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Chapter 582 Emperor Vladimir

The moment the results were announced, the entire venue was in an uproar.

Especially those Chinese scholars who came to attend the National Mathematicians Conference, including Xu Chuan, all stood up and gave the warmest applause.

Waves of applause accompanied by cheers of excitement, excitement, joy, high spirits and other emotions resounded throughout the conference, one after another.

Some scholars from other countries sitting next to the Chinese scholars were startled by the enthusiasm. However, after they reacted and felt the excitement around them, they couldn't help but applaud him.

Sitting in the venue, two professors from NTU, Zhou Hai and Rong Zhizhuan, could not hide their excitement in their eyes.

In 2002, China, as a developing country, hosted the 24th International Congress of Mathematicians. That event was held in Beijing. For the Chinese mathematics community at that time, it opened the country to the world.

The door has allowed Chinese mathematicians to enter the world stage.

Twenty years after reincarnation, China will once again host the International Congress of Mathematicians. I wonder what new changes this time will bring to the country.

But it has to be said that China, or Jinling, can undertake an international conference of mathematicians, and there is no doubt that Nanjing University or that person will play a role in promoting it.

Although this is no longer the country of China, nor is it the first time that Jinling has held a mathematics event of this scale.

Since that person returned to China, from the NS equation, to the Yang-Mills existence and quality gap, both Jinling and Nanjing University have held several such events.

From being unknown in the world at the beginning, to now having sufficient experience, it has even surpassed the capital to become the focus of China in the international mathematics community, and has become the city with the closest exchanges between China and the international mathematics community. All of this

Everything was brought by that person after he returned to his country.

But just as the International Mathematical Union made an exception and awarded him the second Fields Medal, his influence in the mathematics community has reached its peak and reached a new height.

I have to say that it is really terrifying to be able to achieve something that a school of thought or even a country has not been able to do by oneself!

Sitting in the front row of the venue, Xu Chuan clapped his hands with excitement and excitement in his eyes.

What excites him is not just that his country has been chosen as the venue for the next International Congress of Mathematicians, but also the significance this conference brings.

It will bring a new force to the motherland, and will also stimulate the vigorous development of the Chinese mathematics community. It also marks that the Chinese mathematics community will bloom its own glory on the world stage!


After the closing ceremony of ballet, Russian opera, art troupe and other dances and performances, the nine-day International Congress of Mathematicians finally came to an end.

The news that the next International Congress of Mathematicians will be held in Jinling, China, was broadcast and reported by the news media and soon spread throughout the world. It was also discussed in major mathematics forums.

For laypeople who are not in the mathematical community, it doesn't matter where the International Congress of Mathematicians is held.

After all, it is just a conference. Even if there is a "Nobel Prize in Mathematics" such as the Fields Medal to increase the popularity, it will not be as good as the Nobel Prize to break the circle and be known to everyone around the world.

But for the mathematics community, this is a grand event that is not inferior to the Olympics.

Therefore, the topic discussion on the famous international mathematics forum MathoverFlow is quite intense.

[Xie Te, the next conference is actually held in China again. I seriously suspect that the people on the IMU committee have been bribed. 】

[It’s incredible that a developing country can host two International Congresses of Mathematicians. When did their mathematical strength become so strong?]

[Developing countries? Don’t be ridiculous, they are just talking about this. A developing country with controllable fusion technology, do you believe it?]

[It’s not China that’s strong, it’s just that person. One person solved three millennium problems. The International Mathematical Union couldn’t wait to award him the Fields Medal Special Award, saying that he is the leader in today’s mathematics world.

The first person is not an exaggeration at all.]

[Does one person influence the decisions of the entire mathematical community? This is too scary. 】

[Xuchuan: There are records in historical records that his ancestral home originated from Seoul, the peninsula, and his great-grandfather was from South Korea...]




Xu Chuan didn't know about the discussion on the MathoverFlow forum, and he didn't expect that someone would change his ancestral home. Speaking of which... well, it's really the style of the universe.

It is also normal for people from that country to choose to 'reverse' and forcefully join if they can't win.

Especially in certain areas where they are "deficient", borrowing is also something they are very good at.

Of course, except for the people in that country, everyone else sees this as a joke.

After the closing ceremony, the conference sign outside the Talon Empire Hotel was taken down, and scholars from all over the world boarded their return flights one after another.

Xu Chuan originally planned to return to China as soon as possible, but Tsarist Russia communicated with him and hoped to delay him for another day and grant him the title of foreign academician of the Tsarist Russian Academy of Sciences during this meeting.

Foreign academician is a title held by almost every country, and the criteria for judging are almost the same.

For example, in China, the criteria for selecting foreign academicians in China are: “Foreign scholars and experts who have made important contributions to China’s science and technology and enjoy a high academic status in the world can be recommended and elected to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Foreign academician.”

So far, the number of foreign academicians in China has exceeded three digits, which to a certain extent represents the strength of the country and its attraction to talents.

And for those top talents or top scholars in all walks of life, they usually hold the title of foreign academician from multiple countries.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! For example, Professor Pierre Deligne is not only an academician of the American Academy of Sciences, but also an academician of the academies of Belgium, Linqin, Sweden, Tsarist Russia, France and other countries.

Or maybe Yang Zhenhuan is also an academician in China, Brazil, Tsarist Russia, Venezuela, Spain and other countries.

If it were not for some special reasons that it would be difficult for Xu Chuan to go abroad, I believe there would be many countries willing to give him foreign academicians, including the United States.

After all, whether it is achievements in theoretical sciences such as mathematics and physics, or achievements in applied science and technology fields such as lithium batteries and controllable nuclear fusion, they can be said to have made huge contributions to science and society.

It is a pity that he cannot go abroad easily, and for other countries, it is impossible for me to give you a title without anyone coming, so so far Xu Chuan only has the title of academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

However, after this trip to Tsarist Russia, he was able to gain the title of foreign academician of Tsarist Russia.

Although I don't take these things very seriously, it is still an honor.

Moreover, for the sake of the friendship between China and Russia, this title of foreign academician will undoubtedly bring the two countries closer to each other to a certain extent.


The next day, in the "Smolny Palace" in St. Petersburg, Xu Chuan accepted the "special" ceremony held for him by the Tsarist Russian authorities to confer the title of foreign academician.

The reason why it is special is that on the one hand, the time for selecting academicians and foreign academicians from Tsarist Russia has long passed, and today's event was prepared for him alone.

On the other hand, the address of the foreign academician awarded is "Smolny Palace".

Smolny Palace was built in the early 19th century. It was originally the first aristocratic school for girls in Tsarist Russia. Later, it was the headquarters of the Bolsheviks during the October Revolution. It also served as the government office building of Leningrad City, where Lenin lived.

124 days pass until the capital is moved to Cosmo.

"The October Revolution brought us the truth with the sound of a cannon."

This is the most familiar sonorous discourse appearing in our history textbooks, and it is also the origin of red culture.

Xu Chuan originally thought that today's conferment ceremony was just a formality. Unexpectedly, in Smolny Palace, he met the soul emperor who supported the entire Tsarist Russia.

The old man, who was not tall and tall, stood in front of him and was slightly shorter than him. He looked ordinary in appearance and did not have much lethality.

But a pair of sharp and determined eyes is enough to show his perseverance and strong character.

But this time, the old man put away his tough and domineering aura and greeted him with a kind smile like an ordinary old man.

"Hello, Professor Xu Chuan, welcome to your arrival." The old man smiled and stretched out his hand, shaking Xu Chuan's heart warmly.


Seeing the enthusiastic man approaching, Xu Chuan's eyes flashed with surprise. He smiled and shook hands with this "legendary" old man. He really didn't expect that this soul figure of Tsarist Russia would appear here.

Emperor Vladimir smiled and said: "I originally planned to pick you up at the airport, but unfortunately I was busy with other things some time ago and couldn't spare the time to come."

As a country controller, especially for a country like Tsarist Russia, it is obviously extremely rare to greet a foreign scholar so politely.

However, for Xu Chuan, his status and influence have long been beyond the description of ordinary scholars.

His opinions alone are worth the weight of tens of millions of people. Even in a country at the level of the Five Permanent Members, no one will ignore his words.

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "You are too polite and enthusiastic."

Emperor Vladimir laughed and said: "Whether it is compared to your achievements and contributions, or compared to the friendship between us, this is nothing."

Although the first words are just polite remarks, the 'friendship' behind them is a real interest.

This visit and the transactions they made with China brought a deeper 'friendship' and 'cooperation' between the two countries.

After a pause, he continued: "During the conference these days, I wonder how Professor Xu felt about St. Petersburg? Did you enjoy your stay here?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Of course, this is a city full of humanistic atmosphere. It is very beautiful and worth commemorating."

Vladimir: "Haha, Tsarist Russia also has a lot of flavor and culture that cannot be experienced in the city, such as hunting, skiing, and ice hockey. If you have the opportunity, why not go to Cosmo to experience it together. I can guarantee that these activities will definitely

It will be something you will never forget.”

Although he really wanted to keep this person here, he also knew that this was impossible.

At least it is impossible for now. It is impossible for China to allow such a thing to happen. If we really try to do it by force, the consequences will be disastrous.

So instead of tentatively asking about an impossible thing, it is better to leave the opportunity to the future. And this person is not married yet, maybe he can find his other half in Tsarist Russia by then?

Although he was a little surprised that the emperor would chat with him like this, Xu Chuan still smiled and nodded, saying: "If I have the chance, I will definitely come and experience it."

Emperor Vladimir laughed, and after chatting with Xu Chuan for a while, he personally stood in the "Smolny Palace" to complete the awarding ceremony of foreign academicians.

Although the existence of this person is not 'good news' for Tsarist Russia, after all, his research has brought controllable nuclear fusion technology to China, which is also a great power, and has broken the inherent political dynamic balance of the world for decades.


Especially for Tsarist Russia, which already relies on energy exports as one of the main economic forces, they will be even more uncomfortable when faced with the impact of controllable nuclear fusion technology.

But I have to say that this may not be an opportunity.

Not only did this visit bring friendship and huge benefits to Tsarist Russia, but there was also a chance to break the political pattern and allow Tsarist Russia to rise again.

Perhaps, taking advantage of this visit, they may take the initiative to deepen cooperation, and he may also take the initiative to visit to test the other party's views.

Although this glimmer of opportunity may lead Tsarist Russia to embark on a route that deviates from its original track, for them, whose economy has already hit rock bottom, if they can revive the economy, it is not a good idea to prefer and deepen cooperation with China in some aspects.


After all, this is a world where money is needed everywhere.


This chapter has been completed!
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