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Chapter 453: No one knows how to cheat better than him

In terms of aerospace, China is not strong. This is a fact.

Although it has developed very rapidly in recent years, its small-load launch vehicle technology is no less than that of Western countries such as the United States, and it has also launched its own lunar exploration projects, space station projects and other projects.

But compared to the late 1960s, when the United States had the ability to send astronauts to the moon, the gap is still quite large.

After all, based on this calculation, their current aerospace technology is not as good as that of the United States in the 1960s.

Under such circumstances, it is still a bit difficult to get Western countries, led by the United States, to pay attention to China's space race and drag the other country into this track.

After all, to fool others, you have to make them believe you.

Your own strength lies here. Unless you can directly prove yourself by sending astronauts to the moon, others may not pay attention to you.

Of course, for China, it is still possible to restart the space race, drag the United States into this field, and delay the other party's progress in developing nuclear fusion.

After all, the size of the country lies here.

In addition, the first-generation DT controllable nuclear fusion technology has been realized. The second- and third-generation controllable nuclear fusion both require helium-3. Helium-3 is no less precious than tritium and is almost impossible to synthesize by artificial means.

However, there is very little helium-3 on the earth, and the moon is very rich. If we use the name of developing second-generation controllable nuclear fusion to start the space race, the United States will follow some steps.

If another scholar with strong academic prestige supports aerospace engineering at this time, such as him, if he directly serves as the chief designer of the lunar exploration project, the United States will probably panic.

After all, they did not pay attention to the field of controllable nuclear fusion at the beginning, causing their progress to fall seriously behind.

No one dares to bet on the same thing again.


However, for Xu Chuan, although this kind of thing sounds interesting, it is almost contrary to the scientific concept that he has always been firm in his heart and creates a huge conflict.

Whether in his previous life or this life, he has always done and studied in accordance with what a scholar and researcher should do.

For a scholar, if the goal is no longer to pursue the truth, then this person is almost useless.

At least on this academic path, it will be almost difficult to make progress in the future.

And to be honest, in his opinion, the goals Wen Yuanhang mentioned were really not a lie.

After all, he really wants to do manned spaceflight, manned moon landing and other projects.

Like the transformation of Mars he had talked about with the old man before, that's called... well, that's called talking about ideals and dreams.

As for manned spaceflight, lunar exploration, rocket landing and other projects, if this is regarded as deception, and if he succeeds, this strategic deception may not directly turn into a strategic panic.

After thinking for a while, Xu Chuan said: "To be honest, I am very optimistic about the development of the aerospace industry. But if you need me to stand up and publish some papers and opinions that deceive others, I'm afraid I can't do such a thing.


After a pause, he looked at Wen Yuanhang and continued: "And in my opinion, just manned landings on the moon, landing on fire, establishing bases on the moon and Mars, etc., this is not deception at all."

"If you really want to fool people, mass catapults, space elevators, and the Nantianmen Project can fool people even more. For example, mass catapults directly use large electromagnetic ejection devices to throw spacecrafts into the sky..."

On the opposite side, listening to Xu Chuan's words, Wen Yuanhang silently took out a note pad from his pocket and wrote down the mass catapult, sky elevator and other plans that Xu Chuan mentioned.

Looking at Wen Yuanhang who was taking notes, Xu Chuan was stunned for a moment, stopped what he was saying and asked, "Why are you writing this down?"

Wen Yuanhang coughed slightly and replied: "Well, I think what you said, Academician Xu, is quite reasonable, so I will write it down first and study it later."

After a slight pause, he asked curiously: "By the way, Academician Xu, I know about mass catapults and space elevators, but what technology is this Nantianmen Project?"

The corner of Xu Chuan's mouth moved, and after thinking for a while he explained: "This is not a technology, it is a science fiction IP created by a certain cultural communication company. You can search it using Baidu and you will know."

Hearing this, Wen Yuanhang quickly took out his mobile phone and started searching.

After watching for a while, he suddenly raised his head, looked at Xu Chuan with a hint of excitement, and asked: "Academician Xu, I would like to ask, is it possible for this Nantianmen plan to be realized?"

Hearing this, Xu Chuan was immediately stunned.

No, I asked you to use this to "strategically" deceive others. How come you were deceived first?

The so-called simplicity means that in order to deceive others, you must first make yourself believe that you can do it?

But how is this possible.

Although the controllable nuclear fusion technology, the key energy source in that thing, has been realized, it cannot be built at all.

Because there is currently no material that can support such a large and heavy space carrier into the sky.

After a mothership of this size is made with the current materials, it can be said that as long as it dares to appear in the atmosphere, it is destined to be torn apart by gravity.

And regardless of materials, no engine can provide such a large thrust.

Although it is theoretically possible to achieve it in outer space.

After all, in the absence of gravity in a vacuum, it doesn't matter how big the spacecraft is.

But such a plan is simply not necessary at the moment.

The construction of such a very large spacecraft is a super complex process. Today, it still takes several years to build an aircraft carrier of several hundred meters, and that is only when all kinds of technical equipment are complete.

And such a super space carrier is not a simple accumulation of materials, but a complex system. Just designing it will take several years or even more than ten years.

If it is to deter other countries and spend a lot of time, manpower and material resources to build such a carrier, it can only be said that it is completely unworthy and unnecessary at the moment. It is better to build a few fusion-powered aircraft carriers.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Perhaps after he completes the observation and utilization of gravitons in the future, he may need a spacecraft of this level to travel to other galaxies.

Of course, using this kind of thing to fool people is indeed a very good choice.

After all, in theory it does work.

And once it's done, it's a huge deterrent.


Seeing Xu Chuan say this, Wen Yuanhang didn't ask any more questions.

I have to say that the Nantianmen plan he searched on the Internet is indeed quite tempting.

And the most important thing is that they have solved the controllable nuclear fusion technology!

If we could really build such a space carrier, there would be nowhere in the world that we wouldn’t be able to go to?

With such a space carrier, all aircraft carriers can be decommissioned.

After a slight regret, Wen Yuanhang returned to the topic, looked at Xu Chuan and asked: "If it is not convenient for you, Academician Xu, to serve as the chief designer of the manned spaceflight lunar landing project, do you have a recommended candidate or plan?"


Hearing this, Xu Chuan thought for a while and said: "I have a suggestion, but I don't know if it is suitable."

"You say."

Xu Chuan thought for a while and said: "Currently, the manned spaceflight and lunar exploration projects are placed under the direct jurisdiction of the National Academy of Sciences due to some strategic factors. I suggest a cooperative approach, through the Xinghai Research Institute and the Science and Technology

Let’s do it together.”

"As for the chief designer, the person from the Science and Technology Institute will be in charge. The Xinghai Research Institute will provide technical support, and it can be done in this way."

Wen Yuanhang nodded after recording this sentence and said: "I will give you your feedback in time."

After a slight pause, he continued: "In addition, on the 25th of this month, that is, a week later, a discussion meeting on manned spaceflight and lunar exploration projects will be held in Beijing."

"The address is on the campus of Shuimu University. This is your invitation letter."

With that said, Wen Yuanhang took out an invitation letter from his pocket and handed it to Xu Chuan, and then said: "This exchange meeting will not only have people from academia and government, but also people from industry and even business.

Many companies have received invitations.”

Smiling, he continued: "If you are interested, Academician Xu, you can go over and have a look, and support the discussion by the way."

"At the exchange meeting, the science and technology authorities will announce some news that is beneficial to the aerospace engineering, as well as policies to encourage private companies to enter the aerospace field, etc."

"Although the nature of our Xinghai Research Institute is relatively special, it is also included in these policies."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan nodded and said, "Okay, I will go take a look when I have time."

To be honest, if it was a purely internal meeting with only academics and government officials participating, he really wouldn't be interested.

Now in China, even if his suggestions are not put forward through such large-scale exchange meetings, he can still win the support of high-level officials.

As for going to such seminars to make connections, there is no need for him.

However, he is still a little curious when it comes to information about the business and industrial world.

Judging from the meaning of these words, the country seems to be preparing to vigorously promote and encourage private enterprises to participate in building a commercial aerospace industry chain.

This is a good thing. After all, China's aerospace industry used to be almost entirely controlled by the state.

There are also private commercial rocket companies abroad such as SpaceX, Orbital Science, and Blue Origin. But domestically, in the field of aerospace, private enterprises can hardly develop at all, just like the controllable nuclear fusion in the past.

This is actually a good thing for a research institution with a special nature like Xinghai Research Institute.

Apart from the scientific research funds allocated above, Xinghai Research Institute also needs additional income to maintain research.

Funding cannot always be funded by external sources. It is also necessary to find ways to increase income on your own.

The income in the aerospace field is undoubtedly quite suitable.

After all, there are not many companies in China that are capable of doing this business. If Xinghai Research Institute can develop an aerospace electromagnetic propulsion system, it will definitely be able to get most of the aerospace-related orders domestically and even around the world.


PS: There is another chapter tonight, please vote for me

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