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Chapter 309 The new physics building

After explaining the relevant information about sterile neutrinos, David Gross pushed up his glasses and spoke again: "The following is a routine question and answer session. Professor Chen Zhengping from China is invited to join us on behalf of Professor Xu Chuan.

Please answer your questions."

Hearing this, Chen Zhengping, who had been prepared for a long time, took a deep breath, straightened his suit, walked to the podium calmly, and stood with David Gross, the chairman of CERN.

"If you have any questions, you can ask them now."

Almost as soon as the words fell, a pair of hands in the venue bounced up as if being pricked by the tip of a needle.

"Hello, Professor Gross, hello Professor Chen, I am a media reporter from CTV. What does your latest discovery mean? Is it related to dark matter? Can you please explain it to us ordinary people?"

After Chen Zhengping thought about it for a moment, he slowly said: "The discovery of sterile neutrinos is of great significance to both the physical world and mankind as a whole."

"First of all, it is the first particle that we have observed and confirmed that exceeds the predictions of the standard model. Its appearance breaks the standard model and tells us that the universe is not just the standard model, but there are more unknown things."

"Secondly, whether it is related to dark matter cannot be determined."

"Because of the limitations of the performance of the observation equipment, this time for the observation of sterile neutrinos, we only confirmed its existence and part of its properties and information, while there is another part of its properties hidden in the fog of chaos, which we cannot


"Of course, this is also the meaning of the existence of the physics community, to find mysteries and solve mysteries. If one day, our observation equipment can observe the full picture of sterile neutrinos, we may be able to figure out whether they are related to dark matter."

After finishing speaking, the BBC, a broadcasting company where the sun never sets, stretched out the microphone in his hand: "Hello, Academician Chen, may I ask why Professor Xu did not come to attend the press conference this time? Is he studying something new? Can you?

Can you tell me something?"

Chen Zhengping glanced at the reporter: "You can choose to go to China to ask Professor Xu yourself about this question. I don't know. Next."

Hearing this, another reporter quickly handed over the microphone: "Hello, Professor Chen, will the discovery of sterile neutrinos bring down the physics edifice of the Standard Model?"

Chen Zhengping: "No, sterile neutrinos are indeed particles that exceed the predictions of the standard model, but it does not mean that the standard model will be overturned."

"It is more likely that the physics community will re-build a new physics building in addition to the Standard Model, and use it to accommodate the broader world."

The moment he finished his answer, a microphone came up quickly.

"Academician Chen, according to Professor Xu's previously published theory, sterile neutrinos are part of dark matter. When can we officially observe dark matter and dark energy? How long will it take to use these two substances?"

Chen Zhengping thought for a while and replied: "As for the relationship between sterile neutrinos and dark matter, I prefer to consult Professor Xu. He is the real authority in this regard. I cannot answer on his behalf."


"When dark matter and dark energy can be officially observed, it depends on when our observation equipment and collider can be upgraded to a sufficient standard threshold."

"As for utilizing these two substances, I'm afraid it will take at least a century or more."

CERN's press conference is over.

The question and answer session lasted for a full hour.

The news that sterile neutrinos are confirmed to exist and may be related to dark matter and dark energy quickly occupied the headlines of major media.

"CTV Media: Professor Xu, a well-known Chinese scholar, confirmed the existence of sterile neutrinos. This is the first particle in history that exceeds the predictions of the standard model, and may be related to dark matter!"

"Wall Street Journal: CERN's major discovery, particles beyond the standard model! Our universe is more mysterious than imagined!"

"BBC Daily: Professor Xu Chuan, who was unable to attend the press conference, may be conducting more mysterious research than sterile neutrinos."

"Washington Post: Be careful, China's latest discovery may destroy the world, and sterile neutrinos will open the door to an unknown hell."

""New York Times"."

Regardless of whether it is traditional paper media or online media, after the CERN press conference, terms such as 'cern', 'sterile neutrinos', 'dark matter', 'dark energy', and 'Professor Xu' were all on the screen.


Almost most media use eye-catching names such as dark matter or the universe in their titles to attract traffic.

For the general public, dark matter is undoubtedly very attractive.

After all, it is extremely mysterious. It only exists in theory and has never been observed.

News reports from major media, coupled with forwarding by some technology bloggers and influencers, made the relevant news a hot search at an extremely fast speed.

By the time netizens reacted, sterile neutrinos and dark matter had directly occupied the top spots on major software platforms.

[Gan, it’s all just headlines! I thought dark matter was really discovered.]

[How can dark matter be so easy to discover? Isn’t it true that only half of this fallen neutrino has been observed? The other half belonging to dark matter has not been observed. 】

[To discover dark matter, the performance of humanity’s current collider and detector must be improved by at least several orders of magnitude.]

[Humanity’s search for dark matter is like a thinking fish on the seabed trying to understand water. In the fish’s worldview, it may never be able to perceive the existence of water.

And we humans can see the existence of water from God's perspective, and we can also invent the theory of atoms, solid, liquid and gas, which can unify the world we see. However, you can't explain it to fish, so you have to stand in the fourth dimension.

Angle to see dark matter.】

[Witness a day in history, the new particles beyond the standard model, Sichuan God is worthy of being a god! This time, his physical godhood is stable.]

[The material for the first multiple-choice political question in the postgraduate entrance examination this morning was about dark matter. I just watched the press conference. I was very happy and understood it very well, but the answer was a little uncertain]

[If you don’t understand, just ask, why is there a dark matter question in the politics test?]

[Indecisive, quantum mechanics. Not enough mass, dark matter comes in!]

[Six, it’s even more rhyming.]

[Dark matter may not actually exist, it is just a matter of the scope of the existing theory. It is similar to the previous concept of ether. To put it bluntly, it is just a patch that scientists have added to the theory of relativity. 】

[I won’t say much more, I’ll just say, Sichuan God is awesome!]


As expected, the discovery of sterile neutrinos has become the most eye-catching research result in the physics world this year.

Putting aside the discussions of netizens, on the other hand, on preprint websites such as Arxiv, theoretical papers related to sterile neutrinos and dark matter have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. The number is so huge that it can be said to be extremely rare.

There are physicists who speculate and make up for the undiscovered properties of sterile neutrinos; there are also physicists who speculate on the relationship between sterile neutrinos and dark matter.

Countless physicists, not only graduate students and doctoral students, but also physics professors and even big names in the physics world, have sorted out their ideas and uploaded them to the Arxiv preprint website.

After all, for the physics community, there is a default rule: "Those famous awards, such as the Nobel Prize, the Wolf Prize in Physics, etc., will not be awarded to the discoverer of a certain particle or phenomenon.

Instead, it will be sent to the person who submitted it."

Just like in 2012/13, CERN discovered the Higgs particle, but the Nobel Prize was not awarded to CERN, but to Peter Higgs and Franc, who proposed the Higgs boson theory.

Same as Sauvaengler.

Even though the Higgs boson theory was proposed in the 1960s.

Therefore, even if Xu Chuan discovered the sterile neutrino, the probability that he would win the Nobel Prize is not 100%. Because the sterile neutrino was not proposed by him, but by American physicists.

Of course, it is not impossible for Xu Chuan to win the Nobel Prize for the discovery of sterile neutrinos.

This is because in the past, although American scientists proposed the concept of sterile neutrinos, they did not make detailed data predictions about it.

Because it can't be done.

After all, it is quite difficult to predict particles that cannot be observed and are not in the standard model.

But this time, he had perfected the relevant data.

So if he can continue to improve the information on sterile neutrinos in the future, he still has a chance to win another Nobel Prize.

But for Xu Chuan, the Nobel Prize is not very attractive to him.

Not to mention his previous life, the physics achievements he has made in this life alone include several Nobel Prize-level ones.

Of course, the Nobel Prize, which is not very attractive to him, is infinitely more attractive to other physicists.

What's more, sterile neutrinos are particles beyond the standard model. They are the foundation of a new physics building. The future is not only bright and bright, it can be a new world.

Therefore, after the discovery of sterile neutrinos, countless physicists began to 'perfect' the properties of sterile neutrinos, began to 'speculate' about the properties of dark matter, and then made bets.

After all, everything is possible. If you bet correctly, you might be able to win the Nobel Prize and leave your name in history in a few decades.

But the difficulty of winning the Nobel Prize from the unknown is too high, it is even harder than winning the jackpot in the lottery.

On the one hand, if a brand new theory, or prediction of a certain particle, wants to be accepted by the physics community, at least your theory must be logically autonomous, tenable, and cannot be overturned by others.


Just like the string theory and M theory developed by Edward Witten, it is far away to prove it, and it may take two centuries, three centuries or even longer.

But similarly, if it is to be falsified, from the current physics community, no one can overthrow string theory and M theory.

Because it is indeed logically self-consistent and the theory exists.

From this aspect, it is quite difficult.

Because you not only need to understand this particle, but also various other physics. For example, relativity, Newtonian mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, etc.

And it can’t be the kind of understanding that only knows a little bit, it has to be the kind of understanding that is quite in-depth.

Otherwise, other big guys will look at your papers and theories and point out loopholes or problems to you in a flash.

Therefore, the vast majority of people who bet basically failed.

In the long history of physics, there are only one or two lucky ones.

For example, Louis-Victor de Broglie was a French theoretical physicist, the founder of matter wave theory, and one of the founders of quantum mechanics.

De Broglie did not study physics at first. He was a rich second-generation young man who studied history.

Later, because of family connections, I went to a good university and had a good tutor. I happened to publish a semi-guesstical and semi-academic graduation thesis that was noticed by Einstein, which attracted widespread attention in the academic world.

In the end, the physics community discovered that he had guessed it right, and the big shot easily received the Nobel Prize.

Of course, in the later stages of his academic career, de Broglie's own physics level was not low.

Even though he did not study physics at the beginning, after entering the physics world, he still completed his physics knowledge at an extremely fast speed.

However, the concept of "matter waves" he proposed in college was indeed half-guessed and half-understood. This luck can be said to be the son of heaven.

Compared with de Broglie, in the history of physics, those who have made various famous theories and proven them correct are basically physicists who have studied physics deeply.

Such as Einstein, such as Bohr, such as Planck, etc.

Because without a solid foundation of physics knowledge, it is impossible to make any correct theories and judgments.

In the fields of science such as mathematics and physics, even if some lucky ones occasionally appear, they still have to rely on their true strength to speak for themselves.

As for the remaining data predictions of sterile neutrinos, the properties and data predictions of dark matter, Xu Chuan will naturally not miss them.

As early as when he first analyzed the signs of sterile neutrinos with a 3sigma confidence level, he had already predicted and announced the remaining unobserved data of sterile neutrinos.

After all, this is his own achievement in the future, and there is no need for others to take it away.

Even many of the theories on the arxiv preprint website today are based on the prediction theories he published before.

After all, in the eyes of many people, it is better to follow the example of this big man than to devote all your energy to some theory that you don’t know whether it will succeed.

The big brother's theory is definitely more reliable than my own. If you expand and expand on it, it will be equivalent to looking at the world from the shoulders of giants.

The success rate is definitely higher than blindly trying.

Xu Chuan didn't pay much attention to these opportunists.

His research and observation of dark matter had just started not long before his rebirth. He didn't even know what was behind it, let alone other people.

If this can be deceived by them, it is considered lucky.

I had a py session with a certain beautiful sister, nine groups of old boutique bosses, new book entertainment, the author is kind-hearted

This chapter has been completed!
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