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Chapter 429: Listen, is this human talk?

To be able to sit at the same table with this old man, eat breakfast and make homely meals, there are probably not many people on this planet who can have this kind of treatment, let alone in this country.

Of course, for the other person sitting at the dinner table, it's probably about the same.

Originally, Xu Chuan thought the old man was staying here and came here to have breakfast with him this morning because he wanted to talk to him about something.

As a result, breakfast was all finished, and the old man didn't say anything. He just chatted and asked him to have a good rest. If you have any needs, please feel free to ask him.

In fact, the old man did have something to discuss with him. After all, controllable nuclear fusion technology has been developed, and it is necessary to listen to this person's opinions and views on some paths for the development of national science and technology.

But the time is not today. The controllable nuclear fusion was just ignited yesterday. It's a bit too hasty to ask him for advice today.

At least, let people take a good rest for a while.

It’s not too late to talk about future development after the official awards ceremony is over.


North, Cosmo.

In a conference room in the Kremlin, an elderly man who didn't look too tall but had a very Wuyi appearance was sitting at the head of the table, listening to other people in the office arguing with each other.

Today's meeting is not the first time.

Last night, they had already held an emergency meeting.

China has ignited the spark of controllable nuclear fusion, which is not good news for them.

In fact, it can be said to be quite bad news.

Although the two countries can barely be called 'allies' in the international situation, this relationship is not very reliable, especially between the two countries.

If they were one large and one small, that would be okay.

Small countries pose no threat to big countries at all, and their development needs are not at the same level.

But if both countries are big countries, it would be difficult to explain.

More importantly, Tsarist Russia is highly dependent on the export of various fossil energy sources to obtain foreign exchange and funds.

For the Great Emperor, who is sitting at the top, no one knows better than him how much they rely on the energy system.

In 2020, the total export trade volume of Tsarist Russia was about 450 billion meters of gold, and the export of oil alone reached 45 billion meters of gold.

The proportion is about one-tenth.

Not to mention other fossil energy exports such as natural gas, coal, methane, etc.

If all were added together, the total would probably account for more than one-fifth of total trade, or even more.

It is not a good thing for a country to have such a single economic structure.

They also want to transform, but restricted by the international situation, it is almost impossible to do so.

If the emergence of controllable nuclear fusion technology causes the oil-meter dollar system to begin to slide towards collapse, then it is not a good thing for their rupee, and it can even be said to be unacceptable.

Perhaps in the short term, considering the international situation, China still needs their ally to support the situation.

But there is no doubt that in the future, China, which has mastered controllable nuclear fusion technology, will have more say in the discourse on energy.

At this moment, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open. The emperor's assistant walked over quickly and whispered softly: "The chief of the embassy over there requests to meet you."

The emperor nodded and said: "Please ask him to wait for a while. I will go over after the meeting here."

If it is normal time, in this case, you need to make an appointment at least some time in advance.

Many times, it’s not just that you can see someone if you want to.

After all, every move made by people like them contains a lot of meaning.

Sometimes, a meeting with a diplomatic ambassador may cause changes in the international situation.

But the current situation is relatively special, and neither they nor China can care so much.

Moreover, compared to China, Tsarist Russia currently needs more support from its ‘allies’.

Of course, this ally can be China or other countries.

But now, he hopes to cooperate more with China.

After all, China was the first country to master controllable nuclear fusion, a technology that ushered in a new era.


After having breakfast, Xu Chuan and the old man separated and went to the Dawn Demonstration Reactor Engineering Base.

Although the Dawn Demonstration Reactor has been successfully ignited and completed power generation, there is still a way to go before final commercial application, grid connection, etc.

Of course, for them, this section of the road is just a matter of course, and they don't need to worry too much.

Unless there is any major problem with the Dawn Demonstration Reactor during this process.

However, he is still very confident in the fusion reactor he built with his own hands.

After checking the operation and related work of the demonstration reactor, Xu Chuan returned to the office and began to stare at the computer in a daze.

Without the usual busyness, endless documents to sign, and endless meetings, he actually felt a little empty this time.

He smiled dumbly, got up and walked out of the office.

The problem that he had originally planned to spend half his life struggling with was solved, and it was time for him to relax his tense nerves and body.


The days passed leisurely for two days. After no longer busy with work, Xu Chuan lazily fished in the artificial lake in Qixia Nuclear Fusion Industrial Park.

It is said to be an artificial lake, but it is actually a reservoir built according to the terrain.

On the one hand, it is used for emergency water storage. After all, it is a nuclear power plant. Just in case, the valve can be opened directly to release the water in the artificial lake for quick emergency response.

On the other hand, it is used as a leisure venue.

After more than two years of development, other people put a lot of various fish fry inside, and then it evolved into a fishing place.

I have to say that things like fishing are also spread from person to person.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! In the beginning, there were only a few people fishing by the lake occasionally, and then it gradually evolved into at least two digits of people fishing by the lake every day.

Even the fish in the lake are as fat as koi carps.

There is no way, how can a group of researchers know how to fish? Everyone is very skilled in making nests, so that the fish are white and fat.

"Academician Xu, long time no see."

By the lake, a smiling voice rang in his ears. Xu Chuan turned his head and glanced, and a familiar old man came into his eyes.

"Hey, what kind of wind is blowing for you?" Seeing the person coming, Xu Chuan stood up and greeted with a smile. The person coming was the mathematics professor from Shuimu, Mr. Qiu Chengtong Qiu.

"I was watching the news broadcast two days ago and saw an earth-shattering news."

Qiu Chengtong found a stool left by an unknown fishing guy and sat down. He smiled and said, "Controllable nuclear fusion. I never thought that I would have the opportunity to see it come true. I have never dreamed of it."


"The widely circulated slogan is indeed well-deserved. No matter which field he goes to, Professor Xu can solve the most difficult problems in that field."

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Without the cooperation of others and the support of the country, it is absolutely impossible to achieve such an achievement with my own strength."

Mr. Qiu laughed and said: "What's the use of having more people? Countries have gathered so many people and studied it for so many years, but there's not much progress?"

"Scientific research has always been led by the top group of people."

After listening to Mr. Qiu's words, Xu Chuan smiled and said nothing.

Although this statement is true, if it were spread, it would probably offend a large number of people.

But this old gentleman probably didn't care either. His temperament was always straightforward and he would say whatever he had to say without any hesitation.

Smiling, Xu Chuan avoided the topic and asked: "Mr. Qiu came here today, could he come here specifically to praise me?"

Qiu Chengtong smiled and said: "Why, can't you?"

Xu Chuan smiled and shook his head and said: "It may be possible for others, but for you, Mr. Qiu, it probably doesn't happen."

Qiu Chengtong smiled and said: "It's true that something happened, but it's actually not a big deal."

After a slight pause, he suppressed the smile on his face and continued: "About the world of mathematics."

"Huh?" Xu Chuan looked over with confusion and curiosity, and asked curiously: "What's going on in the mathematics world?"

Qiu Chengtong: "The International Mathematical Union (IMU) reviewed the development of the mathematics community in the past two decades and found that the mathematics community seems to be beginning to forget some previous mathematical knowledge."

"For example, in 1981, Professor Michael Friedman's proof of the four-dimensional Poincaré conjecture showed that this groundbreaking topology result is being forgotten by today's mathematical community because the only few mathematicians who understand it are older than

Getting bigger and bigger and leaving the field.”

"Not only are these old mathematicians leaving, but certain shapes that are similar to a four-dimensional sphere in some ways must also be similar to a four-dimensional sphere in other ways, making them 'homeomorphic.'"

"Therefore, the International Mathematical Union is preparing to hold a conference to promote the organization of mathematical knowledge from various countries, and at the same time, it also hopes to rejuvenate those ancient mathematical knowledge."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan probably understood what Mr. Qiu meant and said with a smile: "This is a good thing, but where is the address where the meeting is held?"

"If I were abroad, I might not be able to go out."

He naturally supports this kind of thing that is beneficial to the development of mathematics, but the controllable nuclear fusion technology has just been completed, and he probably won't be able to get out recently.

After all, the risk is too great.

Qiu Chengtong smiled and said: "The location of the event is at Shuimu University. The time has not been completely determined yet, but it should be this year. I came here because I wanted to show off my old face and invite you to help calm the place."

"Originally, I was worried that you were working on controllable nuclear fusion and couldn't spare the time. I didn't expect that your speed was too fast. Something that has been studied by the whole world for decades fell into your hands.

It was done in one go.”

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "It's not all at once, more than two years have passed since the Qixia Controlled Nuclear Fusion Project."

Qiu Chengtong glanced at him sideways and complained helplessly: "Is two years a long time?"

Xu Chuan coughed and said, "This is probably the longest time it has taken me to solve a certain problem."

Of course, he took into account the time in his past and present lives, which added up to more than ten years.

Upon hearing this, Qiu Chengtong's mouth twitched, and he suddenly didn't want to talk to him.

It took two years to solve the problem of controllable nuclear fusion, but I think it took too long.


Is this human speech?


PS: There is another chapter tonight, please vote for me

This chapter has been completed!
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