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Chapter 395 The last hope for the whole of Europe

While there was a lot of discussion on the Internet, Xu Chuan had locked himself in the office for several days.

He didn't pay attention to the news on the Internet, and was concentrating on studying issues such as magnetic surface tearing caused by deuterium and tritium fusion.

It has to be said that after having the actual operation data and combining it with the relevant theories that he had perfected before, he had an easy time breaking through this problem.

It is impossible to rely on a simple mathematical model of plasma turbulence to solve this problem, but by cooperating with the modification of the outer superconducting coil of the Daybreak Fusion Device, he is confident that the tearing of the magnetic surface can be suppressed without affecting the reactor chamber.

The extent to which high-temperature plasma operates.

Although the problem has not been completely solved, if this step can be achieved, the impact will not be significant.

Just wait for the next dawn run and conduct the experiment again to verify.

If the magnetic surface tearing problem and the first wall material can be solved, the demonstration reactor can be started directly.

Judging from the completeness of the Qixia Controlled Nuclear Fusion Park, the construction of the demonstration reactor only requires the assembly of a new controllable nuclear fusion reactor in the core area.

This doesn't take much time.

As for the comments on the Internet, unless he saw it himself, no one at the Qixia Controlled Nuclear Fusion Engineering Base would take the initiative to show it to him.

After checking the compiled data, Xu Chuan saved the relevant data with satisfaction.

Just at this moment, a call came to his mobile phone.

I picked up the phone and took a look. The caller was Professor David Gross, the chairman of CRN.

"Professor Gross, long time no see. Can Cern come in and work?"

After answering the phone, Xu Chuan asked with a smile. The initial solution to the problem of magnetic surface tearing made him feel really good.

But David Gross was in a very bad mood.

"No, not good at all." Gross replied with a sigh, shaking his head.

Xu Chuan smiled and asked curiously: "What's wrong? There is a problem with the construction of LHC?"

After Cern decided to stop exploring dark matter and sterile neutrinos in the first half of the year, the Cern Board of Directors decided to upgrade the Large Strong Particle Collider LHC and also purchased a batch of high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials from him.

According to the progress, the LHC upgrade should be about halfway through.

Gross sighed and said: "Yes. This is not only a matter of Cern, but also has something to do with you."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan was keenly aware of something and asked: "Has anyone been involved in the construction of the LHC? Will you cancel the order for high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials?"

Opposite, Professor David Gross was silent for a moment, nodded with a wry smile and said: "Well, the matter at TER has affected us. The directors from the member states have canceled the order from Cern and you, and are preparing to start again from

Sakura Country purchases high-temperature superconducting materials."

The funders behind it are overly involved in scientific research, which is a fate that almost any large international joint scientific research institution or organization cannot escape.

Although in normal times, the member states behind these may not dictate matters such as research work and procurement of equipment, materials, etc.

But if it involves some important technological competition, or decisions, such as the construction and site selection of the ter demonstration reactor, the member states behind these institutions and organizations will all have the brains.

After all, these things are of great benefit to the founding country.

The same goes for CRN. Normally, member states and directors don't interfere much in their work, but once the member states unite to decide something, they, the scholars and researchers, have little effect.

Unless they quit collectively, this is obviously not realistic.

For research in the field of high energy physics, currently there is no other research institution that can replace Cern.

What he regretted was not only the cancellation of the order for high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials, but also Professor Xu's exploration methods for dark matter and sterile neutrinos on the phone.

Professor Xu's previous agreement to cooperate with Cern was based on an order for high-temperature superconducting materials. Now that the order has been cancelled, he has no obligation to cooperate with Cern anymore.

Hearing the news, Xu Chuan was not too surprised or surprised.

The higher-ups had already greeted him before. Now that cern has canceled its order for high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials, it is also expected.

After thinking for a while, Xu Chuan asked: "What's the result over there?"

Hearing this, David Gross asked curiously: "You don't know?"

Xu Chuan shook his head and said: "I have been doing my own research these days, and I don't know much about what is happening in the outside world."

Gross sighed and said: "Your country has voluntarily withdrawn from the TER organization. It is currently cleaning up information and related things and preparing to evacuate."

Xu Chuan smiled nonchalantly and said, "Just quit. The progress of TER is really too slow. Countries are constantly arguing with each other about scientific research funding. I believe you can feel this too."

Gross nodded and sighed softly.

Indeed, this kind of problem is common to almost all international joint organizations, and Cern is no exception.

In the years he has been in charge of Cern, the most important work he has done is not scientific research or directing how Cern operates, but explaining the use of funds and various scientific research results to member states.

There is no way, in the scientific research world, generally speaking, whoever controls the funding is the father.

After chatting with Professor David Gross for a while, Xu Chuan hung up the phone.

Cern canceled the order for high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials under pressure from the United States. Although it was expected, it is still a bit painful.

After all, this is an order worth several billion.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! However, in the face of the announcement of high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials and plasma turbulence CNC models, it is not unacceptable.

It is a pity that the high-temperature superconducting materials produced by Western Superconducting Group for LHC transformation were wasted.

After all, the relevant materials were already in production after the contract was signed.

However, after the high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting material is finalized, it is almost impossible to change its shape and be used in other devices due to its physical properties.

Perhaps, the schedule and arrangements for building a large strong particle collider will have to be put forward.

While thinking, an idea came to Xu Chuan's mind.

Affected by controllable nuclear fusion technology and TER, Cern may further exclude Chinese scholars.

If this is the case, it is completely necessary to build your own large strong particle collider.

In the office, Xu Chuan thought for a moment, then turned on his computer and searched for ter-related news reports.

Although the matter of Hua Guo voluntarily withdrawing from TER did not spread widely in the country and became known to everyone, it also became a hot topic.

I have to say that there is really a lot of ignorance on the Internet.

Whether they are those who worship foreigners, those who think they are right, or those who believe that the victim is guilty, relevant comments account for most of the Internet.

Maybe there are not many of these people in reality, but on the Internet, they are always the first ones to rush into major hot news.

Coupled with the amplification effect of the Internet, this also results in various hot news often being filled with chaos.

Especially in the case of high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials, many people believe that it is because he sold the materials and made billions of dollars, so he is unwilling to disclose relevant information and is unwilling to accept investigation.

Starting from this point, I then commented on China's "exit", thinking that it delayed the development of the country.

I have to say that the starting point and the rhythm of these people do seem reasonable and have been echoed by many people.

It's just that they have never understood the truth of the matter, and they all rely on the reports of some media, and even from marketing accounts and reports of some foreign propaganda media to understand the distorted truth, and then judge him.


Xu Chuan didn't care about these comments, let alone get angry because of them.

Although he is not a star actor or anything, his reputation on the Internet is not low. After all, he can be said to be the number one person in the current academic circles in China, and he has the attributes of a celebrity.

In fact, when he has reached his current height, or has become a celebrity on the Internet, the general public's attention and curiosity about him is no longer about how many scientific research results he has done, or what contributions he has made to the country, R&D

Something happened.

Although the above-mentioned things can indeed attract the attention of netizens, they can only be done with a few words of praise after news reports.

And if there are reports on private life or moral aspects, it can cause a wave of news in an instant.

Just like back then, the old man who kept the Chinese people well fed and prevented the food crisis from strangling others caused a lot of scolding on the Internet because he touched a Mercedes-Benz out of curiosity at an auto show.

Someone asked him if he had embezzled people's hard-earned money. Why should a scientific researcher drive a luxury car and live in a villa?

As everyone knows, the old man's villa was awarded to him by the country because of his great contributions.

Moreover, the old man did not live in this villa, but transformed this "mansion" into a rice research center.

It was in this villa awarded to him by the country that the old man led a team to develop salt-alkali-tolerant "sea rice".

This kind of rice can "turn tidal flats into fertile farmland." Relying on the results of this research, the country can increase its grain output by at least 50 billion kilograms a year and feed at least 200 million more people.

Xu Chuan understands the thoughts of some people very well. In the minds of some people, scientific researchers should be poor and needy.

Of course, it is more because these things allow them to stand on the highest moral point and evaluate a person who they could not otherwise evaluate.

After all, for most keyboard warriors, their knowledge and level are only enough to support them in morally speaking against Fang Qiu.

After briefly flipping through ter-related news reports, Xu Chuan shook his head and closed the web page.

After thinking for a moment, he sent a message to Senior Brother Fan Pengyue and Fan from the Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute.

For him, since the United States used its influence in Cern to cancel his order, it would be inconsistent with his character to not respond.

On the other side, Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute.

Fan Pengyue, who was dealing with Cern's cancellation of orders for high-temperature superconducting materials, heard a special ringtone on his cell phone: "ding dong."

Putting down the pen in his hand, he picked up his phone and read the message.

"Through the media, it was announced that because of ter's non-compliance with international conventions, the Sichuan and Sea Materials Research Institute will no longer provide high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials to ter and the remaining six member states of ter."

Seeing this news, Fan Pengyue's mouth curled up, and he shook his head with a smile.

He was not very surprised by this news.

Based on that junior's character, if he knew that cern canceled the order and the related reasons, he would definitely not suffer such a dumb loss. It would be his character to fight back.

In other words, the person who sent him the message would not care about these huge markets at all.

If it were anyone else, if they were a businessman, they would probably choose to hold back, right?

After all, these countries are the real main buyers of high-temperature superconducting materials.

Smiling and shaking his head, Fan Pengyue picked up the phone on the table and called the department responsible for media reporting.

Now that he has made a decision, he can just implement it as required.

Anyway, Boss Xu is not short of money, so it doesn’t matter.

Rather, he wanted to know how Europe would react when they heard the news.

Ever since the Helix 7 produced one-hour operation results, the European side has been contacting him, hoping to purchase a batch of high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials from the Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute.

Now that hope has been directly extinguished, people in Europe will probably regret it, right?

After all, the superconducting performance of high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials is much better than other high-temperature superconducting materials currently on the market.

Without this, the progress in research on controllable nuclear fusion will be far behind.

As for the German Planck Institute for Plasma Research, it was really lucky that the deal was completed before June. If it were delayed for a while, it might also be affected by the United States.

As for now, it is estimated to be the last hope for all of Europe.

This is good news for the Germanic countries, but other countries that follow the United States are not so happy.

The EU seems to be a whole, but each has its own little thoughts.

Especially in the technology of controllable nuclear fusion.

ps: As for yesterday’s chapter, I went to Xiangya Hospital this afternoon and came back late, sorry.

This chapter has been completed!
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