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Chapter 747: Things that cannot be changed

As time goes by, Xu Chuan's papers published on Arxiv have become more and more intense in academic circles.

Due to the deletion of some things, this paper is not as convincing as it used to be in the academic world, or most people.

Many people feel that there are many places in the paper where Professor Xu only gave results but lacked some necessary arguments, and feel that the correctness of the paper is open to question.

After all, although the results are important, for science, especially theory, the argumentation process of the paper is more important.

lack of argumentation process

Many people also believe that this paper will bring a new future to the chemistry world, especially the electrochemistry world.

As for those parts of the paper that lacked necessary arguments and only directly gave the results, they gave a very clever explanation method.

Just like the paper "On the Number of Prime Numbers Less than a Given Value" that Riemann submitted to the Berlin Academy of Sciences in 1859, Riemann gave numerous demonstration results in the article, but omitted the proof process of those arguments.

This also led to the fact that some of his "omitted proofs" took decades of efforts by later generations of mathematicians to complete, and some are still blank even today.

In Professor Xu Chuan's paper, there are also similarities but similar approaches.

Many people believe that Professor Xu already has the answers to these overlooked points, but maybe he is not interested in chemistry, or he thinks these things are too simple and there is no need to write them down.

The endless debate in the academic community has attracted more and more scholars to pay attention to this paper.

For this paper, the editor of the journal "Science" found the 13-year Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry, Professor Martin Capras of Harvard University.

If there is any scholar in the chemistry community who is most likely to be the first to understand Professor Xu's paper, it must be him.

Professor Capras’s main research areas are nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, chemical dynamics, quantum chemistry and molecular dynamics simulation of biological macromolecules.

He won the 2013 Chemistry Prize for designing multi-scale models for complex chemical systems and proposing the Capras equation regarding the relationship between coupling constants and dihedral angles.

Xu Chuan's paper may completely open the door to the explanation of quantum theory at the microscopic level of electrochemistry.

The multi-scale model of complex chemistry designed by Professor Capras is a combination of the two fields of classical physics and quantum physics, and he was the one who initially opened a crack in the door to the microscopic level.

Including Xu Chuan, when studying quantum theory at the microscopic level of electrochemistry, he also studied and applied many of Professor Capras' theories.

"Science": "Hello, Professor Capras, I would like to ask, what do you think of Professor Xu Chuan's "Quantum Theory of Microscopic Substantive Reactions in Electrochemistry and Exploration of the Mechanism of Lithium-Air Batteries" recently published on arxiv

Where’s the paper?”

Martin Capras pondered for a moment: "This is a very wonderful and essential paper. It explains the microscopic changes in electrochemical reactions to a certain extent, and creates a complete quantum chemical theory that combines electrochemistry with

The entire reaction process is summarized.”

"Science" editor: "Do you think he is right?"

Capras: "I can't give an answer as to whether this paper is correct. But from a personal point of view, I am very optimistic about it."

"It solved a lot of doubts in my mind and answered a lot of my questions in the field of electrochemistry. However, I still can't fully understand this paper, and I still don't understand some of its conclusions."

"I don't know how Professor Xu came to these conclusions, because he omitted a lot of the argumentation process that should have been written in the paper. This makes me very confused."

"If possible, I very much hope that he can hold a report meeting to give an overall explanation of this paper. Even if the report meeting is held in China, I will definitely fly there."

"I believe this is also the hope of everyone in the chemical community."

Editor of "Science": "You are very optimistic about Professor Xu, right?"

Capras nodded and said: "Yes, if I want to say the person I admire the most in today's academic world, then Professor Xu is definitely one of them, and he can even be ranked first."

"He is a scholar who is extremely good at creating miracles. It can be said that he single-handedly promoted the progress of many disciplines such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, and even the entire human civilization."

"A few years ago, in the field of lithium batteries, he solved a problem in lithium-ion batteries that has troubled the world for decades through an artificial SEI film."

"Now, in the field of electrochemistry, he has brought us another paper that is enough to guide the direction. In my opinion, even if this paper cannot ultimately explain the microscopic changes in electrochemical reactions, it is enough to help us on this path.

It has led us a long way forward.”

"Science" editor: "At the end of the paper, Professor Xu introduced the exploration and discussion of the mechanism of lithium-air batteries. I would like to ask you how you see this? Can he solve the long-standing problems of lithium-air batteries?"

Capras thought for a while and replied: "I can't give you an answer to this question. The problem of lithium-air batteries has existed for decades, and it is not so easy to solve."

"However, judging from the papers, his research on lithium batteries, or electrochemistry, has surpassed not only all chemists today, but also more than 99% of scholars."

"Maybe you can ask him, he might be able to give you the answer."

"Science" editor: "Do you find it difficult to do it?"

Capras: "It's difficult, but as I said, Professor Xu is a scholar who is good at creating miracles. Based on this paper, maybe he already has some ideas and directions."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!......

Professor Capras's evaluation pushed the attention to quantum theory papers at the microscopic level of electrochemistry to its peak.

Research on lithium-air batteries has stimulated the nerves of major manufacturers and research institutions in the battery industry, and even governments of various countries.

Incidentally, there is strong support for lithium-air battery technology and further suppression of the hydrogen fuel cell field.

Needless to say about the former, on the basis that lithium-sulfur batteries have completed technology research and development, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Sichuan-Hai Materials Research Institute and Huaguo will further occupy a large market in the field of lithium batteries.

If you want to achieve overtaking in corners in this regard, the best route at present is lithium-air batteries.

Lithium-air batteries use lithium as the negative electrode and oxygen in the air as the positive electrode. The discharge product in the aqueous solution system is LiOH, while the discharge product in the organic system is Li2O or Li2O2.

Theoretically, there is an unlimited supply of oxygen in the atmosphere, so the energy density of lithium-air batteries can reach the maximum.

That is, the specific capacity of metallic lithium is 3860mAh/g, and the theoretical specific energy of the battery can reach 11140Wh/kg. It can be said to be the highest specific energy among existing research batteries, and it is also the ultimate direction of lithium-ion battery research.

If a lithium-air battery can be developed, there is no doubt that it will get the largest share of the cake in today's increasingly huge battery market.

Where the interests are, that is where the capital is.

As soon as reports related to Professor Capras' interview came out, funds from major capitals poured into lithium-air batteries almost at the same time.

As for the suppression of the hydrogen fuel cell field, that is also a choice of interests.

More than 80% of hydrogen fuel cell patents are in the hands of Sakura Country, and as the fifth largest economy in the world, the value of the Japanese yen is still very high.

Being able to use the good news about lithium-air batteries to suppress Sakura Country's hydrogen fuel cells and harvest Sakura Country's assets at the same time, I believe that in this increasingly complex situation, no country will miss this opportunity.

Especially the 'dad' standing behind Sakura Country, he spared no effort in his attack.

This has also led to the fact that after relevant news reports came out, hydrogen fuel cells in major stock markets were no longer able to maintain their initial stock prices, let alone increase.

The decline along the way has made major car companies in Sakura Country unable to help but begin to doubt whether their original choice was the right one.

In addition to the major car companies and hydrogen fuel research institutions in Sakura Country, there are also three shareholders of Tomorrow Hydrogen Energy Technology Co., Ltd. who have doubts about life.

After signing the financing contract with Academician Xu, they thought they would be taken along all the way.

Unexpectedly, the plane crashed just a few days after the plane was flown.

This wave of news made them all begin to wonder whether the academician Xu who invested in them was really optimistic about their diaphragm hydrogen fuel cell.

After all, I have never seen an investor who, after investing in a technology, come up with a technology that is completely opposite to it to suppress his investment.

This is really too tragic.


At the same time, on the other side, Jinling.

In the office of Xinghai Research Institute, Xu Chuan hung up the phone with a sad expression on his face.

"What's wrong?"

In the office, Lin Feng, who came specially from Star City to report on the construction status of the Ring Super Particle Collider CRHPC, couldn't help but ask after seeing Xu Chuan answer the phone and the expression on his face changed.

Xu Chuan sighed, stared at the white wall paint not far away and said with some decadence: "Professor Higgs... passed away."

Upon hearing the news, Lin Feng was immediately stunned.

He looked at Xu Chuan blankly and asked in disbelief: "Which Professor Higgs?"

After looking at Lin Feng, Xu Chuan sighed and said nothing.

The memories of his previous life in his mind, those events that he didn't want to recall, gradually overlapped with reality as time went by.

He has changed many things, but there is one thing that cannot be changed.

That is the passage of time, which never stops based on a person's will. The people he knows, admires, and teaches him knowledge will also leave one by one.

Suddenly, he remembered what Instructor Witten said to him at the lecture on the weak Riemann hypothesis.

Birth, old age, illness and death are nothing to people like them.

My only regret is probably not being able to see the more distant future.

See if the theory in your heart has come true, and see what is beyond the end of the universe.


PS: Second update, please give me a monthly pass. Please give me a monthly pass. Guys, I am selling cute rolls online. Please give me a monthly pass o(=?w<=)p⌒☆

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