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Chapter 563 The Famous Alpha Team

In the Pentagon's conference room, on the screen that occupied the entire wall, a fighter plane that was almost completely invisible to the aperture radar made the entire conference room somewhat silent.

Standing in the crowd, the Chief of National Defense couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and said: "Where is the relevant analysis? I want to know what is going on!"

"Expedited analysis is in progress. The preliminary analysis results will take ten minutes,"

In the conference room, a staff member quickly reported.

Ten minutes was not a long time in the past, but at this moment, it made everyone in the conference room anxious.

Without him, the stealth of fighter aircraft determines the advantage of air combat to a large extent.

The advantage of air combat can also influence the situation of a war.

You must know that the combat performance of weapons and equipment mainly includes three aspects: penetration capability, survivability and precision strike capability, and stealth weapons have significant advantages in these three aspects.

For example, with the ability to penetrate defenses, stealth weapons can exponentially reduce the detection range of enemy radars by controlling or attenuating target signature signals, thereby penetrating the enemy radar network and striking ground targets, achieving the effect of taking them by surprise and attacking them unprepared.

At the same time, because of its invisibility, the weapon's own survivability and killing effect will also be greatly improved.

For example, both stealth fighters and stealth missiles can disable the enemy's early warning radar network, achieve a wider range of defense penetrations with minimal losses, and greatly improve hit rates and precision strike capabilities.

As for anti-stealth, currently, the most important means is still electromagnetic wave detection such as radar and infrared.

Optical surveillance cannot achieve continuous tracking and monitoring of high-speed flying weapons such as fighter planes. Only radar waves covering a large area can achieve continuous locking.

But if the radar wave loses its effect, it means that the opponent can bypass you without knowing it, or kill you directly.

Even if you are facing those ultra-long endurance fighters, such as Su-57, T50, etc., the opponent does not even need the support of an aircraft carrier to directly penetrate and attack your homeland.

This is quite scary for the United States.

After all, most of the defense against weapons such as fighter jets and missiles relies on radar reflection.

The pressure brought by this kind of super stealth technology is undoubtedly huge.


At the same time, on the other side, in a temporary camp set up halfway up the mountain deep in the desert, a middle-aged and elderly man wearing a blue and white military uniform also looked at their own surveillance footage in surprise.

Compared with the country on the other side of the west coast, they have more observation and monitoring means for exercises within their territory.

"Radar and infrared surveillance can hardly see these fighters. How did you do it?"

Standing next to this navy colleague who came to observe the exercise, Sun Yi, director of the Air Force Equipment Department, smiled and said: "I heard from the technical experts that a new coating material has been replaced.

But I don’t know much about the specific technology.”

Hearing this, Navy comrade Zhan Hanhai, who was observing the training, was even more surprised: "Just replaced one layer of coating material?"

Sun Yi: "We have also adjusted and optimized the structures of some wings and tails, and added some baffles and the like. However, judging from the report, it seems that the new coating plays a key role."

Zhan Hanhai couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and said: "I'm telling you, Old Sun, you are being unkind. I have never heard of you mentioning this kind of advanced technology. It's hidden, even on carrier-based aircraft."

We need it, you have to support us!"

After a pause, he seemed to remember something, and then said: "But this excellent stealth technology, how about we directly expose it in this exercise?"

"Judging from the radar data, this technology can be used as a trump card."

Sun Yi said with a smile: "This new coating was developed not long ago and has not been fully tested in detail. This military exercise actually has the purpose of testing it, and now it seems that the effect is quite good."

"As for whether to expose or not, this is not a decision we can make. Maybe the higher-ups want to show off their muscles?"

After a slight pause, he looked at the J20 rumbling across the sky in the distance, and continued: "But judging from our current monitoring data and analysis, even if it is exposed, other countries want to control this new type of paint.

It’s probably quite difficult to crack the stealth system.”

"In fact, let alone other countries, it is ourselves. In addition to optical surveillance and tracking and contact through special channels, it is also quite difficult to find a fighter jet with full stealth coating."

"In this exercise, we deployed the most advanced YLC-2E multifunctional radar system in this area, and we only caught a few traces."

"There is no independent radar system that can achieve uninterrupted tracking and locking throughout the entire process."

"Even if these fighter jets with new coatings are captured by radar due to angle issues, the tracking data will be quickly lost due to angle issues. And when you capture it next time, you won't know it.

When is it?"

"If we want to monitor it in all aspects, I'm afraid we can only use radar detection and locking at 360 degrees without blind spots, or use new optical tracking and monitoring satellites."

Hearing this, my colleagues in the navy couldn't help but smacked their lips and asked curiously: "How come you haven't heard anything about such an awesome coating before? Which department developed it?"

He knew about the YLC-2E multifunctional radar system. It was a new anti-stealth surveillance system that was launched last year and is also equipped in the navy.

Because of the comprehensive locking capability of "frequency band energy", even the B-21 can increase the RCS value of the front and side to more than 2 square meters, an instant increase of two orders of magnitude, and achieve continuous tracking.


This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The YLC-2E cannot lock this new stealth coating, which shows how powerful it is.

Sun Yi shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

Zhan Hanhai glanced at him in surprise: "You don't know either?"

"Well, I asked about this out of curiosity last time, and was told that it is a top-secret technology. The only people who know the specific technical principles are probably the developers and a small number of directors and leaders. My level is not high enough."

After a pause, Sun Yi said with a smile: "But with this new stealth coating technology, we have a greater advantage in air combat!"

"I used to worry that after our 20 air combat encounters with the F35, we would be at a disadvantage when facing the opponent's advanced electronic warfare system and positioning capabilities."

"Now? I am sure that none of them can be found!"


After a long flight of seven and a half hours, the plane finally landed smoothly at Pulkovo First Airport in St. Petersburg.

As the destination announcement sounded in the cabin, Xu Chuan also stretched, unbuckled his seat belt and stood up.

Following Zheng Hai out of the airport along the business corridor, a cool breeze blew over with a bit of the smell of the ocean, which made his nose, accustomed to the inland environment, itchy and he couldn't help but sneeze.

On the side, Tang Ran had already prepared and handed over a thin coat.

Mid-to-late July is supposed to be the hottest time in the Northern Hemisphere, but St. Petersburg is too close to the North Pole, so even in July the temperature is only about ten or twenty degrees.

Following Zheng Hai out of the airport, Xu Chuan was a little surprised when he saw a dozen black cars parked neatly on the road outside.

Through the guarded exit area, it was easy to tell that these vehicles and people were all prepared for him.

At this moment, among the crowd already waiting outside the exit, a middle-aged man wearing a formal suit noticed what was going on here, walked over quickly with a smile on his face, and gave a warm welcome:

"Professor Xu, haha, welcome! Welcome to Tsarist Russia!"

The middle-aged man walked over quickly, gave Xu Chuan a polite hug enthusiastically, and then greeted him with a hearty smile.

"Professor Wvotsky, long time no see."

Xu Chuan smiled and shook hands with the middle-aged man in front of him, Vladimir Vvotsky, one of the top mathematicians in Tsarist Russia and a tenured professor at the School of Mathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

In 2002, he won the Fields Medal for developing a new cohomology theory of algebraic varieties and helping to solve the famous world-class conjecture Milnor's conjecture.

In the field of algebraic geometry, he was a highly accomplished mathematician, and his theory of cohomology of algebraic varieties pushed the unification of algebraic geometry forward a long way.

The two had met many times and interacted with each other many times when they were at Princeton.

But what Xu Chuan didn't expect was that this person actually came to greet him in person. Perhaps he wanted a familiar mathematician to act as an intermediary?

Wvotsky did indeed do this. When the greeting team behind him came up, he smiled enthusiastically and introduced the middleman:

"This is General Manager Mr. Rimi Shustin."

In the crowd, the current Prime Minister of Tsarist Russia, Mikhail Vladimirovich Mishustin, walked forward with a smile, warmly stretched out his hand to shake Xu Chuan's hand, and greeted: "Welcome, Xu Chuan."


Xu Chuan smiled and shook hands with the new Prime Minister of Tsarist Russia in front of him and said: "You are too polite."

The president of the country personally picked me up at the airport, which can indeed be said to be a very warm and polite reception.

Mishustin smiled and said: "Compared to the friendship between us, these are nothing. I hope you can spend a pleasant time in Tsarist Russia."

After smiling and chatting for a while, Mishustin turned to another middle-aged man next to him with short hair and a black suit full of bulges and introduced:

"This is Mr. Thompson Burton from the Security Bureau. The security work for your activities during the International Mathematics Congress will be carried out by him and his team together with your staff. He will be fully responsible for your security work in Tsarist Russia."

Compared with Mishustin's politeness and etiquette, this is Thompson Burton of the KGB, who speaks in a familiar military style: "Hello, Professor Xu, the Federal Alpha Team has arrived in St. Petersburg. Please rest assured that we are in Tsarist Russia.

Your safety will definitely be guaranteed. This is the satellite phone for emergency contact. If you have any questions, you can contact us through it at any time."

After saying that, Thompson handed over a "brick phone" that looked like ancient times. Zheng Hai on the side took the initiative to take it, checked it, and then stepped back.

After smiling and shaking hands with Comrade Thompson Burton of the KGB and saying hello, Xu Chuan suddenly remembered something and blurted out: "Alfa Team? You are the one in the legend that both hostages and terrorists have to die together.


Hearing this, everyone present could not help but twitch the corners of their mouths.

Zheng Hai on the side couldn't help but coughed slightly in embarrassment, and stood up to explain to them: "Well, it was just an accident. The anesthesia accident is the problem of the medical team, not theirs. Alpha Team is responsible for counter-terrorism and security.

The world's top military..."

Xu Chuan smiled sheepishly and added: "What I mean is that with such a prestigious elite team protecting me, no terrorists would dare to approach this place."

He had heard of this famous name.

After all, this team is so famous.

In the "Moscow Theater Incident" in 2002, Alpha Squad killed 39 Chechen terrorists.

In addition to terrorists, in this anti-terrorism hostage rescue incident, 129 hostages also died from the "poison gas" released by the anti-terrorism forces.

Although he knew that he could not be treated like this, but with such a small team to ensure his safety, his first reaction still felt a little...

However, although the team used to protect him was the Alpha Team, which once created the famous "Moscow Theater Incident", it can also be seen from this that Tsarist Russia still attached great importance to his safety during his visit this time.

As Zheng Hai said, this team is the best in the world in terms of counter-terrorism and security.

On the opposite side, Thompson Burton breathed a sigh of relief, forced out a smile and said: "You're welcome, this is what we should do. For the sake of the friendship between Russia and China, please get on the bus first."

It's better to leave quickly. If he doesn't leave, he will have to hold back his explosion if this guy makes another reversal.

For Tsarist Russia, whether it is for national image, diplomatic relations, or those related to many interests and cooperation that actually exist for both sides that have been negotiated because of this visit, they must ensure the safety of this person.

It is impossible for him to encounter any form of security threat here, let alone a hostage incident.

After all, with the rise of China, the situation of one superpower and multiple powers is becoming a thing of the past.

Regardless of the future development of Tsarist Russia, there is always no problem in making some investments first.


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