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Chapter 306 Another Nobel Prize-level achievement

The news that the core fusion reactor JT-60SA of the QST Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research Institute had a major accident during the experiment could not be concealed at all.

Soon, relevant information was spread through the media and the Internet.

In China, after the relevant news was reprinted by the media, it quickly became a hot search topic.

[Holy shit, the controllable nuclear fusion reactor in my childhood exploded? 】

[The explosion is good, the explosion is wonderful, but the power is a little weak. It would be great if it could cover the entire Edo city.]

【Really awesome? So beautiful!】

【I hope someone is okay!】

[The price paid for breakthroughs in cutting-edge technology should be respected by everyone, not ridiculed!]

【Yo yo yo yo, the guest in question is here?】

[Is the little devil’s technological breakthrough good for you? Is this how a traitor speaks for the little devil? 】

[Don’t say that, after all, I’m not Chinese. It’s a Sakura dog. Isn’t it normal for a dog to talk to its owner?]

On the Internet, netizens are discussing it enthusiastically.

For the Chinese people, most of them are applauding. After all, for some reasons, both sides want each other to die and sink into the mainland. It doesn't matter. This is a feud.

Of course, there are always some clowns or right-wingers who try to prove that they are different. After all, the forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds, and there are 1.4 billion people, so it is normal to have some right-wingers and weird ones.

It's just that these people are fine if they are in other fields, but when it comes to hostile countries with feuds, they are immediately sprayed by many netizens.

NTU, in the Supercomputing Center, Xu Chuan came to the control room wearing anti-static clothing.

Almost a week has passed since he started checking the calculations, and he is still checking the mathematical model of plasma turbulence in his hand.

NTU's supercomputing performance is average, less than petaflop level. It will take a certain amount of time to analyze and calculate eddy current units of tens of billions and hundreds of billions.

What's more, it is necessary to simulate deuterium and tritium raw material injection, heating antenna interference, first wall cooling cycle and other simulation numerical insertions, which makes the calculation amount even greater.

Fortunately, the first round of verification is almost completed and should be completed today.

After getting the test data, he can further optimize the model, which can reduce a lot of the performance requirements for supercomputers.

In the control center, some staff were chatting. After all, the operation of supercomputer does not require high attention at all times. You only need to pay attention to the feedback code during operation.

"I heard that Xiaobenzi's controllable nuclear polymerization reactor exploded?"

"Well, what happened yesterday was a disaster. The superconducting magnetron system lost control, causing turbulent expansion of plasma. Almost the entire reactor was destroyed."

"Tsk, tsk, I'm rather curious about how much it costs to build this fusion experiment reactor."

"It's worth tens of billions of RMB at least. The one that was blown up this time was the JT-60SA fusion reactor. The largest one has been in operation for 20 to 30 years and has been upgraded many times."

"Is there such a big danger in a controllable nuclear fusion reactor? Doesn't it mean that there is no danger in a fusion reactor? Even if an accident occurs, the destructive power will not be very great?"

"Who knows, my friend said it's pretty miserable anyway."

"Do you think there is something wrong with the mathematical control model? The magnetic control system suddenly lost control. Isn't this related to the mathematical model?"

"Isn't our Professor Xu testing this? Is there any problem?"

In the control room, Xu Chuan listened to the chat of these staff members and asked curiously: "You just said that the JT-60SA controllable nuclear fusion test reactor in Sakura Country exploded? There was an accident?"

"Professor Xu."

"Professor Xu, you are here."


Hearing his voice, these staff members turned around quickly in shock and greeted him one after another, with embarrassed looks on their faces. Just now they were discussing whether there was something wrong with this mathematical model, and then they met the real owner.


Xu Chuan waved his hand, not paying attention to this, and then asked: "There was an accident in the nuclear fusion experiment over there in the island country?"

Hearing this, a staff member nodded quickly and replied: "Yes, yesterday, a major safety accident occurred in the core fusion reactor JT-60SA of the QST Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research Institute. I heard that the magnetic control system suddenly failed, causing the reactor to fail.

The ultra-high temperature plasma turbulence in the chamber broke out and damaged the entire fusion reactor."

Xu Chuan touched his chin and replied with a smile: "Thank you, you guys can go about your business first."

As he said that, he walked towards his temporary office and took out his mobile phone to search for relevant information.

Looking at the news reports on his mobile phone, Xu Chuan had a smile in his eyes: "Interesting, it seems that people from the small island country took those manuscripts from my office, and this time they made a big mistake."

He knew about the core fusion reactor JT-60SA of the QST Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research Institute.

This is the largest fusion experimental reactor in the small island country. It entered service in 1985. After many modifications, tens of billions of RMB have been invested in it.

Now it has exploded. Although I don’t know the specific situation, at least several billion are definitely gone.

It is even possible that the entire core area is scrapped. After all, things like controllable nuclear fusion reactors are very sophisticated.

If the core area is gone, the losses will be really heavy.

Two months is enough time for the other party to understand the manuscript and complete the mathematical model accordingly.

But modeling plasma turbulence in a controllable nuclear fusion reactor is never that easy.

Not to mention you, a stolen copycat, he is the genuine product, and he is still testing the phenomenological model, and we don’t know how long it will take to apply it to a controllable nuclear fusion experimental reactor for actual testing.


Before applying it to a controllable nuclear fusion reactor, he must further test and optimize the mathematical model.

After that, we have to find a way to obtain detailed operating data of the plasma turbulence in the fusion reactor, which is also a big trouble.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! After all, the current observations of plasma turbulence in controllable nuclear fusion reactors are almost all general and phenomenological, and there is no precise observation data.

After obtaining accurate observation data, the model needs to be optimized, and then verified through supercomputing before the fusion reactor can actually be built.

There are still four or five steps to go in the middle, but Sakura Country skipped these directly. At most, he used a supercomputer to conduct a calculation. Coupled with the holes he dug on the previous manuscript paper, who will die if you don't die?

JT-60SA, the largest fusion experimental reactor, exploded. It can be said that the losses this time were heavy.

But in this regard, Xu Chuan just wanted to say: "You deserve it! You don't learn well and steal other people's things!"

After getting the test data he needed at the supercomputing center, Xu Chuan returned to NTU.

The preliminary verification calculation is completed, and what remains is to use these test data to optimize the mathematical model of plasma turbulence.

However, this is a big job, and he cannot finish it by himself. He can only wait until Peng Hongxi recruits enough personnel and the project base for the controllable nuclear fusion project is finalized before handling it.

As for now, it's time for him to do another thing.

Writing a Dalitz diagram for sterile neutrinos!

With the joint support of the two physics teams of NTU and Jiaotong University, the data analysis of sterile neutrinos has been completed long ago. He just said that he has been busy modeling plasma turbulence and has no time to do this.

Now that the numerical control model of plasma turbulence has come to an end, it is also time for him to finish the data analysis of sterile neutrinos.

After all, these are particles involving dark matter and dark energy. If their true existence is completely confirmed, it will undoubtedly be a sensation in the world.

In his office at NTU, Xu Chuan turned on his computer, took out the analysis data sent by Chen Zhengping, and began to draw a Dalitz diagram for sterile neutrinos.

As soon as the drawing tool was opened, his eyes fell on Amelia who was studying in the office.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Amelia, I remember that you studied mathematics and physics before."

Amelia, who was studying the problem, turned around when she heard the voice: "Well, what's the matter, Professor?"

Xu Chuan: "Come here, you can draw the Dalitz diagram of sterile neutrinos for me. In the process, I will teach you some methods on how to use mathematics to calculate the properties of physical particles. In the future, you can follow me to learn some aspects of mathematical physics.

s things."

"As for how much you can learn, it depends on you."

Hearing this, Amelia's eyes lit up, she quickly stood up and walked over: "I will work hard, Professor!"

Xu Chuan nodded. To be honest, for the two students Amelia and Gu Bing, he had only fulfilled the responsibilities of an ordinary tutor.

Although he can usually teach them some knowledge and concepts in mathematics, these two students have not actually been exposed to and learned his true core.

For example, he uses mathematics to study physics and uses mathematical methods to calculate the performance and parameter information of physical particles. This is something he researched while doing experiments at CERN.

This is the method he used to solve the mystery of the proton radius and to search for the phenomenon of Yukawa coupling between Higgs and third-generation heavy quarks.

For the high-energy physics community, this method is undoubtedly very important.

But so far, very few people understand this method.

Even if he used this method to exchange for the support of the CERN Council a few years ago when he was at Cern, and in exchange for China joining CERN as a member state, not many people still understand this set of theories and concepts.

On the one hand, without the personal guidance of him, the creator, even if there are some papers left, it is impossible to get started quickly.

After all, having a tutor to guide you and studying on your own without a tutor are two completely different concepts.

On the other hand, this calculation method requires deep knowledge of mathematics and physics. There are really not many scholars in the mathematics and physics circles today who have this ability.

So after thinking about it, Xu Chuan felt that he could teach this mathematical method to Amelia. After all, when a teacher and a student interact, they always have to teach something.

And Amelia is indeed very suitable for this. Her talents in mathematics and physics are very good, and she may be able to find her own path on this road in the future.

On the other side, Gu Bing looked at his mentor eagerly, he wanted it too!

Noticing the gaze of another student, Xu Chuan smiled and shook his head, saying: "This path is not suitable for you, you should continue on in mathematics."

After thinking for a while, he added: "When I have time, I will think about it again and see if there is anything suitable for you."

After all, they are the same students. They have to have a bowl of water that is equal to each other. They cannot be thicker or thinner than each other.

Although Gu Bing's talent is not as good as Amelia's, he still has the opportunity to solve some difficult problems if he furthers his studies in mathematics.

Hearing this, Gu Bing nodded vigorously, with a look of anticipation on his face.

Although he regretted not being able to learn mathematics and physics from Xu Chuan, he also knew clearly that his talent was far inferior to Amelia's.

It was already very difficult for him to learn [Algebraic Varieties and Group Mapping Tools] from Xu Chuan, but Amelia found it easy.

Including the two working together to study the mathematical problem 'Bloch's conjecture' used as their graduation thesis, Amelia also contributed more.

In the office, Xu Chuan guided Amelia in drawing the Dalitz diagram, while incorporating some knowledge in the fields of high-energy physics and particle physics into the process to teach her.

Learning mathematics and physics from him is not something that can be accomplished in a short period of time. It cannot be completed within at least three to five years.

Nearly a week passed like this day by day. Under the guidance of Xu Chuan, Amelia successfully completed the second drawing of the Dalitz diagram of the sterile neutrinos, which was considered to be a formal transition from the previous pure neutrinos.

The path of mathematics crossed over to the path of mathematical physics.

Xu Chuan checked the complete Dalitz diagram and saved it after confirming that there were no problems.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! This is the second time to draw the Dalitz diagram of sterile neutrinos. Some different verification points are enough to increase the confidence of sterile neutrinos.


He did some calculations, and with another data analysis, he could almost raise the confidence level of sterile neutrinos to 5sigma.

According to CERN's plan, the second full-scale collision experiment is scheduled for September. Calculating the time, it should be almost completed by now. After all, it will be mid-to-late September.

At the end of September, the data from the second collision experiment with sterile neutrino observations was transmitted from CERN.

This time, Xu Chuan had time to work with the NTU Jiaotong University team on original data analysis.

With his joining, the efficiency of data analysis has been greatly improved.

"Senior Brother Qi, have you finished it over there?"

Late at night, in the Physics Building of NTU, a certain floor was brightly lit. Lin Feng, who had returned to China in 2018, put down the mouse in his hand, stretched, and then shouted to the other side of the office.

"Just give me about ten minutes and I should be able to get it done."

On the other side, Qi Xishao replied without raising his head and continued to type on the keyboard and mouse in his hand.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Qi Xishao stood up, breathed a long sigh of relief, looked at Lin Feng who was playing with his mobile phone on the other side and asked: "Finally done, want to go out for a supper?"

Lin Feng shook his head, with a tired look on his face, and said: "No, I'd better go back to sleep. After that junior brother ran over, I haven't had a good sleep in a while. Now that I'm done, I have to catch up on my sleep."

, otherwise you will die suddenly sooner or later."

Qi Xishao chuckled and said, "Indeed, I was never this tired when I was at CERN. When he came, he was all over the place."

"It starts at eight in the morning and ends at ten in the evening. We work twelve or three hours a day. It's still a mental job like data analysis. Even a real robot can't handle it."

Lin Feng shook his head, feeling groggy. During this period, he was risking his life in order to analyze the data assigned to him in a hurry.

That little junior brother was really not a human being. He took advantage of his youth to torment these group of thirty-year-old comrades.

Alas, when you reach thirty, you can’t help but soak wolfberry in a thermos cup.

Fortunately, the data analysis work has been completed. With the efficiency of that junior fellow student, it will not be long before the discovery of sterile neutrinos will be announced.

Involving particles of dark matter and dark energy, there is no doubt that this is a Nobel Prize-level discovery.

I just don’t know how the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences will choose this time. After all, in history, there are many scientists who have won the Nobel Prize twice.

Marie Curie, Professor Linus Pauling, Professor John Bardeen, etc. have all won the Nobel Prize twice, but none as young as their junior brother.

But what about making an exception for the Nobel Prize? It’s not impossible.

PS: I'm not feeling very well today and my condition is not very good, so I'll just update it. Go to bed early and I'll update it tomorrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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