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Chapter 388 The United States cannot sit still

For controllable nuclear fusion technology, using helium-3 and hydrogen to simulate high-density plasma operation experiments and directly using deuterium and tritium raw materials for ignition operation are completely different things.

In fact, apart from the route of inertial confinement, which imitates the explosion of a hydrogen bomb, on the route of magnetic confinement, there are almost only a handful of countries and devices that have actually conducted ignition operation experiments.

The former does not have very high requirements for experimental equipment. It is enough to form magnetic field constraints and allow high-temperature plasma flow to run in the reactor chamber.

Although helium-3 and hydrogen can simulate the operating state of high-density plasma at high temperatures, they are still different from the fusion ignition of deuterium and tritium raw materials.

When helium-3 and hydrogen are run in the reactor chamber, they will not actually produce fusion. This is the biggest difference.

When each deuterium and tritium atom fuses, it will release huge amounts of energy and neutrons, which will affect the high-temperature plasma running in the reactor chamber.

In addition, the neutron beam released during the fusion process will also escape from the confinement magnetic field, causing extremely serious damage to the first wall material.

This is what is bound to happen during the deuterium-tritium fusion process.

It is common knowledge in the physics world that neutrons cannot be bound by magnetic fields.

If someone could really restrain neutrons, the entire theoretical physics community and even the entire physics community would have to kneel down and ask him for guidance on the way forward.

Neutron irradiation produced by deuterium and tritium fusion is one of the most difficult problems to solve in the entire controlled nuclear fusion.

The damage caused by neutron irradiation to materials is not only the transmutation of atoms and the destruction of internal chemical bonds, but also the destruction of the purest physical structure.

It is like bullets hitting a steel plate, each time it will create a hole in the steel plate.

Of course, it's just at the micro level.

How to solve the problem of neutron irradiation produced during deuterium and tritium fusion and the selection of first wall materials are also a super problem in controllable nuclear fusion.

Now that the Daybreak Fusion Device has reached this point, facing the neutron irradiation produced by deuterium and tritium fusion is something that is just around the corner.

In the main control room, Xu Chuan held his breath and looked at the large monitoring screen.

After the deuterium and tritium raw materials are injected into the Daybreak fusion device, they are quickly transformed into a plasma state with the support of the icrf heating antenna system.

The outer coil forms a confinement magnetic field to quickly confine the plasma deuterium and tritium raw materials in the channel formed by the CNC model. The fine-tuning magnetic field stably regulates these trace amounts of high-temperature plasma and runs in the chamber.

If you have a pair of eyes that can see microscopically, you will see the most wonderful scene in the universe in the Dawn Fusion Device at this moment.

Under high temperatures of hundreds of millions of degrees, the outer electrons of deuterium and tritium atoms are stripped away, and the atomic nuclei are exposed. The extremely high temperature brings extremely high activity to these plasmas. Each atomic nucleus is like a high-speed

Like the cars on the road, they were speeding on the road.

When a deuterium nucleus collides with a tritium nucleus, the most wonderful reaction in the universe occurs!

Deuterium and tritium fuse to form helium atoms and a neutron, releasing huge amounts of energy.

This is the source of all life and the ultimate energy source of human dreams.

In the main control room, as the deuterium and tritium raw materials were turned into plasma, reports sounded excitedly one after another.

"High-temperature deuterium-tritium plasma detected!"

"The field superconducting coil is operating in good condition!"

"Fusion reaction observed!"

"Strong neutron irradiation detected on the first wall!"


Every time a report sounded, everyone's hearts beat violently.

The most exciting thing was the report of "observed fusion reaction".

This means that in the Daybreak Fusion Device, the plasma deuterium and tritium raw materials successfully completed collision and fusion, releasing a large amount of energy.

Perhaps what produces the fusion reaction is only a drop in the bucket of this milligram of deuterium and tritium raw material, but it still shines like a star, making people intoxicated.

At this moment, the deuterium and tritium plasma flowing in the Dawn Fusion Device is like a dream coming into reality.

Although its mass is only one milligram, although its operation time is only a short minute, although it is only a staged achievement for controllable nuclear fusion.

But it is still extremely bright, as long as a century, and like a red sun rising from the east.

As the icrf heating antenna is turned off, the current supply to the superconducting coil stops, and the plasma temperature in the reactor chamber also drops rapidly.

When the entire Daybreak Fusion Device completely stopped operating, the cheers that had been suppressed for a long time finally resounded throughout the laboratory.

"It worked! We succeeded!"

I don't know who shouted, and the solemn atmosphere was instantly detonated, and everyone cheered.

Some people cheered excitedly, some hugged each other to celebrate, and some were gently wiping the moisture from the corners of their eyes with their hands.

Standing in the crowd, Xu Chuan also showed a bright smile.

In any case, today, they have created a new glory, and history will be written by them.

The complete success of the high-density plasma operation for more than two hours and the deuterium-tritium raw material ignition operation experiment means that the Daybreak Fusion Device has successfully entered the second stage on the road to controllable nuclear fusion.

Looking at the entire world, there is no country or experimental reactor that can achieve this level!

They are now truly the world's number one in the field of controllable nuclear fusion.

Of course, with the operation of this experiment, there are many troubles and problems they have to solve.

The biggest trouble is the neutron radiation produced during the ignition and fusion of deuterium and tritium raw materials.

Although this experiment only ran for a short minute, the magnetic field constrained by the CNC model still played a stable role in firmly controlling the high-temperature plasma turbulence, even though the deuterium and tritium raw materials were only one milligram.

However, the neutron irradiation generated during the deuterium-tritium fusion process still caused a certain degree of damage to the Dawn Fusion device, whether it was the first wall material or other equipment.

Fortunately, the operation time is not long, the amount of irradiation is not large, and the damage caused by neutron irradiation is within the repairable range.

But even so, the Daybreak Fusion Device will no longer be able to start operating experiments in a short period of time.

Of course, although the price paid is high, the rewards are also quite rich.

More than two hours of high-density plasma operation data, the feasibility of fusion ignition operation of deuterium and tritium raw materials in the Tokamak device, neutron irradiation data of the first wall material, etc.

These are extremely valuable experimental data.

Especially the neutron irradiation data of the first wall material, its scientific research value cannot be converted into money.

In the world, there is such data obtained after one minute of ignition and fusion of real deuterium and tritium raw materials, which can be said to be unique.

Perhaps some devices that have ventured into ignition operation before have similar data, but Xu Chuan can be sure that those ignition operation times will basically not exceed ten seconds.

In China, this has never happened before.

Even the most advanced EAT has never conducted an ignition operation experiment using deuterium and tritium raw materials.

The second ignition operation of the Dawn Device did not attract much attention from the outside world, and there was not much discussion on the Internet.

However, in the field of controllable nuclear fusion, the situation is completely different.

Two hours of high-density plasma operation and one minute of deuterium and tritium raw material fusion ignition operation brought a shock that was not weaker than the 45-minute operation time of the first creation.'

Almost all scholars working on controllable nuclear fusion know what this means.

Although the start of fusion ignition operation of deuterium and tritium raw materials is only the first step towards the true realization of controllable nuclear fusion. But compared to those who are still lingering outside the door, this is already a huge lead.


USA, Princeton PPPL Laboratory.

Halifax Bruce, the supervisor who was discussing with Fefferman how to further optimize the control model of the pppl device, received this surprising news.

Across the way, looking at Halifax Bruce whose expression was changing extremely complicatedly, Fefferman asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

Upon hearing the inquiry, Halifax came back from his distraction and said with a hint of envy in his tone: "Over in China, Professor Xu restarted the Daybreak Fusion Experiment for the second time, not only achieving a two-hour high-density

Plasma operation, and also tried a one-minute deuterium and tritium raw material fusion ignition operation.”

Hearing this, Fefferman was stunned for a moment and said: "Two hours? Deuterium-tritium fusion ignition? Are they progressing so fast?"

Halifax Bruce smiled bitterly and said: "The news report has come out, it should be true."

After a pause, he continued: "In comparison, we are far behind. The longest high-density plasma operation time that pppl can achieve so far is only more than ten seconds. As for deuterium and tritium fusion operation, it is even more

No time in sight.”

With that said, Halifax looked at Fefferman and said bitterly: "It seems that what you said was right. Professor Xu is the real key in controlling plasma turbulence."

Judging from the high-density plasma operation achieved by the Daybreak Fusion Device for forty-five minutes and more than two hours, no one would believe that Xu Chuan does not have an excellent plasma turbulence control plan.

He has even completed the research and development of a mathematical model of plasma turbulence.

After all, under the current situation where major research institutions are still advancing in seconds, a two-hour running time is really an exaggeration.

At the beginning, pppl laboratory also had such an opportunity.

Fefferman once told him that only if Professor Xu joins, can they hope to develop a control model for high-temperature plasma turbulence. However, he did not pay attention to it. Although he did personally invite him, he only gave up after inviting him once.


But now, the other party is already ahead. The plasma turbulence control model that pppl and Fefferman are working on is still far away, and the operating time of the pppl device is still at the second level.

Opposite me, Fefferman shook his head and said: "In terms of mathematical ability alone, I'm afraid there are few people in the current mathematical world who can match him."

"Perhaps I can compare with him in some areas of expertise, but overall, not to mention me, even the all-powerful Professor Tao is probably no match for him."

"Two of the Seven Millennium Problems. Throughout the history of mathematics, there are only a handful of achievements that can be compared."

"Perhaps his current influence is not as great as that of the great mathematicians in history, but as long as he continues to develop in the mathematical community, his influence will increase as time goes by."

Halifax Bruce shrugged, then seemed to think of something. After thinking for a moment, he excitedly said: "Feferman, do you think we have the opportunity to purchase a batch of high-temperature copper carbon from Professor Xu?"

Silver composite superconducting material.”

"Judging from Planck's stellarator Helix 7, it is not just the mathematical model of plasma turbulence that affects the running time. I believe that the Planck Institute of Plasma definitely does not have a mathematical model, but they used the high temperature to

Superconducting materials can still run for half an hour on the stellarator."

"If it can be purchased, the pppl device may be able to run for half an hour."

Fefferman thought for a while and said: "There is indeed a chance. He is a person who is very nostalgic for old friendships. If it is purchased in the name of Princeton, he should agree."

After a pause, he added: "If Deligne and Witten are involved, the probability will be even greater."

Hearing this, Halifax fist-bumped and said with a smile: "Of course, I will visit Deligne and Witten."

On the other side, Washington.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! When the dawn fusion device made another two hours of progress, the American energy leaders finally couldn't sit still and held a press conference in the White Room.

Standing in front of the podium, Dan Brouillette, the director of the U.S. Energy Corporation, was talking eloquently, delivering a speech on the controllable nuclear fusion technology that has attracted much attention recently, and at the same time announced that he would increase investment in the field of controllable nuclear fusion, etc.


At the same time, Dan Brouillette also responded to the long-circulated rumors that the United States intends to withdraw from the iter organization. Of course, this is not his main purpose.

The purpose of publicly responding to this point at a press conference is not just to simply inspire national confidence, but also to defeat the goal of another country.

"The United States has never had plans to withdraw from iter. On the contrary, not only will we not withdraw, we will continue to increase our investment in iter and fulfill our responsibilities and obligations in iter."

"At this point, the United States will not be like a certain country that uses iter to obtain a large amount of technology in the field of controllable nuclear fusion, but never fulfills its responsibilities and obligations."

"Using iter's sharing agreement to draw technology from iter to strengthen itself, but not sharing its own research, is obviously a violation of the agreement. At this point, our great United States will continue to assume the position of the world's police and protect iter member states.


"At the same time, we will also increase investment in the field of controllable nuclear fusion, increase cooperation with allies, and do our best to complete the research and development of controllable nuclear fusion technology as soon as possible."


p: Please give me monthly votes. Big guys, please give me monthly votes. My ranking has been falling all the way.

This chapter has been completed!
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