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Chapter 281: The Impassable Road

In the auditorium, the report meeting continues.

On the podium, Xu Chuan was speeding up his explanation.

The paper on the staged proof results of the ns equation has more than two hundred pages.

Although most of them are quotations and calculation inferences, there are also many key proof processes, and these things need to be explained at the report meeting.

If you don't take some time to increase the speed of explanation, I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it all in one morning.

As Xu Chuan began to gradually speed up his explanation, many scholars who came to listen to the lecture in the auditorium also stared at the podium attentively.

Papers and explanations are two different concepts after all. Even for those top experts in the front row, even if they have read and understood the proof papers, they still gained a lot from Xu Chuan's explanations.

In the auditorium, Zhang Wei, Xu Chenyang, and Yun Zhiwei, the golden generation of Peking University, sat together, listening to the report on the stage with serious expressions, just like they did in class more than ten years ago.

After sketching a knowledge point in the notebook in his hand, Zhang Wei suddenly sighed.

Xu Chenyang and Yun Zhiwei on the side cast doubtful glances.

"I thought I had hope, but I didn't expect to find out today that the gap is so far apart." Zhang Wei said something nonsensical, and then silently stared at the figure on the stage.

It was a nonsensical statement, but as friends for many years, Xu Chenyang and Yun Zhiwei knew exactly what Zhang Wei was talking about.

The three of them are called the golden generation of Peking University, but the strongest one is undoubtedly Zhang Wei.

If Zhang Wei feels that he is so far behind that person's medal, let alone them.

Sure enough, only the strongest among the strongest can win the Fields Medal.


On the stage, nearly two hours passed, and Xu Chuan finally began to wrap up.

When the last ppt manuscript came into view of the audience, there was no need for him to make any other explanations.

".... Based on the above, the derivation of the ns equation has ended."

"What is foreseeable is that, given a finite space, when the initial value is infinitely smooth, a smooth solution to the three-dimensional incompressible Okes equation exists!"

"Of course, it is still a mystery whether the solution to the three-dimensional incompressible Okes equation exists and is smooth in infinite space, which requires more efforts and sweat on our part."

"But at least now, we have successfully launched a charge towards this majestic peak and climbed a long way forward."

"I hope that one day in the future, we can stand on the top of the mountain and get the complete answer!"

Xu Chuan's words were clearly transmitted from the stage to every corner of the audience.

The moment the sound fell, everyone in the auditorium couldn't help but stand up. The warm applause came like a tide, was as deafening as thunder, and was as long-lasting as the sound of drums.

In the front row of the auditorium, Fefferman, who had come all the way from Princeton, showed a smile on his face.

As he saw earlier, the initial results of the NS equation have been confirmed.

On the other side, Zhang Wei from Peking University also stood up and applauded.

Last year, he had regarded the person in front of him as his goal, hoping to catch up with him one day in the future.

But now it seems that this hope is quite slim.

In other words, it's not that he's not strong enough, it's just that his opponent is too strong.

This is a difficult problem that may take the mathematical community a whole century to solve, and may not even be solved.

As for the other party, one of them has been completely solved, and the other has also been mostly solved, and they just have to push it into the infinite three-dimensional space.

Perhaps the Fields Medal will be awarded twice because of him?

After all, no one in history has ever solved two millennium problems, if he can really do it.

Of course, for the man standing on the stage now, even the glory of the Fields Medal will pale in front of him.

In other words, the Fields Medal is an honor to have his name.

Just like the Nobel Prize is honored with the name Einstein.


The warm applause lasted for more than half a minute in the auditorium before it subsided slightly.

After waiting for the applause to subside, Xu Chuan left the podium, stood on the edge of the podium, and bowed slightly to the audience to express his gratitude.

Although the report on the phased results of the ns equation has been explained, the report meeting did not end.

The next part is the key to the report meeting.

In a report meeting, no matter how excellent the speaker’s explanation is, there will still inevitably be questions.

In the question-and-answer session, it is his duty as a reporter to answer the questions raised by his colleagues one by one.

Whether he can successfully answer all doubts will also determine whether his paper can ultimately be recognized by the entire academic community.

Of course, in addition to this, there is the most important peer review.


Waiting for everyone to sit down again, Xu Chuan then said: "The following will be question time. If you have anything you don't understand about my paper or the report just now, you are welcome to ask it and I will do my best to answer it."

As soon as he finished speaking, some audience members raised their hands.

Xu Chuan glanced around and saw many acquaintances, from Tao Zhexuan to Qiu Chengtong, to Martin Haier, to Artur Avila...

Just for the number of Fields Medal winners, there were double figures in the audience.

Of course, this is also related to the ns equation. The ns equation belongs to the field of partial differential equations, and the partial differential equation is now a framework, and anything can be put into it. No matter what analysis you do, it can be regarded as a partial differential equation in the end.

In other words, almost everyone who studies mathematics has had some experience in analyzing partial differential equations, but the depth is different.

The question-and-answer session consumed much more time and the number of people asking questions was much more than Xu Chuan imagined.

Not only the experts in the field of partial differential equations, but also many experts in other fields of mathematics raised their hands.

In addition, many scholars in the physics community also raised their hands to ask questions and express their doubts.

Xu Chuan answered the questions raised by these elders one by one.

However, there were so many people asking questions that until 12:30 noon, people in the audience were still raising their hands in an endless stream.

Backstage, NTU President Liu Gaojun was waiting anxiously. Starting from 11 o'clock, the lunch staff from the administrative side had come over to ask questions again and again.

But the question-and-answer session at the front desk had not yet been completed, and the backstage had to wait patiently.

"Principal, it's already half past twelve here."

Backstage, the administrative staff in charge of lunch came over again to urge me. After all, it was already noon, and eating was also a big event.

Liu Gaojun nodded, took a deep breath, and said, "I understand. Get ready over there, and I'll go up and communicate with Professor Xu."

It's half past twelve, and there is no other way. Even if the question and answer session is postponed, it's time to have dinner.

After all, if you don’t eat something to fill your stomach, what if you starve to death? What should you do if someone suffers from hypoglycemia due to hunger?

Thinking about this, he ran to the stage in person and discussed with Xu Chuan in a low voice, suggesting that the unfinished questions should be postponed until the afternoon.

Xu Chuan nodded and agreed to the suggestion.

It’s not just the audience of scholars in the audience, he also needs to take a break.

It started at 8:30 in the morning and it is now 12:30. He has been standing on the stage for more than four hours.

After discussing the suggestions, Liu Gaojun took over the stage from Xu Chuan, quickly announced the intermission, and invited everyone to the restaurant for dinner.

Xu Chuan sneaked away from the backstage, avoiding the media reporters who were squatting outside.

Although the interview is unavoidable, we can do it later if possible.

If you do it once now, you will definitely do it again after the question and answer session in the afternoon. It’s troublesome. So please do as little as possible about this kind of thing.

Although science does require a certain degree of exposure, at his level, it doesn't matter anymore.

Moreover, there was a question-and-answer session in the afternoon. His time was precious. He quickly went to have something to eat and then rest for a while. He really didn’t have much time to waste on these media reporters.

We have to wait for the report meeting to be completed before doing any interviews or anything like that.


This is the first time to hold such a world-class lecture. NTU adopted the self-service format commonly used in international lectures for dining, so that you can have a meal and communicate at the same time.

In the hotel's restaurant, Xu Chuan held a dinner plate, picked some food, and quietly found a corner to sit down.

But not long after he sat down, a sharp-eyed scholar noticed him.

After all, he is the protagonist this year, and his dazzling light is dazzling even if he is sitting in the corner.

"Professor Xu, the report you just gave was really wonderful! It was perfect!"

In the corner, a young scholar who noticed this came over quickly carrying a dinner plate and greeted Xu Chuan with a smile on his face.

Hearing the voice, Xu Chuan raised his head and responded with a polite smile: "Thank you. Who are you?"

"Gasepe López, currently studying with William Timothy Gowers."

The young man quickly announced his name and continued: "Professor Gowers asked you to tell you that he is currently busy with some things and is sorry that he cannot come to the exchange meeting, although he would like to."

Hearing this familiar name, an elegant and handsome old man suddenly appeared in Xu Chuan's mind. He was the one who reviewed the proof paper of the weak Weyl-berry conjecture. Among all mathematicians, this is probably the only one who can compare with him.

Pretty good looking.

He smiled and said: "It turns out that I am a student of Sir Gowers. Nice to meet you. Thank you Sir for remembering me. If you have time, I welcome him to come to China for exchange and entertainment."

Gaseppe Lopez nodded quickly and said: "I will tell the professor. Also,... Professor Xu, can I get a copy of your contact information? Your email address is also fine."

Xu Chuan smiled and nodded, saying: "Of course."

"Thank you very much."

After exchanging contact information with the young man in front of him, Xu Chuan continued to eat.

But after a while, someone came in front of him again, and this time he sat directly in front of him.

"Congratulations, you have solved another century-old problem."

There was a voice in his ears, Xu Chuan raised his head, and an acquaintance came into his eyes.

"Long time no see, Fefferman." Xu Chuan smiled and greeted the person sitting opposite him with a dinner plate. The person who came was none other than Fefferman from Princeton.

"Yes, it has been almost half a year since we parted ways in Brazil last year. It seems that you have been doing well after returning to China, and you have made further progress in mathematics. Previously, Deligne was always worried that you would waste money after returning to China.

It’s my own talent,” Fefferman said with a smile.

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "It's just an interim result. There is still a long way to go before we reach the top of the mountain."

Fefferman made an exaggerated expression and joked: "That's it? This is a result that many mathematicians will not be able to achieve in their lifetime."

After a pause, he continued: "You are one step ahead of me. The ns equation is the goal I have been studying."

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "It's just good luck, and I also stepped on the shoulders of those who came before me."

Fefferman: "How about we compete? Let's see who can solve the remaining part of the ns equation first!"

Although he can be said to be an old man in terms of age, his heart never grows old. He always maintains his love and challenge for mathematics, and it is rare to meet a like-minded friend in life.

Xu Chuan smiled and shook his head, declining the suggestion: "I'm sorry, I may not focus on the NS equation in the future."


Fefferman looked at Xu Chuan in surprise and confusion. In his opinion, it was necessary to strike while the iron was hot and pursue the victory. Maybe it would be possible to solve the remaining part of the NS equation. After all, this was the time when he had the most ideas.

Xu Chuan thought for a while and said, "In many ways."

"On the one hand, I have many other things to do next, such as the collision experiment on sterile neutrinos in the second half of the year."

"on the other hand....."

After a pause, Xu Chuan looked at Fefferman: "I feel that the ns equation is a difficult problem that I can't solve now."

Before Fefferman spoke, he continued: "I know what you want to say, but I have also considered it, but I don't feel anything."

"Even..., I have a vague feeling that the current method of proving the staged results of the ns equation will not work in the future."

Hearing this, Fefferman was stunned for a moment, and quickly asked with interest: "How do you say it?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "If you are interested, let's talk tomorrow. Now I have to fill my stomach and then take a rest. After all, there is a question and answer session to go through in the afternoon."


ps: There will be another chapter tonight, please vote for me!

This chapter has been completed!
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