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Chapter 576: The unprecedented second Fields Medal!

The list of winners of the Fields Medal was announced, and the topic on the famous international mathematics forum MathoverFlow instantly became intense.

Although it is somewhat surprising that the Gauss Prize was awarded to Professor Xu, for many melon-eating netizens on the forum, this is not too surprising and controversial.

After all, this is undoubtedly deserved.

However, the Fields Medal was awarded immediately after, shocking all the netizens who were waiting for the results.

This year's International Congress of Mathematicians was the first to award two Fields Medals to women.

And one of them is a genius girl who is only twenty-six years old.

Twenty-six-year-old, female Fields Medal winner, mentor is the first person in the mathematics world today...layers of halo are added to her body, instantly covering up the light of the other three winners.

Including another female Fields Medal winner, Professor Marina Vyazovska, in front of her, her brilliance is like the difference between candlelight and the sun and the moon.

[What the fuck? A 26-year-old Fields Medal winner, this is too fierce. He is one year younger than Professor Besser, which is terrifying.]

【There is an inside story! There is definitely an inside story!】

[Isn’t it normal to have inside information? (Squints and smiles) You won’t be surprised if you know who her mentor is. 】

[Although the age of 26 is indeed surprising, the proof and influence of Bloch's conjecture are undoubtedly worthy of such an honor. Moreover, she not only proved this conjecture, but also the holomorphic function

The expansion of the normal family and the normal family of meromorphic functions is undoubtedly a new direction for functions.】

[What surprises me even more is that there are actually two women in this year’s Philippine Awards, which is incredible!]

[What’s wrong with women? Don’t women deserve to win the Philippine Prize? Are women eating your rice? We women can also wake up and make great achievements in mathematics!]

【6. It’s okay to wake up, wake up every day (squints and smiles)】

The topic discussion on the MathoverFlow forum is fierce, not only the discussion of Fields Medal winners, but also some of the most famous things of this era are also mixed in.

The birth of two female Fields Medal winners this year was undoubtedly a big upset, and some people also found opportunities to start their own performance.

However, compared to other fields, the mathematics community is not deeply penetrated.

After all, this can be considered a field for self-play, and the threshold for entering this field is not low.

Even registering an account on the MathoverFlow forum requires a minimum undergraduate degree.

Therefore, the number of certain people who can enter this circle is still very small.


At the same time, on the other side, in the lecture hall of the Talon Imperial Hotel, applause came in waves and lasted endlessly.

Four Fields Medal winners have already worn their medals, and the most exciting and exciting part of this International Congress of Mathematicians has passed.

Whether it was the scholars standing on the stage to receive the award or other scholars coming to participate in the conference, their faces were filled with excitement and smiles.

In the front row of the lecture hall, Xu Chuan also applauded, with a happy smile on his face.

Although he was a little surprised that Amelia could win the Fields Medal at this conference, he was also sincerely happy for himself as a student and gratified for himself.

After all, being able to bring out a Fields Medal winner does not mean that you have buried the opponent's talent.

But what surprised Xu Chuan was that it seemed that his prize was gone.

After all, all Fields Medals have been given out, unless the International Mathematical Union is prepared to break the rules and make an exception to award a fifth Fields Medal.

However, the possibility of doing so is unlikely. After all, the reason why the Philippine Prize is the Philippine Prize is that it has always adhered to academics as its core and is not interfered by external politics, stances and worldliness.


The warm applause gradually stopped like a violent storm.

Standing on the lecture platform, Professor Kenig glanced around the lecture hall, glanced at the teleprompter in his hand, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "According to the procedure, the announcement of the Fields Medal list ends.

Afterwards, the opening ceremony of the International Congress of Mathematicians will officially come to an end."


After a pause, he continued: "In accordance with the results of discussions between the Executive Committee of the League of Nations and many internationally renowned mathematicians, after the winners of this year's Fields Medal are announced, the last award will be awarded to encourage and reward the winners.

The author has made a huge contribution to the field of mathematics..."

When Professor Kenig spoke, the entire lecture hall suddenly fell silent.

Many scholars who came to participate in the mathematics conference raised their heads and looked at the lecture table in surprise.

After the Fields Medal is awarded, is there another award?

What is it?

What award can be more prestigious than the Fields Medal, but it was put to the end?

After thinking about it, many people showed deep curiosity in their eyes.

On the lecture stage, Chairman Kenig glanced around the lecture hall again, and finally landed on a seat in the front row, and looked at the figure on the seat for a moment.

With a smile in his eyes, he slowly said: "We often think that mathematics is the basis of all other sciences. This is because mathematics provides a precise and logical expression that can help scientists be more precise.

To better understand and explain natural phenomena, thereby promoting the progress of scientific research."

"But for the mathematical community, there are very few people who can do this."

"As for the winner of the last award to be awarded today, even though he is still very young, the mathematical problems he has solved, the mathematical tools he has created, and the scientific and technological research and development he has promoted... each of them individually

It is enough for most scholars to study for a lifetime."

"I believe that every scholar and even every person here is familiar with his deeds. Those wonderful and great stories will be difficult to recount at today's opening ceremony, but civilized books will forever

He will be remembered, and his name will also be engraved in the long river of history..."

On the lecture platform, Professor Kenig's narration was proceeding slowly.

Under the report stage, the scholars present and even the staff maintaining order were listening carefully. Most of them had already guessed who this extra award would be awarded to.

Apart from that extremely young pervert, there is probably no other person who can make the International Mathematical Union make this decision.

"...Whether it is mathematical calculation methods for exploring high-energy particle channels, mathematical methods for calculating distant galaxies and celestial bodies, or methods for controlling high-temperature plasma turbulence, or material calculation models, every name like this can be said to be

An achievement that can make people proud for a lifetime.”

“After discussion by the International Mathematical Union Committee, it was decided to establish the ‘Fields Medal Special Award’ and award it to this scholar who has made great contributions to mathematics!”

Taking a deep breath, Chairman Kenig looked at the reporting table and said calmly and forcefully: "And the scholar who won this 'Fields Medal Special Award' is..."

"Professor Xu Chuan!"

The moment the words fell, thunderous applause rushed in like a summer storm, resounding throughout the entire lecture hall.

Standing up amidst the warm applause, Xu Chuan took a deep breath and walked steadily onto the reporting platform.

He really didn't expect that the International Mathematical Union would make such a decision.

A special Fields Medal award is enough to show that the mathematics community recognizes and values ​​him!


PS: Asking for a monthly ticket

This chapter has been completed!
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