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Chapter 604: Deployment in the field of artificial intelligence

In mid-November, when everything was going well for the miniaturized controllable nuclear fusion technology and aerospace engine projects, the domestic bidding conference for the "Manned Spaceflight and Lunar Exploration Project" finally began.

Although as early as last year, high-level officials had already formulated policies to support the development of manned spaceflight, formulated a series of projects to be handed over to the Science and Technology Institute and the Xinghai Research Institute, and even allocated a batch of one billion funds.

But at that time, controllable nuclear fusion technology had just been completed, and the so-called direction and policy were just a cover to attract the attention of Western countries and the United States.

The relevant focus is still on the country's basic development and energy construction.

In particular, the main focus is to build the power transmission system in East Asia and Southeast Asia and expand China's international influence in nearby areas.

Therefore, although the space agency has launched a manned spaceflight and lunar exploration project, and has also approved a batch of funds and manpower, to put it bluntly, it is actually for Xu Chuan's fun.

Because manned spaceflight and lunar exploration were the future directions he proposed, the group above considered it and thought it was good, so they approved the relevant plans and funds, and used it as a cover to publicize and publish articles to the outside world.

The change did not begin until NASA held a press conference some time ago and announced the restart of the Artemis Project to return to the moon and land on Mars.

Of course, the reasons for this are also breakthroughs in miniaturized and controllable nuclear fusion technology, as well as the advancement of the deployment of power transmission networks in East Asia and Southeast Asia.

In the past year, after the Dawn Fusion device officially completed its connection to the grid and transmitted power to Sujiang, the State Grid system began large-scale infrastructure work.

Dongguang, southern Yunnan, Northeast China, Jingcheng, and Beihu... A total of five provinces have started the construction of the first batch of large-scale fusion power stations.

With the support of the country's strong industrial system and fusion energy companies, the relevant fusion reactors have been built, passed acceptance inspection and entered into the grid-connected power generation process.

What's more critical is the signing of power transmission contracts in Southeast Asian countries, as well as the peninsula and other regions. The friendly cooperation between Laos, Cambodia, Pakistan and other countries has allowed power from China to be continuously imported into the East Asia region. Not only for these'

Friendly neighbors not only provide cheap energy, but also greatly expand their own influence.

When these tasks are gradually on track and even completed, senior management will have enough energy and time to set their sights on more distant areas.

At this time, NASA launched deployment planning and competition in the aerospace field. After careful deliberations, it decided to keep up and expand its investment in the aerospace field. This led to the bidding for the "Manned Spaceflight and Lunar Exploration Project"

General Assembly.

The conference was held at Beihang University in Beijing, and Xu Chuan naturally needed to attend.

Although part of Xinghai Research Institute's scientific research funding problem comes from the approval from above, most of the rest still requires him to find a way to solve it.

The purpose of his trip was to compete for some projects and obtain funding from the space agency from this bidding conference.


On November 22nd, in the traditional solar term of light snow, the bidding conference for manned spaceflight and lunar exploration projects is about to be held.

Xu Chuan, who arrived in the capital one day in advance, was sitting in his hotel room looking at the planning reports and document notices for the bidding conference.

For China, there are actually not many companies capable of carrying out manned spaceflight and lunar exploration projects. The special domestic environment determines that the companies targeted at this bidding conference are basically major state-owned enterprises.

However, this time the bidding meeting was not only attended by aerospace science and technology, aerospace companies such as Aerospace Science and Industry, but also some companies in other fields arranged representatives to come and join in the fun.

If we want to trace the reason back, we have to go back to the exchange meeting in the aerospace field held at the end of last year.

At the meeting at that time, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Space Administration announced some policies that benefit private enterprises, such as investing one yuan in the aerospace field to deduct two yuan of tax, tax-free scientific research subsidies, etc.

For some goose factories, cat factories, pig factories, dog factories and other enterprises that have their own aerospace or satellite needs, this subsidy is still very large.

After all, investing money in aerospace can enjoy tax benefits. For these large taxpayers, it is simply a state subsidy to encourage them to develop aerospace business, launch satellites, etc.

Therefore, these companies also sent representatives to join in the fun at this conference... Well, they are responding to the national call.

Looking at the list of companies attending the bidding conference on the report card, Xu Chuan's eyes fell on a certain name.

After thinking carefully, he picked up his cell phone from the table and sent a message to his assistant Lu Ling who was following him.

After a while, the assistant, who wore round-rimmed glasses and looked a bit cute, knocked on the door and rushed over.

"Professor, you are looking for me."

Xu Chuan nodded, handed over the three-circled list of bidding companies, and said: "Help me contact the representatives of these three companies. If it is convenient and free now, please ask them to come over."

Lu Ling took the list, glanced at the names on it, nodded and said, "Okay, is there anything else?"

Xu Chuan shook his head: "No more."


Lu Ling's work efficiency was very high. In less than twenty minutes, representatives from two of the three companies that Xu Chuan had circled on the list gathered in the hotel lobby and were waiting.

Looking at the acquaintance coming down from the elevator, the cat factory representative Lu Xuxiao, who was waiting on the sofa, frowned slightly, and his eyes fell on the other person with some surprise. After thinking for a while, he took the initiative to speak.

Say hello.

"Mr. Zhu, where are you planning to go to have fun tonight?"

He glanced at Lu Xuxiao sitting in the hall with some surprise. Zhu Hong smiled and replied: "Waiting for someone."

Hearing this, an inexplicable look flashed in Lu Xuxiao's eyes, and she whispered: "Have you received the invitation too?"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Hearing this, Zhu Hong was stunned for a moment and glanced at Lu Xuxiao. After the two looked at each other for a moment, they nodded slightly and asked with some curiosity:

"Mr. Lu knows what's going on?"

Lu Xuxiao shook his head and said, "How would I know."

Hearing this, Zhu Hong didn't say anything anymore and waited patiently.

About ten minutes ago, a woman who claimed to be the assistant of Academician Xu Chuan came to them and said that Academician Xu invited them to come over.

At the beginning, he almost regarded Lu Ling as a liar. After all, no one believed him. What contact did that person have with them? It could be said that they were two parallel lines. How could he come to them for anything?

However, after the other party confirmed his identity, Zhu Hong confirmed that it was true.

Although he didn't know what the other party wanted him to do, he decisively turned down the relevant work and followed the other party's instructions to wait in the hall.

What I didn't expect was that it seemed that person invited more than one family.


"Professor, people have been brought here."

After being inspected by Zheng Hai in the hall, Lu Ling knocked on the door and walked into Xu Chuan's room with representatives from three major factories.

"sorry to bother you."

Xu Chuan nodded, looked at the three representatives who walked in cautiously with a smile, pointed to the sofa in the living room with a smile and said: "I'm sorry to disturb everyone's time. I invited you over suddenly. I have something to discuss with you.

You two need to communicate, please sit down first."

"No, there's nothing to do tonight. It's our honor to be invited by you, Academician Xu."

The three representatives participating in the bidding meeting lowered their butts cautiously, sat upright and looked at Xu Chuan.

After making a few cups of hot tea, Lu Ling withdrew. In the living room, Xu Chuan held a tea cup and said, "I have taken the liberty to invite you three here this time. There are two things I want to discuss with you."

"Academician Xu, please speak." The three of them looked at each other, and Zhu Hong, the representative of the Goose Factory, temporarily acted as the representative of the three and responded.

"Well, the first thing is about the direction of aerospace."

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "This time you are participating in the bidding meeting. I think you are looking for some cooperation opportunities at the meeting, including satellite launch and aerospace demand work. If there is an opportunity, maybe you can cooperate with Xinghai Research Institute.


"We can provide lower satellite launch costs than domestic and foreign aerospace companies, as well as aerospace-related activities, including manned spaceflight, and even sending people to the moon, Xinghai Research Institute can do it."

After a pause, he continued: "Of course, I don't insist on this. If you have this intention, you can contact Xinghai Research Institute or my assistant."

Upon hearing this, the three people sitting opposite were stunned for a moment.

Did they...did they hear it correctly?

Is this person calling them here to promote business cooperation?

After thinking quickly, Zhu Hong said cautiously: "As for the demand for aerospace and satellite launch, we do have it, and we hope to find a stable aerospace company to cooperate with. I will report this matter as soon as possible.


Regarding the layout of the aerospace field, not to mention Goose Factory, almost all major Internet companies have it more or less.

Not to mention other things, communication satellites are basically needed, and Goose Factory has even proposed the "WeEarth Super Earth" plan.

However, relatively speaking, the development of the aerospace field does not account for a large amount of major Internet companies, not even a fraction.

For this little business, this person called them over in person, which seemed a bit incredible.

But when it comes to the big boss in front of them, the relevant decisions are not theirs to make.

And their needs in the aerospace field have always been to cooperate with established aerospace companies such as Aerospace Science and Technology or Aerospace Science and Industry.

Things that need to be considered such as rashly switching cooperation partners and whether Xinghai Research Institute has the real ability to send satellites to the sky stably.

Xu Chuan smiled and nodded, saying: "It's okay. There's no rush. I'll ask Xinghai Research Institute to send you a report and information. You can take a look at it first and then consider it."

For him, the satellite launch orders placed by companies such as the Goose Factory are nothing more than hunting rabbits, or something that was just spurred on.

For Xinghai Research Institute, especially the Aerospace Research Institute, which needs to find most of its own funds, mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are, and satellite launches are still money. It would be good to increase their income.

After a pause, he continued: "The second thing is about something in the field of artificial intelligence."

As he spoke, he pushed the document he had just printed out in his hand over.

Zhu Hong and the other three picked up their own documents from the tea table. They said they were documents, but they were actually just pieces of paper.

However, what was recorded above made the pupils of the three people shrink simultaneously.

After reading the above, Zhu Hong raised his head and looked at Xu Chuan, and said solemnly and cautiously: "Academician Xu, I am not in a position to make the final decision regarding this cooperation, but I will contact the headquarters to report it as soon as I return."

On the side, people from the other two companies quickly expressed the same meaning.

The cooperation on paper is far beyond their scope, and even for the companies behind them, it is something that requires careful consideration to determine.

Xu Chuan smiled and nodded, saying: "It's okay. It doesn't matter if it can be done or not. Just inform everyone of the news."

Zhu Hong nodded, carefully folded the document and put it away, and said: "I will reply to you as quickly as possible regarding related cooperation. If there is nothing else, I will go back first.


If in normal times, he could be connected to the person in front of him, he would definitely be eager to chat more.

But what we talked about tonight, even the first cooperation in the aerospace field, is very important to the enterprise group behind him. He needs to go back and report these two things as soon as possible.


After seeing off the three Internet company representatives, Xu Chuan returned to his desk and began to think.

Tonight's invitation and exchange, and the deployment in the aerospace field were just a casual step on his part, and it didn't matter whether it would succeed or not.

However, subsequent arrangements in the field of artificial intelligence may affect the development of Chuanhai Network Technology Co., Ltd. and Xinghai Research Institute to a certain extent.

To trace this matter back, we have to go back to Chuanhai Network Technology Co., Ltd. about ten days ago.

Regarding his Chuanhai Materials Research Institute and Chuanhai Network Technology Co., Ltd., Xu Chuan has always been in a state of letting go and letting go of the boss.

However, the development direction and future layout of these two research institutes and companies were personally planned and arranged by him.

This includes building a network security protection platform for Chuanhai Materials Research Institute, as well as developing artificial intelligence and big data fields.

A few days ago, he took advantage of this free time to visit Chuanhai Network Technology Co., Ltd. to learn about the development of some companies.

In the field of big data, data statistics and analysis in the field of materials can also be done well with the help of experimental data from the Sichuan and Hai Institute of Materials.

However, the development in the field of artificial intelligence is relatively average.

Not only the underlying logical architecture, but also deep learning of artificial intelligence, machine learning, intelligent changes, etc., all of which require huge computing power and a large amount of data to support.

He can provide the former, and at most it will only require building a supercomputing center, but the latter is really the shortcoming of Chuanhai Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Therefore, before this aerospace engineering bidding meeting, he suddenly found Internet companies such as Goose Factory and wanted to join forces with these three major companies to cooperate in artificial intelligence.

Including an intelligent industrialization center planned to be built by Xinghai Research Institute, it may have a certain relationship with this artificial intelligence in the future.

Although he has not thought about building a strong artificial intelligence or something right now, there is no doubt that weak/medium artificial intelligence after deep learning has the ability to independently control a certain field.

For example, the Go intelligent Alpha Dog has the ability to defeat top chess players after experiencing deep learning.

This is no exception in the field of scientific research. Just like the materials calculation model he wrote for the Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute, it can barely be called a weak artificial intelligence.

Because of a series of algorithms and data calculations, material calculation models can assist scientific researchers in making judgments and results more easily on the road of research and development.

His purpose is to ultimately make himself go further on the road of scientific research.

As for the effects that the results may have in other fields, he doesn't mind sharing them with others.


PS: It’s a bit stuck. There will be another chapter later, but I definitely won’t be able to write it before 12 o’clock. Please read it after you get up in the morning. Please vote for me.

This chapter has been completed!
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