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Chapter 258 Birthday

A letter sent from the foot of Purple Mountain caused a stir among senior officials.

But as the initiator, he has already fallen asleep at this moment.

The next day, early morning.

After opening his eyes from the bed, Xu Chuan stood up and opened the bedroom window.

The biting cold wind of winter blew in through the small gap, causing the warm room to suddenly become cold. It also made him shiver and wake up instantly.

This has been his habit for at least ten years.

In winter, if you want to wake up as quickly as possible in the early morning, this is definitely the fastest and most effective way.

After the cold wind blew for a while, Xu Chuan closed the window, turned around and went into the bathroom to wash up.

After running for several kilometers along the road at the foot of Purple Mountain, he returned to his study and turned on his computer.

At NTU, a team led by mentor Chen Zhengping has completed preliminary analysis of the original data from the ATLCE detector.

The analyzed data was only sent to him yesterday. The speed was not very fast, but it was not slow either.

After all, NTU is not a formal high-energy research center. Even if some students are researching in this area, it is impossible for the entire physics department to be.

Fortunately, Chen Zhengping has quite a lot of experience, and with the assistance of formal researchers such as Lin Feng and Qi Xishao, it is still possible to process these raw data.

This data analysis has trained a group of scholars in the fields of high energy physics and particle physics for NTU. With China now successfully joining the program, it can be said to be a win-win situation.

Next year, NTU will be able to have more students pass the exam and join there to learn deeper knowledge and more technologies.

For China, as long as the cultivation of talents belongs to the country, it doesn't matter where it is.

As for Xu Chuan, he also had this consideration in choosing to take a holiday at the Nuclear Energy Research Institute during the Chinese New Year. He needed some time to perfect his discovery of sterile neutrinos.

After all, this is the result of his previous life and he cannot give up.

Although this will sacrifice his own rest time, fortunately, the workload is not too heavy for him now. If it is divided equally into every day during the New Year, the task is not too heavy.


In the study, Xu Chuan flipped through the collision data in front of him.

He has not engaged in high-energy physics research for a while, but this does not matter, some things will not be erased with time.

Pictures of Darize and various data flashed across the screen in front of him, constantly coming into his eyes, and being filtered out again and again.

Xu Chuan is quite clear about the various characteristics of sterile neutrinos.

Because of its characteristics, it is destined to search for it from hidden corners that defy common sense.

After all, neutrinos themselves are one of the most difficult particles to capture and observe in the world, let alone sterile neutrinos that have not been found so far.

It is known as the "invisible man" in the universe by the physics community. It took the scientific community more than twenty years to predict its existence and discover it.

Since neutrinos have a small mass and no charge, the interaction between other particles is very weak, and they are easily disturbed. The detector used to detect neutrinos must be large enough to observe a sufficient number.

of neutrinos.

In addition, in order to isolate cosmic rays and other possible background interference, neutrino detection instruments are often set up dozens or even hundreds of meters underground.

For example, the deepest observation device of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory in Antarctica is located at a depth of 2,500 meters underground.

Under such circumstances, using the Large Strong Particle Collider to search for neutrinos is simply an unrealistic fantasy.

The fluctuations generated by neutrinos are like a drop of water in the sea among the countless data generated by the collider, almost completely mixed with other background noise.

Even the most advanced supercomputers are currently unable to distinguish them.

But, what if it is a sterile neutrino?

This is entirely possible.

Sterile neutrinos are defined in physics as the fourth type of neutrino particle.

It is completely different from the electron neutrino, muon neutrino and t neutrino. The latter three are all normal cosmic matter.

Sterile neutrinos are considered to be a type of warm dark matter.

As dark matter, if it really exists and can be observed, are its data completely different from other positive neutrinos?

This is indeed possible.

Because the interaction between dark matter and normal matter is negligible, if other unknown mass or energy losses can be detected, it can also be used as one of the evidences of the creation of dark matter.

Of course, any collider discovery must be confirmed by indirect or direct methods.


Among the pages of preliminary analysis data, Xu Chuan searched for the data he needed and selected them to prepare the final Dalitz diagram.

However, he was obsessed with work and the good sound insulation environment prevented him from noticing that his mobile phone in the bedroom and the doorbell of the villa were constantly ringing.

"Strange, brother, isn't he at home?"

Outside a villa at the foot of Purple Mountain, an eighteen or nineteen-year-old girl kept pressing the doorbell outside the courtyard with one hand, while holding a mobile phone in her other hand. The screen was on, showing that she was making a call.

"Is your brother still in the magical city and not back?" Beside the girl, a middle-aged woman asked as she glanced at the motionless villa.

The sound of jingling bells could be heard outside the quiet courtyard, but there was never any movement inside the villa.

This makes one wonder if there is no one inside.

"Impossible! I sent a message to my brother yesterday. He is back and he is right here!"

The girl replied affirmatively, and then complained: "I guess he is doing some research now and didn't pay attention to the phone or anything."

Hearing this, both the woman and the middle-aged man behind him couldn't help but shook their heads slightly. The woman reached out her finger and tapped her daughter's head angrily:

"You girl, you had to make a surprise surprise and didn't tell your brother in advance. Now that he's gone, you can't even contact him."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! This is really a record. Once their son gets involved in scientific research, he may not even remember to eat, let alone the phone.

Xu Xiao stuck out his tongue playfully, and they all muttered: "You also agreed yesterday, it's not my responsibility alone..."

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a figure walking towards them. After a curious glance, she suddenly became excited.

"Eh? Wait, that seems to be Brother Zheng. Brother Zheng is here, so my brother must be at home!"

Everyone in Xu Chuan's family knows Zheng Hai, and they also know that Zheng Hai is basically where Xu Chuan is.

So after recognizing Zheng Hai's figure, Xu Xiao ran over excitedly and asked, "Brother Zheng, is my brother at home? I didn't answer my phone calls, and it was useless to ring the doorbell."

As Xu Chuan's driver, Zheng Hai naturally recognized Xu Xiao. He nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, Professor, he may be busy with his own research. I will take you in."

As the driver and protection liaison officer, he naturally has the keys and travel authority to the villa.

"Thank you so much, Brother Zheng."

"This is my job."


In the study, Xu Chuan was still carefully searching for what he needed from the analyzed data.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, which made him wake up from his immersion.

Xu Chuan stopped working, stood up and walked over.

Zheng Hai was the only one who could directly enter the villa and knock on the study door without saying hello to him, and usually there must be something urgent.

But what surprised him was that the person standing outside the study was not Zheng Hai.

"Surprise! Bro!"

Seeing his brother, Xu Xiao burst out with a smile on his face.

Looking at the figure outside the door, Xu Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise: "Xiaoxiao, Dad, Mom, why are you here."

"Surprise? Brother!" Xu Xiao said with a smile, and then raised the cake box in his hand: "Happy birthday, brother!"

Next to her, Xu's mother also smiled and said: "Xiaoxiao girl said she wanted to give you a surprise, so she dragged us here together. It's your birthday today, so we came together to see how you are doing here."

Xu Chuan suddenly realized and looked at Xu Xiao with a smile: "No wonder you kept asking me if I was in Jinling when chatting with me yesterday. It was just for this reason."

"Are you surprised? Are you moved?" Xu Xiao asked with a smile.

"Of course." Xu Chuan smiled and rubbed the girl's head. To be honest, he really didn't expect that his family would come all the way to celebrate his birthday.


"Brother, I'm so jealous that you live in such a big house by yourself."

In the huge villa, Xu Xiao ran around, looking at this room and exploring that room.

This was her first time coming here. When Xu Chuan bought a house before, she had already started school and had no time to come over. However, Xu's father and mother came to visit.

"When you graduate, I will buy you a villa." Xu Chuan said with a smile. He did not buy this villa himself, but the country gave it to him. If he bought it, it would cost about 50 million.

When Xu Xiao graduates, even if she stays in the capital to work, he will have enough money to buy a villa like this for her.

This is one of the reasons why he wanted to set up a Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute before.

His pursuit of material things is not high, but he must always consider his family.

Scientific researchers are also human beings, and the situation where one person is well fed and the whole family is not hungry probably only appears in the imagination of boring authors.

"I don't want it, I can buy it myself!" Xu Xiao raised his head and proudly rejected his brother's kindness.

But then her dark eyes looked around the villa twice, and then said: "But I want a room in your villa!"

"Why do you want a room in your brother's villa? Don't make trouble." Before Xu Chuan could speak, Xu's mother glared at Xu Xiao.

In her opinion, this place will probably be Xu Chuan's home from now on. Although they are a family, they will eventually grow up and separate.

"Why can't I live in my brother's villa?" Xu Xiao said confidently.

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Then pick a room you like."

As he said that, he looked at his mother and said, "It's okay. There are many rooms in this villa, but they are all empty and useless anyway. It's very deserted for me to live alone. Why don't you move here from your hometown too?"

Father Xu shook his head and said, "It's okay to stay here for a short time. Just move here. What can we do after we move here? And this should be your future wedding room. It's not good for us to live in it."

"Besides, don't get too used to this girl Xiaoxiao. Give her whatever you want."

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "I am the only sister, if I don't spoil her, who will I spoil?"

On the side, Xu Xiao ran over excitedly, holding his arm and shaking it coquettishly: "Brother, you are the best!"

Xu's father smiled and shook his head and said no more.

It is probably a parent’s greatest wish that their children love each other.

Xu Chuan continued: "Mom and Dad, how about you celebrate the New Year here this year?"

He never persuaded his parents to move here again. They had been living in the countryside all their lives and had completely adapted to the life there.

And there is nothing wrong with the countryside. As long as the neighbors are harmonious, for the older generation, living in the countryside is far more comfortable than in the city.

Xu's father thought for a while, then shook his head and refused: "It's better to go back. There are relatives in your hometown waiting for you to go back, and you also have to go back to worship your ancestors during the Chinese New Year."

Xu Chuan nodded. Worshiping ancestors during the New Year is indeed very important.

He really didn't think much about it just now, he just thought it was the 25th now and the whole family was here again, so he shouldn't bother making another trip.


His parents and sister all came over to celebrate his birthday. Xu Chuan no longer had the nerve to go to the study to continue his research and work, and instead planned to go with them to the nearby vegetable market to buy some food.

He usually doesn't hire a housekeeping aunt or anything, and usually takes out food for meals. Occasionally, he only cooks noodles, cooking kits and other quick foods.

As a result, when his parents came and wanted to cook a meal for him, they had no ingredients.

Originally, he was planning to go out to eat, but no matter how authentic a Hunan restaurant was, it couldn't match the taste of home.

However, as soon as the group of people went out, they bumped into two other people who were looking for him.

"Professor, are you ready to go out?"

At the entrance of the villa courtyard, Gu Bing and Amelia stared blankly at Xu Chuan and his party.

Seeing the two students, Xu Chuan patted his head, walked out quickly and said with some embarrassment:

"What about that? My family is here to celebrate my birthday with me today. We are just about to go out to buy some food or something. You go in and sit for a while. I will be back soon."

As soon as his family arrived, he forgot to call Gu Bing and Amelia yesterday to ask them to come over today.

Of course, it is not to help process data or anything, but to check the learning results of these two people in the second half of the year and see their current situation.

After all, after bringing them over from Princeton in the second half of last year, he had almost no control over them.

Although he must have self-awareness if he can get a Ph.D., as a tutor, he is indeed a bit irresponsible.

So he planned to take advantage of the period before the New Year to check the homework of the two of them, and then arrange the lessons and teach them after the beginning of next year.

"Professor, is your birthday today?" Amelia asked in surprise.

Xu Chuan nodded and said: "Yes, actually I don't care too much. My parents and sister are here this year, so I am planning to celebrate."

"Happy birthday to you, Professor." Amelia bent the crescent moon and blessed.

"Chuan'er, do you have something else? If you have something else, don't waste your time. We can just go out at noon."

On the side, Father Xu walked over, looked at Xu Chuan, and then at Gu Bing and Amelia. He still had some impressions of these two people. He had met them before at an award ceremony in Sweden.


"Brother Gu, Sister Milia!"

Xu Xiao also came over, greeted the two of them excitedly, and then looked at his brother: "Brother, you go shopping with your parents. Sister Amelia and I will chat at home."

Her memory of Gu Bing and Amelia is very clear. Strictly speaking, her memory of Amelia is very clear.

For her, who is a beauty addict, appearance is justice. Both the senior and Amelia obviously meet this standard. The two of them even exchanged prestige phone numbers and other contact information with each other, and often chatted online.


Xu Chuan thought for a moment and said, "Okay, just stay with them at home and we'll be back soon."

As he said that, he looked at Gu Bing and Amelia: "You all know Xiaoxiao. You three should rest in the villa for a while. You can have dinner here at noon."

"Isn't it too much trouble? We can come back tomorrow, Professor." Gu Bing asked a little embarrassed.

"It's nothing. With two more pairs of children, the family will be more lively." Before Xu Chuan could answer, Xu's mother stood up with a smile.

Xu Chuan also smiled and said: "It's okay, just celebrate my birthday. Xiaoxiao, please take them in first, I will be back soon."

"It's awesome, bro!"

Xu Xiao gestured, picked up Amelia and ran towards the room: "Let's go, Sister Milia, the catrice eye cream you recommended to me last time is really good at dissolving dark circles, and there are other

If you have any useful cosmetics, please recommend them to me.”


ps: Last night’s chapter was blocked. I wrote some stuff about fighter jets and military matters. I revised it many times but couldn’t put it out, so I had to push it back completely.

(Beep quietly, but things about the stealth series will appear later, so you can look forward to it)

This chapter has been completed!
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