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Chapter 610 Human-Computer Interaction Technology

Under the biochemistry building, Xu Chuan followed Xu Xiao towards the laboratory.

Virtual reality actually has a very broad meaning.

It includes computer technology, electronic information, simulation technology, etc., and each branch type involves many different fields.

For example, computer technology in virtual reality includes not only terminal servers, but also dynamic environment modeling technology, real-time three-dimensional graphics generation technology, stereoscopic display and sensor technology, application system development tools, and other aspects.

It is actually quite difficult to promote the development of this technology with one's own strength.

In fact, science has developed to the point where it is today. In most fields, breakthroughs and progress in science and technology are basically promoted by numerous scientific researchers.

Except for the relatively special field of mathematics, where you can occasionally see a few "lonely" geniuses who can independently achieve some great results, other fields are basically developed in a cooperative manner.

Although Xu Xiao was recommended to take the path of virtual reality, Xu Chuan never thought that Xu Xiao could solve this problem.

Even though her talent is quite good, it is already very good if she can make some achievements on this road.

To move forward on this road to areas where no one has set foot, not only requires the talent and efforts of scientific researchers, but also requires a large amount of funds and investment.


Following Xu Xiao all the way through the tree-lined path, the two came to another experimental building.

After passing through the access control, Xu Chuan curiously looked at the decoration and configuration inside the experimental building. The walls were painted white, and you needed to wear shoe covers and a mask after entering. It looked a bit like a hospital.

Pushing open the door of the laboratory, Xu Xiao led Xu Chuan into the laboratory.

In the room, there were two students, a man and a woman, who looked a few years older than Xu Xiao? Perhaps the researcher noticed the movement and turned his head to look.

"Xiaoxiao is here, there are no classes today?"

After seeing Xu Xiao, the girl said hello smoothly, and when she was about to turn back and continue her work, her eyes fell on Xu Chuan, who walked in with Xu Xiao, and a surprised expression suddenly appeared on her face.

Then he became excited.

"Chuan, Chuan Shen??"

After shouting out loud, the girl immediately reacted, blushing and quickly changed her words: "Academician Xu."

On the other side of the laboratory, the boy walked up quickly and said excitedly: "Are you...Xu Xiao's brother...that Academician Xu?"

Looking at the excited and enthusiastic researcher with a flushed face in front of him, Xu Chuan smiled, nodded, and responded: "It's me."


Hearing this accurate answer, the researcher howled immediately, reached out his hand enthusiastically and shook Xu Chuan's hand, then quickly said: "Boss, please sit down, please sit down quickly, boss, what would you like to drink?"

After asking, he announced a series of drink names like a dish, "We have tea, coffee, Red Bull, Coke, Sprite, Wong Lo Kat, Wahaha... Which one do you want, sir?"

Feeling a little uncomfortable with this guy's enthusiasm, Xu Chuan coughed lightly and said with a smile: "Ahem, just have a cup of tea."

"Don't be so polite, I just came to see Xu Xiao."

On the other side, the female researcher had already pulled Xu Xiao and started whispering: "Xiaoxiao, why didn't you tell me in advance that your brother was coming?"

Xu Xiao shrugged and said: "He attacked suddenly, I don't know either."

Female researcher: "..."

Well, she is indeed a biological sister.

"By the way, Senior Sister Zhou, where are the bioelectrode chips and experimental data we made last time? Where are they? My brother wants to take a look." Xu Xiao asked quickly.

"It's kept over there. Go get it yourself." The senior sister named Zhou pursed her lips and pointed to the storage cabinet on the other side of the laboratory.

Xu Xiao nodded, walked over quickly, opened the cabinet and took out an item that was shaped somewhat like a motorcycle helmet.

It is very simple. It is made of an unknown milky white material and has a whole bracket. There are some closely connected wires on the bracket, as well as a dozen small silver-white patches, and a long data cable.

"Brother, this is an improved product made later on the bioelectrode chip. It can sense brain wave signals by wearing it externally without implanting it into the scalp."

"As for the previous method of inputting nerve signals into the living body through biological electrodes to complete complex information transmission, it still required surgical implantation of a chip."

"Do you want to try this first?"

Taking over this strange-looking product from Xu Xiao, Xu Chuan looked at it carefully and then asked: "How do you use this?"

Xu Xiao explained: "Wear it on your head, and then stick these electrodes on your scalp, forehead and temples on both sides."

"However, there is still a big problem with the sensitivity of the externally worn test product, which requires a specific interference-free room to conduct the experiment. Moreover, the clarity and performance in sensing and receiving nerve signals are far lower than implanted bioelectrodes.


"But it's enough for you to experience it."

Xu Chuan nodded and said, "Then let me try."

Xu Xiao nodded, and just as he was about to start, Zheng Hai, who had been invisible for who knows how long, appeared.

"Ahem, Professor, if you want to do an experiment, can I come?"

Seeing that the person he was protecting was about to follow his sister to the laboratory, Zheng Hai sighed in his heart and quickly stood up and took the experimental product from Xu Chuan's hand.

This guy really doesn't take his own safety seriously.

Although it is impossible for Xu Xiao to harm his brother, it is unknown whether the products of this laboratory will cause harm to the human body.

Especially for this kind of product that is worn on the head and is related to the brain, if something goes wrong accidentally, it will be ruined.

The person in front of him had caught a cold and caught the attention of the top management. If some experiments resulted in brain damage, he didn't know what kind of anger would erupt from the top.

And if something unexpected happens, even if he is shot ten thousand times, he will still be unable to escape the blame and cannot make up for it.

"Well, Brother Zheng, this experimental product has gone through rigorous testing and will not cause damage to the human body. I have worn it before."

Seeing Zheng Hai grabbing the experimental product, Xu Xiao opened his mouth to explain.

Zheng Hai: "Sorry, although I understand, this is my job, and I hope you can support it."

Xu Xiao raised his head and glanced at his brother. Xu Chuan shrugged and said, "In this case, let Zheng Hai do it."

Although he really wanted to try on that helmet and experience what it felt like, he could understand Zheng Hai's responsibilities.

Xu Xiao nodded and said, "Brother Zheng, come with me."

Zheng Hai nodded and followed him into another side room of the laboratory.

The side room is very large and divided into two parts. The inner part is a room separated by a wall and transparent glass, a bit like a CT room.

Outside are computer equipment and various instruments.

Xu Chuan also followed in and watched Zheng Hai cover his head with the helmet and electrode patches under Xu Chuan's guidance.

On the other side, after connecting the helmet's data cable to the computer, Xu Xiao skillfully controlled the program and started debugging.

Xu Chuan watched from the side. After a while, a special software that seemed to record information was opened on the screen, and zigzag and undulating lines like an electrocardiogram were drawn across the software. There was not just one line, some were thick and some were thin.

, the color is different, and the amplitude of the beating is also completely different.

Looking at the dancing lines on it, he asked curiously: "What are these?"

Xu Xiao replied without looking back: "Some basic characteristics of EEG include periodic frequency, amplitude, phase, rhythm, baseline, amplitude modulation, background and other things."

"We call these ERPs, also called event-related potentials. That is, when a specific external stimulus acts on the sensory system or a certain part of the brain, when the stimulus is given or withdrawn, or when some psychological factor occurs

, the potential changes produced in the brain area."

"The explanation is very complicated, but the potential changes of biological brain waves can be recorded through electrodes placed on the scalp, and separated from the EEG through signal filtering and superposition."

"For humans, its potential changes are brain electrical activities that are time-related to human physical or mental activities. It is a non-invasive brain cognitive imaging technology."

"You can also use this technology to control external devices."

After finishing the debugging work at hand, Xu Xiao raised his head and said to Zheng Hai in the compartment: "Brother Zheng, have you seen the drone on the table far in front of you?"

In the compartment, Zheng Hai nodded, and Xu Xiao continued: "Close your eyes and imagine in your mind that you can control the drone, turn it on, rise, and try flying forward, left, and right."

Listening to Xu Xiao's words, Xu Chuan cast his eyes to the compartment with interest.

About three meters in front of where Zheng Haiduan was sitting, there was a silver-white drone parked there quietly.

As time passed, the drone suddenly turned on automatically.

Although there was no sound outside, Zheng Hai in the compartment clearly felt the movement. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the drone not far away with some disbelief.

Then, following Xu Xiao's instructions, he closed his eyes again and began to control the flight and movement of the drone.

Immediately afterwards, a magical scene appeared in the compartment.

The silver-white drone flew up unsteadily, rising slowly into the air. After stagnating for two seconds, it began to fly slowly forward, backward, left, right, up and down.

Seeing this scene, Xu Chuan's expression of interest became even more intense.

He looked at Xu Xiao curiously and asked, "How is this done?"

With a proud smile on his face, Xu Xiao said: "There are too many specific details to describe, and I can't finish them in three days and three nights."

"To put it simply, the electrical activity from the brain is monitored through the electrodes on the device and the signal (or signal interruption) is transmitted to the computer. The computer then processes the data and converts it into another electronic signal.

Wifi is transmitted to the aircraft’s receiver to control the aircraft’s flight movements.”

After a pause, she continued: "Actually, the United States was able to control drones through brain waves a few years ago."

"But their method is completely different from mine. The technology there is executed by converting commands. For example, the thoughts of starting the drone, rotating the blade, moving forward, retreating, etc. are constructed in the mind, and then the brain wave equipment monitors the

After these signals, they are separated separately and given commands."

"Commands are one-way and can only be transmitted to the drone through the brain."

"On my side, there is a deeper human-machine cooperation. When the aircraft is operating, it can transfer part of the data observed by the drone back to the computer through external devices such as cameras and sound collectors, and then use that device to

After being processed and turned into adapted brain waves, part of the picture or sound can be transmitted back to the brain."

"It's like the drone becomes part of your body, you can control it, and it can also give you feedback."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan rubbed his chin and thought for a moment, then said with interest: "If that's the case, this technology has great potential? Why did Shuimu University give up?"

If you follow what Xu Xiao said, everyone can see the potential of this technology.

Not only can external drones and equipment be controlled through neural signals and brain waves, but the equipment can also feed back signals.

This is equivalent to giving someone a clone.

It can even be said that if this technology matures, in addition to the initial development of medical fields such as vision and hearing, it will also have huge potential in many fields.

For example, remotely controlled robots can enter the deep sea to explore instead of humans. It is possible to clearly observe and understand the deep sea that humans have not understood on the sea or even on land.

Even militarily, its potential is extremely huge.

Xu Chuan couldn't figure out why Shuimu University would abandon this project.

On the side, Xu Xiao sighed, shook his head and said: "That's not to say that I have given up completely. I just won't make large-scale investments for the time being."

"Compared to the method in the United States, this technology is still very immature, and both the output and reception of neural signals are very imperfect."

"The interference of externally worn devices is also very serious. The controlled device cannot fully transmit all the signals back in terms of feeling and picture. At present, it can only transmit a little fuzzy feeling."

"More importantly, our understanding of the brain is still very shallow."

"Although everyone has long recognized that the brain can issue instructions to control behavior, they do not understand the formation process of instructions, resulting in our inability to effectively read instructions."

"For example, using the mouse and keyboard requires the cooperation of the arms and ten fingers to operate with reasonable time, position and strength, and finally achieve the results we want."

"Although typing is very simple, there are tens of millions of neurons involved in this process in the brain, and they are distributed in different brain areas. Their signals are very complex, and it is not easy to collect relevant signals. The signals are like a book from heaven, and it is even harder to understand. .”

"With our current capabilities, we can only collect signals from some neurons in specific brain areas. And the error will be quite large."

After a pause, Xu Xiao continued: "The most important thing is that long-term use of this technology will put a serious burden on the brain. Currently, users will experience dizziness and headaches if they use it for more than fifteen minutes. Motion sickness certificate and other conditions.”

"As for this problem, let alone a solution, we can't even find the cause at present."

"We can only stop temporarily and think of ways to further improve the transmission of neural signals and the neural signal database."

"And that's not what costs money."


PS: I may take a day off tomorrow. I have a tumor on my spine, almost parallel to my heart. It has been growing for more than a year. I didn’t care about it because it didn’t hurt or itch and it didn’t grow up (at the beginning) I thought it was caused by the accumulation of unbroken oil acne).

Recently, I have found that it has become larger and started to hurt when I touched it. I have to go to the hospital tomorrow to see what the problem is and then treat it.

e=(′o`*))) Alas, I hope nothing will happen.

I'll update it after I finish this.

This chapter has been completed!
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