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Chapter 533 Invitation from the International Mathematical Union

On the other side, Huaguo, Jinling.

After finishing the paper on the Yang-Mills equation, Xu Chuan no longer focused on it.

He didn't know Brian Howard's situation and had no intention of paying attention to him.

There are still more than twenty days before the report meeting, and the time in between is enough for him to do other things.

For now, what worries him most is not the development of miniaturized controllable nuclear fusion technology and aerospace engines.

After he figured out the improved superconductor materials, theoretically speaking, he would not encounter too many problems in the early research.

As for the various problems that may be encountered in the middle and later stages, it will take more time and experiments to test them out.

Currently, what worries him the most is the construction of the Large Strong Particle Collider.

After CERN suspended cooperation with China, the relevant technical personnel have basically evacuated, and it is impossible for the detector-related technologies originally stored at CERN to be sent over again.

With China's own collider technology reserves, it is basically impossible to keep up with CERN.

After all, CERN has gathered funding from most countries in the world capable of researching high-energy physics over the years, and most of the world's high-energy physicists have done research there.

Fortunately, what relieved Xu Chuan's worries a little was that in the past few years, China joined CERN and became a member of CERN, acquiring a lot of open technologies from CERN institutions.

And this includes a lot of things related to the construction of collider and particle detectors.

Although these technologies are not the latest reserve technologies, some of the development directions of CERN can be found from these technical data.

On this basis, the optimization of the large strong particle collider and the design of detectors are undoubtedly the most important work for him at present.


In the office, Xu Chuan turned on the computer and printed out the information sent from the Huaguo Physical Society.

Tang Ran took out the information from the printing room and delivered it to him.

"Professor, your information."

Xu Chuan took it and nodded with a smile: "Thank you."

After taking a look at the information in Xu Chuan's hand, Tang Ran opened his mouth but stopped talking.

Xu Chuan, who happened to see this scene, asked casually: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Maybe because she had been following Xu Chuan for a while, Tang Ran was not as cautious when working in the office. She thought for a moment and asked curiously: "It's nothing, but I'm a little curious..."


Xu Chuan: "Huh? What are you curious about?"

"Aren't there electronic versions of these documents that you can view, but Professor, you seem to print them out every time?" Tang Ran asked curiously, looking at the paper documents in Xu Chuan's hand.

Hearing this question, Xu Chuan smiled, held up the information in his hand, and said, "For personal reasons, I prefer paper documents."

After a slight pause, he added: "Because this allows me to clearly feel the weight of knowledge."

Tang Ran nodded in understanding, turned around and left.

As a person who is used to mobile phones, computers and tablets, it is probably difficult for her to understand the feeling of holding original books and materials.

Xu Chuan smiled and didn't care about it.

I sorted out the information in my hand and started reading it.

The components of the European Atomic Energy Agency's collider are mainly divided into three categories.

The first part is the most spectacular particle acceleration ring, which is 27 kilometers long.

This part of the structure is placed in a nearly perfect circular tunnel, with two vacuum pipes placed in parallel.

The reason there are two is because the proton beams are accelerated separately in the two pipes. One beam of protons moves clockwise and the other beam moves counterclockwise, so that the effect of a head-on collision can be achieved.

The second part is the superconducting magnet wrapped in the acceleration pipe and the supporting refrigeration equipment.

This is easy to understand. Just like controllable nuclear fusion technology requires superconducting materials in the outer ring to control the plasma inside the chamber, the collider also requires the strong magnetic field formed by superconducting materials to accelerate the particles fired from the launch gun.


The third part is the most critical detector part.

This is the core component of the LHC, with a total of seven experimental detectors.

Among them, the most well-known detector to the public is the detector abbreviated as ATLAS, and its full Chinese name is "Atoroid Instrument".

The overall length of this equipment is 44 meters, the circular diameter is 25 meters, and it weighs 7,000 tons. It can fit two Boeing 737 passenger planes carrying about 150 passengers into it.

The God particle announced in 2012 was discovered by this detector.

In addition, there are CMS compact muon coil detectors, LHC bottom quark detectors, full-section elastic scattering detectors TOTEM, etc.

For Xu Chuan, there are not many things he wants to study. He does not need to study things like particle accelerating rings, particle accelerating tubes, and vacuum strong magnetic tubes.

His main research direction is detectors.

To be precise, it is a detector for the observation of dark matter and dark energy.

This is one of the core conditions for winning the competition with CERN.

After the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, the last big gap in the standard model has been filled. The remaining things, such as four-quark particles and five-quark particles, are almost all peripheral.


The development of the field of high-energy physics actually has no direction after 12 years.

Neutrinos, gravitational waves, cosmic rays and other things all appeared during that time, but there were not many things that were studied through collider.

This situation changed only after he discovered sterile neutrinos.

This is the first particle that exceeds the standard model, and it can also be said to be the most important general direction of research in the field of high-energy physics.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! In the competition between CERN and China, no matter who can discover the complete picture of sterile neutrinos first, or be the first to find something related to dark matter and dark energy, then who

You can win this competition.

For CERN, the advantage is that they have more advanced detector technology in their hands, as well as sufficient experimental experience and numerous experimental researchers.

As for China, the advantage lies in him.

As a scholar who discovered sterile neutrinos and dark matter and dark energy in his previous life, no one knows the characteristics of these particles and their appearance on detectors better than him.

It can be said that as long as the collider and detector can capture their traces, he can steadily find clues from the complicated collision data and lock the target.

However, compared with CERN, their detector technology and experience are their shortcomings.

After all, the former has been a sacred place for physics in the past decade or so, gathering a large number of physicists, engineers and other scientific research and technical personnel.


Looking through the information in his hand, Xu Chuan suddenly remembered another thing.

In his previous life, he had heard in the United States that his motherland had developed a dark matter particle detection satellite for the detection of dark matter and dark energy.

If I remember correctly, it seems to be called "Wukong".

Wukong is the name of the Monkey King in the classic "Journey to the West". "Wukong" means understanding, and "Wukong" means understanding and exploring space;

On the other hand, Wukong's fiery eyes are like the detector of the dark matter particle detection satellite, which can identify traces of dark matter in the vast space.

Perhaps, he can go to the National Space Science Center of the Academy of Sciences to learn about this technology?

While I was thinking about it, the phone on my desk vibrated.

After coming back to his senses, Xu Chuan picked up his cell phone from the table and looked at the caller number, which was a number starting with 049.

This area code is not a domestic call, it is a call from the Germanic country.

His thumb slid slightly on the screen, and Xu Chuan answered the phone: "Hello, who are you?"

On the phone, a smiling voice came, "Hello, Professor Xu, my name is Martin Gretcher."

Hearing this somewhat familiar voice, Xu Chuan reacted quickly and said with a smile: "Secretary-General, you are well. I haven't heard from you for a long time."

Martin Gleicher, executive committee member and secretary-general of the International Mathematical Union, is an old Germanic man who looks very much like the bald eagle, the national bird of the United States.

The two met at the International Mathematics Conference in 2018.

Martin Grecher laughed and said: "But I have been hearing rumors and news about you."

"We haven't seen each other in a few years, but you have already solved two of the seven millennium problems by yourself. I believe that Yang-Mills' existence and quality gap problems will not last long. Maybe this year, you will master three of them by yourself."

The Great Millennial Problem.”

"In the past, if anyone had told me that someone in the future could solve the three Millennium Problems alone, I would have shaken my jaw and couldn't believe it."

Xu Chuan smiled and said modestly: "It's just luck and inspiration. I wonder why the secretary-general called me today?"

Martin Grecher shook his head and said with a smile: "You are too modest."

After a slight pause, he suppressed his smile and continued: "That's right, Xu, I'm calling this time mainly because of two things."

"The first thing is about the International Mathematical Congress to be held in Tsarist Russia this year. The International Mathematical Union would like to invite you to attend the conference as a special guest and award presenter to present awards to the Fields Medal winners."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan frowned slightly.

He hasn't gone out for several years. The last time he went abroad was in 2018 when he went to Sweden to receive the Nobel Prize.

It's not that he can't go out. As long as he doesn't go to the United States and North America, if he wants to, there's no big problem in taking a short trip to other countries.

But compared to others, it would be more troublesome for him to go out.

Whether it is diplomacy or security and other aspects, it will be quite a hassle.

Therefore, he never bothered the country.

After thinking for a while, before he could think of how to speak, Martin Gretcher from the opposite side continued: "Of course, Xu, we know that your situation may be special, but this meeting is held in Tsarist Russia.

For China, this should be a friendly neighbor, and I believe they will also ensure your safety."

"And for this meeting, I also called you in advance to communicate. The time in between can be convenient for your motherland to make certain arrangements."

"In addition, there are some reports and special situations about you at this conference that require your presence in person. Believe me, participating in this International Congress of Mathematicians is far more important than not participating."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan thought for a while, but did not agree immediately. He said, "I will consider this matter carefully. What about the second thing?"

Martin Glecher said with a smile: "The second thing is about this year's IMO International Mathematical Olympiad."

"In the past, you have also participated in international mathematics competitions, and for this year's 63rd competition in Oslo, Norway, we would like to invite you as a special person to come up with a topic for the final competition for talented young people to evaluate.


"If you are unable to go to Norway to take the questions in person, you can do it in China. I will arrange for someone to go to your place to pick up the questions in person."

Hearing the second thing, Xu Chuan smiled, nodded, and said, "That's no problem. I can provide you with a competition question."

After a slight pause, he smiled and joked: "Does the International Mathematical Union believe me so much? You can come up with questions without going to the site, so you are not afraid that I will leak it in advance?"

The topics of the IMO competition are provided by the participating countries in the host country. The host country forms a topic drafting committee to select candidate topics from the submitted topics.

The team leaders from each country arrived several days in advance before the team members to discuss questions and answers together.

It is estimated that there are not many people like him as a special guest in the entire IMO competition, and it may even be the first time.

Opposite, Martin Grecher laughed and said: "I think mathematicians all over the world recognize your academic character. We all believe that you would not do such a thing."

Xu Chuan smiled and nodded, "Of course."

After a pause, he calmed down his expression and said seriously and solemnly: "I swear in the name of mathematics that before the IMO competition, no one else but me will know the content of this math problem."

Martin Grecher nodded seriously and said, "Then I'll trouble you."

"In addition, regarding the International Congress of Mathematicians to be held in St. Petersburg, Russia, in July this year, we are very much looking forward to seeing you at this mathematics conference."

"For the sake of mathematics, I hope you can think carefully about communicating with your country."

"After all, for the mathematics community, you are the label of this era and the dream that everyone is hoping for and striving to get closer to."

Xu Chuan nodded and replied seriously: "Well, I will think about it carefully. If there is any news, I will reply to you as soon as possible."


PS: Second update, please vote for me!

This chapter has been completed!
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