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Chapter 240 Heading to Stockholm again

After clearing away the papers on the table, Xu Chuan stretched out and looked at the calendar beside him.

The date and time above is December 1st.

In nine days' time, the Nobel Prize award ceremony will be held in Stockholm, Sweden, and it's time for him to set off.

In fact, Zheng Hai had already told him about this matter yesterday.

The last time he went to the capital, he had discussed with Qin Anguo from the Ministry of Science and Technology Information. This time he went to Sweden to receive the award. Instead of taking a plane, he would take the bj-Cosmo train there.

After arriving in Cosmo by train, transfer to Tallinn, and then ferry to the Baltic Sea to Stockholm. The entire trip takes up to eight days.

Compared with flying in the past, the time consumed has increased several times, but the safety has been improved countless times.


"To receive a prize and spend a week on the road, I'm probably the only one."

Sitting on the train, Xu Chuan stared at the scenery outside the window and thought quietly.

Most of the others went there by plane, but he usually took a train or a ship. If it hadn't been for his previous life experience, he would probably have chosen to go there by plane as well.

But relatively speaking, it is worth spending some time in exchange for your own safety.

A 21-year-old double winner of the Nobel Prize and the Fields Medal, if this Nobel Prize medal were not very important to him and to China, I am afraid that he would not have been arranged to go abroad.

If the Nobel Prize award ceremony was not in Sweden but in the United States, he would not be able to come out to receive the award.

After receiving the award this time, he will basically not go abroad again for a long time to come.

If the theoretical achievements are not enough for the United States to pay too much attention to, then next year's application results, whether it is the reuse of nuclear waste or artificial SEI thin films to solve lithium dendrites, are enough to set off a shocking wave in the fields of nuclear energy and electric energy.

Theory and application are two completely different fields.

Applications can actually promote the development of a country.

In particular, scientists who can quickly transform theoretical results into applied results are extremely important to the development of science and technology.

In fact, there is no shortage of top theoretical scholars in today's scientific community, nor are there any shortages of cutting-edge theories.

It can even be said that many in today's scientific community are still studying theories from a hundred years ago, such as the achievements left by Einstein and the manuscripts left by Grothendieck, which have not yet been thoroughly studied.

But scholars who can transform theory into application are rare treasures no matter where they are placed.

And energy has always been the most sensitive area in the world.

The United States can wage wars all over the world for oil. If the problem of nuclear waste pollution is solved and can be reused, the importance of oil will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

How could the United States, which was built on the oil-dollar system, watch others destroy this system?

When this result comes out, there will be a lot of bloodshed.


Accompanied by the clanging sound, Xu Chuan has spent five days on the K3 train.

Starting from the capital, crossing Northern Mongolia and then to Tsarist Russia.

I have to say that the scenery along this journey is intoxicating.

Even though it is not the best tourist season, it is still beautiful.

The endless grassland is covered with heavy snow, white as far as the eye can see, and frozen for thousands of miles; the emerald-blue Lake Baikal, with ice cracks crisscrossing the surface of the lake, looks like a galaxy just around the corner when you lean over to look at it.

At different altitudes and climate zones, the scenery will show different colors, including green, yellow, red, white, etc., just like oil paintings.

This is a journey that can cleanse the soul. Even though he didn't think much about seeing the scenery at the beginning, he was addicted to it in the end.

After crossing the Baltic Sea, Xu Chuan finally arrived in Stockholm at noon on December 9.


At the Stockholm port, Xu Chuan was received by the port staff and met Professor Staffan Nomark, the permanent secretary of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, who came to greet him.

"Welcome, Professor Xu."

This old man wearing formal clothes and full of aristocratic aura greeted him, hugged him first, and then warmly held his hands.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Long time no see, Professor Staffan."

Staffan Nomark looked Xu Chuan up and down, and then said with a smile: "More than two years have passed, and you look almost unchanged."

After a pause, he continued: "However, the brilliance you have created in the past two years has broken various historical records time and time again, causing major changes in history."

"The youngest Crafford Medal winner in history, the youngest Fields Medal winner in history, and tomorrow you will set a new record as the youngest Nobel Prize winner in history."

"It's incredible. How did you do it?"

Xu Chuan laughed and said, "Maybe I'm lucky?"

Staffan smiled and shook his head: "Luck may be able to explain one of them, but so many brilliant achievements can only be explained by strength."

Shaking his head, he did not continue on this topic. Instead, he smiled and said: "Perhaps geniuses don't take the usual path. For example, for this year's Nobel Prize, most of the others came by plane. Only you are the one."

Came here via train and ferry.”

Xu Chuan pursed his lips and smiled: "Although flying can save time, trains and ships can allow you to see completely different scenery."

"Hearing this," Staffan asked curiously, "Maybe this is the secret of your success? You can always see things that others can't see."

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "Maybe."


In the ferry hall, after the two exchanged pleasantries, Academician Staffan led Xu Chuan outside.

Outside, the welcome vehicle of the Swedish Royal Guard was waiting there.

Speaking of the Swedish royal family, the most famous thing is not their luxury and wealth, but their poverty!

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Members of the Swedish royal family are so poor that they cannot afford to hire royal guards for their travels.

This is simply incredible.

After all, when talking about the royal family, many people will immediately think of the wealthy Saudi royal family, the luxurious Thai royal family, the aristocratic royal family, etc.

In most people's minds, the royal family has always been glorious and wealthy, with countless gold, silver and jewelry, and even the world's limited edition luxury cars filling the garage.

But the Swedish royal family is not among them. It can even be described as impoverished. The total assets of the Swedish royal family are less than one percent of the Saudi royal family, and it is known as the "poorest" royal family in the world.

But in fact, Sweden can be said to be a highly developed capitalist country, with per capita GDP reaching as high as 54,000 gold in 2015.

In the rankings released by Forbes in 2015, the Swedish king's personal assets were only 16.3142 million gold.

This number is a lot for ordinary people, but compared to other royal families mentioned above, it is less than a drop in the bucket.

Saudi tycoons often spend tens of billions or hundreds of billions to build the tallest building in the world, build a world island, etc. If you put this in Sweden, it would be impossible without hundreds of years of royal financial expenditure.

Even many private individuals in Sweden have more property than the king.

Although Xu Chuan is not sure how the Swedish royal family got into such a mess, the royal family, which cannot even afford to hire a royal guard, is really poor.

But to put it another way, Sweden is one of the countries with the smallest gap between rich and poor in the world, and it is also a country with a high happiness index.

I believe most people have an answer as to how to choose between a country where the royal family is poor and the people are rich; and a country where the royal family is rich and the people cannot afford to eat.


After getting in the car, the group went straight to the Stockholm Grand Hotel.

Xu Chuan stayed here when he came to Stockholm to attend the Crafford Award Ceremony two years ago. This time he came here and still stayed in this hotel.

And not only the hotel, but also the rooms are still the same as before.


In the Stockholm Hotel, as soon as Xu Chuan arrived, he was spotted by Xu Xiao, who had just come out of the elevator and was about to go out to play.

Compared with Xu Chuan Youyou's arrival, other people who had received his invitation to share had already arrived.

At the Nobel Prize award ceremony and party, in addition to the winner himself, up to fourteen relatives and friends can be brought along.

Fourteen places are not too many for Xu Chuan, but it is enough.

Parents and three sisters, Lao Tang from Star City No. 1 Middle School, NTU tutor Chen Zhengping, senior sister Liu Jiaxin, Princeton tutor Professor Deligne, Professor Witten, Emilia, Gu Bing and so on...

These close relatives and friends can get just one point.

"How have you been playing here these days?"

Xu Chuan touched her head and asked with a smile.

Compared with him, his family came earlier and arrived a few days ago.

After a lifetime of hard work in the countryside, Xu's father and Xu's mother are also preparing to travel in Europe and relax while their son is receiving the award.

Of course, this is inseparable from Xu Xiao's teasing and deception. This girl loves traveling the most.

"Of course, we went to many places, the Aegean Sea, the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower..."

Xu Xiao counted them with her fingers folded, her face full of excitement. She had been dreaming of traveling to Europe for a long time, but she just couldn't find a suitable opportunity. This time she could say that she had visited all over.

"As long as you are happy, where are your parents?" Xu Chuan smiled hoarsely, thinking that his sister might have gone crazy these past two days.

"I'm resting in the room." Xu Xiao replied, "By the way, Teacher Tang and Teacher Chen are also there."

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "So you just slipped out?"

Xu Xiao playfully made a face at her elder brother. Who wants to stay in the room and listen to their talk when they can come out to play?


Xu's father and Xu's mother's room was arranged on the same floor as Xu Chuan's. After finding the room, Xu Chuan knocked on the door and walked in.

In the room, there were not only his parents, but also Chen Zhengping, a tutor from Nanda University, and Lao Tang from Xingcheng No. 1 Middle School, and the four of them were communicating.

"Dad, Mom, tutor, teacher." Entering the room, Xu Chuan greeted each other with a bright smile on his face.

"Chuan'er, are you here? When did you arrive?"

Seeing Xu Chuan, the four of them stood up in surprise.

"I just arrived, how are you doing here?" Xu Chuan asked with a smile.

"It's pretty good, the scenery is pretty good, but the food is a bit different to my taste." Xu Fuhan replied with a smile. He was really not used to the food here in Europe.

It may feel novel at first, but you won’t be able to stand it if you eat those things every day.

Xu Chuan laughed and said, "Then I'll tell the hotel and ask them to prepare domestic food tonight."

As a Nobel Prize winner, I still have this power.

Xu's father smiled and shook his head and said: "Don't bother, it's just a trip. Besides, after you receive the award, we will go back, in just two days."

On the side, Tang Gaoyuan walked up with a smile. After taking a serious look at Xu Chuan, he reached out and patted his shoulder, sighing:

"I didn't expect that you actually won the Nobel Prize."

Xu Chuan smiled and replied: "It's all thanks to you, teacher."

Tang Gaoyuan snorted disdainfully: "If I had taught you well, you wouldn't have gone to learn mathematics in the first place."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan and Xu Xiao in the room both smiled sheepishly. Both of them were brought out by Old Tang.

On the other side, Chen Zhengping answered: "I just had a chat with your high school teacher, and we both agreed that with your talent and hard work, you will definitely win the Nobel Prize in the future. However, I didn't expect it to come so early.


After a pause, he said with some emotion: "You are twenty-one years old. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has really broken the previous rules. But this also shows how excellent your research results are."

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Actually, I am also surprised. According to common sense, this year's physics award should be awarded to the laser field."

"In addition to Professor Arthur Ashkin, the results of Professor Gérard Mourou and Canadian scholar Professor Donna Strickland are also very good."

What he was talking about was the other two Nobel Prize winners in the original historical trajectory of 2018.

Chen Zhengping shook his head and said: "In terms of value, the results of these two are still much inferior. Not to mention the two of them, even Professor Arthur Ashkin's results are not comparable to yours.

It’s inferior.”

"We are just surprised that the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences would award the Nobel Prize to you at such a young age. After all, the average age of a Nobel Prize winner is over sixty years old."

On the side, Tang Gaoyuan also expressed some emotion: "I have been a teacher for so many years, but I never thought that one of the students I have taught will win a Fields Medal or a Nobel Prize. You are really the best among all the students I have taught."

, the one I’m most proud of.”

"Being a double winner of the Nobel Prize and the Fields Medal, I couldn't even imagine it, but you actually got it."

"When I go out in the future, I can also say that I am the teacher of a Nobel Prize winner and a Fields Medal winner. When it comes to bragging, no one else can believe it."

Hearing this, several people in the room laughed.

After chatting for a while, Xu Chuan said goodbye to his parents and two mentors and returned to his room.

After riding the train and ship for such a long time, it would be a lie to say that I am not tired.

He is also preparing to take a good rest to face the upcoming awards ceremony.


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