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Chapter 283 The international patent obtained!

Although he didn't have much hope in borrowing Princeton's chemical experiment data database, Xu Chuan would do it whenever there was a slight possibility.

And with his current reputation, being a double Novel Prize winner, and coming from Princeton, there is still some hope that this will happen.

Deligne: "I told Macmillan about this. I'm not sure what he thinks, but he said he wanted to talk to you and then talk about it."

After thinking for a while, he continued: "I think you won't be going abroad for the time being, and he doesn't have time to come here for the time being. Maybe you should make a video call to communicate first?"

Xu Chuan nodded and said, "Excuse me, teacher. I'll find time to contact Director Macmillan."

As long as there is no immediate rejection, there is still hope, but in what form, I am not sure.

Anyway, it can be said that it is basically impossible to use someone else's database for free, and some exchanges are definitely needed. As for how to exchange, we need to discuss it in detail.

"Hi, Professor Xu, I finally found you."

The two were communicating when a person next to them intervened.

Xu Chuan turned around and saw that the person who came over to say hello was an acquaintance, Robert Morey Dean, the editor-in-chief of "New Advances in Mathematics".

The two of them had met before, and his original paper proving the weak Weyl-berry conjecture was submitted to "New Advances in Mathematics".

"Editor Robert, I didn't expect you to come too." Xu Chuan smiled and shook hands with the editor.

Robert smiled and said: "Of course, I don't think anyone would want to miss such an important moment. Today's report meeting was really exciting. You conquered all of us on the stage!"

After recounting a few old stories with a smile, Robert turned to the topic:

"Xu, I think you should know why I'm here. Could you please give me the proof paper of the ns equation? "New Advances in Mathematics" will definitely live up to it. We will review and review the manuscript as quickly as possible.


The editor-in-chief also came to invite him to submit his phased results of the ns equation to "New Advances in Mathematics", but unfortunately, he came a step too late.

Xu Chuan: "I'm sorry, editor-in-chief Robert, the phased results paper on the ns equation has been submitted to the "Annals of Mathematics"."

"That's such a shame, Xu."

After hearing that the manuscript had been submitted to the Annual Journal of Mathematics, Robert said with regret.

After a pause, he continued: "Xu, can I make an appointment with you for the next paper manuscript? "New Advances in Mathematics" is also a good choice."

The corners of Xu Chuan's mouth moved. Have you started booking the next manuscript?

He doesn’t know anything about the next mathematical study. There are too many things to do later and he doesn’t have much time to study mathematics.

However, since everyone was talking about it, he couldn't refuse anymore and agreed to Editor Robert's request.

For Robert, although Xu Chuan was not invited to contribute this time, it would be great to receive the next paper submission.

After all, in his opinion, the next person will definitely continue to study the NS equation, and they have a high probability of obtaining a proof paper for the NS equation, which is the best.


The phased results report on the ns equation was successfully completed, and Xu Chuan sent the paper to the mailbox of "Annals of Mathematics".

This paper will be reviewed by Terence Tao, Chengtong Qiu, and Smirnov, three Fields Medal winners, all of whom are top experts in the field of partial differential equations.

Although the proof paper for this major conjecture is only staged, it still needs to be taken seriously by the mathematical community.

Of course, Xu Chuan can conquer everyone at the report meeting, and the peer review of the paper is only a matter of time.


After completing the report meeting on the ns equation, Xu Chuan also relaxed a lot.

The next day, the exchange with Fefferman did not bring him much inspiration. From the current point of view, it is unrealistic to continue to advance the ns equation.

In a three-dimensional infinite space, whether a smooth solution to the incompressible Okes equation exists is still a mystery. No one knows whether the divergence of turbulent flow will eventually calm down.

However, Xu Chuan believes that one day this problem will be solved, and there is also a smooth solution to the three-dimensional incompressible Okes equation!

Just like whether a passenger plane flying in the sky will suddenly disintegrate or a car driving on the earth will suddenly explode.

The existence of the smoothness solution of the ns equation determines whether most things in our daily life will suddenly become disordered.

If the smoothness solution to the NS equation does not exist, then the above-mentioned things may even include various bizarre things, such as the sudden collapse of a building, the sudden collapse of the earth, or the explosion of a calm lake like a bomb.


This obviously goes against people's common sense.

In physics or science, if the emergence of a problem is too counter-intuitive, then there is a high probability that there is something wrong with it.

So Xu Chuan believes that the smooth solution to the ns equation must exist!

However, there is no idea yet on how to find and prove it.


"Junior brother! Good news! Great news!"

In the office, Xu Chuan was thinking about something when the door suddenly banged open, and the excited shouts were deafening.

Xu Chuan was distracted when he was suddenly startled. After he recovered, he looked at the intruding master Xiong Fan Pengyue.

"Has the patent application been approved?" After calming his heartbeat, Xu Chuan raised his head and asked.

"???How did you know???"

Master Xiong Fanpeng was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise: "Who told you? No, I am responsible for this matter. I was also the first to know. No one else knew."

Xu Chuandan smiled and said, "Guess."

"There are no experimental arrangements at the Chuanhai Institute of Materials recently, and the research on lithium-sulfur batteries is not worthy of your shouting about good news. The only thing worthy of your excitement is the previous patent of artificial SEI film.


This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Pervert!"

Fan Pengyue stared at Xu Chuan for a long time before spitting out two words.

Xu Chuan shrugged. To be honest, this is nothing at all. You can guess it with your toes.

However, the patent for the artificial SEI film has been issued, which is really exciting.

After all, this patent is enough to achieve his wealth and freedom for a long time to come.

Taking over the authorization documents for the artificial SEI film patent from the master Xiong Fan Pengyue, Xu Chuan flipped through it and saw authorization documents from the United States, the European Union, small island countries, Asan and other countries.

According to his previous request, the international patent applied for the artificial SEI film covers all member countries of the Patent Cooperation Treaty, up to 120 countries.

Although this cost him millions in patent application fees, these member states basically cover 80% or even 90% of the global market. As long as someone uses his technology in products, he will

be able to benefit from it.

As for developing African countries with smaller market sizes, or patent authorizations from countries that have not joined the Patent Cooperation Treaty, Xu Chuan has no interest in having people personally travel to those countries to apply.

Not to mention it takes too long, and it’s of no use once you apply.

After all, in a small and primitive country like Africa, not to mention having the industrialization to manufacture high-precision artificial SEI films, PHS or even 28 Dabong may not be fully popularized.

When the business community develops the market to that point, not to mention the twenty-year patent protection period, I am afraid that one hundred years will not be enough.

Twenty years will be enough for him to develop and update lithium batteries for several generations, and he may even have invented lithium-air batteries by then.

After all, the biggest problem in lithium batteries is the problem of lithium dendrites. Once this problem is solved, both lithium-sulfur batteries and lithium-air batteries will have a foundation for development.

Of course, he must seize the time to advance research and development as soon as possible to prevent others from occupying these two markets first.


Turning over the patent authorization document in his hand, Xu Chuan raised his head and said, "Yes, with these things, the laboratory will not be short of scientific research funds in the future!"

"Get ready, and then hold a press conference to invite domestic and foreign manufacturers and media reporters who are interested in the battery industry. I will personally host it."

Fan Pengyue nodded and said: "What about the time? On which day?"

Xu Chuan thought for a while and said, "May 30th."

"After all, I still have to submit the paper to arxiv and journals. Even if I don't rely on the paper to be published, I still have to leave some time for the bullets to fly. It still takes time for the news to ferment."

"If we want to sell patent licensing at a good price, then a certain degree of popularity is indispensable."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away." Fan Pengyue nodded.

In the office, after the two exchanged details, Senior Brother Fan left in a hurry, while Xu Chuan lay back on the chair and breathed a long sigh of relief.

The patent application for artificial sei film was successfully obtained, which is indeed a great event.

Even if the paper has not been officially published, it does not prevent him from converting it into patent fees.

Thinking about it, Xu Chuan sat up again full of energy, turned on the computer and found the paper written by the Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute.

The paper on the results of the artificial sei film was written by the research institute, and he didn't have time to write it.

Anyway, the results have been published, so it is not difficult to make up a paper.

It's convenient to have someone under his wing. If he had written it himself, it would have taken a day or two at least, but now he only needs to check and modify it and make sure there are no problems before submitting it.


Mid May.

The excitement of the ns equation phased results report meeting has just passed, and the scientific media’s attention has not completely disappeared from the impact of the ns equation on the future of mankind. A new paper has been quietly uploaded to the arxiv preprint website.

Although most of the people on the arxiv preprint website are mathematicians, physicists, or computer scientists, this paper still attracted the attention of many people as soon as it was uploaded.

There is no other reason than that the first author of the paper has a rather special name - "Xu Chuan".

This name just held a report meeting that almost affected the whole world not long ago.

When the scholars following this name on arxiv received the notification from the website, the curious scholars immediately clicked on the link to see what Professor Xu had posted.

However, what almost everyone did not expect was that this paper published on arxiv was not the mathematical result, or the physical result, or the astronomical result they thought, but it came from a group that no one had ever thought of.

field of!

[A 'carboxymethyl cellulose-lithium fluorocarbon compound material' guides the deposition of lithium ions in lithium batteries and solves the problem of lithium dendrite formation. 】

The title of the paper confused these scholars who had paid attention to Xu Chuan.

What's this?

Mathematics? Physics? Lithium ion deposition? Lithium dendrite problem? This seems to be chemistry and materials, right?

For a while, the mathematical physicists who saw the paper wondered whether they had read it wrong, or there was something wrong with the arxiv website and pushed some messy stuff to them.

Even when many scholars read the papers and see the names of the contributors and authors, they still wonder whether they are people with the same name.

After all, that person studied mathematics. Even if he made some achievements in physics and won the Nobel Prize, he basically relied on mathematical knowledge.

But this paper and submission are a bit too far off.

Directly from the world of mathematics to the world of chemistry and materials, one is almost in the south and the other is in the north.

I rubbed my eyes and looked through the contributor's past manuscripts. After seeing the proof paper of Hodge's conjecture and the phased results paper of the ns equation, many scholars on arxiv believed that this paper was really submitted by Xu Chuan.


This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Damn it, I'm dying. Professor Xu Chuan went to study chemistry?"

"Solving the lithium dendrite problem? What the hell!"

"What is arxiv doing, getting other people's papers under Professor Xu's name?"

"Mathematics, physics, astronomy, and now he has extended his hands to chemistry and materials. Are you kidding me?"

"Maybe it's just for fun. It's arxiv after all. Anyway, you can vote as much as you want."

"According to this paper, Professor Xu is announcing that he has solved the problem of lithium dendrites?"

"Impossible! Are there not enough announcements every year to solve the problem of lithium dendrites? There are at least 8,000 articles, not to mention 10,000. But the problem of lithium dendrites is already there, and there are simply no solutions that can be solved, and there are not even a few that can be optimized.


"What if this is true?"

"That's too scary. Mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, the four major fields! Is there anything he doesn't understand? Don't forget that he is only in his twenties this year!"


A chemistry paper posted on arxiv quickly aroused discussions among many mathematicians and physicists, and then the discussion quickly spread to the chemistry and materials communities.

After all, when faced with a paper that is not in your own field but is of concern to you, the best way is to find an expert in the field to interpret it.

The originally calm world of chemistry, materials and batteries suddenly stirred up huge waves and discussions.

Although this is not the first time that this kind of paper has appeared in the materials science community announcing that it has solved the problem of lithium dendrites. Related papers emerge in endlessly every year. But the contributor of this paper is really shocking.

The first winner of the Nobel Prize and the Fields Medal in history, he has previously solved one of the seven millennium problems, and not long ago he also solved half of the NS equation. His popularity is well known in the scientific community.


And now, he has extended his hands to the world of chemistry and materials science. How is this not surprising?

Such shocking news would naturally not be simply buried.

A few days after Xu Chuan posted his paper on arxiv, big names in the chemistry, materials and battery fields started to pay attention.

To be honest, most people in the industry don't really believe that the lithium dendrite problem can be solved so easily, even though the contributor to this paper is a Nobel Prize winner.

But it won’t waste much time to take a look. What if? What if the lithium dendrite problem is really solved and they miss this news and opportunity, they will be upset to death.


ps: It’s the last day for double doubling. Please give me your monthly tickets! There will be more updates tomorrow!

This chapter has been completed!
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