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Chapter 373 Senior sister is back

After the celebration banquet, Xu Chuan finally took off his white coat and left the Qixia Mountain base.

He left the inspection and maintenance of Dawn Fusion equipment to Peng Hongxi and Zhao Hongzhi, the team leader who went to the Planck Plasma Institute for training.

The former is responsible for controlling the overall situation, while the latter is more familiar with the original ASDEX device. After all, he has been trained in Germany for such a long time.

After the acceptance work is completed, the next step is to officially start the ignition operation experiment of the Daybreak Fusion Equipment, as Xu Chuan said at the celebration banquet.

At present, the longest operating time of a tokama device or a tokamak-like device in the world is more than 120 seconds created by the superconducting tokamak device in France, and it achieves controlled heat release to generate energy.

However, the advancement and performance of controllable nuclear fusion reactors do not only depend on the operating time.

If you look at the operation time alone, as early as 2012, the EAST device achieved a high-parameter divertor plasma operation of 20 million degrees Celsius for 403 seconds.

But this is just a small step forward on the road to controllable nuclear fusion.

Because in addition to the running time, there are also two key indicators: plasma temperature and plasma density. Of course, the most important thing is the energy gain coefficient.

However, currently, no country has been able to achieve a net energy gain in the fusion reaction in terms of energy gain coefficient (Q).

Therefore, this indicator is currently basically excluded from fusion performance. Only when the conditions for the first three are met at the same time will the latter be considered.

At present, countries have adjusted from simply pursuing operating hours to pursuing hundreds of millions of temperatures while also pursuing operating hours.

For example, Korea created a running time of 20 seconds at a temperature of 100 million this year, breaking the world record at a temperature of 100 million.

However, this record will soon be surpassed. Xu Chuan remembers that next year, in May of 2021, the EAST device in Luyang achieved repeatable plasma operations of 120 million degrees Celsius for 101 seconds and 160 million degrees Celsius for 20 seconds.

, extending the original record of 20 seconds at 100 million degrees Celsius by a full five times.

In other words, if he wants to break the record in one fell swoop, the duration of the 100-million-level temperature must be at least one hundred seconds to be able to sit at the same time as ESAT.

But for him, a running time of one hundred seconds is not the goal.

The first run of the Daybreak fusion device, his goal was in thirty minutes!

If this goal were put into the field of controllable nuclear fusion, others would definitely think he was crazy.

Not to mention the tokamak device, which is a stellarator with unique advantages in the control system, the current longest running time is just over six minutes.

Half an hour, this is simply a fantasy.

But Xu Chuan is still somewhat confident in setting this goal.

Compared with other controllable nuclear fusion devices in the world, it has the two most obvious advantages!

The first one was the CNC model of plasma turbulence. Although the previous acceptance run only lasted a short time, judging from the feedback data, the mathematical model he built by himself was more perfect than he imagined.

The second advantage is that the modified and optimized Dawn Device is now a fully superconducting confinement fusion device like EAST.

And compared to the 25T magnetic field that EAST can provide, Dawn, which can provide more than 40T confinement magnetic field, has obviously greater advantages.

Therefore, Xu Chuan is still confident that it can run for half an hour.


On the day after the Dawn Fusion device was successfully ignited, the "Nuclear Industry News", "Science and Technology Innovation Herald" and other media invited to participate in the acceptance experiment conducted a phased report on the research progress of Qixia's controllable nuclear fusion project.


After receiving the news, the leaders of Jinling City also organized a group to visit the Qixia Nuclear Fusion Industrial Park and made some inquiries and inquiries to show their importance to the Qixia Controlled Nuclear Fusion Project.

However, Xu Chuan, whom these city leaders most wanted to see, was not seen during this operation.

Because now he has returned to Nanda.

It is not that there is any important scientific research work that needs to be carried out at Nanda. The inspection and maintenance of the Daybreak Fusion Device have just begun, and the experimental data generated by the acceptance operation have not yet been released.

However, at NTU, there was a person with whom he had a good relationship who returned from the United States.

With a hint of joy, Xu Chuan rushed back to Nanda.

When he opened the office door and saw the familiar figure, he also had a smile on his face.

"Long time no see, senior!"

The person who rushed back from the United States was Liu Jiaxin, who went to study at Princeton in 2018. Today, more than two years have passed.

In the past two years, although the contact has never been broken, Xu Chuan only met her once in early 2019. In the following years, on the one hand, because the air tickets were too expensive, the senior sister rarely came back.

, on the other hand, he was too busy after returning to China and missed every time his senior sister came back.

"Long time no see." Seeing Xu Chuan, Liu Jiaxin's face bloomed with a smile of joy, and she greeted Xu Chuan in a low voice as before.

"Congratulations on your graduation!" Xu Chuan walked forward with a smile and congratulated him.

From September 2018 to now, it has only been two years. It took two years to complete my studies at Princeton, which is already quite outstanding.

Moreover, during these two years of study, this senior also participated in two large-scale projects that could be world-class.

The first one is to participate in the ‘automatic cloud detection algorithm’ jointly developed by Princeton and the Spanish company Ubotica, and has made considerable contributions to the algorithm.

The main purpose of this technology is to use artificial intelligence technology to solve the problem that photos taken by artificial satellites are often obscured by clouds.

After processing by the automatic cloud detection algorithm, a large number of blurry and useless images containing clouds in satellite photos have been identified and deleted, and only usable photos are transmitted back to the ground, saving 30% of bandwidth and significantly reducing transmission costs.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The second one is even more important. When she was studying at Princeton, she reconstructed Princeton's artificial intelligence network security platform at the Joint Institute of Information, which was faster and more powerful.

Accurately and more thoroughly detect complex cyberattacks.

The optimized platform can quickly detect anomalies based on a large amount of multi-source heterogeneous data and algorithms, assist in identifying attack patterns, identify unknown threats, and shorten the time required to detect advanced persistent threats (APT) from an average of three months to


This is definitely a huge breakthrough for the development of network security. And this senior is one of the core players in this reconstruction of the platform.

It has to be said that after she solved the difficulties in life and entered a higher level of learning platform, Xu Chuan was amazed by her explosive talent.


After a few words of greeting, Xu Chuan asked with a smile: "You shouldn't go out again when you come back this time, right?"

Liu Jiaxin nodded and said softly: "Well, I won't go out."

"Have you thought about where to work?" Xu Chuan asked with a smile: "With your current ability, I'm afraid you won't refuse any company that develops artificial intelligence, right?"

"I haven't had any contact with it in China yet." Liu Jiaxin shook her head and said.

After she completed the reconstruction of Princeton's artificial intelligence network security platform before graduation, famous companies such as Google and Apple made offers to her, and the highest offer even offered an annual salary of 1.6 million yuan.

Although this annual salary is indeed considerable, she still wants to come back and contribute to the development of the country more than working abroad.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "If you haven't come into contact with domestic companies, how about coming to work here?"

"You should know that I previously opened a materials research institute and made a computational model for the direction of materials research. With the development of the research institute, network security work is a big problem."

"Since the release of high-temperature copper-carbon-silver superconducting materials at the end of last year, the institute has encountered many cyber attacks. Coupled with future scientific research and development, I am planning to build a protection platform first."

"In addition, including the future development of artificial intelligence and big data, I also need a reliable manpower to manage."

Establishing his own protection platform for the Chuanhai Materials Research Institute and developing things in the fields of artificial intelligence and big data are not decisions he made suddenly now.

After being disrupted by representatives of the American AMSC Superconducting Company at a press conference on high-temperature copper-carbon-silver superconducting materials last year, he thought about this.

There is no doubt that a protective platform is indispensable.

Artificial intelligence and big data are the future development trends.

Whether it is daily life or scientific research work, it is impossible to bypass artificial intelligence and big data.

Regarding the development of these two aspects, he plans to establish a new company to carry out a certain degree of layout. It does not necessarily mean how many markets he will seek or how big he will be, but he must at least ensure that he is qualified to enter this industry and ensure his own development.

For example, the material calculation model of the Chuanhai Institute of Materials, the underlying architecture was written by him before, but he did not know much about the program. The current architecture has limited subsequent development.

Academician Zhang Pingxiang clearly pointed out this problem when studying and optimizing high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials.

Xu Chuan also knows, but he has nothing to do at the moment.

It was impossible for him to give up the current project and focus on optimizing the material calculation model, so he could only put it down for the time being.

At the beginning of the year, he planned to find a suitable person through headhunting to support this work, but he was still busy with the controllable nuclear fusion project and put it on hold.

Now that this senior is back, with her current ability, there should be no big problem in supporting this job.

After listening to Xu Chuan's words, Liu Jiaxin agreed without thinking: "As long as you don't dislike me."

The speed of agreeing was so straightforward that Xu Chuan didn't even react for a moment.

After a pause, he smiled and said, "You agreed without even discussing salary or anything else?"

"You're not afraid that I'll sign a contract and let you pay to work."


PS: There will be another chapter tonight, please vote for me!

This chapter has been completed!
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