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Chapter 353 The Wave of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Kelvin didn't care about other people's performance.

In addition to wanting to see the performance and data of this high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting material, everyone who came here today is also a potential competitor.

Rather than chatting with this colleague, he hoped to have the opportunity to chat with Professor Xu after the press conference.

Regardless of whether the high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting material developed by Professor Xu can be commercially produced, he wants to get an opportunity for cooperation.

If the current high-temperature superconducting material cannot be industrialized for commercial use, he can talk to Professor Xu on behalf of Nexans to see if they can reach a cooperation and let them study the industrial production of this material.


If this high-temperature superconducting material can be industrially produced and used commercially, then they will have an opportunity to cooperate.

Under normal pressure and with a superconducting temperature of 152K, the performance of this material, as long as the critical magnetic field and critical current density are not too bad, is destined to overwhelm all superconducting materials in the world.

Nexans is a very large company, one of the Fortune 500 companies in the world, and one of the top ten integrated wiring brands in the world. It covers cable manufacturing and engineering in many countries around the world.

Many of its products, such as winding wires, submarine cables, data cables, power cables, etc., rank first or second in the world.

But if you don't keep up with the pace in the field of superconductivity, you will soon miss this era and become history.

Superconducting materials are a revolution, and with its development, those backward companies will eventually be left behind.

Over the past two hundred years, several industrial revolutions have created several different powerful countries.

For the first time, the development of steam engines and related technologies allowed the Empire to almost dominate the world;

The second time in Europe and the United States, the development of electricity, internal combustion engines and chemical industries made machine production more efficient and large-scale, thus further promoting the industrialization process and making Europe and the United States stand at the top of the world;

The third time occurred in the mid-20th century to the present. The development of computers, Internet and communication technologies, led by the United States, has made machine production more intelligent and automated, thus promoting the process of digitization and informatization.

Historically, each industrial revolution lasted about a hundred years, and each time there would be one or several scientists who led the era in the field of science.

Today, the third industrial revolution has developed for more than eighty years, and it is visible to the naked eye that it has come to an end.

The gradual decline of the United States and the gradual rise of China seem to mean the end of the third industrial revolution and the beginning of the fourth industrial revolution.

Coupled with the appearance of Professor Xu, today's scientific world is as abnormal as those legendary scientists in history. In the dark, Kelvin Noah seems to have heard the beginning of the fourth industrial revolution.



At ten o'clock in the morning, the press conference on high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials officially began.

Xu Chuan walked onto the podium with steady steps, and behind him, a huge silver-white projection screen opened.

[152K, high temperature copper carbon silver composite superconducting material]

A line of titles in both Chinese and English appeared on the screen, and a silver-gray film rotated in the center of the curtain, representing today's theme.

As he took the stage, the originally slightly noisy venue suddenly became quiet, leaving only the sound of the camera.

Standing in front of the podium, Xu Chuan looked at the crowd in the audience and said, "First of all, welcome to all of you who have traveled thousands of miles to attend today's press conference."

"The theme of today's report, as shown on the screen behind me, is the launch of the latest achievement of the Sichuan Hai Institute of Materials, 'High Temperature Copper-Carbon-Silver Composite Superconducting Materials'."

While talking, Xu Chuan opened the PPT document prepared in advance by the institute.

"Superconducting materials and superconducting technology are one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century. They have extremely excellent performance and broad application prospects."

"Since 1911, when the physicist Onnis discovered that the resistance of mercury suddenly dropped to zero when the temperature dropped to 4.15K, superconducting materials have become a popular field of physics research and materials research in the past few decades.


"However, it is difficult to achieve superconductivity and requires extremely low temperatures to achieve, thus limiting its wide application in practical applications..."


On the podium, Xu Chuan talked eloquently, from the history of superconducting materials to today, to its importance, and then extended to the development of today's superconducting materials and "high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials."

"At normal pressure, the Tc critical temperature of 152K is the Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute, and it is also the first answer sheet I have handed over on this road."

"I believe that everyone here has obtained some of the relevant properties of this material from the invitation letter or other channels before coming, so I won't tantalize you."

While talking, Xu Chuan pressed the remote control pen in his hand.

The screen of the projection screen behind him jumped, and a table appeared on the screen.


The test data item by item was displayed on the screen. In the audience, the manufacturer representatives who saw the form involuntarily took a breath of air-conditioning.

As a representative arranged by the Superconducting Materials Company to attend today's report meeting, everyone is very clear about the meaning of each data on this form.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a new material that subverts the current field of high-temperature superconductivity.

Its performance is even better than that of copper oxide-based high-temperature superconducting materials. Not only are the critical temperature, critical magnetic field, critical current/current density and other superconducting index parameters almost overwhelming.

If we want to talk about shortcomings, it is that there are some deficiencies in some aspects of conventional physical properties.

Although copper oxide-based high-temperature superconducting materials are also in the ceramic state, some of its composite materials exceed this material in toughness, brittleness, stiffness, fatigue strength, etc.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! But compared with the excellent performance of this material in terms of super-large performance, it is not unacceptable that its physical properties have some flaws.

At least, there is no problem at all when equipment such as large strong particle collider, medical equipment, and maglev trains are used in a stable environment or when plates are used as superconducting equipment.

In addition, although this high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting material is highly brittle, there is no big problem in using the complete diamagnetic properties of the superconducting material to manufacture some precision instruments, such as frictionless gyroscopes, bearings and other equipment.

After all, as long as it does not cause too much vibration, accessories made of highly brittle materials will not be easily broken under normal circumstances.

Just like jade, unless you smash it on the ground or something, simply play with it or wear it, it will not break.

Therefore, if this material can be provided with a stable working place, it is not impossible to use it to manufacture some higher-precision equipment.

Of course, shaping the shape is a troublesome point. But this is basically not a problem for major manufacturers. No matter how strange the shape is, as long as someone needs it and there is money to make, they can try their best to come up with it.


He didn't waste too much time at the press conference. In about half an hour, Xu Chuan began to wrap things up.

"That concludes today's press conference."

"If you have any questions about the 'high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting material' developed by our Chuanhai Materials Research Institute, you can ask them now."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone in the audience stood up with their hands raised.

Xu Chuan motioned to the staff to hand over the microphone.

The questioner was a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes. He said: "Hello, Professor Xu, I am the representative of the SuperPower Research Institute of Furukawa Company. I would like to ask whether this high-temperature copper-carbon-silver superconducting material has been developed yet."

Is it ready for mass production?”

When this question was raised, all the manufacturer representatives in the venue pricked up their ears.

Without a doubt, this is the most critical question for everyone here.

On the podium, Xu Chuan said: "Currently, high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials have not yet entered mass production. I am looking for ways to mass-produce it and companies to cooperate with."

As soon as he finished speaking, arms in the venue quickly rose up.

Xu Chuan randomly picked one, and the other party quickly stood up and took the microphone from the staff: "Professor Xu, regarding this high-temperature superconducting material, will you apply for a patent and then sell the patent license like the previous artificial SEI film?


Xu Chuan: "I don't have this idea at the moment. I will probably take another approach to sell high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials. I will announce it after the specific situation is decided. Next."

Immediately, another raised arm was hit by him, and a middle-aged man in his forties stood up.

"Hello, Professor Xu, I am a representative of the AMSC Superconducting Company in the United States. I heard that the Chuanhai Institute of Materials under your name has a mysterious mathematical model for materials research. Are the artificial SEI films and high-temperature superconducting materials you study both

What about the ability to rely on this model?”

As soon as this question came up, there was some commotion in the venue.

To the outside world, Professor Xu standing on the podium is undoubtedly mysterious.

Not to mention that he is at the pinnacle of the scientific community in his twenties. What is even more exaggerated is that he has also developed like a duck in water in materials, a field that is completely different from mathematical physics.

Although there are not many achievements so far, there are only two types of artificial SEI films and 152K high-temperature superconducting materials, but the importance of both materials can be said to subvert related industries.

Many people want to know his secrets and how he developed these two materials.

In the past, these have been attributed to the talents of geniuses, but now it seems that there is another hidden reason?


PS: Second update, please vote for me!

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