyway, in China, everything is lacking but there is no shortage of people. If he kicks one out, it won't even take the next day to fill it up.


After handing over these things, Xu Chuan was assigned the first task before officially entering scientific research.

He looked around at the people in the office and said: "The theoretical basis of the nuclear energy beta radiation energy concentration and conversion electric energy mechanism technology project has been initially completed here."

"Relevant papers and information will be sent to you by Professor Han."

"Before officially starting the project research, your task is to be fully familiar with the relevant papers and materials within one month."

"I believe this shouldn't be difficult for everyone here."

"And one month later, I will conduct the first assessment on you. This is also the first key point to determine whether you can stay."

"Come on everyone."

Hearing this, a dozen scientific researchers couldn't help but swallowed.

It takes a month to fully become familiar with the theoretical basis of a project, which is quite stressful even for a postdoctoral fellow.

And the subsequent assessment made everyone's hearts arouse.

If you fail the assessment, it will be embarrassing for Dafa.


Here Xu Chuan is arranging the launch of the project.

On the other side, Sujiang Province, thousands of miles away, has also started to move with the establishment of the "Nuclear Energy Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion Electric Energy Mechanism Technology Project".

In Qidong City, which is relatively close to the Magic City, a wide area of ​​more than 20,000 acres has been divided near the sea for the construction of a research institute and a nuclear power plant.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! All residents in the 20,000-acre area will be relocated after the follow-up project has certain scientific research results and it is confirmed that nuclear waste can be reused.

Got out.

Although the selected area itself is relatively remote and the population density is not high, there are still thousands of households involved.

After all, given the country's population density, there are basically no uninhabited areas along the coast.

And relocating so many people is a huge project.

In fact, if we were to simply build a research institute and a nuclear power plant, we would not need such a large area. Two to three thousand acres of land would be more than enough.

But the project "Nuclear Energy Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion Electrical Energy Mechanism Technology" is not only studying nuclear energy, but also the most dangerous thing in nuclear energy - nuclear waste.

If the project is completed and it is finally confirmed that nuclear waste can be reused, then this place will be able to receive radioactive waste generated by all nuclear power plants in the country.

And just for nuclear power plants that have not yet begun expansion, the amount of nuclear waste produced by nuclear power plants across the country exceeds 1,500 tons every year.

Once expanded, given China's capabilities, it is not impossible to produce more than 10,000 tons of nuclear waste every year.

With such a large amount of nuclear waste, if something happens, an area of ​​more than ten kilometers will probably be a heavily polluted area.

However, if it is confirmed that nuclear waste can be reused, the most likely possibility is to re-establish a huge waste processing base in the uninhabited land of the Taklimakan Desert in the west.

At that time, all nuclear waste across the country will be transported there for centralized processing.

You can even choose to accept nuclear waste from some other countries besides your own country.

Of course, this definitely requires an exchange of interests.

Disposal of nuclear waste is such a troublesome matter. If you don’t pay something, will I let you transport it?

Even if by then, for China, nuclear waste will no longer be a pollutant that is difficult to deal with, but an energy source for power generation, it will not be possible for you to send it directly.

As for the choice, it has nothing to do with Xu Chuan.


In early September, colleges and universities across the country officially started their semesters one after another.

In the capital, Xu Chuan dragged Xu Xiao's suitcase and sent the girl to Shuimu University.

Shuimu University invited him to attend the opening ceremony a few days later, but he declined.

He didn't have much time to get these things. After sending Xiaoxiao to school, he rushed back to Sujiang and went to the project base that was being developed.

It took less than a week from the formal order from above to when Xu Chuan arrived at the project base.

But within a week, the originally planned remote area was filled with various construction equipment and industrial vehicles. At the same time, there were also various transport trucks and engineering vehicles on the road.

The person responsible for the construction of the research institute here is Huaguo Nuclear Industry Construction Group Co., Ltd.

The day after the formal order was issued, this state-owned enterprise won the bid directly at an astonishing speed, completed all the procedures, and then began to arrange for personnel to enter the site to make preliminary construction preparations.

The reason why the research institute was built in Qidong City is that it is close to the sea and the nuclear power plant requires a large amount of water for cooling.

On the other hand, it is very close to the Demon City. After the construction of the research institute is completed, Xu Chuan can quickly move there.

In addition, Sujiang has experience in building large-scale nuclear industry facilities.

Huaguo Nuclear Industry Huaxing Construction Co., Ltd., a subsidiary company of Huaguo Nuclear Industry Construction Group Co., Ltd., is located in Sujiang. It has undertaken the construction of the "two bombs and one boat" test base, as well as many important nuclear projects and military projects.

In addition, Qidong is not far from Jinling, so it is convenient to travel back and forth.

After comprehensive consideration, the institute was finally chosen here.

In fact, Xu Chuan originally wanted to build the research institute directly in Shanghai.

But the Demon City does not belong to Sujiang, so communication and management are a bit troublesome. Moreover, the Demon City does not have that much space for him to do this.

If anything goes wrong during the experimental process, it will also have an impact on the economy of the Magic City.

After all, it is difficult for people to feel reassured about projects related to nuclear radiation, even if they are just small-scale research projects such as research laboratories.

Although the billion-dollar scientific research project is huge, it is nothing compared to the GDP of Shanghai.


Vehicles were coming and going on the construction site, smoke and dust were billowing, and the sounds of excavators and cement trucks were roaring and banging.

Xu Chuan first met with the person in charge of the construction site, Luo Linsong. After a few words of greeting, the two entered a temporary factory building together.

In the room, a middle-aged and elderly man was kneeling in front of the table, looking at the photos, drawings and other things on the table, frowning and thinking about something.

"Qigong, Professor Xu is here." Luo Linsong, the middle-aged man in charge of construction, greeted the middle-aged and elderly men at the table.

Hearing the voice, the middle-aged and elderly man wearing gold-rimmed glasses quickly raised his head and his eyes fell on Xu Chuan.

On the side, Luo Linsong continued to introduce: "This is Qi Zhongxing, the chief engineer sent by the Huaguo Nuclear Industry Construction Group. Qi Gong is currently doing preliminary research and is responsible for the design of the entire research institute and the nuclear power plant next to it. Professor Xu, you are here

If you have any needs, you can directly mention them to Qi Gong."

Xu Chuan stepped forward with a smile, stretched out his right hand and said, "Hello, Qi Gong."

Qi Zhongxing stood up, smiled, walked over and shook hands with him, saying: "It's true that seeing is better than hearing. Professor Xu is younger and more promising than the legend says."

After a few pleasantries, Xu Chuan got down to the topic: "Qi Gong, I have a request regarding the construction of the research institute."

Qi Zhongxing nodded and said seriously: "You say."

"First of all, I need to research a room underground with an area of ​​at least three hundred square meters." Xu Chuan said.

"This room is used for nuclear waste reuse experiments. Therefore, it needs to have strong sealing properties, and lead is used in the structure of the room to create a central layer of sandwich protection to prevent nuclear damage in the event of an accident.

Nuclear radiation from the waste leaked outside."

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Secondly, in the wall of the central room, except for the bottom, a layer of about two to three centimeters needs to be left on the other three sides, and some materials will need to be filled later.

Go in."

Qi Zhongxing thought for a while and replied: "These are no problem. I have already considered the safety aspect. Not only the individual experimental rooms, but also the central laboratory will be constructed with lead-doped materials to ensure personnel safety to the greatest extent."


"As for the remaining layer you mentioned, this can be done using double-layer construction, and there won't be much of a problem."

After a pause, he then asked: "I just don't know the approximate radiation intensity of the material used in your experiment. I need to arrange the corresponding lead layer thickness."

Xu Chuan: “Let’s handle it according to the standards for spent fuel that has been retired from nuclear reactors in nuclear power plants.”

Hearing this, Qi Zhongxing frowned and said: "If this is the case, the thickness of the interlayer lead layer in the central laboratory may need to be more than three centimeters. You are only doing experiments here, and you need to use nuclear waste with such a high radiation dose.


Xu Chuan nodded and said: "Different nuclear wastes have different processing methods. This is a very dangerous experiment, so we should follow the highest standards."

Qi Zhongxing nodded and said solemnly: "No problem, I will write this down especially so that you can personally check and accept it when the time comes."

Although he didn't know the details of this experimental project, he knew very well how strong the radiation was in the spent fuel rods that had been retired from the nuclear reactor.

If a person touches this kind of material with their hands, it will basically not survive for a week, and the orifices will bleed and the internal organs will rot to death.

Experimenting on nuclear waste is a terrible thing to think about.

If you are not careful, it will be completely ruined.


This chapter has been completed!
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