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Chapter 29: The National Judgment Begins

Chapter 29 The national competition begins

After the copyright authorization agreement was returned, and before leaving, Xu Chuan refreshed the status of the paper on his computer.

Unfortunately, nothing has changed, and there is no mysterious power that can help him jump in line. It seems that passing the preliminary examination the day before was indeed a coincidence.

After the national finals of the sports competition were over, the students who participated in the competition returned to their normal lives.

It’s still early for the national training. In early March next year, students selected for the national training team for the Olympic Physics Competition will go to Qinhuai for training at the High School Affiliated to Sanjiang Normal University.

In this training camp, fifty students will compete for five national team spots in two rounds of screening. As for the period before March, students participating in the competition will temporarily return to high school life.

But this is for ordinary contestants. For Xu Chuan, after finishing the physical examination, he will have to travel to a distant place again to participate in the national mathematics finals in less than a month.

This year's winter camp was held at Bashu Middle School in Bashu, with nearly 400 students participating.

Regarding the national finals in the number competition, Xu Chuan did not feel any pressure.

More than three months have passed since he was reborn. During this time, his study has never stopped, and the high school knowledge buried deep in his huge memory has been rediscovered by him.

"Besides, rabbits are so cute, why do you want to eat rabbits?"

Domestic CMOs imitate the international IMO exam rules. The difficulty of the questions is similar, but the score of the questions is tripled.

Registration on the first day, opening ceremony on the second day, examinations on the third and fourth days, academic reports or tours on the fifth and sixth days, closing ceremony on the seventh day, announcement of test results and awards.

The trouble is that it requires multiple auxiliary lines and a certain amount of imagination.

Each question is worth 7 points for IMO and 21 points for CMO.

Is the distance between me and the great god just one person too cute?

The Shujingguojue Winter Camp is the same as the previous Golden Autumn Camp of P University, and the duration is seven days.

Suddenly, all the students participating in the winter camp in the accompanying team were stunned, and there was silence.

He even suspected that the cafeteria of Bashu Middle School wanted to eat other students' stomachs to improve the test scores of local students in Bashu.

"Brother Chuan, I heard that the spicy rabbit head in Bashu is very delicious. Should we try it?"

Compared with the material competition, the layout of the mathematics competition test paper is quite concise, and the questions occupy a relatively small area.

Prove: The necessary and sufficient condition E for the center of the circumscribed circle of △DEF to coincide with the center of the inscribed circle of △ABC is BE+CF=BC.

After thinking about it, Xu Chuan started writing. He first copied the triangular geometry diagram on the manuscript paper, then marked an I point in the center of the two corners, and started making auxiliary lines with the I point as the core.

It starts at nine o'clock in the morning and ends at one thirty at noon.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, even though he is a native of southern Hunan and can eat spicy food, he is not very adaptable to the spicy food in Bashu.

What did they hear?

Is this still the same great master? Is he still the great master who got almost full marks on CPHO and was snatched away by Mizuki and P?

Or is it that only by being able to act cute can you become a great god?

"Wait until the exam is over. Go eat now. You won't have to worry about diarrhea when you go to the competition field tomorrow."

After all, the exam lasts for four and a half hours, and a lot of mental energy is consumed during the period. You are not allowed to bring anything to eat. What if you faint from hunger or suffer from hypoglycemia?

Of course, not all food can be brought.

After getting the test paper, Xu Chuan still checked the overall situation according to his own habit.

first question:

1. As shown in the figure, in the acute angle △ABC, the angle bisectors of ABAC and ∠BAC intersect with side BC at point D, and points E and F are on sides AB and AC respectively, so that the four points B, C, F and E are in total.


It's not that he can't eat spicy food, but the mixture of Sichuan peppercorns and peppercorns is extremely irritating to the gastrointestinal tract, so he might as well forget it.

There are three questions, no fill-in-the-blank questions, one is about finding cocircles in geometric triangles, one is about finding sets of integers, and one is about functions, all of which are proof questions.

This makes it easier for the marking team to score and differentiate candidates' scores.

The CMO competition is divided into two days, with three questions per day. The questions on the first day are easier than those on the second day.

Trigonometric geometry proves the center condition of a circle. The figure is a large triangle equally divided by the median, and there is a small triangle in the middle connecting the sides of the large triangle.

In Xu Chuan's opinion, the difficulty of a proof question of congruent triangles is not very high. If he had to evaluate it, the difficulty would be only two or three points more difficult than the final question of the college entrance examination.

Xu Chuan didn't bring anything to eat, he only brought a bottle of drink.

After all, candidates in coastal cities may not be able to handle this spicy stuff.

Each game of the physical competition lasts three hours, while the number competition lasts four and a half hours.

There are no introductions or various introductions. The questions are straight from the beginning, simple and clear.

The reports and opening ceremony passed quickly, and the finals officially began on the third day.

Xu Chuan even found hot pot in a corner of the cafeteria, but he didn't dare to order it because the red oil, green peppercorns, and red peppercorns floating on the hot pot made people feel tight just by looking at them.

Lu Tianrui, a round-faced member of the provincial team, asked with excitement and expectation.

During the four-and-a-half-hour exam, candidates are allowed to bring in some food that will not disrupt the order of the exam room, such as Snickers bars, cookies, energy drinks and the like.

Judging from the competition questions in previous years, sometimes there will be a fill-in-the-blank question in the first question.

Somewhat different from the Wushu National Competition, the Mathematics National Competition has a longer test time.

Therefore, the rules were changed later. It is allowed to bring food, but the smell cannot affect other candidates. They will be checked before entering the exam.

A few years ago, a student brought stinky tofu and durian candy into the examination room. As a result, other candidates in the same examination room were stunned.

Xu Chuan was worried that after eating hot pot tonight, he would be dehydrated tomorrow.

It’s not unreasonable that Bashu’s anorectal hospitals are all over the streets and alleys and are extremely developed.

Maybe it was because the people of Bashu were too enthusiastic, or maybe it was the first time to hold an event like the CMO National Competition. At the opening ceremony the next day, Xu Chuan and his party were able to experience the massive delicacies of Bashu.

Bobo chicken, spicy rabbit head, chuanchuan, tofu pudding, etc. These specialties and delicacies that should appear on the street all appear in the canteen of Bashu Middle School.

At 9 a.m., admission, inspection, and test paper distribution.

EI, FI, BI, CI, KI, a total of five auxiliary dotted lines appear straight on the manuscript paper.

After all, he was not prepared to stay for the entire four-and-a-half hour exam.

But don't think that this fill-in-the-blank question is easy. Although it only requires one answer, the proof process requires candidates to actually calculate it.

Suddenly, Xu Chuan suddenly remembered a famous saying he had heard in his previous life. He thought it was quite appropriate for the occasion, so he said it casually.

After the key auxiliary lines and dots are marked, the next step is to write out the proof process.

Thanks to book friend 20220519133742404 and book friend 20221023131016468 for the reward, thank you.

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Tomorrow is Tuesday, so please read it as soon as possible because I have to recommend it. Thank you all.

(End of chapter)

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