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Chapter 26

Chapter 26 Robbery at the same time

"You kid, don't brag. This is all your own efforts. I just brought you in. I can't teach you much."

"But it's a pity that we were only 1.5 points short of getting a full score in the national finals this time."

Tang Gaoyuan smiled and shook his head. He saw this boy's talent and hard work.

"It's a bit of a pity, but I can make up for it on IPHO."

Xu Chuan smiled and said that although it was a pity that he was deducted 1.5 points by the teacher of the experimental marking team and failed to get full marks, his mentality was normal.

Being able to find points where points were deducted means that there is indeed something wrong with his experimental operation. He can find the cause and make subsequent improvements.

He does not think that the marking teacher should be merciful if he is only 1.5 points short, nor will he complain that the marking teacher deducted 1.5 points from him because he did not get a full score.

Scientific research is always rigorous, and it is also the spirit that a scholar should possess. If it is done well, it is enough to prove that his experiments can find flaws.

In later generations, he can make great contributions in both the physics and materials worlds, which is inseparable from this scientific research spirit.

"Okay! So ambitious! I look forward to your performance on IPHO! I look forward to you getting a perfect score for us!"

After thinking for a while, Xu Chuan said tactfully: "Professor Sun, I am not even seventeen years old yet, I am not yet an adult. I still have to seek my parents' opinions on this kind of matter."

As for this life, even though P University offered such generous admissions conditions, he could only say sorry.

The admissions conditions are really excellent.

He still remembered that in his previous life, the admission conditions offered to him by P University were comprehensive tuition and miscellaneous fees + direct Ph.D.

Before his rebirth, it was not that he had not been recruited by P University and Mizuki University, two of the top universities in the country, but he had never been expelled with such favorable conditions.

"Is classmate Xu Chuan here? I don't know about this yet. I'm in the office now. How about you wait a moment and I go to his class to have a look?"

"As long as you come to P University, we will tailor-make a special direct doctorate program for you. During the university and direct doctorate period, all tuition and miscellaneous fees will be free, a scholarship of 20,000 yuan per semester, and an exchange student from a top foreign university will be reserved for you.

Student quota.”

Xu Chuan just pretended to be stupid and said nothing. Sun Gaofeng felt helpless when he couldn't get the condom on. He shook his head and said: "Okay, okay, you kid, stop pretending to be stupid."

Sun Gaofeng asked angrily, pointing at the students beside him and staring at Xu Chuan.

"Classmate Xu, you run so fast. You disappeared after the national final exam. I couldn't find you even if I tried to look for you." Sun Gaofeng complained with a smile.

He was a bit over the top. The teachers from these two prestigious schools were really more knowledgeable than the other. One went to Star City, and the other went straight to the vice principal of No. 1 Middle School.

Direct PhD, free tuition and fees, scholarship of 20,000 per semester, and exchange student quota at top foreign universities.

For a top domestic university like P University, any of these conditions can be said to be extremely exaggerated.

Sun Gaofeng stared at Xu Chuan and smiled playfully.

After coughing, Sun Gaofeng regained his composure and continued with a serious face: "Classmate Xu Chuan, I am here to formally invite you to study at P University."

Putting everything together, I have never heard of such admissions conditions.

"Don't you know why I'm here?"

In the classroom, after hearing the enrollment conditions set by Sun Gaofeng, Tang Gaoyuan and Yuan Jiye couldn't help but widen their eyes and swallowed uncontrollably.

"How many students are trying to get into our P University campus. If you don't believe me, ask your classmates and see if they want to."

"Hello, who are you?"

The two top universities in the country were P University and Shuimu. He really couldn't figure out where P University lost. He didn't understand. As for other schools, he had never thought about them.

"Professor Sun, why are you here?"


"Our P University is the best science university in China. The physics major ranks first in the country. We have the best university environment, the most complete equipment and the most experienced instructors."

"Hello, President Yuan, and hello Professor Sun."

As soon as he said this, Sun Gaofeng was speechless and unable to refute.

With that said, Yuan Jiye took the phone off his ear, pressed the mute button on it, waved the phone towards Xu Chuan, and asked with a smile: "Classmate Xu Chuan, Shuimu's admissions office teacher, will you answer the phone? "

After several verbal exchanges, Sun Gaofeng knew that Xu Chuan probably had his own goals in mind, but what he didn't understand was, what was wrong with P University?

"Hey, classmate Xu Chuan, I just don't understand. What are the concerns about entering our P University? If you sign a contract with P University, your parents will definitely support it. I can guarantee it."

As soon as Xu Chuan finished speaking, a loud voice of praise came from beside him.

However, Sun Gaofeng knew that Xu Chuan was pretending to be stupid. Judging from his observation of Xu Chuan, he was a very smart and independent student.

In his opinion, it is possible for Xu Chuan to either come to P University or go to Shuimu, or directly study abroad.

Xu Chuan shook his head and said, "No."

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived. At that moment, Vice Principal Yuan Jiye's cell phone rang. He walked aside and answered the call.

At the same time, two middle-aged men came over, one was slightly thin and wore gold-rimmed glasses, and the other was Professor Sun Gaofeng and Sun whom he had met before in the Yannan cafeteria.

Seeing Xu Chuan's refusal, Yuan Jiye walked aside and continued the call.

"Teacher from the Admissions Office of Shuimu University, hello, hello."

The person who gave the compliment was none other than Professor Sun Gaofeng from P University.

After Xu Chuan said hello, he started to act stupid.

From a legal perspective, it is true that a guardian is required to witness which university Xu Chuan, who is not yet an adult, signs a contract with.

Not to mention other people, Xu Chuan himself was a little surprised after hearing this condition.

Moreover, when he was sixteen or seventeen years old, it was the rebellious period of adolescence, and he also came through this. Such a boy, even his parents could not stop him from making a decision at this stage.

It seems that he still underestimated the nearly perfect score in the Wu Jing National Finals. Isn't this influence a bit too great?

If P University had offered such excellent conditions in my previous life, there probably wouldn't be anything like what happened at Sanjiang University later.

Xu Chuan was a little surprised when he saw the people coming. One of the two people was Yuan Jiye, the vice principal of Xingcheng No. 1 Middle School, and the other was a physics professor at P University.

"No trouble, no trouble."

The latter scholarships and exchange student quotas at foreign universities are not available.

"I'm sorry, classmate Xu Chuan went home to rest directly after taking the national finals exam. He hasn't come to school yet."

"When will you come? I may have to rest for two days. I will contact you then."

"Yeah, yeah, Shuimu University is number one in the country in science. Yeah, yeah, I know, I know, okay, I will definitely help persuade you."

Yuan Jiye told lies with his eyes open. After hanging up the phone, he walked to Xu Chuan and said with a smile: "Classmate Xu, how does it feel to be competed for by P University and Shuimu at the same time?"

(End of chapter)

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