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Chapter 490: The hope of miniaturized controllable nuclear fusion and aerospace engines

Ten days is not a long time, but for Xu Chuan, it is enough to solve the problems of HiSilicon and Huaxin.

Originally he thought it might take a month or two to do it, but after understanding the neural network architecture and the underlying mathematical logic and modeling foundation, he discovered that this kind of thing is almost entirely based on mathematics.


Although it is mixed with some things like chip design, it is not difficult for him to understand these things.

The days passed like this, and in the first week after the Lantern Festival, good news came from the Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute.

Thanks to the overtime efforts of the modeling staff in the institute's computational laboratory, a mathematical mechanism model for the strong diamagnetic properties of KL-66 material was established.

Upon receiving this news, Xu Chuan's eyes brightened.

Superconducting materials with strong critical magnetic fields are one of the cores of miniaturized controllable nuclear fusion and aerospace engine systems.

Only when the critical magnetic field breaks through the original category can it provide stronger constraint magnetic field and acceleration magnetic field.

The mathematical mechanism model for the strong diamagnetic property of KL-66 material is undoubtedly the most critical beginning.

After deploying the experimental experimental arrangements, Xu Chuan also speeded up solving mathematical problems in a happy mood.

After solving the problems of HiSilicon and Huaxin, the next step is his own.

The development of aerospace is the first step towards space and deep space in the distant universe.


After staying up for two days and speeding up the problem of HiSilicon and Huaxin, Xu Chuan handed over the answers and methods to Mao Shun and quickly rushed to the Chuanhai Materials Research Institute.

Breakthroughs in the chip field are not due to him.

Using mathematical capabilities to help HiSilicon and Huaxin solve difficult problems is just the icing on the cake.

But Xu Chuan is still very happy about this.

After all, technological breakthroughs cannot be relied on one person.

This is reality, not fiction, and he cannot drive development in all fields by himself.

Unless, like in the novel, we give him a universal system and give him a thousand years of life, he may have the opportunity to be familiar with every field.

Just like the development of chips, this can be said to be a field that is no less complex than controllable nuclear fusion technology.

From design, manufacturing, packaging, and testing, each link has derived numerous branches.

Not to mention other things, the manufacturing process alone, a photolithography machine is enough to choke most countries.

Although AMSL can produce the most advanced EUV lithography machines in the world today, it is not the achievement of a country like a windmill.

This pearl in the industrial crown was developed and manufactured by the joint efforts of more than a dozen Western countries and dozens of top companies.

It is self-evident how difficult it is for China to pursue achievements that exceed those of a dozen countries on its own.

Therefore, regarding the development of science and technology, Xu Chuan naturally hopes that the more people will enter this field, the better.


All the way to the Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute, Xu Chuan called Fan Pengyue, and the master Xiong rushed down quickly.

"How's the situation?"

Looking at the senior brother who was wearing a familiar white coat, Xu Chuan didn't waste any time and asked directly.

Fan Pengyue briefly reported: "The model has been established, and the mechanism of high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials has also been introduced. Simulation experiments are currently being done to see if we can use the model to find out the critical magnetic field of the superconducting material.

Ways to improve.”

"Take me to see it first."

Xu Chuan nodded, said nothing more, and walked towards the laboratory.

Increasing the critical magnetic field of superconducting materials is not an easy task. Since 1911, Camerin Onnes discovered that mercury has zero resistance in an extremely low temperature environment of 4.2K.

The phenomenon of superconductivity has attracted widespread and high attention in the physics and materials science circles, and a large number of researchers have invested in the research and development of new materials with high current-carrying capacity and the research boom in revealing the mechanism of superconducting current transmission.

But to date, there has still not been much breakthrough in superconducting materials.

If he had not brought high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials, today's scientific community would still have a difficult time applying high-temperature superconducting materials on a large scale.

As for how to improve the three critical properties of superconducting materials, that is, superconducting properties, it is still a cutting-edge discovery in the scientific community.

Although today's researchers can already improve the critical magnetic field strength of some superconductors by controlling the microstructure of the superconductor, adding doping elements, and superposing magnetic field strengths.

But this is still a huge problem for increasing the critical magnetic field of the superconductor itself.

Therefore, even if the theoretical work has been completed, Xu Chuan cannot say that it is 100% possible to create superconducting materials with high critical magnetic field strength.


In the laboratory, the calculation model carrying the strong diamagnetic mechanism of KL-66 material is running on NTU's supercomputer.

Through the underlying mathematical structure, the supercomputer is simulating the inversion symmetry of electrons in the Fermi arc state.

Using this method, Cu atoms in high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials are introduced into the position of C atoms, causing stress deformation, which in turn produces non-trivial quantum phenomena and promotes the creation of magnetic traps.

Theoretically, it is no problem to use this method to increase the critical magnetic field of high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite materials.

But in fact, for materials like superconductors, any slight change will cause a chain reaction.

Therefore, when the critical magnetic field is increased, it will inevitably cause changes in other properties, such as the upper limit of the critical current intensity, the reduction of the critical temperature, etc.

Of course, it may also be an improvement.

After all, the experimental results have not yet come out, and no one can say how this material will eventually change.

However, in Xu Chuan's view, other superconducting properties are more likely to decrease towards low performance than to increase.

But as long as the performance degradation is within an acceptable range, it's enough.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! .....

In the laboratory, Xu Chuan watched the real-time logs generated when the computing model was running for a while, then looked at Fan Pengyue and asked: "Speaking of which, how is the supercomputer you prepared at the end of last year?"

Fan Pengyue: "We are already arranging people to handle it. We originally planned to ask IBM to build a set of supercomputer specifically in the field of computing materials. After all, IBM is very good in this area."

"But after subsequent discussions and communication, considering safety and confidentiality, we re-contacted Huake Sugon in China and are discussing customization with Huake."

"The current estimated funding is around 1 billion."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan frowned slightly: "One billion? Why is it so small?"

1 billion in funding sounds like an astronomical figure, but in the field of supercomputing, it is far from enough if you want to customize a high-performance supercomputer.

Take the supercomputing center "Tianhe-2" built in Yangcheng ten years ago, for example. Its cost reached 2.5 billion.

Although supercomputers built by private companies do not seek to surpass national-level supercomputing centers in terms of performance, 1 billion in funding is honestly not enough in his opinion.

Fan Pengyue said with a smile: "The total cost is more than 1 billion. The total cost of the customized supercomputer discussed with Huake is around 3.5 billion, which is almost three and a half times the budget of 1 billion."

"But our Chuanhai Materials Research Institute is a scientific and technological innovation enterprise supported by the state. It not only has preferential tax policies and other aspects, but also has various subsidies when building such large-scale scientific research equipment."

"Not only direct scientific research funding subsidies, but also subsidies such as lower prices when purchasing and building such equipment."

"So Lin Lin finally figured out that we only need to pay less than one-third of the funds to build the supercomputing center, and the rest is subsidized by the state or borne by Huake."

Xu Chuan thought for a moment and finally remembered that after the completion of the nuclear waste project, he was given an application document by his superiors to include the newly built Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute in what policies.

He didn't pay much attention to it at the time. Only today did he realize that the subsidies for this thing were so exaggerated?


The calculation model carrying the strong diamagnetic mechanism of KL-66 material has been running on NTU's supercomputer for four days. Xu Chuan waited for another two days at the research institute for the simulation test results to come out.

After receiving the data sent back by the NTU supercomputer, Fan Pengyue came over immediately.

Xu Chuan: "What was the result?"

With excitement on his face, Fan Pengyue said quickly: "Judging from the simulation results, it is theoretically successful! The critical magnetic field has been greatly improved!"

Xu Chuan took a deep breath, did not continue to ask, and quickly came to the printer room.

The printer is buzzing.

Soon, Xu Chuan got what he wanted, the simulation test results of introducing a strong diamagnetic mechanism into high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials.

Taking the information, Xu Chuan did not go back to his office and started reading it directly in the laboratory.

Data charts and forms one after another were constantly reflected in his pupils.

"Cu across the Fermi level is far filled into the flat band. Theoretically, this should be formed by the hybridization of Cu orbitals and C 2d orbitals."

"At the bottom of the conduction band and the top of the valence band, the Cu atoms have spin polarity after the holes are introduced in the simulation. Judging from the results, this new material has become a bipolar magnetic semiconductor at room temperature...a bit


Touching his chin, Xu Chuan flipped through the materials in his hand.

To his surprise, judging from the simulation results, after special nanometer adjustment and the introduction of additional Cu atoms to occupy the orbitals originally formed by the hole effect, the properties of the copper-carbon-silver composite material unexpectedly changed.

Ceramic-like materials have become semiconductor-like materials.

This was something he didn't expect.

Although many ceramic materials are semiconductors themselves, this property appeared in the high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite material he developed, which really surprised him.

After all, after he developed this material in his previous life, he must have gone through the past tests and verifications many times, but he never found that it had such properties.

It can only be said that it is not known whether this additional change will significantly affect the original superconducting properties.

As for the impact, there definitely is.

After all, the properties of the material have changed.

However, overall, most of the changed areas are non-superconducting parts, which should not cause it to fall directly out of the field of superconducting materials.

After all, it is extremely difficult to synthesize an absolutely pure superconductor, which will contain phases other than the required superconducting phase.

For example, the superconducting phase in copper oxide-based yttrium barium copper oxide is mainly the yttrium barium copper oxide 123 phase, but there is also the non-superconducting 211 phase. The superconducting phase in BSCCO is the 2223 phase and the 2212 phase. The critical temperatures of these two phases are

Still different.

The same goes for high-temperature copper-carbon-silver composite superconducting materials. Its main superconductor is composed of a copper-carbon-silver-based composite structure, which is its superconducting phase. In addition to the superconducting phase, there are also copper-carbon-silver materials.

Various other composite structures.

These composite structures are non-superconducting, and it is these non-superconducting phases that are changed through the model.

Using the generation of magnetic traps, combined with the original superconducting phase, to further enhance the critical magnetic field is an academic discourse.

To put it simply, it is to further dope the composite material on the composite material to continue to improve its performance.

To put it bluntly, this is what it does by using the characteristics of Cu atoms to form a magnetic trap on the non-superconducting phase.


Thinking about it, Xu Chuan continued to read through the simulation experiment results in his hands.

After completing the optimization of the material, NTU's supercomputing center calculated the superconducting properties of the optimized superconductor through first-principles calculations and material calculation models.

The data for each item is listed in the table.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Hardness, toughness, phase purity, phase ratio, hardness, plasticity and other conventional properties were the first to catch his eye.

Regarding the common properties of these materials, Xu Chuan just glanced briefly, and his eyes fell on the superconducting properties behind them.

[Simulated critical temperature (Tc): 121.6-134.3K]

[Simulated critical magnetic field (Hc): At 152K, Hc can reach 37.4T-42.7TT, and at 77K, Hc can reach the maximum value of 47.268T. ]

[Simulated critical current (Ic): It is estimated to reach 5100A/mm2 at 40T.]

【Critical current density (Jc):......】

[Thermal conductivity: 591.3W/m·k]

Three critical data appeared in Xu Chuan's eyes.

The critical temperature has indeed been reduced, from the original 152K to the simulated 121.6K, but this impact is not significant and is still within the cooling range of liquid nitrogen.

The key point is that the simulation data of the critical magnetic field has been increased from the original 20T to 37T, and the maximum value has reached 47T, which is almost more than twice as much.

"Beautiful! The critical magnetic field of 40T is definitely strong enough!"

Looking at the A4 paper still exuding warmth and the fragrance of ink in his hand, Xu Chuan's pupils were filled with joy and excitement.

The huge increase in the critical magnetic field undoubtedly confirmed his previous theoretical calculations.

If this kind of superconducting data can be reproduced in the next real experiment, there is no doubt that there is hope for miniaturized controllable nuclear fusion and aerospace engines!

The critical magnetic field of 40T can easily reach over 60T or even higher through magnetic field superposition.

This level of magnetic field strength can be greatly improved on the existing basis, whether it is for constraining high-temperature plasma or constructing an accelerating magnetic field.


PS: There will be another chapter in the evening, but it will be too late before 12 o'clock. I still need to check some information and ask for monthly votes.

This chapter has been completed!
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