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Chapter 717 More shocking news than the Riemann Hypothesis

The applause behind him faded away like the tide.

After leaving the stage, Xu Chuan walked towards the lounge behind the scenes, preparing to change out of his formal clothes and take a rest before attending the dinner that started at 7:30.

NTU, or China, has never been stingy with such large-scale international academic conferences.

Showing the motherland's strong economic strength, cultural level and scientific and technological development to scholars from other countries is also an important part of the report meeting.

After all, the more scientific researchers a country has, the better. However, how to attract scientific researchers from other countries still depends on the underlying economic foundation, scientific research equipment, and culture.

At this moment, in the lounge, a familiar voice came from behind.


Xu Chuan looked back and saw Liu Jiaxin trotting towards him holding a few small cakes in one hand and a bottle of water in the other.

"Late...the dinner will be held in a while, let's eat something to fill our stomach first~"

It seemed that the pace of the pursuit was a little hurried. The senior sister was still breathing a little when she spoke, and her fair cheeks were a little red.

She quickly handed the small cake in her hand to Xu Chuan: "The report meeting has been going on for so long, you must be hungry."

Xu Chuan was stunned for a moment, and glanced at the small cake and water in her hand with some surprise. Such trivial things in daily life were probably something he had never thought of.

Taking the small cake with a smile, Xu Chuan tore one open and put it in his mouth, smiling and saying: "Thank you."

Liu Jiaxin smiled lightly, and gently unscrewed the bottle cap of the water in her hand and handed it over: "Slow down, be careful not to choke."

Xu Chuan took the water and took a swig. Although there was drinking water prepared on the stage during the four-and-a-half-hour report meeting, it was obvious that he had been busy answering questions and did not have much time to drink it.

Compared to his stomach, it was obvious that he was thirstier.

After taking a sip of water to moisten his throat, Xu Chuan smiled and said: "By the way, there is something I need to tell you first. After this report meeting is over, the Internet company needs to allocate some people to help.

Let me reconstruct the architecture of the chemical materials calculation model."

"Including you, I'm afraid I need to put down some of my work first. I need your help."

Establishing a set of accurate, effective and universally applicable computational models for chemistry was the development direction he had previously decided.

This is not a sudden thought, but a judgment made after careful consideration.

This road is very difficult. Not only is it difficult to re-establish the underlying mathematical logic and theoretical foundations, it is also very difficult to convert these mathematical logic and theoretical foundations into mathematical algorithms and computer codes.


But fortunately, he has another partner who is extremely capable in the field of computer mathematics.

Of course, the strength of the two of them alone is still not enough, even if he also recruits his two students Ding Rui and Gu Bing, it is not enough.

Therefore, it is certain to transfer manpower from Chuanhai Materials Research Institute and Chuanhai Network Technology Co., Ltd.

If this is not enough, he will transfer some more people from Xinghai Research Institute in the future.


Opposite me, Liu Jiaxin nodded and agreed softly. She was probably the one who had the least objection to Xu Chuan's arrangement.

Glancing at his senior sister, Xu Chuan sighed softly and said, "I'm going to have to work hard for you again this time."

Writing underlying mathematical algorithms and computer codes for new chemical material models is probably beyond his power with his computing power.

Although I learned some modeling and computer knowledge in my previous life, I only scratched the surface.

When he was at NTU, working with her to write a mathematical model of tungsten diselenide for his mentor Chen Zhengping was almost his limit.

The underlying algorithms and computer codes of chemical material models are thousands of times more complex than that.

In the entire Chuanhai Network Technology Co., Ltd., there are only a handful of people capable of processing core algorithms, even with the guidance of this senior.

The heaviest and most tedious work will probably still fall on her head.

Liu Jiaxin smiled politely: "Nothing, this is the direction I am interested in."

Xu Chuan nodded and did not continue on this point. Instead, he said: "It just so happens that we can take advantage of this time to deal with the chemical material calculation model and take Jiaying over."

"Last year, I told her to lay the foundation with Academician Zhang Weiping. Now more than a year has passed, and I don't know how her situation is."

"No matter which aspect of mathematics she takes next, with the two of us here, she can basically teach her some."

Mentioning Liu Jiaying, the senior also had a gentle smile on her face: "I hope she can also find her own direction on the academic path."


In the evening, in the spacious banquet hall of Xianlin University Hall, many mathematicians and computer scientists from all over the world were walking in the hall holding champagne, looking for their goals to talk or communicate.

Xu Chuan and Liu Jiaxin, who were giving reports in the auditorium today, were undoubtedly the focus of the audience. Almost all scholars in their respective fields were focused around them.

Even to some extent, Liu Jiaxin is more popular than Xu Chuan.

Not only scholars in the field of computer science focused on her, but many scholars from all over the world also handed the young female mathematician their business cards in an attempt to attract the young mathematician to their country.

and in universities.

A 26-year-old top female mathematician has solved the core conjecture of the Millennium Problem. There is no doubt that she will have a place in the next Fields Medal.

In addition, there were many relatively young scholars who secretly glanced at her at the banquet.

In the banquet hall, Edward Witten and Pierre Deligne walked together. They looked around the banquet hall with glasses of champagne, and found Xu Chuan through the crowd.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Congratulations, this majestic peak is a big step closer to the top of the Riemann Hypothesis!"

The two of them raised the champagne in their hands, smiled and gently touched the wall of the glass with Xu Chuan, took a sip and congratulated.

The student in front of them is the most outstanding of all the students they have ever taught in their lives.

Although the two are still active in academia today, they will go to Princeton to take classes and may continue to recruit students.

But both Witten and Deligne know very well that in the days to come, it may be impossible to find another student who is as outstanding as this student.


Xu Chuan smiled, accepted the congratulations calmly, raised his glass and clinked it with the two mentors.

After saying congratulations, Edward Witten asked curiously: "Speaking of which, I have a question, why do you study the correspondence between the continuity of the Riemann function and the eigenvalues ​​of the random Hermitian matrix in physics?

. Even if Professor Montgomery has made some conjecture in this regard, I think it is not enough to continue to advance in the Riemann Hypothesis, right?"

At the report meeting, Terence Tao’s questions were also something he didn’t pay much attention to.

It wasn't until the question-and-answer session that Witten noticed that in the proof paper of the weak Riemann hypothesis, if you follow it carefully, it actually has some vague connections with physics.

At this moment, Tao Zhexuan, who was being watched by Witten, also came over, greeted the three of them with a smile, and joined in.

Among the four, Xu Chuan smiled, looked at Terence Tao, and said, "Speaking of which, this matter has something to do with Professor Tao."


Beside him, Terence Tao looked over with curiosity.

Xu Chuan nodded and said with a smile: "Do you still remember the National Congress of Mathematicians last year?"


Tao Zhexuan nodded with some confusion. How could he forget last year's International Congress of Mathematicians?

Xu Chuan looked at the crowd not far away and breathed a sigh of relief: "Do you still remember Professor Perelman?"

Hearing these words, Terence Tao seemed to think of something, his eyes suddenly condensed, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Before last year's International Congress of Mathematicians, he, Xu Chuan, and Schulz went to find Perelman, who was living in seclusion in the suburbs of St. Petersburg.

Of course, to be precise, he and Schultz followed Xu Chuan's visit.

But this is not the key point. The key point is a mathematical topic that several people once talked about in that dilapidated small villa!

Einstein Rosen Bridge!

Looking up at Xu Chuan in disbelief, Tao Zhexuan's breathing suddenly became heavy. After swallowing, he asked with an excited and trembling voice.

"Don't tell me you already have research results on that issue? Or some progress?"

If anyone else had talked about this topic, he would definitely not be so excited.

The Einstein Rosen Bridge is said to be a tunnel that can travel through time and space to distant universes, and may even connect parallel universes.

This kind of 'fantasy theory' can almost only be seen in science fiction novels and science fiction movies. If someone said that it could be done in the 21st century, Terence Tao would probably turn around and leave.

It's not like fooling fools.

But what if it was the person in front of me?

I have to say that he has created too many miracles by himself.

It was so outrageous that even Einstein's Rosen Bridge fantasy theory didn't seem completely impossible to him.

Xu Chuan shook his head and replied: "Unfortunately, not really."

After a slight pause, he continued: "But to a certain extent, the research ideas on the weak Riemann hypothesis were obtained from the study of that problem."


At this moment, Witten couldn't help but interrupt the conversation between the two and asked curiously: "What is the problem you are talking about?"

Tao Zhexuan came to his senses and explained with a long sigh of relief.

“Before last year’s International Congress of Mathematicians, Professor Xu, Schultz and I visited Professor Perelman.”

"At that time, Xu went there with a problem in mind. That problem was the one we are talking about now. I remember that Professor Witten also participated in the discussion later."

"Einstein Rosenbridge?"

Hearing what Terence Tao said, Witten reacted quickly and added the name of the question in disbelief.

Naturally, he also participated in last year's International Congress of Mathematicians. He had discussed this issue with Xu Chuan at the beginning. After Tao Zhexuan reminded him, he immediately came to his senses.

Deligne, who had not participated in the exchange, was stunned for a moment after hearing the name from his friend Witten.

After realizing what he was talking about, his breathing became faster. Even if he is a pure mathematician, he has understood such famous things.

Einstein Rosen Bridge!

Space-time wormhole in physics! A narrow tunnel that may exist in the universe connecting two different time and spaces. It is said that a space-time bridge can realize super-light travel.

He never thought that someone would already be studying this in the 21st century. And it was the student he was most familiar with!

On the side, Witten took a deep breath, suppressed his heartbeat that had begun to beat randomly, looked at Xu Chuan impatiently and asked: "Are you still studying it? Has there been any progress?"

After finishing speaking, Tao Zhexuan and Deligne's eyes immediately fell on Xu Chuan, their eyes full of expectation.

Xu Chuan shook his head and said: "If we want to talk about real-time progress, I will disappoint you. I can't find any substantive progress on this issue so far."

Hearing this, Witten and Deligne both had a trace of regret and sigh in their eyes.

If there is any progress on this issue, it will definitely be a discovery that shocks the whole world! No less than a magnitude 12 earthquake in academia.

In front of it, the Riemann Hypothesis is nothing, and even the entire seven millennium problems combined are nothing in front of it.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Looking at Xu Chuan who looked calm on the side, Tao Zhexuan frowned slightly, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Suddenly, he looked up at Xu Chuan, and tentatively asked with some reactionary excitement: "But you must have made some research progress, right?! The advancement of the weak Riemann hypothesis, I guess it is not what you are doing.

All research on this issue!”

"At least in terms of theory, I think you should have a certain direction and ideas?!"

Hearing this, Witten and Deligne's eyes brightened instantly and they looked at Xu Chuan expectantly.

Xu Chuan thought for a while and said: "If it is just pure theories and speculations, I do have some, but I can't guarantee whether he is right."

After a slight pause, he looked at Edward Witten and continued: "From my research and speculation, it may have a certain relationship with prime numbers to some extent."

"Prime numbers?" Hearing this, Witten was stunned for a moment, frowned slightly and looked at Xu Chuan in surprise: "Will it be related to physical space and time?"

A prime number, also called a prime number, refers to an integer greater than 1 that cannot be divided by other positive integers except 1 and itself.

The study of the distribution of prime numbers is one of the important topics in number theory.

The Riemann Hypothesis has a significant relationship with prime numbers. It involves the distribution of prime numbers.

In addition, familiar conjectures and theorems such as Goldbach's conjecture, twin prime conjecture, Mersenne's prime number distribution, prime number theorem, etc. also have a significant relationship with prime numbers, or directly study its problems and theorems.

But for mathematics, the study of prime numbers can be said to be the purest field of mathematics.

If other mathematical fields, such as calculus, differential equations, and analytic geometry, are linked to other disciplines, then the only field where prime numbers are relatively widely used is cryptography in computer science.

The current prime numbers play a central role in the RSA encryption algorithm and hash function, and are also an important core foundation for the development of contemporary computer cryptography.

But no matter what, prime numbers are the category farthest from application among mathematical categories.

But now, someone told him that prime numbers may involve the distribution of space and time in the universe and the Einstein Rosen Bridge?

No matter how I hear this, I find it strange, surprising, and unbelievable.

At the same time, the crowd of people watching on the sidelines were already discussing it.

No one expected that at the report meeting on the weak Riemann hypothesis, news even more shocking than the Riemann hypothesis would be revealed!

"There is a relationship between prime numbers and space holes? How is this possible!"

"Why is it impossible? The only reality in mathematics is that it conforms to some form of logical derivation, and any characteristic things or natural laws that can be described in words can certainly be explained through mathematics. If space holes really exist,

It must be described by mathematical formulas!”

"It's unbelievable that prime numbers are actually related to Einstein's Rosen Bridge. It's simply unbelievable!"

"Is this just a conjecture? How can prime numbers be involved in space and time?"

"But this is what Professor Xu said himself!"

"But he also said that this was just speculation, and Professor Xu also said that he could not guarantee whether this speculation was correct."

"I am more willing to believe him, even if it is just a conjecture. As a person at the top of the mathematical world, he must have discovered something to make such a judgment!"

"Moreover, this kind of speculation is not bad as a research direction, isn't it? If it is true, it will definitely be of great significance to the development of science!"


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