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Chapter 688 This is the power of technology!

In the last hour before the start of space travel, following Zhai Zhigang and Zheng Hai, Xu Chuan accompanied the two princes from the Middle East to the Xinghai stationed on the runway.

For the sake of safety, in addition to the two astronauts Zhai Zhigang and Chen Dong, Zheng Hai, Tang Sijia and two other security personnel accompanied the flight.

After all, this is space travel, not a plane trip or anything like that.

Hundreds of kilometers high in outer space, if Xu Chuan or the two princes from the Middle East were to have physical abnormalities, Tang Sijia would be able to have first-hand medical preparations.

As for whether there will be any problems if there are so many people on board, that's not a big deal.

Although equipment such as cargo bays, fusion reactors, and aerospace engines occupy most of the space, the amount of remaining space is still surprisingly larger than that of traditional spacecraft.

Not to mention a few people, even dozens will be fine.


"Is this the legendary Xinghai?"

On the runway, looking up at the huge space shuttle in front of him, Prince Faisal, who had seen all kinds of big scenes, couldn't help but feel a little emotional and a little excited.

He has his own private jet, but it's not as big as the one in front of him.

In terms of fuselage length and wingspan alone, this space shuttle can be ranked among the top batch of ordinary civil aviation airliners.

Of course, what made him sigh and excited was the use of the behemoth in front of him.

He has flown on airplanes many times, but this is the first time a space shuttle has been able to sail directly to an alien planet.

Xu Chuan nodded and introduced with a smile: "Yes, this is Xinghai. Its fuselage length reaches 68.6 meters and its wingspan is 41.4 meters wide. Its size is comparable to the Queen of the Sky Boeing 747, but its wings are shorter.

Just a few.”

He is quite proud of this large aircraft that he personally controlled the design and manufacture of.

In particular, the engine power system and energy supply system can be said to be unprecedented. I don't know if there will be others in the future, but at least in this era, it is completely black technology.

After staring at the Xinghai for a while, Prince Faisal suddenly asked.

"Professor Xu, do you want to sell your space shuttle? I would like to customize one, and you can quote whatever price you want!"

Hearing this, Xu Chuan shook his head and refused without thinking: "Currently, the entire Xinghai Research Institute, no, there is only this one in the whole world. We don't have enough for ourselves and it is impossible to sell it."

Prince Faisal: "It's okay, I can wait."

Xu Chuan glanced at him and said with a smile: "This is a prohibited item and is not for sale to the outside world."

Buying Xinghai? What are you thinking about?

It’s true that money is everything.

This space shuttle, not to mention the radiation protection system, life support system, circulation system and other top aerospace technologies in the world, is just the small and controllable nuclear fusion reactor and aerospace engine deployed on it.

Any one you take out is a priceless treasure.

Not to mention buying it with money, just exchanging it for a city. Neither he nor China would be able to trade it.

At least for now, it's impossible to sell or exchange.

Hearing this, Prince Faisal smacked his lips and looked at the behemoth in front of him with some envy.

I heard that this space shuttle was equipped with a legendary small and controllable nuclear fusion reactor as the energy supply system, but I don’t know if this is true.

It would be great if I could buy one.


One hour is not a long time to prepare for boarding the Xinghai.

After the installation of the Tiangong's supplementary supplies was completed, the hatch in the cargo hold of the Xinghai's fuselage was slowly opened.

Inside the Xinghai, Zhai Zhigang, wearing a blue military uniform, walked out of the cockpit.

"Academician Xu, Mr. Prince Faisal, Mr. Ahmed."

After saying hello to the three heavyweight 'passengers', he continued with a serious face: "This round of Xinghai will set off on time in ten minutes. Please be prepared. Please be prepared during the take-off stage."

Do not unfasten the safety belt."

Although he didn't understand the high-level decision, since it had reached this point, all he could do was do his best to ensure the safety of this voyage.

Sitting on the chair, Xu Chuan pulled the buckles and seat belts that fixed him, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, these things have been taught during training, we will not mess around."

Hearing Xu Chuan's assurance, Zhai Zhigang's heart relaxed a little.

Nodding, he helped check the equipment and straps of the three people, then turned around and returned to the cockpit.


Ten minutes was not long, and soon, instructions from the driver's seat came from the passenger compartment.

"The Xinghai is about to set sail. Please remain seated and do not unlock the safety fixtures."

These words were not included in the original voyage. They were added temporarily by Zhai Zhigang to remind the ancestors in the crew cabin at the back not to mess around.

As Zhai Zhigang's voice came, there was a slight tremor under the feet, accompanied by a harsh low-frequency resonance sound. Prince Faisal, who was sitting in the seat, swallowed his saliva and looked at it slightly nervously and expectantly.

Looking to Xu Chuan aside.

"I heard that the energy system used by Xinghai is the legendary miniaturized controllable nuclear fusion reactor. Is this igniting?"

Xu Chuan smiled and explained: "No, this is some low-frequency resonance when the engine is started. Don't worry, it will disappear soon."

Although this is also his first time taking the Xinghai to the sky, it does not mean that he has never taken the Xinghai before.

Xu Chuan had already tried flying within the atmosphere.

After all, the space shuttle was built by oneself, and everyone would want to try what it feels like to fly.

Prince Faisal nodded and carefully felt the movement in the cabin.

On the side, Ahmed Abdulrahman, the representative of the United Arab Emirates who had been silent for a while, spoke after feeling the sound of taking off for a while.

"It seems that this is no different from an ordinary passenger plane? Can it really fly out of the atmosphere?"

Although he had seen news related to Xinghai many times in the news, when he personally sat on the space shuttle and felt its take-off process, Ahmed Abdulrahman still felt something in his heart.

Had some doubts.

Otherwise, during the take-off phase, this flight mode is really similar to a traditional civil aviation aircraft.

Xu Chuan didn't pay attention to Ahmed's doubts and said with a smile: "Of course, this is just the first stage of the Xinghai's flight. You will know in two hours."

With that said, he unbuckled his safety buckle, stood up, and walked towards the cabin where astronauts live in space.

Beside them, Prince Faisal and Ahmed also got up and entered the space cabin.

"Would you like something to drink? The conditions are relatively simple. There are only coffee, water, tea, lemonade and orange juice here."

In front of the special insulated box fixed on the wall, Xu Chuan turned to ask the two people following him. At the same time, he skillfully took out a few sealed bags from it and handed them over.

Prince Faisal took it and looked at it with some curiosity. Although he could not understand the words on the sealed bag, the picture easily helped him identify what kind of drink he was holding.

Ahmed Abdulrahman from the United Arab Emirates looked at the bagged drink in his hand, unscrewed the hose and took a sip, smashed it in his mouth and asked curiously.

"Is this what astronauts drink? Why is there no freshly ground coffee? We can obviously make coffee now."

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "But you can't make coffee in outer space, so it would be great to have bagged coffee."

On the side, Prince Faisal smiled and said: "Then you should take a ride on my private jet when you have the opportunity. Not to mention freshly ground coffee, you will have everything you want, and you can even take a bath on it."

"But it can't fly into outer space, right?" Xu Chuan replied with a smile.

As soon as he said this, he immediately chatted to death, and the cabin was quiet for two seconds.

However, Prince Faisal quickly reacted and said with a smile: "If I can own a space shuttle, I will definitely transform it into the most luxurious private jet. Then I can take a bath and drink from my hand."

Grinding coffee and heading into outer space.”

Xu Chuan shrugged, these bearded men really knew how to enjoy it.

However, that is only if he can get a space shuttle.


Climbing the gravity well in the atmosphere didn't take long. After two hours of flight, the door to the habitation module opened.

Outside, Chen Dong, the co-pilot of the Xinghai, walked in and said: "Academician Xu, Prince Faisal, our altitude is approaching the critical point and we are about to switch to flight mode. Please put on the spacesuit in the cabin now."

For Xinghai, its acceleration is not very high during the process of climbing the gravity well. Therefore, theoretically speaking, the protection of the spacesuit inside the cabin is not actually needed during the take-off and navigation stages.

During their double-digit flights, Zhai Zhigang and Chen Dong actually both tried to enter outer space without wearing spacesuits, and there were no problems.

However, the situation of the three people from Xu Chuan is different. On the one hand, they are not professional astronauts, and their physical fitness is definitely not as good as that of astronauts. Even if they are fully prepared, there are still many uncertainties.

On the other hand, after switching the flight attitude, the acceleration will increase to more than 3 G. Just in case, it is safer to use an in-cabin spacesuit to reduce the influencing factors.

After officially entering orbit and entering outer space, you can leave your spacesuit and move around freely.


It is a long journey from the surface to space, and it is also a wonderful journey.

At least it was true for Xu Chuan and Prince Faisal who took the space shuttle to space for the first time, as well as Zheng Hai, Tang Sijia and others who accompanied them.

The first half of the journey was not much different from a traditional flight, but when the Xinghai reached the critical point, switched flight postures, and officially entered outer space, it was a completely different feeling.

Several people sitting in the crew cabin clearly felt the increase in gravity and the acceleration caused by climbing the gravity well with full engine power.

However, compared with traditional chemical fuel launch vehicles, this increase in gravity and acceleration is almost too weak to be noticed. Whether it is Xu Chuan, Prince Faisal or others, they have easily adapted to this.

a rising environment.

As time goes by, the Xinghai continues to climb upward, fifty kilometers, eighty kilometers, one hundred kilometers, one hundred and sixty kilometers...

When the space shuttle arrived in low-Earth orbit, the gravitational and centrifugal forces of the spacecraft canceled each other out. In the space capsule, Xu Chuan and others who were sitting semi-reclining on chairs, waiting to enter orbit and officially enter outer space, clearly felt this.

It floated on its own.


One of the most common phenomena in space!

Just like swimming in the Dead Sea, the gravity beneath them had lost its influence on their bodies at this moment, and the whole person was floating in the water.

It's just that at this moment they are not in the Dead Sea, but in outer space hundreds of kilometers away.

What supports the body is not the Dead Sea water with extremely high salt concentration, but the most ordinary air.

In the passenger cabin, Prince Faisal, who was fixed on the seat by the safety buckle, felt his body floating away from the seat and the wonderful impact of losing gravity. His eyes widened and his face was full of shock.

Although he had experienced the feeling of artificial weightlessness when he was training in that space base before.

But when he entered outer space and felt this wonderful feeling personally, he was still shocked by this wonderful experience.

What shocked him even more was that they actually entered outer space so easily?

He didn't even feel anything unusual, let alone the legendary discomfort when flying on a space shuttle.

If you put aside the process of wearing a spacesuit in the second half of the journey, he even felt that it was easier than taking an ordinary civil airliner.

It’s simply unimaginable!

"By God, have we reached outer space?"

Feeling the weightlessness of his body, the expression on the face of the UAE representative Abdul Rahman also lost control. He looked at Xu Chuan with shock in his eyes and asked in horror.

After recovering from the experience, Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Yes, we have now reached an altitude of at least 160 kilometers, but we are still a while away from our destination."

"By then we will be able to stand at least 400 kilometers away in outer space and overlook the earth, and see the most beautiful scenery in the world."

After recovering from the shock, Prince Faisal couldn't help but ask: "It's incredible, how did you do it?"

"Such a gentle space travel, I feel like I'm sitting on my private jet, without any of the legendary sensations in spaceflight. Have you eliminated all the acceleration and gravity?"

Xu Chuan smiled slightly and replied with pride and pride: "This is the power of technology!"


PS: There will be another chapter later, it will be quite late, please read it in the morning.

Also, it’s the end of the month, please give me a monthly pass. Please give me a monthly pass in the hands of the big guys (●'?'●)


This chapter has been completed!
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