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Chapter 45 Heading to Bright Moon City

Chapter 45 Heading to Mingyue City

Zhang Weiping did not refute Xu Chuan's words. He sighed and said, "This is difficult."

There is indeed nothing wrong with Xu Chuan's speculation and what he said. He knows very well how many changes in functions and algorithms can be said to be endless.

Anyway, just a function, the current mathematical community does not know how many types there are, so it is impossible to establish a mathematical model for each function system.

But at present, apart from this method, there is really no good way.

As for finding the basic mathematical laws behind encryption methods, they are also doing this, but to no avail.

After all, the information encryption was created by Asia, the most powerful country in the world in the first area. It would be great if it was really that easy to crack.

Although some words may add to others' prestige and undermine one's own ambition, the gap is indeed as clear as Mount Everest.

Although this encryption method looks a bit like the information encryption during World War II, it is actually a combination of function + algorithm. It is a new encryption system. It not only integrates conventional encryption algorithms such as symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption, but also integrates

This huge mathematical system directly blocks the ability to use supercomputers to forcibly decipher it.

It is true that supercomputing can be used for mathematical calculations, but it is also based on mathematical models. Without a corresponding mathematical model, even if you increase the performance of supercomputing to the sky, it will not be able to do anything.

Yuhang City is not very far from Mingyue City and can be reached by high-speed train in more than an hour.

"How about coming here to study? I'll take you there myself."

This is an honor that no mathematician with Yuxia nationality has ever received.

Every morning I have to explain and absorb the content knowledge that I usually have for the past three or four months. Although this knowledge has been learned before, it is not so easy to keep up with the rhythm.

Zhang Weiping nodded and said: "The original cipher text is indeed not like this, but I don't have it here. If you want to see it, you have to go to the Mingyue City Information Security Department, where the original cipher text is."

Not to mention that no player in China has ever received this honor, but no one in the entire world has ever received it.

"Can I see the original encrypted message?"

He takes it personally!

"How is the scenery here? Classmate Xu Chuan."

"It's really difficult, but it's the most effective."

Morning run, breakfast, around seven in the morning, when other students got up to wash up and have breakfast, Xu Chuan was already on the bus to the high-speed rail station.

In fact, if it hadn't been for what happened tonight, he wouldn't have believed there was such a genius in the world.

Xu Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly understood why Academician Zhang took him around in a circle to introduce him to various campus scenery.

It was dark outside at this moment, and my roommate was still sleeping soundly, snoring loudly.

This kid is not yet eighteen years old. He still has twenty-two years in the future. As long as he puts his energy into mathematics, he can definitely expect a Fields Medal.

"How about we leave tomorrow? I'm very interested in this." Xu Chuan asked.

Countless top students graduate from here every year, and their national reputation is sometimes even better than Mizuki's.

"Well, I'll ask someone to buy tickets for tomorrow. You can go back and have a good rest tonight. You don't have to go back to the classroom. Let's set off at eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

Soon, Xu Chuan and Zhang Weiping rushed to Sun Moon University where the Information Security Department is located.

Zhang Weiping smiled like an old fox trying to kidnap a little white rabbit.

On the lawn, there are oleander, cherry blossoms, roses, roses and other plants, creating a gorgeous and colorful picture.

Xu Chuan shook his head and then asked: "Teacher Zhang, the questions on those paper cards must have been translated. I think the original encrypted message should not be like this, right?"

IMO is a global competition. All students participating represent the face of the country, so naturally the strongest ones should be selected.

However, for students who can enter the National University, hard work is the basic requirement. After a period of adaptation, most people can still handle it.

Zhang Weiping grinned and said that he had indeed found a treasure this time.

After saying goodbye to Zhang Weiping, Xu Chuan went directly back to the dormitory to sort out his things.

No one believes this kind of thing when I say it, but it actually happened before my eyes, which is simply unbelievable.

Walking on the campus, Zhang Weiping asked with a smile, and from time to time he would introduce the famous and chronological buildings on the Sun and Moon Campus.

"It's beautiful." Xu Chuan agreed.

A high school student has a mathematical ability comparable to that of a university professor, and his sensitivity to mathematics is beyond that of most geniuses. Even the most outstanding students he has taught before are far behind.

Taking Xu Chuan with him, Zhang Weiping made a special circle to show off the most beautiful scenery in Sun Moon University.

As for the small number of students who are physically weak and have poor psychological ability to withstand stress, there is nothing they can do.

Now that it's ahead of schedule, he was directly exposed to this area when he was in the National Congress, and IMO the value to him is no longer that great.

His previous desire to participate in IMO was simply to wait for the competition to be completed so that he could have a chance to enter information security warfare.

Moreover, the test is conducted on the same day and that evening, and the test score also determines whether you can join the national team. In this case, the pressure is even greater.

I have to say that the training intensity of the National Mathematical Competition is really intense. Even after only two or three days, some students began to be unable to bear it.

Although there are some foreign talents who have won gold medals in IMO and IPHO at the same time, they did not win them in the same year.

Camphor, metasequoia, ginkgo, and sycamore. In the early spring, all kinds of trees are lush and green, providing a green umbrella canopy for the campus.

Of course, it would still be very tempting to win gold medals from IMO and IPHO at the same time, especially in the same year.

Students long for a good teacher, and why don’t teachers want a good student?

An extremely talented student like Xu Chuan is what any normal teacher would look forward to.

Sun Moon University was established very early, during the relatively chaotic period before the official establishment of Yuxia Kingdom. Now it is one of the top five universities in Yuxia Kingdom.

After returning home, he would communicate with the school. No matter what, he must let this kid come to Sun Moon University to attend college.

"In addition, you don't have to worry about whether your participation in IMO this time will be affected. Don't worry about this. No matter how many days you stay in Mingyue City, I will guarantee that you can enter the national team. I will also find a way to contact someone over at Wu Jing.

You take care of it, just put all your energy there."

After a night of silence, Xu Chuan woke up early the next morning.

He no longer cares about whether to participate in IMO or not.

He got up carefully, closed the bathroom door and washed himself. Xu Chuan tried his best to move gently so as not to wake up his roommates.

"I haven't considered this yet. It's still early. It won't be too late to talk about it after the college entrance examination." Xu Chuan declined tactfully.

"Hey, what's there to consider? Our Sun Moon University is one of the top three colleges in the country."

ps: The residential complex where I rented had water and electricity cuts due to subway construction, so I came to the Wangyu Internet Cafe across the road to write.

I rented a single box for 15 yuan an hour, which is very expensive.╥﹏╥

It’s the last day of October. Let’s vote with your monthly votes.

Also, please read it loudly!

I just asked the editor, and the number of follow-up readings has not increased in the past few days, ╥﹏╥.

Those of you who are big book readers, don’t pick up the new book issue, Storm Cry, go to Sanjiang or pick it up as you like after it’s on the shelves!

Please read! Please read! Please read!

(End of chapter)

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