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Chapter 311 The Controlled Nuclear Fusion Project Starts

In the office, Xu Chuan quickly mobilized the knowledge of two generations in his mind, thinking about the feasibility of the method mentioned by Witten.

Time passed bit by bit, and as he thought, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

This seems to be a feasible path.

Because theoretically speaking, a Type Ia supernova explosion is a supernova explosion formed by a white dwarf star absorbing material from a main giant star.

In this process, the mass loss of the main giant star is actually locked, which means that it can indeed be calculated through mathematical methods.

The so-called mass loss and interference of the shared cladding is indeed not a problem for him.

He once used the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem to calculate that there is a companion star in Betelgeuse's hydrogen envelope.

On the premise that the parameters of the main star and white dwarf star have been confirmed, the calculation of type Ia supernova is indeed feasible in theory.

This may be a way to confirm the evolution of sterile neutrinos and the existence of dark matter in advance.

Originally, Xu Chuan wanted to detect sterile neutrinos and dark matter after the domestic Large Strong Particle Collider was built.

But now it seems that it can be brought to the world in advance.

After thinking for a while, Xu Chuan raised his head with bright eyes and looked at his mentor, Edward Witten.

It has to be said that his mentor's knowledge is indeed as deep as an abyss.

He had never heard of such ideas and theories in his previous life, but not long after he posted his prediction paper on sterile neutrinos on arxiv, Witten came up with this new approach.

After thinking for a while, Xu Chuan said: "Theoretically, this may be a feasible method. But tutor, why don't you calculate it yourself?"

Edward Witten was not just a physicist, his abilities in mathematics were not weaker than those in physics.

After all, he is the first scholar in history to win the Fields Medal as a physicist.

Edward Witten smiled and said: "Compared with you, my mathematical ability is much worse."

"As for the extended application of your Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem, to be honest, I haven't fully understood it yet, let alone that I need to make another deformation of it this time."

After a pause, he continued: "Do you want to cooperate? I will provide the physical data, and you will be responsible for the mathematical calculations."

Xu Chuan replied without hesitation: "No problem!"

On the side, Francois Engler looked at the two people with envy. He also wanted to join, but unfortunately, he could not help much.

The theory was proposed by Witten, and the data calculations were performed by Xu Chuan. As for finding Type Ia supernovae, it is not difficult for Witten.

So even if he is a Nobel Prize winner, he can't find a suitable reason to join the team of two people.

Of course, if he proposed it, Witten and Xu Chuan would definitely agree to his joining.

But a gentleman does not eat what he has received, and this kind of honor gained without contribution is intolerable to him.

Witten and Engler stayed at NTU for two days, mainly because Witten needed to communicate with Xu Chuan about their cooperation in exploring sterile neutrinos and dark matter.

At least, Xu Chuan needs to sort out the basic data, boundary values, feature numbers and other data needed to calculate this data, so that Witten can apply to Princeton for corresponding scientific research projects after returning.

Of course, Xuchuan will also establish a scientific research project at Nanda.

The cooperation between the two can be regarded as a cooperation between universities.

After all, observing Type Ia supernovae requires top-notch astronomical observation equipment, numerous scientific researchers and other resources. It would be difficult for the two of them alone to support this project.

Witten and Engler left, and Xu Chuan turned his attention away from sterile neutrinos.

Sterile neutrinos have been confirmed, and the rest does not require him to pay too much attention.

On the other side, the location of the controllable nuclear fusion project has been decided. The Muyan Riverside Scenic Area is not very stable because the riverside area is a plain formed by the accumulation of river water, so the final location was chosen near the foot of Qixia Mountain.

area of ​​the Yangtze River.

Because this area belongs to the overall mountain structure of Qixia Mountain, even in the area close to the Yangtze River, the foundation is quite stable.

For Jinling, scrapping a four-A tourist attraction in exchange for the implementation of the super project of controllable nuclear fusion is definitely a sure profit.

After the project site was selected, the Jinling Municipal Government immediately announced the closure of the scenic spot and cleared the Qixia Mountain Scenic Area.

Then in the area at the foot of the mountain, the demolition and transfer that should be carried out were carried out in accordance with the city's demolition compensation standards. The action was not sloppy and the speed was extremely fast.

Fortunately, Qixia Mountain is considered a suburb for Jinling. Even though it is close to the river, there are not many residents and industrial plants. The negotiation and demolition speed is quite fast.

Subsequently, the troops from Jinling Ju District, who were responsible for security, set up an isolation zone at the foot of Qixia Mountain to prohibit other tourists from entering.

After all, controllable nuclear fusion is a super project, both in terms of level and meaning, it is higher than the previous "Nuclear Energy Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion into Electric Energy" project.

After the army dealt with issues such as security and protection, the Huaguo Nuclear Industry Construction Group, which was responsible for the construction of the controllable nuclear fusion project, immediately drove all large and small equipment into Qixia Mountain.

Construction of movable factory buildings, transportation of slag trucks and cement trucks.

Various industrial equipment were put into construction at the foot of Qixia Mountain, which attracted the attention of some residents around Qixia Mountain who were outside the warning line and had not been demolished.

After all, there are a large number of various construction vehicles driving back and forth every day.

On the side of the road, a group of middle-aged ladies gathered to chat. They were enjoying the cool under the trees and gossiping as they watched the construction vehicles coming and going on the riverside road.

"What do you think is happening on Qixia Mountain? A large number of garbage trucks come and go every day, even late at night. They are so noisy that I can't sleep."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Who says it's not the case? Although there were many cars in the past, there were no such garbage trucks. Now they are running on the road at night, making a rumbling sound." Another middle-aged man said

The aunt agreed and agreed.

"I have a relative who lives at the foot of Qixia Mountain. I heard that he was compensated 10 million for the demolition of his house, and he also bought two apartments. The demolition money was paid within a week. Why isn't the scope of the demolition expanded?"

While chatting, an aunt suddenly looked towards Qixia Mountain in the distance, and said with a mixture of sigh, complaint, envy and jealousy.

"That's right, such a big place has been demolished, why not demolish our area too!" Another aunt complained similarly while looking at the traffic on the road.

The Qixia Mountain area is a suburb in Jinling, so it can be said that there are very few opportunities for such demolition.

For these residents living near Qixia Mountain, the demolition of Qixia Mountain is like a pie falling from the sky, big and delicious.

Those who eat it are naturally full of joy, and those who don’t eat it feel a bit hungry.

But this does not mean that the area occupied by the controllable nuclear fusion project is small. For the Jinling Municipal Government, the base allocated for the controllable nuclear fusion project covers an area of ​​3,000 acres.

This is equivalent to the area of ​​a top 985 university.

Not only that, Jinling City has also left a thousand acres of reserved space for the expansion of the controllable nuclear fusion project, which means that the total land area and demolition area have reached more than four thousand acres.

You must know that the total area of ​​Qixia Mountain is only about 15,000 acres. It can be said that one-sixth of Qixia Mountain was divided for the controllable nuclear fusion project.

Fortunately, for such a huge area, it is located in the suburbs and it occupies a state-owned scenic spot. Otherwise, it would have to pay a large sum just for the demolition money.

By the time Xu Chuan finished dealing with the matter of sterile neutrinos, the controllable nuclear fusion project at the foot of Qixia Mountain had been under construction for several days.

After receiving the news, Gao Hongming, who is responsible for managing the controllable nuclear fusion project, and Qi Zhongxing, the chief engineer in charge of project construction, rushed to the gate of the camp and waited.

With Zheng Hai helping to deal with related matters, Xu Chuan did not encounter any obstruction when he took a car to the controllable nuclear fusion engineering base.

However, through the car window, he could still see the extremely tight security.

Not to mention anything else, what he saw while sitting in the car was at least three inspection and security points.

Driven by Zheng Hai, the red flag car slowly drove into the core camp of the base. After arriving at the target, Xu Chuan opened the door and walked out, and an eager voice came to his ears.

"Professor Xu, you are here."

"Professor Xu."

Gao Hongming and Qi Zhongxing, who had been waiting at the entrance of the camp for a long time, quickly rushed forward after seeing the red flag car and greeted them warmly.

"Gaoting, Qi Gong." Xu Chuan greeted the two of them with a smile. He looked around and landed on the workers who were working under the scorching sun.

The high-hanging sun was radiating scorching heat. Even in Qixia Mountain, the power of Qiuhuhu could not be underestimated. The hot and dazzling sunlight made him couldn't help but squint his eyes.

Not to mention the construction workers who were busy working on the construction, it can be said that their whole bodies were drenched with sweat.

Looking at these respectable people, Xu Chuan sighed: "Thank you so much for working under such a strong sun."

Gao Hongming smiled and said: "We just did some basic work. Professor Xu, you are the one who really worked hard. We are facing all the world's problems and working hard to build the motherland. We still need to rely on scholars like you. Knowledge is the key."

The greatest wealth."

Xu Chuan looked at the soldiers standing guard, then at the workers under construction, and sighed softly: "There are people who live in temples, and there are people who guard the borders. We share the same worries and walk together, all for the sake of peace."

Qi Zhongxing smiled and said: "Professor Xu is right, but let's go in first. I have prepared engineering drawings and so on. Why don't you take a look first?"

Because he was responsible for the construction of the "Nuclear Energy Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion into Electric Energy" project, he knew the young boss in front of him very well. He knew that he didn't like to waste time, and there must be something going on every time he came to the construction site.

I had to do it. I simply got to the point.

Xu Chuan didn't sigh anymore, nodded and followed Qi Zhongxing into the camp.

In the temporarily built factory, Qi Zhongxing did not waste too much time chatting with Xu Chuan. After making two cups of tea, he dug out the engineering drawings stored in the cabinet.

The engineering drawings of a controllable nuclear fusion building are naturally quite large, but what he took out was not all of them, but a rough plan.

Laying out the planning drawing, Qi Zhongxing looked at Xu Chuan and said, "Professor Xu, this is the planning engineering drawing. If you look at anything that needs improvement, you can tell me directly."

This engineering drawing is borrowed from the domestic CFETR project.

The CFETR controllable nuclear fusion project located in Luzhou, Hui'an is China's first fusion project. The engineering design was officially launched in Luzhou, Hui'an on December 5, 2017.

Since then, China's nuclear fusion research has embarked on a new journey of independent research and development.

This great project plan is divided into three major stages.

In the first phase, by 2021, CFETR will begin project construction;

In the second phase, by 2035, it is planned to build a fusion engineering experimental reactor and start large-scale scientific experiments;

In the third phase, by 2050, the fusion engineering experimental reactor will be successfully tested, a fusion commercial demonstration reactor will be built, and the ultimate energy source for mankind will be completed.

As for now, although it is only 2019, two years have passed and the CFETR project has completed the basic construction of the park.

Therefore, Qi Zhongxing was not too polite and directly borrowed the engineering drawings of the CFETR project, and then modified them according to the topography of Qixia Mountain.

Although the CFETR project follows the tokamak device route, and the Qixia Mountain project follows the composite device route defined by Professor Xu himself, except for the differences in some core areas and controllable nuclear fusion reactors, it is basically the same in other places.


Of course, the most important thing is to look at the opinion of Professor Xu in front of you. He is the real person in charge. He can make changes as he says.

Xu Chuan looked at the planning engineering drawings and said: "There are specialties in the industry, and you can be responsible for the construction of the project base."

"As for my request, let me mention it first. Please remember it, Qi Gong, and handle it according to the request."

Xu Chuan didn’t pay much attention to the construction and layout of the project park.

In this regard, Peng Hongxi and experts from the Nuclear Energy Industry Group are helping to control this, so he does not need to spend too much thought.

Not to mention other things, but in terms of infrastructure construction design, the country is full of talents.

After all, how could a country known as an ‘infrastructure maniac’ be incapable of doing anything of its own?

When a temporary hospital on a volcano was built in later generations, it only took ten days to deliver a hospital that could accommodate a thousand patients.

The engineer responsible for the overall design completed the construction drawing design of such a huge hospital in just 24 hours.

When he was in charge of the "Nuclear Energy Beta Radiation Energy Concentration and Conversion into Electric Energy" project, he did not make too many suggestions on the layout of the park, but only put forward some of his own requirements.

Qi Zhongxing also completed the construction perfectly according to the requirements.

This is also the reason why Xu Chuan recommended that Qi Zhongxing still carry out the construction of the controllable nuclear fusion project. The two of them cooperated well.

Recommendation: A text-based immortality game. The protagonist transforms into a snake. Your beauty attracts the attention of the beautiful snake. She thinks you are a charming kindred spirit and tries to spend a pleasant night with you.

This chapter has been completed!
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