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Chapter 536: Welcome mathematicians and physicists from all over the world

After getting the affirmative answer, Xu Chuan couldn't help but look at Liu Jiaxin again.

This is really unexpected.

Regardless of whether the research on the manuscript in hand is correct or not, as one of the seven millennium problems, NP=P has the ability to study it. There is no doubt that this scholar's mathematical ability is enough to be called a mathematician.

After all, researching such top-level conjectures requires quite a lot of mathematical ability.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Chuan focused his attention on the manuscript paper in his hand.

The large integer factorization algorithm based on decomposition basis is the first question in the NP=P conjecture problem.

The full name is: "The question of whether the factorization of large positive integers has polynomial arithmetic."

This is an extremely critical question among the NP=P conjecture questions, second only to the problem of graph isomorphism.

If the two problems in P=NP can be solved, then many basic problems involving cryptography and complexity theory can be solved, including the development of the field of artificial intelligence, which can also be greatly improved.


The manuscript paper in his hand was flipping page after page, and Xu Chuan concentrated on reading the formulas on it.

Time passed by second by second, and the office was silent.

He has not done much research on the P=NP problem, which is an intertwined problem in the fields of mathematics and computer science.

And his understanding of computers is limited to being able to use modeling software to complete mathematical models.

What's more, many problems in the P=NP conjecture are related to pure number theory, which is his relative weakness in the field of mathematics.

However, for him, even in the weak field of number theory, it is not too difficult to understand the calculations on the paper in his hand.

The long time passed little by little, and the manuscript paper in his hand was flipped through page by page. The interest and curiosity in Xu Chuan's eyes gradually turned into satisfaction and emotion.

To be able to see such a piece of mathematical research, which is still a primitive proof idea, is nothing less than a precious treasure for people like him.

It has to be said that this senior's ability in the field of mathematics is far stronger than he imagined.

On the P=NP conjecture, she has advanced a long way.

It can even be said that we may not be far away from solving the problem of whether the factorization of large positive integers has a polynomial algorithm.

Of course, this is just a feeling, and Xu Chuan is not very clear about the actual situation. After all, the P=NP problem is not within the scope of his research.

However, his scientific research intuition is often very sensitive and accurate.

Seeing him put down the manuscript paper in his hand, Liu Jiaxin, who had been standing opposite, immediately cast a nervous and expectant look.

As far as the world of mathematics is concerned, the junior student standing in front of her is undoubtedly the number one person today.

His evaluation is crucial to this research.

Noticing Liu Jiaxin's gaze, Xu Chuan cast a praising look and said with a smile: "Awesome, senior sister, I didn't expect you to be so capable in mathematics! You actually advanced the NP=P problem so far.

Big strides."

With his mathematical ability, I can't say that I can fully understand the calculations and equations on the manuscript paper after reading them, but I can at least get a rough idea.

Hearing Xu Chuan's affirmation, Liu Jiaxin pursed her lips and smiled: "This is just a small question in the NP=P conjecture, and the most critical part has not yet been solved."

Xu Chuan thought for a while and said: "I don't know much about the NP=P problem, but during your proof, I saw in-depth changes in the quadratic sieve factorization method.

"You cited changes in number theory that allow a "sieve" format to be used when decomposing each V, saving a lot of time."

"However, factor analysis can only face comprehensive evaluation, and it also has requirements on the amount and composition of the data. This is its flaw, and it may not necessarily be able to completely help you solve this problem."

Although he doesn't know much about NP=P, at least Xu Chuan has carefully read and studied the seven millennium problems, and he still knows some basic things.

Liu Jiaxin thought for a moment and said: "I have tried various screening methods, and the quadratic factor is the one that can advance the furthest."

Xu Chuan smiled and shook his head, saying: "In your manuscript, I saw your in-depth changes in the secondary sieve factorization method and some of your innovations. These are very good things."

"If it were for other mathematical conjectures, you might have already solved it. But for a millennium-level mathematical conjecture, this breakthrough is far from enough."

"You should know very well that there are many scholars studying each millennium problem, and everyone has tried various methods, but no one has been able to find the answer so far."

"I believe that what you lack is not the amount of knowledge, but just a little deeper breakthrough. Just like I created the 'algebraic variety and group mapping tool' when I solved the Hodge conjecture, maybe I also need to solve the problem of NP=P.

A new mathematical tool."

Hearing this, Liu Jiaxin nodded. She had indeed encountered some bottlenecks in her recent research. The factorization method was very useful for the NP=P conjecture, but it was difficult to prove that its lower bound was equal to the above formula.

She really needs a more effective way to follow the footsteps of mathematics.


In the office, Xu Chuan and Liu Jiaxin talked a lot about the NP=P conjecture.

In the field of NP=P conjecture, his research is far inferior to that of this senior.

However, as a scholar who stands at the top of the mathematics world, his way of looking at problems and comprehensiveness, as well as the feasibility of solving this problem, are not comparable to Liu Jiaxin.

On this issue, the two happened to form a complementary relationship.

He proposed the feasibility of some broad directions, and Liu Jiaxin analyzed this path to determine whether it was generally feasible, and then included it in subsequent research.

The whole afternoon passed in this kind of chat, and when the sun was about to set in the evening, Xu Chuan returned to the villa at the foot of Purple Mountain.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! He originally planned to send the paper for mathematical modeling, but in the end he did not take it out. Instead, he sent it to Xinghai Research Institute for research by the Information Research Institute.

After all, there are many people who have the ability to make this model, but not many people have the ability to study the NP=P conjecture.

Not to mention anything else, if she solves the problem of whether the factorization of large positive integers has a polynomial algorithm, then a Fields Medal should be inevitable.

Because this result is very important for the P=NP conjecture.

In terms of the status of a single conjecture, it is even comparable to the "Proof of the Existence and Solution of Solutions to the Yang-Mills Equation" that he sent out some time ago.

In history, only one person has won the Fields Medal, Professor Mariam Mirzakhani.

Even if we go by the historical trend, at this year's International Mathematics Congress, another woman named Marina Vyazovska will win the Fields Medal, but there are still very few female Fields Medalists.

If she has hope of winning a Fields Medal, that would indeed be something worth celebrating.


In late May, Xu Chuan took the high-speed train to Beijing.

The High Energy Physics Conference held by the Physical Society for the whole world will be held in Beijing soon.

After learning about the situation from the Huaguo Physical Society, the municipal government of Beijing paid considerable attention to it.

From the city appearance and municipal administration, to the hotel where you live, transportation, even small advertisements on the roadside, ground sanitation...etc., everything is taken care of in advance.

Especially at this point when they are competing with CERN, or competing with Western countries led by the United States in basic disciplines, they are bound to show the most attractive side of China in front of mathematicians and physicists around the world.

As for the Chinese Physical Society, although Xu Chuan stole the limelight at this physics conference, everyone was willing to serve as a foil.

After all, without the paper published by Xu Chuan, this high energy physics conference, at this sensitive node, would not have known that there would be physicists present.

Let alone standing here to greet mathematicians and physicists from all over the world like today.


May 24th, Beijing.

As the date of the lecture gets closer, scholars from all over the world arrive by plane one after another in this world-famous city.

Carrying a small bag, Xu Chuan arrived at the entrance of the ‘Huaguo Science and Technology Hall’ on Fuxing Road.

This High Energy Physics Conference will be held here.

The well-prepared city government has ensured security for the entire building. When Xu Chuan dragged his luggage into the building, Terence Tao, wearing a dark gray shirt, walked out of the building.

"Professor Xu, long time no see."

After seeing Xu Chuan from a distance, Terence Tao's eyes lit up, he quickly walked over and extended his hand enthusiastically.

"Long time no see, Tao." Xu Chuan put down the suitcase he was holding, shook hands with Tao Zhexuan with a smile, and then said, "I didn't expect you to arrive so early."

Tao Zhexuan smiled and patted him on the shoulder and said: "This is Yang-Mills' existential problem. I don't think anyone in the mathematics community will miss this lecture."

After a pause, he added with a smile: "Of course, the same goes for the physics community."

At this moment, two scholars, one old and one young, also walked into the lobby with their suitcases. After looking at Xu Chuan and Tao Zhexuan who were standing aside chatting, the much younger girl suddenly put a smile on her face, dragging her suitcases with her.

The luggage came quickly.

"Professor! I'm back!"

An excited voice came to his ears, and Xu Chuan turned his head to look, with a bright smile on his face. The girl dragging the luggage was none other than his former student Amelia.

Although there were daily emails and phone calls, he had not seen this student since she went to work at CERN two years ago. He did not expect to meet her here today.

After carefully looking at this student whom he had not seen for a long time, Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Welcome back, Amelia!"

On the side, Edward Witten walked slowly over and said with a smile: "CERN has officially started upgrading the LHC. As a student, you don't have much research to do now, so you came with me."

"Mentor." Xu Chuan smiled and greeted Witten, and continued to ask: "Has the LHC upgrade officially started so soon?"

Witten nodded and said: "Well, it was originally expected to not start until October this year, but you also know that due to competition, CERN rarely speeds up."

After a pause, he then asked: "Speaking of which, how are your preparations for the construction of the strong collider?"

Xu Chuan thought for a moment and replied: "The site is still being explored, but I believe the construction speed will not be slower than the CERN upgrade."

Witten: "Well, you have to hurry up. CERN is having a meeting during this time. The first thing after the LHC upgrade is to explore the properties of the remaining sterile neutrinos and search for dark matter. This should have been your honor.


As he said that, he suddenly remembered something and asked instead: "By the way, have you invited that Brian Howard from Oxford University?"

Before attacking his student, Brian Howard was famous for attacking his string theory.

Although Witten doesn't care much about such a clown, string theory has never been proven, and he can't defeat that guy with any reason.

For him, this is something that has always been a knot in his heart.

Unexpectedly, more than ten years later, the clown attacked his students again, but this time he was beaten on the spot, which made Edward Witten breathe a sigh of relief.

Xu Chuan nodded and said: "Of course, the Physics Society sent him an invitation letter, but I don't know if he will come."

Witten nodded and said, "I hope he can come over."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Although with the character of that clown, there is a high probability that he will not come to the meeting, but if you can see him humbly admit his mistake at this report meeting

Head, that's even better.

At this moment, a hearty voice came from the side: "He probably won't be able to come."

Several people turned their heads to look, and it was Professor Michael Kosterlitz who spoke.

Kosterlitz walked up to Xu Chuan and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Professor Xu, the appearance of such an academic liar in Oxford has damaged your reputation and that of China. I apologize to you and China on behalf of my alma mater."


Although this 16-year Nobel Prize winner is currently working as a professor in the United States, he graduated from Oxford University.

Xu Chuan quickly said: "This is just his personal behavior and has nothing to do with Oxford University. Professor Kosterlitz, there is absolutely no need for you to say that."

Kosterlitz shook his head and said: "No, slandering and spreading rumors against a top scholar and a major scientific research country is intolerable."

"Oxford University has taken action to investigate him. He is currently being interrogated, so he cannot come to this report meeting."

"However, the relevant apology will be made public at this exchange meeting and relevant media. I hope to gain your and China's understanding."

The emergence of a professor who is so embarrassing to the whole world is also an extremely embarrassing thing for Oxford University.

Although few people will elevate a person's personal behavior to the entire school or country, as the university itself, at least for Oxford University, they need to publicly apologize for this matter.

After all, the country slandered by their school can be said to be the number one in today's academic world.

What's more, this matter also involves one of the seven millennium problems.

If they don't even respect this, what else is something worthy of their respect?


This chapter has been completed!
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