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Chapter 588: Production cannot keep up with the development of theoretical applications

In Xinghai Research Institute, in a quiet office near the scenic lake, Xu Chuan was sorting out the work at hand.

He did not expect that miniaturized and controllable nuclear fusion could achieve a breakthrough so quickly.

In his plan, it may take until next year to solve the new classic transportation problem of the stellarator.

After all, this is also a world-class problem. The Planck Institute of Plasma Research spent several years studying it, but all it achieved was to increase the engineering difficulty to reduce the loss of high-temperature plasma.

But even so, the new classic transportation of the Helix-7X far surpassed the tokamak device.

This is a "common problem" in the stellarator structure. The complex chamber orbit brings plasma turbulence control that far exceeds that of a tokamak device, and also brings a high level of neoclassical transport.

I didn't expect that the researchers at the Energy Research Institute were so awesome and found a solution so quickly.

After sorting out the technical information sent by Liang Qu, Xu Chuan carefully read through the solution ideas and methods in the research process.

I only had a general understanding of it two days ago, but now that I look at it in detail, some of the ideas and solutions are still worth exploring in depth.

For example, the polar coil distribution of the stellarator will produce various vacuum magnetic island configurations, destroying the edge magnetic surface topology.

Although the severity of this problem is not as serious as the high-level neoclassical transport problem, if it is ignored, it will cause a magnetic surface turbulence effect during the plasma operation, thereby destroying the mathematical model's monitoring of plasma turbulence, and ultimately causing

Serious accident.

In order to avoid edge effects, the traditional solution is to let the last closed magnetic surface surrounding the plasma leave the vacuum chamber wall and expand the distance between the magnetic surface and the first wall.

But in this way, although the problem is solved, the size of the stellarator will be greatly expanded.

At the Energy Research Institute, under the leadership of a researcher named Xu Yanghui, by using the magnetic axis as the rotation axis and rotating the polar sections with different circumferential angles according to the rotation rules, an equivalent in the rotating coordinate system was obtained.

Calibrating the polar cross section and designing an axially symmetrical operation model solved this problem.

This is an idea that is semi-detached from engineering structures. It uses mathematical models combined with permanent magnet structures to suppress the topological problems of edge magnetic surfaces. Xu Chuan vaguely feels that apart from controllable nuclear fusion technology, this method seems to be applicable.

Go to other areas.

As for the specific field of application, he couldn't remember it for a while.

Shaking his head, Xu Chuan came to his senses, took out his notebook from his backpack, opened it, copied the relevant information and created a new document.

His fingers tapped on the keyboard, and a simplified version of the summary appeared on the document.

This is also his habit. Every time he finds something he finds useful or 'interesting', he will sort it out and save it.

His ability to solve various theoretical and applied problems at this age relies not only on the knowledge brought by his previous life, but also on the huge ideas this habit has brought to him.

After all, knowledge is always accumulated.

At this moment, the office door was knocked twice.

"Come in." Hearing the voice, Xu Chuan shouted without raising his head.

"Academician Xu, you are busy, why don't I come over later."

In the office, a warm voice sounded. Xu Chuan looked up and saw that it was Wen Yuanhang who managed the daily work of the institute.

Smiling and nodding hello to him, he said, "Just wait a moment, I'll finish sorting these things."

Hearing this, Wen Yuanhang sat down and said with a smile: "No hurry, Academician Xu is busy first."

Nodding, Xu Chuan returned his attention. After perfecting the last thing, he looked at Wen Yuanhang sitting on the sofa and asked with a smile: "Does Dean Wen have anything to do with me?"

Wen Yuanhang smiled and said, "There is something wrong."

After a pause, he continued: "The first is the breakthrough of our research institute's miniaturized and controllable nuclear fusion technology. I would like to ask, judging from the current situation, when will the first small reactor be released? How big will it be?

, Academician Xu, do you have any rough data or calculations about the power generation parameters?"

It is not just researchers from the Institute of Energy who are paying attention to the progress of miniaturized and controllable nuclear fusion technology. As a member of the Science and Technology Department, Wen Yuanhang, who manages the daily work of the institute, must also be paying attention to the progress of the institute's major projects.


On the one hand, it is to cooperate with relevant research work and affairs, and on the other hand, it is to provide feedback on the progress and status of some important projects, such as miniaturized fusion technology and aerospace engines.

After all, these things involve all aspects of national development, from national defense to people's livelihood.

This breakthrough in miniaturized and controllable nuclear fusion technology is the most typical example.

Whether it is militarization or commercialization, its emergence can completely change the world.

If the endless energy brought by controllable nuclear fusion technology will take a long time to change the world bit by bit, then the impact of miniaturization technology on the global pattern can be realized in a short time.

Whether it is an aircraft carrier, a heavy bomber or other equipment, relatively speaking, only a simple transformation is needed to obtain a strategic-level combat equipment with almost unlimited endurance. This is undoubtedly more impactful than a civilian fusion reactor in terms of the impact on the world situation.


So after confirming the breakthrough in miniaturized controllable nuclear fusion technology, Wen Yuanhang came to this person's office immediately to find out about the situation and organize the information for a report.

Behind the desk, Xu Chuan thought for a while and then said: "The progress of the first miniaturized fusion reactor has been theoretically completed. The remaining progress depends on the production and assembly of related parts. This piece

Even if you don’t come to me now, I will come to you later.”

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! After a pause, he then asked: "Didn't we design and order a small pile of parts from major parts suppliers before? How is the production of related parts?

Is it ready? When will it be ready?"

Hearing this, Wen Yuanhang quickly replied: "I am keeping track of this matter, but the latest situation is ten days ago. The current production work of the small reactor is at 60% according to the overall progress, and the most critical one is the outfield.

Production progress for coils and magnet windings is slower."

"Judging from the progress ten days ago, it will take about two months for the entire set of equipment to be produced."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan gently shook his head and said, "It's a bit slow."

They actually started customizing the small pile after receiving the Spiral Stone 7X.

If it is a tokamak device, I am afraid that the relevant equipment has already been assembled, and it will take another two months for the stellarator to produce all the parts.

Wen Yuanhang smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "There is no way. The production of stellarator components is much more difficult than that of a tokamak device. If you hadn't perfected the design of the permanent magnet stellarator and modularized the magnets before,

If the winding greatly reduces the difficulty of production, according to the standards of Spiral Stone-7X, I am afraid that this time will have to be extended two or three times."

Xu Chuan shook his head and said: "Two months, according to this situation, including the assembly time, the completion of the first miniaturized fusion reactor will probably not be completed until spring next February."

Not only production, but also the assembly of the stellarator is a troublesome task. The complex structure and twisted coils must be accurately positioned in every position without the slightest deviation. This is much more difficult than a tokamak device.

Regarding the progress of the small reactor, Xu Chuan felt that it was a bit slow, but there was nothing he could do about it.

This is an inevitable stage in the research and development process of a new technology. Only when the production scale is established can this problem be solved to a certain extent.

For China, a major industrial country, this is probably the first time that the speed of production cannot keep up with the development of theoretical applications.

Opposite us, Wen Yuanhang, sitting on the sofa, didn't feel this way.

From February tomorrow to now, the time interval is only five months.

Five months to complete the production and assembly of a small, controllable nuclear fusion reactor is still in the scientific research and experimental stage. This speed is fast enough, right?

After recording the time information, he continued: "As for the performance parameters, Academician Xu, is this miniaturized fusion reactor efficient enough to provide energy for equipment such as large aircraft carriers, strategic bombers, and space stations?


"In other words, can it be mounted on aircraft carriers, strategic aircraft, etc.?"

Hearing this question, Xu Chuan smiled and said: "The purpose of my original research on miniaturized controllable nuclear fusion reactors was to install them on the space shuttle to provide energy for the aircraft."

"Although I don't know much about the structures of the aircraft carriers and strategic aircraft you mentioned, but as long as there is enough space, theoretically there is no problem in installing them."

"As for power, don't worry too much about this. Although the power limit of a small reactor is much lower than that of a large Daybreak fusion reactor, it is more than enough if it is limited to providing energy for equipment such as the space shuttle."

"After all, you have to know that the Daybreak fusion reactor is now responsible for the power supply of the entire Sujiang Province. The energy utilization efficiency of the fusion reactor is much higher than that of the fission reactor. The two are not at the same order of magnitude."

After a pause, Xu Chuan continued: "However, when small reactors are applied to equipment such as aircraft carriers, there are some larger issues that need to be considered."

Hearing this, Wen Yuanhang quickly picked up the notebook from the tea table, held the ballpoint pen, and said: "Academician Xu, please tell me."

After pondering for a moment, Xu Chuan said: "The first is the control issue of the fusion reactor."

"Currently, controllable nuclear fusion technology, whether it is the Daybreak fusion reactor or the China Star Stellarator, adopts the magnetic confinement route, and magnetic confinement is inevitably inseparable from the restriction and control of the plasma turbulence inside the reactor chamber."

"This aspect is a big problem. You must also know about the specially established supercomputing center at the Dawn Reactor."

"Although the stellarator has great advantages in plasma confinement and greatly reduces the difficulty of operating the plasma turbulence numerical control model, it still requires the computing power of the supercomputing center."

"On the space shuttle, I am planning to customize a special supercomputer to complete this task. This can reduce the volume requirements for the supercomputer. Coupled with the energy generated by the small reactor itself, it should not be a big problem to solve the computing power problem.


"But in this way, the space, weight, and load capacity on the space shuttle will all be reduced or increased accordingly. For a space shuttle used for scientific research, this is not a big problem."

"But if it is for fighter jets, I'm afraid it will have a huge impact..."

On the sofa, Wen Yuanhang quickly wrote down the question. Just as he was about to open his mouth, he heard Xu Chuan from the other side add.

"Don't think about solving this problem remotely through wireless, it's impossible."

"The delay problem caused by signal transmission is fatal to the control of high-temperature plasma turbulence. Once the reactor is out of control, even a small reactor, the ultra-high temperature of tens or even hundreds of millions of degrees will cause great destructive power...


Hearing this, Wen Yuanhang opened his mouth, but the words were suppressed before he could say them.

He just wanted to ask if this problem could be solved wirelessly.

Opposite, Xu Chuan looked at Wen Yuanhang with a strange expression and asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

Wen Yuanhang shook his head in embarrassment and coughed dryly: "It's okay. I've recorded this question, and there's more."

"There is also power generation, energy conversion..."


This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! In the office, Xu Chuan briefly mentioned some key points of the small reactor to Wen Yuanhang.

It has to be said that although in terms of volume, the current data shows that the size of a small pile can be as large as a medium-sized to large SUV car, but it is still an unrealistic problem to fully apply it.


Whether it is the control scheme, supporting power generation equipment, or its size, it is all a matter of promoting it.

However, Xu Chuan had no extra choice. Technological breakthroughs and changes came bit by bit.

Based on the current foundation, it can be said that it is very, very good to be able to achieve this level, and it can be applied in many places.

But if you are thinking about the kind of fusion battery in science fiction novels or movies, or the size of the current nuclear fission battery, it can only be said that with the current technology, it is still too far behind.

On the sofa, Wen Yuanhang recorded everything, checked that there were no omissions, closed the notebook, and carefully put it in his arms for safekeeping.

Immediately, he stood up, saluted dignifiedly towards Xu Chuan who was sitting behind the desk, and said solemnly:

"Although I am not qualified to express my gratitude to you, I still hope to represent the people of the country and the country to say thank you for your hard work!"

Behind the desk, Xu Chuan smiled, waved his hands and said, "Don't be so polite, this is my research work."

Although he knew where Wen Yuanhang's gratitude came from, for him, he would be very happy if his research could contribute to national defense.

Compared to his ancestor Grothendieck, who was a pure anti-war scholar, he had experienced death once and did not care much about his research being applied to the military.

After all, as the motherland becomes stronger, the safety of our compatriots both at home and traveling abroad will be better guaranteed.

From a personal point of view, his choice, at least in his own opinion, has no problem.


This chapter has been completed!
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