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Chapter 618: Academic exchanges

Relying on the Circular Super Particle Collider (CRHPC) project, establishing a platform in China similar to the technology sharing of ITER and CERN is obviously a thankless task.

After all, for any country or company, it is impossible for internal core technologies to be exchanged.

Especially in some sensitive fields, such as photolithography machines, industrial motherboards, materials, etc. In these fields, you can sell equipment or materials, but technology, even if you update the technology that has been retired for two or three generations, it is impossible for others to do so.

Release it.

Of course, Xu Chuan had not counted on these things.

This technology exchange and sharing platform established based on the CRHPC project is aimed at top-level cutting-edge problems that have not yet been solved.

Just like the previous ITER and CERN, it targets problems that are extremely difficult to solve in the frontier fields of human science, or that are beneficial to the entire civilization.

For example, the study of dark matter, the exploration of extraterrestrial spaces such as the moon/Mars/sun, etc., the study of space-time wormholes, etc.

The most cutting-edge research in the scientific community, or projects that require the efforts of the entire civilization, are the direction and goal of this technology exchange and sharing platform.

For China, building such a platform may seem thankless, but if it succeeds, the rewards will be huge.

Not to mention anything else, just ensuring their future leadership in these cutting-edge scientific fields is worth the investment.

Of course, in addition to the benefits to China, such a platform is also extremely beneficial to promoting the development of science and technology for all mankind.

The small blue planets are divided into more than 200 countries and regions, with different strengths and weaknesses. At the same time, they also have nuclear bombs, destructive weapons that can destroy the entire civilization. If they want to completely complete the reunification, it can be said that it is almost impossible.

It's an impossible thing to do.

But for a civilization, it is absolutely the most irrational thing to spend all its time and energy on civil war and internal strife.

To be honest, it is not that no one has seen these things, but for the vast majority of people, even the most top scholars and politicians are unable to change them.

But if we really want to transform human civilization, step into the deep space universe, and unite the power of the world, then it is necessary. Considering all aspects, it is necessary.

As Xu Chuan said in his Nobel lecture, only civilizations that yearn for the universe and the galaxy will have sufficient potential and future.

Creating such a platform that is beneficial to the development of science and technology for all mankind is the first step.

Regardless of whether he could succeed or not, whether it was for his own scientific research career, wanting to see more things, or for the sake of all mankind, he had to take such a step.

Perhaps, in the future, it is not impossible to use this platform to connect the whole world more closely and form a human community facing the deep space of the universe.

After all, compared to the small earth and solar system, the resources and living space in the universe are endless.


Star City at night.

In the Star City Great Hall where meetings were held during the day, a state banquet-level party was held in the banquet hall that could accommodate thousands of people.

Compared with the opening ceremony that was open to everyone during the day, the number of participants in this banquet in the evening was much smaller.

Only top scholars, political representatives from various countries, and representatives from some well-known physics institutions can get invitations to attend the grand event in the dinner hall.

Other guests will be accommodated in nearby top hotels.

Of course, although the dinner was divided into two places, the level of hospitality etiquette did not drop. Even in terms of eating and drinking, the dishes available to other scholars and guests were more abundant.

After all, everyone except Xu Chuan was here to socialize at the dinner in the great hall.

He was the only one who entered the banquet hall and rushed to the white table where the dishes were placed.

The man who was hit on the back of the head by his front foot had been busy all afternoon, and he was already hungry without even taking a few sips of water.

Holding a dinner plate, Xu Chuan selected food on the long white table. The dishes at the banquet held in Star City were naturally based on Hunan cuisine.

However, considering that many scholars and guests who came to attend this banquet were from abroad, we did not choose too many heavy flavors in the dishes.

Although there are also local Hunan dishes such as fish head with chopped pepper, stir-fried pork with pepper, and Dong'an chicken, more of them are catered to other scholar guests, such as Zuan shark's fin, chestnut braised cabbage heart, breaded whole duck and other fresh, salty, mellow and delicious dishes.


But for Xu Chuan, although dishes such as shark fin and whole duck are equally delicious, he still prefers fish head with chopped pepper and stir-fried pork with pepper.

After all, for a native of Shonan, chili peppers are a necessity in life.

Just as he was staring at a dish of fish head with chopped peppers and fried pork jerky rice with peppers, an old man in a woolen sweater came over carrying a dinner plate.

"Long time no see, Professor Xu." Looking at Xu Chuan who was only focusing on 'making food', the old man smiled and said hello.

Hearing the sound, Xu Chuan raised his head, turned to look at the old man standing next to him, swallowed the food in his mouth, and responded with a smile: "Professor Kriching, I didn't expect you to be interested in this kind of dinner."

The old man greeting him in front of him was none other than the top physicist of the Germanic country, Claus von Klitzing.

It was this man who discovered the quantum Hall effect. He has made world-renowned contributions to low-dimensional condensed matter physics and is a top expert in the field of condensed matter physics.

Klitzing said with a smile: "I'm not interested in the dinner party, but I am very interested in you. I am still reading and studying that paper on the unified framework of strongly correlated electronic systems. You are better than me in terms of theoretical foundations of condensed matter physics."

The imagination is much deeper. What is even more difficult to imagine is that you are still so young, it is simply unbelievable."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Xu Chuan smiled and said: "You are so complimentary. In the field of condensed matter physics, Professor Klitzing, you are the real genius. If it weren't for the quantum horoscope you made,

Without results such as the Hall effect, the physics community would not be able to establish an indestructible connection between topology and the quantum Hall effect."

Klitzing smiled, shook his head gently and said, "Even if I hadn't discovered the quantum Hall effect, someone would have discovered it, after all, it's there."

"However, the unified framework theory of strongly correlated electronic systems is a creative work, and its prospects are far more grand than a discovery."

After a pause, he continued: "But there is no need for academic exchanges. If I have time, I would like to talk to you about condensed matter physics."

"As for now..."

Klitsin looked at the two sturdy men standing aside and said with a smile: "The busyness at the dinner party is waiting for you to deal with."

Xu Chuan followed Kli Qing's gaze and looked over. The two people standing waiting at the side looked like they were from Lao Maozi's side. Their suits and leather shoes could not conceal their 'unique' temperament.

Smiling and nodding at Professor von Klitzing, he said, "In that case, let's make an appointment again when we have time."


Kriching nodded with a smile, turned around and left with the dinner plate in hand.


At a dinner party, Xu Chuan barely managed to eat until he was seven-quarters full.

It wasn't that there wasn't enough food at the banquet, but that no matter how hard he concentrated on cooking, a steady stream of scholars and dignitaries came over to greet him.

At the opening ceremony and the end of the first day of the First International Large Strong Particle Collider Launch Conference and Seminar, relevant news reports and media information have already been widely publicized.

From official official media to reprinted local media and online media, to those marketing accounts, technology UP and other personal media, countless news directly topped the list of hot searches and aroused considerable heated discussion.

Although most netizens who eat melons are not very interested in cutting-edge things in the scientific world, the news about the budget of up to 120 billion RMB, the competition between CERN and China, and the competition for the right to speak in the field of high-energy physics are quite interesting.


[One hundred and twenty billion, and it’s still fully owned by the state. Gee, it’s really rich.]

[I heard that this thing can create a black hole!]

[Why do I feel like the collider is just a lottery machine? It’s the kind with no guarantee, it depends on luck, and you need a European emperor to activate it to find particles or something.]

[Le, the explanation above is really awesome. It looks quite funny, but after thinking about it, it actually makes sense.]

[If I remember correctly, Mr. Yang opposed the construction of a super-large collider two years ago, which was a waste of people and money. Now I look at it, and sure enough, 120 billion, tsk tsk, is enough to lift many families out of poverty in the western region? 】

[Academician Wang Yifang also said that today is the right time for China to build a large collider. 】

[I don’t understand, but is it really worth spending 120 billion to build a collider? I personally think that instead of spending money to build this, it is better to invest in education. What we lack is not equipment, but more people like Xu

Talented people are just like academicians.】

【?(o?v?)ノ, do you want more from a super god like Sichuan God? Do you want to let other countries live?】

[This kind of thing should be judged by scientists, and laymen should not take care of it. Every national project is not a matter of words. It cannot be explained clearly in a video, nor can we who do not understand microphysics at all.

It’s a joke, it’s very superficial to question the national system with a market mind!】

There are a lot of controversies on the Internet, but just like the opinions of some netizens, it is very superficial to doubt a national century project with the minds of ordinary people!

Just like when the Three Gorges Dam was first built, there were constant arguments for and against it.

But to this day, no one can deny that the dam across the entire Yangtze River has made a huge contribution to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and to the country's energy supply.

Today's large strong particle collider is just like the original Three Gorges Dam. How much contribution it has made will only be known when time passes.


After the launch of the collider and the opening ceremony of the seminar, all that is left is targeted exchanges and communication between China and other countries and physics institutions.

For China, if other countries want to take advantage of the CRHPC, a ring-shaped super particle collider that they have fully invested in, they will have to pay certain benefits.

This benefit can be related to the collider-related technologies currently under construction, such as superconducting high frequency, large cryogenic systems, large-scale high-speed collimation, ultra-high vacuum, high-precision magnets, etc.; it can also be equal funding.

In this regard, Xu Chuan’s opinion is that the sooner you invest, the more you invest, the sooner you can enjoy it and the more you enjoy.

Those who invest in this project to gain access to the collider are mainly countries that are not originally members of CERN, such as Asan, South Korea, small island countries, etc.

Although the relationship between these countries and them in the international situation is not completely friendly, on the whole, compared with competing for the pitiful collision resources at CERN, it is better to give CRHPC a try.

What surprised Xu Chuan was that apart from these countries, Germany and Tsarist Russia, two countries that originally belonged to CERN (Tsarist Russia is not a member, it is an observer country), also came over to join in the fun.

Of course, this kind of negotiation involving funding, technology transactions and other fields has nothing to do with him.

Both the diplomatic side responsible for consultations and the Physics Society responsible for providing technical support have arranged for personnel to come.

What Xu Chuan needs to face are fellow scholars from academia.

He wants to try his best to attract big names in academia to do research and work here, as well as scholars with rich experience in engineering projects.

For example, Professor Tillman Lunt.

To be honest, Xu Chuan has been wanting to bring him over for a long time.

When he was working on miniaturized and controllable nuclear fusion of stellarators, he had tried to attract this talented person from the Planck Institute of Plasma. Unfortunately, because of the sale of Helixite-7X, this talented person directly refused.

He retired in anger.

However, after a period of adjustment and recuperation, this talented person seems to be interested in work again.

At the moment, Xu Chuan is trying to think of ways to bring this expert in the field of ion physics over.

After all, one of the main core components of the Large Strong Particle Collider is the superconducting material that accelerates particles.

This scholar, who has studied in the field of superconducting magnets for most of his life, may not be as good as his understanding of superconducting materials in the theoretical field; but when it comes to the application of superconducting materials and superconducting magnets, he can be said to be ten times ahead of him.

Not an exaggeration.

By the way, this talented person was involved when CERN was first built and subsequently upgraded.

But what gives Xu Chuan some headache is that he is not very good at deceiving people... Well, academic matters cannot be called deception, but should be called win-win.

More importantly, on the one hand, Professor Tillman is not very interested in the Large Strong Particle Collider. On the other hand, it is quite difficult for him to leave Germany all the way to work in China.

things to accept.

After all, my wife, children, and family are all in Europe.


This chapter has been completed!
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