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Chapter 706: Who wouldn’t be disgusting?

If you want to talk about the most exciting thing in the industry recently, it is definitely the field of lithium-sulfur batteries.

After Argonne National Laboratory and the Chicago news media published news that experimental data had been stolen, the Sichuan Institute of Materials Research also stepped forward and held a press conference on lithium-sulfur batteries.

Although judging from the news received, the theme of the press conference is the introduction of lithium-sulfur batteries, there is no doubt that problems related to the accusations of Argonne National Laboratory cannot be avoided at this node.

Immediately, after receiving the news, media and reporters from all over Jinling, both domestic and foreign, came to the Qixia Mountain New Development Zone near the Yangtze River.

In the lecture hall of the Chuanhai Institute of Materials, the original lithium-sulfur battery press conference was hosted by Fan Pengyue, the director of the institute.

But this time involving the accusations from Argonne National Laboratory, Xu Chuan naturally stepped forward without hesitation.


After the introduction of lithium-sulfur batteries, the press conference entered the question and answer session.

In the audience, those foreign media reporters who came by invitation or on their own initiative raised their microphones in an attempt to get the first opportunity to ask questions.

On the contrary, most of the domestic media, which occupy the priority position in the front, have made no movement. Look at me, look at you. Even if there are some who raise their hands, they are not active.

Anyone who can come here to participate in the press conference today is either a human being or has been promoted long ago.

Although lithium-sulfur batteries are the hottest topic at the moment, if you can ask about something explosive, there will definitely be no shortage of traffic. But don’t forget that the Sichuan-Hai Institute of Materials is a laboratory established by Academician Xu in front of you. It can make non-stick pans

It's better not to stick to it.

Anyway, there were quite a few foreign media reporters present, so I left those difficult questions to them.

Xu Chuan looked around and did not immediately pay attention to the eager media reporters, leaving the first opportunity to ask questions to the CTV media.

After all, today's press conference is not specifically to respond to the Argonne National Laboratory's accusations, but to launch the institute's lithium-sulfur battery, so the beginning must be done first.

As a leader in the domestic media industry, when CTV media reporters are present, it is also the default rule of the media industry to give them the first opportunity to ask questions.

After receiving the question, the CTV reporter stood up and asked a standard question with a smile:

"Hello, Academician Xu, according to your introduction just now, the Sichuan-Hai Institute of Materials has solved the biggest problem in lithium-sulfur batteries. So what major changes will this bring to our daily lives and society?"

Xu Chuan smiled and introduced: "First of all, as an emerging next-generation battery technology, lithium-sulfur batteries have the advantages of high energy density, low cost and environmental friendliness, and have always been regarded by us as an important factor in future battery development.


"Theoretically, the theoretical energy density of lithium-sulfur batteries is as high as about 2600Wh/kg, which is much higher than the 500Wh/kg of traditional lithium-ion batteries..."

"...In layman terms, after applying the lithium-sulfur battery we developed, mobile phones commonly used in daily life can have a battery life of more than one month if they are used according to the usage habits of most ordinary users.


“And the cruising range of new energy vehicles can reach more than 4,000 kilometers!”

Hearing this, the audience was in an uproar.

More than one month of mobile phone battery life and more than 4,000 kilometers of car cruising range. If it weren’t for the booming development of battery technology in the past two years, this data would have been like something out of a science fiction movie a few years ago when the lithium dendrite problem was not solved.

science and technology!

After briefly describing the future changes that lithium-sulfur batteries will bring, media reporters from Jinling Daily and Shanghai Times also stood up and raised some difficult questions about lithium-sulfur batteries.

But everyone has a tacit understanding to avoid those sensitive issues.

Finally, when the opportunity to ask questions fell to the foreign media, the "BBC" reporter who was called quickly stood up.

"Hello, Professor Xu, have you and your Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute noticed the news published by the Chicago Tribune? What are your opinions on the accusations made by Professor Theresa Achill of Argonne National Laboratory?

What do you think about data being stolen?”

Xu Chuan cleared his throat and said: "First of all, I can tell you clearly that the lithium-sulfur battery research and development of Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute has nothing to do with Argonne National Laboratory."

"Our lithium-sulfur battery is a product that the laboratory's researchers have worked hard for two years to develop bit by bit. Argonne National Laboratory's accusations are completely unfounded."

"I can prove this through detailed experimental data, time, etc.! The Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute's research on lithium-sulfur batteries was much earlier than that of Argonne National Laboratory!"

After a slight pause, he smiled and continued: "In addition, if I remember correctly, Argonne National Laboratory is a research institution under the American Energy Corporation and one of the largest science and engineering research laboratories in the United States."

"For a laboratory of this level, if the experimental data of lithium-sulfur batteries is leaked as Professor Theresa Achille said, I would recommend them to investigate the internal situation."

As soon as these words came out, the domestic reporters in the front row almost couldn't hold back their laughter and burst out laughing like pigs.

The meaning of this statement is to directly call you, the United States, garbage, and your security capabilities are not good enough.

In the audience, the BBC media reporter smiled and sat down without asking any more questions.

This Professor Xu is really as difficult to deal with as the legend says, and this opening directly bombarded the entire United States.

On the side, a reporter from the "Chicago Tribune" stood up and was very angry at Xu Chuan's remarks about bombarding the security of Argonne National Laboratory. He stared at Xu Chuan with burning eyes and said, "Then how do you explain Terry's remarks?"

What about the comparison with the experimental data provided by Professor Sa Aqil?"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "From a data point of view, the experimental data of the paper published by the Sichuan-Hai Institute of Materials Research can be said to be almost consistent with the data of Argonne National Laboratory."

Xu Chuan didn't pay attention to the other party's resentful eyes at all, and said: "I have read the information in your report. Indeed, from the experimental data, the research on lithium-sulfur batteries by the Sichuan-Hai Institute of Materials Research and Argonne National Laboratory

There are similarities in directions and routes.”

"But in academia, it is not uncommon for research directions and ideas to collide."

"Especially in the field of lithium-sulfur batteries, the diffusion problem of sulfur compounds is the core problem. This is not the first time that 'monoclinic gamma sulfur' has appeared. The chemical community has confirmed this sulfur compound as early as the 19th century.

The existence of alien forms.”

"If we have to sue for this, I think Argonne National Laboratory will sue more than just the Sichuan-Hai Institute of Materials Research Laboratory. After all, when solving this problem, we chose to use carbon materials as stabilizers.

If there are not a thousand laboratories or research institutions, there are only eight hundred."

As soon as he finished speaking, the "Chicago Tribune" media reporter quickly asked: "Then if the Sichuan Institute of Materials Research had not stolen the experimental data from Argonne National Laboratory, what about the patents of the United States, Maple Leaf Country, Sakura Country and other countries?

How should we explain the rejection of the patent application by the Office?”

Looking at the aggressive reporter, Xu Chuan said: "I reiterate once again that the lithium-sulfur battery research results of the Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute have nothing to do with Argonne National Laboratory."

"If you have evidence of theft of experimental data, you can bring it out directly. If you don't, you have repeatedly spread rumors that the Sichuan Hai Institute of Materials under my name has stolen data from other laboratories, and I will reserve the right to prosecute the Chicago Tribune.

that power."

"in addition....."

After a pause, he looked at other media reporters in the audience and said: "The patent offices of some countries have rejected the patent application of Sichuan and Hainan Materials Research Institute on the grounds of stealing experimental data without any evidence, seriously damaging the patent application.

The rules disrupt the normal order of patent work and constitute disgusting unfair competition."

"In this regard, Chuanhai Materials Research Institute will file an international patent lawsuit to safeguard its basic rights and interests!"

"In addition, before the conclusion of the international patent litigation, I and all research institutes and laboratories under my name will suspend cooperation with all countries that reject patent applications."

After saying this, Xu Chuan stopped paying attention to the reporters in the audience.

Disgusting, right? Who wouldn’t?

If you have the guts, you should not even use the patented artificial SEI film, high-temperature copper-carbon-silver superconducting materials, improved superconducting materials, high-quality graphene, and plasma turbulence CNC models.

Anyway, he is alone, and the laboratories and research institutes under his name do not have messy needs such as chips. At worst, they can be used against each other.

Let's see who can't bear it first.


At the same time, on the other side.

In Argonne National Laboratory, Professor Theresa Achill, holding a cup of coffee, looked at the press conference of the Sichuan Institute of Materials Research with disdain.

Even though the FBI did not catch the mole in the laboratory, nor did they find evidence that the experimental data had been leaked, he still firmly believed that his research had definitely been leaked!

But now, it doesn't matter anymore.

The Chuanhai Materials Research Institute's research in the field of lithium batteries gave him enough confidence!

‘Monoclinic gamma phase sulfur’ does not react unnecessarily with carbonate electrolytes, thereby eliminating the potential risk of polysulfide formation, which is its greatest advantage.

But correspondingly, this chemical phase of sulfide can usually only be observed in high-temperature environments in the laboratory or in oil wells in nature.

This means that under normal circumstances, it cannot exist stably in lithium-sulfur batteries.

This is also the biggest problem they have been facing during their research, and they cannot find a solution. No matter how great the advantages of ‘monoclinic gamma sulfur’ are, they cannot be used in lithium-sulfur batteries.

But now, the end point is in front of him. The other party has already achieved results, using carbon materials to fully optimize the 'monoclinic gamma phase sulfur' crystal and solving the shuttle problem of lithium-sulfur batteries.

This result not only brought back their experiments that had been on the fringe, but also made the research direction known, saving them a lot of time and energy!

More importantly, the importance of lithium-sulfur batteries has made the authorities and patent agencies stand on their side and buy them enough time and benefits!

As for the suspension of cooperation announced by Xu Chuan at the press conference, he even ignored it.

Argonne National Laboratory and he have no cooperation with each other. In the field of lithium-sulfur batteries, he still wishes he had nothing to do with the other party.

At this moment, the door to the office was knocked twice and gently pushed open.

With an excited smile on his face, his assistant Kelly Vicki quickly walked over to report.

"Professor, the latest results, further research from the paper of Chuanhai Institute of Materials, we have confirmed that carbon nanomaterials can improve the stability of 'monoclinic gamma phase sulfur' to a certain extent after doping with mixed nitrogen nanomaterials.

properties and the function of inhibiting the diffusion of polysulfide compounds!”

Hearing the assistant's words, Professor Theresa Achille looked happy, then coughed a little and said, "This is not the result of the paper of the thief who stole our data, but the result of our

My own research direction!"

"Even without his paper, we would have discovered this sooner or later!"

After a slight pause, he looked at his assistant Kelly Vicki with a smile and continued: "Of course, this is not important. The important thing is to take me to see the experimental data first!"

"Yes, Professor!"

Kelly Vicki nodded, and the two walked quickly to the laboratory.

In front of the scanning electron microscope, looking at the images collected on the screen, Professor Theresa Achille finally couldn't restrain herself anymore and showed a bright smile.

Judging from the experimental results, after carbon materials are doped with nitrogen and sodium materials, the stability of 'monoclinic gamma phase sulfur' can be improved to a certain extent and the diffusion of polysulfide compounds can be inhibited!

However, the effect of applying it to specific lithium-sulfur batteries requires further experiments.

In particular, they also need to replace the carbon material that improves the stability of the 'monoclinic gamma phase sulfur'. After all, Sichuan Hai Materials Research has taken the lead in completing the research. If they copy the other party's research, it will not be justified.

Unless they can find evidence that the other party stole their laboratory data, they will face international litigation.

But Professor Theresa Achille is very confident about this!

There are so many types of carbon nanomaterials and graphite cannot be used, so they should be replaced with graphene or carbon nanotubes!

Although the replacement of carbon materials may affect the stability effect to a certain extent, as long as the performance does not drop too much, it is completely acceptable!

In subsequent experiments, they only need to find the most suitable carbon material to replace graphite and find the highest stability effect limit!

"Well done!"

Standing in front of the scanning electron microscope, looking at the images collected on the screen, Professor Theresa Achille took a deep breath, tried hard to suppress the joy on her face, and quickly gave instructions to her assistant.

"Contact the people at the Patent Office immediately. We need to get the patent number as soon as possible!"

"Okay, I'll do it right away!"

The assistant replied quickly and walked out of the laboratory quickly.


PS: There will be more in the afternoon, please give me a monthly pass.

This chapter has been completed!
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