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Chapter 557 'Outer Space Space Carrier Strategic Planning Plan'

"Academician Xu is here."

In the conference room, the old man who was flipping through the meeting minutes at the table saw Xu Chuan walking in, smiled and nodded at him and said hello.

Xu Chuan responded with a smile, found his seat, and sat down.

Next to him, Qin Anguo, the former chief of science and technology, greeted him and said with a smile: "Where is the collider located?"

Xu Chuan nodded and said with a smile: "It's settled."

After a pause, he asked with some curiosity: "I thought this afternoon's meeting was a meeting within the Academy of Sciences to communicate and exchange the application of miniaturized and controllable nuclear fusion technology. It seems that this is not the case?"

He was called to attend the meeting at short notice. Yuan Zhouli, the new director of Science and Technology, did not tell him the specific content, so Xu Chuan was not very clear about what would be held in today's meeting.

So much so that I was a little surprised when I saw those participants attending the conference wearing jun uniforms.

Qin Anguo smiled and said: "Today's meeting is indeed related to miniaturized controllable nuclear fusion technology, but it is more focused on the field of national defense. The meeting documents in front of you have general contents."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan's eyes fell on the meeting documents that were as thick as his little finger in front of him.

With some curiosity, he opened the file. The meeting process plan and title on the table of contents immediately made his eyes focus.

"Nuclear Fusion Powered Aircraft Carrier Planning Project"

"Shipborne High Energy Electromagnetic Weapons Strategic Planning Project"


"Outer Space Space Carrier Strategic Planning Plan"


With the planning process and title in the catalog, he probably knows what the theme of today's meeting is.

No wonder this meeting started so suddenly.

No, actually it's not that sudden.

More than half a month has passed since the Huaxing Fusion Device completed its first ignition to generate electricity.

He personally judged whether the stellarator could be miniaturized.

After it was confirmed that the stellarator device could indeed significantly reduce the size of the controllable nuclear fusion reactor, senior officials were already thinking about putting the fusion reactor on board.

The previous tokamak device was too big to be installed even on an aircraft carrier, but the modified Huaxing fusion device is sufficiently large to be deployed on a large warship such as an aircraft carrier.

Although judging from the current experimental data of the Xinghai Research Institute, the energy level produced by stellarator fusion is an order of magnitude smaller than that of a tokamak device, but it is more than enough to only supply the activities of an aircraft carrier.

There happens to be an unnamed aircraft carrier code-named 03 in China that has not yet left port, and this modification can be carried out.

In fact, what Xu Chuan didn't know was that the No. 03 aircraft carrier was supposed to be named and launched in June in the original plan, but in June, the Huaxing fusion device made a breakthrough and successfully completed the ignition of deuterium and tritium raw materials to generate electricity.

Although it was only a relatively short ignition experiment, for them who have already achieved controllable nuclear fusion technology, it is not very difficult to stabilize the long-term operation of Huaxing.

After receiving the phased results report from the Xinghai Research Institute, the superiors temporarily postponed the launch plan of the No. 03 aircraft carrier to await subsequent arrangements.


Before the meeting started, Xu Chuan briefly browsed through the meeting documents on his desk. Compared with the fusion reactor and the ship, his attention mainly fell on the summary of the "Strategic Planning Plan for the Space Carrier in Outer Space".

In this brief report, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and aerospace units jointly investigated the feasibility of promoting the construction of a large space carrier in outer space as a strategic deterrent.

In this feasibility report, the investigation did not consider the aerospace engine being developed by Xinghai Research Institute. The starting point was based on the current domestic aerospace technology.

As for the name, although I don’t know what the Chinese Academy of Sciences thought of it, it does have nothing to do with the aerospace engine being developed by the Xinghai Research Institute. It just happened to happen.

To put it simply, this plan is to carry out modular production of space carriers on the ground, and then use traditional chemical fuel rockets to send them to outer space more than 400 kilometers away for assembly.

Some are similar to the space station, but the solar power panels of the space station are canceled in this report, and all its energy is based on the Huaxing fusion device that is about to be completed.

Use a controllable nuclear fusion reactor as the core energy source to build a huge mothership with a diameter of 100 meters in outer space. Use superconducting materials to lay the bottom of the ship to form an artificial gravity field, and then build a very deterrent spacecraft in outer space.

Heavenly Mother Ship.

The plan is beautiful and theoretically feasible.

After all, after the controllable nuclear fusion technology is realized and one of the core energy issues of the mothership is solved, the key issues such as battery life and artificial gravity field can be solved smoothly.

As long as it is replenished to a certain extent through the ground, an aerospace carrier with a diameter of more than 100 meters can operate in outer space almost permanently.

It also far exceeds the space station in terms of the number of people it carries, equipment, weapons, etc.

Coupled with the fact that it is in an outer space orbit that almost no missiles or weapons can attack at present, and its speed and orbit-changing ability are extremely strong, its deterrence is like the Sword of Damocles hanging above its head.

The deterrent power of such an aerospace carrier is far greater than that of an aircraft carrier equipped with a fusion reactor.

After all, the operating speed of aircraft carriers is much lower than that of space carriers.

In outer space, it only takes less than a few hours for the space carrier to reach any corner of the world.


The meeting started soon.

There were not many opening remarks. After the familiar old man announced the start of the meeting, the discussion quickly got to the point.

The first person to stand up and speak was a member of the Naval Equipment Department, an old man with a rather majestic face.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "With the full maturity of controllable nuclear fusion technology, we have also made major breakthroughs in miniaturized fusion devices. I have already asked about naval equipment

According to the opinions of the research institute and relevant experts in the field of controllable nuclear fusion, we can apply small-scale controllable nuclear fusion reactors to aircraft carriers to build our own fusion carriers, increase and expand the advantages of the navy, and maintain adequate strategic external relations.


"The relevant investigation report and feasibility summary are in the meeting report in your hands on pages 3-11. I hope you can seriously consider this proposal."

There was no objection in the conference room to the proposal of the old man from the Naval Equipment Department.

For everyone here today, or for the current world structure, it is a natural thing for the fusion reactor to be put on the ship, and not many people will be surprised or opposed.

However, some participants expressed concern about the time it takes for the fusion reactor to be put on board.

After everyone briefly looked at the document area the old man pointed to, a participant from another department stood up and spoke.

"I support the proposal to put the fusion reactor on the ship, but will there be some delay in terms of time?"

"The No. 03 aircraft carrier has been completed and is waiting to be launched into the sea early, and the research on miniaturized controllable nuclear fusion reactors at the Xinghai Research Institute is still in progress."

"Currently, we don't know how long it will take to complete. Can we consider launching the No. 03 aircraft carrier into the sea and carrying out the fusion reactor plan on the next aircraft carrier?"

Hearing this, the old man from the naval equipment department stood up again and said: "I think the sooner the fusion reactor is put on the ship, the better. It takes several years to build an aircraft carrier, and the modification of the No. 03 aircraft carrier is at most a few years."

One month is enough."

"An aircraft carrier powered by a controllable nuclear fusion reactor is far superior to an aircraft carrier powered by traditional power in terms of speed, endurance, deterrence, and increased national confidence. It will be delayed for a period of time."

It’s not a big problem,”

"Today, when controllable nuclear fusion technology has been realized, the world situation is relatively more tense. We need more powerful means to protect our country, territory and people!"

"As for the specific time for the fusion reactor to be put on the ship, this needs to be communicated with the Xinghai Research Institute. If necessary, we should do our best to support and promote the development of small-scale controllable nuclear fusion technology."

Hearing this, everyone in the conference room immediately turned their attention to Xu Chuan, who was sitting aside.

To be honest, they didn't give much thought to this person's participation in the meeting at first. After all, matters in the defense field had nothing to do with him, and he had never been very interested in this aspect.

The old man sitting at the head of the conference table looked at Xu Chuan and asked slowly: "Since Academician Xu is here, let's ask for his opinion. I believe that no one is more authoritative than him in the field of controllable nuclear fusion."

Xu Chuan thought for a while and said: "The question of when the fusion device can be put on the ship is not within the scope of my research. I am only responsible for research in the field of scientific research and technology."

After a pause, he continued: "The maturity of the Huaxing fusion device is not technically difficult. We have successfully achieved the ignition and power generation of deuterium and tritium raw materials. The subsequent testing and adjustment are theoretically very expensive.

It won’t take more than two months.”

"As for when Huaxing will be decommissioned from the Xinghai Research Institute, it depends on when a new generation of miniaturized and controllable nuclear fusion reactors will be manufactured."

"After all, the current Huaxing fusion reactor is the core of the miniaturized reactor, and we still need it to collect more experimental data."

The old man nodded and said: "In this case, we will discuss this matter later. As for the proposal to put the fusion reactor on the ship, do you have any other questions?"

Hearing this, everyone in the conference room shook their heads.

Two months is not a long time. If the new generation of small reactors can be manufactured within this time, even with the modification work on the No. 03 mothership, they will be able to have a nuclear fusion mothership by the end of the year at the latest.


This will greatly improve national confidence and international status.


The meeting progressed very quickly. Most of the people who can sit here today are decisive in making decisions. The first few plans were approved or rejected very quickly.

Soon, the charter for the "Outer Space Space Carrier Strategic Planning Plan" was placed in front of everyone's eyes.

As expected, it was Kongjun's people who proposed this plan.

In the conference room, a middle-aged man in regular clothes stood up and spoke calmly with a little expectation:

"With the development of the times and technology, the nature of war is constantly changing. From ancient hand-to-hand combat with swords and bows and arrows to modern use of high-tech weapons and information technology, its forms and characteristics are also constantly evolving.


"With the development of aerospace technology, air power is an indispensable equipment for all countries. With the breakthrough of controllable nuclear fusion technology, we already have enough capabilities to build a permanent space carrier in outer space to

Maintain national security."

"Regarding this proposal, the Air Jun Equipment Division has conducted a rigorous investigation and solicited expert opinions. The investigation report is on pages 34-51 of the meeting document. I hope you will seriously consider this proposal."

Compared with the proposal of putting a fusion reactor on the ship, which was almost unanimously approved by everyone, the proposal of the outer space space carrier is much more controversial.

After the words of the proposal fell, a middle-aged man with objections stood up and said cautiously: "As for this proposal, I think it needs serious consideration. The deterrent effect of space weapons in outer space is too great.

This is a very sensitive point in today's international situation."

"Moreover, relying solely on chemical fuel rockets to transport and assemble them will be very costly and time-consuming. I suggest that we wait until aerospace technology becomes more mature before considering this proposal."

Hearing this, the space officer who proposed the space carrier also stood up and retorted: "We are not the first to develop outer space weapons. In this regard, the United States has invested a lot of money and research."

"As early as 2007, a budget project code-named "Falcon" was passed there. This space weapons research project is dedicated to developing a new "space fighter" that can rapidly attack ground targets from low-Earth orbit.

, it can deliver precision-guided conventional warheads anywhere in the world within two hours."

"The subsequent X-37B and X-43 have already completed their first flight experiments and are being continuously improved."

"For us, the space carrier is an important means to form strategic deterrence and protect the country."

"Having a sword in your hand and having a sword without using it are two different things. I'm glad that we are leading the world in this field. And precisely because of this, we should pay more attention to the development of this type of weapon."

The proposal of the space carrier caused intense discussion at the meeting.

Xu Chuan said nothing, just silently looked at the meeting report in his hand.

He is not very interested in the space carrier being discussed now, but there is something in this meeting report that he is very interested in.

In the high-energy electromagnetic strategic planning, there was a planning survey report on "high-energy particle weapons" that aroused his interest.


This chapter has been completed!
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