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Chapter 777: The United States Restarts the Manned Space Shuttle

For the physics community, 2024 is destined to be an extraordinary year.

The completion of the unified theory of strong electricity, the completion of the upgrade of the LHC hadron collider, and the first round of 35 Tev energy level collision experiments are all stimulating the hearts of many scholars in the physics community.

In mid-to-late June, a press conference personally held by Professor Eliezer Rabinovich, the new chairman of CERN, stirred the nerves of the entire physics community.

"The experimental team led by Professor Sheldon Clifford of the California Institute of Physics officially captured the coupling constant data signal of strong electric symmetry breaking in the first round of the strong electric unified verification collision experiment yesterday."

"According to the Daritz diagram submitted by Professor Sheldon Clifford, the current data signal confidence level has reached 3sigma, that is, in a normal distribution of collision data, 99.7% of the data mean is plus or minus three

Within the range of standard deviation.”

"Professor Eliezer Rabinovich, Chairman of the Board, said that this is exciting good news. The high-luminosity LH-LHC collider will continue to conduct a new round of verification of coupling constants for strong electric symmetry breaking.

We will conduct collision experiments and strive to complete the 5sigma confidence detection as soon as possible..."

As soon as the relevant news came out, it sparked heated discussions throughout the physics community.

At the internationally renowned physics forum PhysicsForums, countless physicists and people interested in physics gather here.

[Latest news, CERN announced that the confidence level of the coupling constant detection data for strong electric symmetry breaking has reached as high as 3sigma!]

[Awesome! It’s been less than a month, right? You’ve already achieved 3sigma confidence. When did CERN’s efficiency become so high? 】

[You guys upstairs don’t even want to see what this result is, this is the unified theory of strong electricity!]

[The confidence level of 3sigma is still a little bit off, it depends on when it reaches the confidence level of 5sigma.]

[It shouldn’t be very far away. I have to say, Professor Xu is really awesome! The theory of strong electricity unification, which was originally thought to have no hope in this century, he just did it! It’s so terrifying!]

[The coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking is only part of the predictions in the unified strong electric theory, there are others. 】

[But this is the core prediction. If the prediction of the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking is correct, I believe there will be no problem with other predictions. 】

[If the unified theory of strong electricity is correct, Professor Xu Chuan’s achievements in physics will almost rival those in mathematics.]

[A real boss at the Newton level, top notch in mathematics and physics.]

[There is also the void field theory later. If the void field theory can also be verified, I am afraid he will be the real first person in the world of physics throughout the ages. 】


The news from CERN that the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking has reached a 3sigma confidence level cannot escape the country.

After Eliezer Rabinovich, Chairman of CERN, disclosed the relevant information, major domestic media immediately forwarded the relevant information.

The unified theory of strong electricity is a theory completed by Academician Xu Chuan, and the confidence level of 3sigma is enough for the media to report it.

Including Xu Chuan himself, even though he was still conducting experiments at the Shenzhou Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he also received relevant messages and messages sent to him by acquaintances on his mobile phone.

Seeing the news that the coupling constant of strong electric symmetry breaking has reached the 3sigma confidence level, Xu Chuan also had a smile on his lips.

Although this is not a discovery completed by the domestic CRHPC, and the confidence level does not reach the internationally recognized 5sigma, the confidence level of 3sigma is already a very good start.

Moreover, it has been less than a month since the LH-LHC was upgraded, and CERN was able to achieve this result. It must be said that this opponent is indeed very powerful this time.


While the physics community is in a state of excitement, on the other side, the aerospace community is also ushering in a new round of ‘competition’.

United States, Washington.

In the White House office.

He convened his own staff team, as well as senior officials from NASA, CIA and other relevant departments, and a "space security" meeting was being held.

Mr. T, the elderly CEO, clapped his hands on the table and said with a serious expression: "Our opponents have shown considerable ambitions in the development of space, whether it is a lunar outpost scientific research base, or the ability to travel freely to and from space.

The atmospheric Xinghai space shuttle is a huge threat to us."

"Especially the latter, a space shuttle that can freely travel between the earth and space, it is a threat to space security. I don't need to say more, everyone is very clear when thinking about it."

"We must review our own aerospace program. No matter what achievements we have made, it will be meaningless if we cannot maintain our advantages in the aerospace field!"

"I need a countermeasure to counteract... at least have enough self-protection power in terms of space security!"

The words of the elderly president T were heard in the conference room, but there was silence everywhere.

Space security.....

To be honest, this name that they originally used to threaten other countries has now become the name that others use to threaten them.

But in this regard, it has to be admitted that the country on the other side of the Pacific has indeed surpassed them.

A space shuttle that can freely travel between the earth and space poses a great threat to space security.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that such an aircraft has very powerful military purposes and deterrent power.

In peacetime, it can be a space shuttle, but it can transport fifty tons of supplies to the space station at one time, and it can also carry fifty tons of weapons into space.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Especially since this load can carry a lot of "strategic weapons" into the sky at one time, can this deterrent effect be achieved by other weapons?

Moreover, the space shuttle can nominally repair various spacecrafts. Some time ago, NASA found the Xinghai Research Institute and reached a cooperation in the name of repairing the Webb telescope.

This cooperation is said to be made by NASA itself, but in fact it was decided by them behind the scenes.

After all, when it comes to the Wolfe Clause, how can NASA have so much ability?

In that cooperation, they not only wanted to work on the Xinghai space shuttle, but also went up to see the miniaturized controllable nuclear fusion reactor and the legendary electric propulsion engine.

I also want to see if the Xinghai has the ability to 'repair' various aerospace equipment.

To put it bluntly, it is actually to observe whether it can recover or destroy enemy satellites during war.

And facts have proven that the Xinghai space shuttle does have such capabilities.

Even for the Webb Telescope, which is far away from the L2 Lagrange point, the other party successfully carried their personnel to complete the mission.

Today's meeting is obviously held on this basis.

Everyone knows very well how much of a threat such a space shuttle poses to space security.

But when it comes to solutions, I am afraid no one will think of a method that can perfectly deal with such a space shuttle. Everyone has turned their attention to the director of NASA sitting in the corner of the conference room.

Feeling the gazes of these people, Bill Nelson's mouth moved, and he wanted to curse.

But aerospace and space safety are part of NASA's responsibilities.

Looking at the eyes falling on him, NASA Director Bill Nelson slowly stood up and said:

"I think we need to restart the shuttle."

Hearing these words, the conference room suddenly became noisy. Everyone looked at him in surprise. Sitting at the head of the table, Mr. T, the elderly CEO, frowned.

"space shuttle?"

Bill Nelson nodded and said: "Yes, judging from the current situation, I am afraid that except for the space shuttle, we do not have many countermeasures in other aspects."

"As Mr. T said, a space shuttle that can freely enter the atmosphere and space poses a great threat to space security."

"If they are willing, this will be a bomb hanging over our heads at any time. And without the support of satellites, all our weapons will become a pile of scrap metal."

In the conference room, someone stood up and objected: "But the investment in the space shuttle is too great. Each maintenance cost hundreds of millions of dollars. Moreover, its stability and performance are completely insufficient. We originally had a total of

Five space shuttles were built, two of which exploded, with an accident rate as high as 40%.”

"If it can meet the standards of the Xinghai 1 space shuttle, I have no objection. But obviously, this is impossible unless NASA can develop a small fusion reactor and electric propulsion engine."

Bill Nelson retorted without hesitation: "Then do you have a better opinion? In addition to equipment such as space shuttles and space shuttles, we have almost no other countermeasures against this kind of opponent."

"How about laser?"

"Not so good. Weather interference has a great impact on the laser."

"I think it is necessary to vigorously develop anti-satellite weapons and space electronic countermeasures technology. Even if we cannot keep up with our opponents, we must have corresponding countermeasures."

In the conference room, messy discussions continued. Sitting in the chair, Mr. T, the elderly general manager, nodded and acknowledged: "It is necessary to develop anti-satellite weapons and space electronic countermeasures technology, but in the final analysis, space security only relies on this.

Too little."

After a pause, he looked at NASA Director Nielsen, and then asked: "The cost of the space shuttle is too huge. Do you have any other suggestions?"

Bill Nelson shook his head and said: "I have no other ideas except this, but everyone has some prejudices about the cost of the space shuttle."

"It is true that we spent a lot of money to manufacture and maintain the space shuttle in the past, but from today's perspective, the funds required to restart it are not very huge."

"How to say?"

Hearing this, Mr. T, the elderly CEO, showed interest in his eyes. If the space shuttle could be restarted, even if the performance was not as good as that of the Xinghai, it would be enough for them to have a certain ability to protect themselves in terms of space safety.

Bill Nelson smiled and continued to explain: "Ten years ago, technologies such as engine propulsion and insulation maintenance were not as mature as they are now. Today's aerospace technology is not comparable to that of more than ten years ago."

"Whether it is SpaceX's Falcon Heavy launch vehicle or the new insulation tile technology, it can significantly reduce the cost of launching a space shuttle."


After a slight pause, Bill Nelson glanced around the audience and continued: "And we don't necessarily need to build such a huge space shuttle like before."

"Compared to Atlantis and other series, NASA has inspected our market some time ago. Whether it is SpaceX, Sierra Nevada Corporation, or Boeing, they are vigorously developing commercial manned spaceflight business."

"Sierra Nevada Corporation has even built the first 'Tenacity' space shuttle, which has passed key tests and is currently planning its first launch."

"Although it is much smaller than the Atlantis series, it is still planned to be able to carry seven passengers to low-Earth orbit. For us, it is currently sufficient."

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "And more importantly, the funds it consumed were only one-fifth of the construction cost of Atlantis, less than 500 million meters of gold.


"Compared to more than ten years ago, we now have a large number of outstanding private aerospace companies. We only need to provide them with some small help and integrate their strengths to form sufficient progress in space security.


Having said this, Bill Nelson paused for a moment, took a deep breath and continued: "So, I propose to launch a new space shuttle!"


One year after a major mistake occurred in the Artemis plan to return to the moon, NASA once again circulated relevant news that NASA will restart the space shuttle program again and confirmed the manned moon landing and Mars exploration projects.

Once the relevant news leaked out, it caused an uproar in countries around the world.

On July 8, 2011, the U.S. space shuttle Atlantis was successfully launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

This is the 135th launch in the United States' 30-year-old space shuttle program, and it is also the last flight of all American space shuttles.

On July 21, 2011, the space shuttle Atlantis landed at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Subsequently, NASA officially announced the collective retirement of all space shuttles.

At that time, this aerospace technology, which could be used repeatedly, entered into space repeatedly, and carried a large load, could be described as a black technology, officially disappeared from the eyes of all countries.

It was not until 2021, after ten years, that the space shuttle "Xinghai" of the China Xinghai Research Institute set sail again, and this majestic and beautiful figure came into the eyes of the public again.

At that time, everyone was speculating whether the United States would choose to restart its own space shuttle program after China's space shuttle took off.

But with the Artemis plan to return to the moon and the use of manned spacecraft, this heated discussion officially came to an end.

However, no one expected that one year after major problems occurred in the Artemis project, manned landing on the moon, and return to the moon, NASA leaked information that they would restart the space shuttle.

The relevant news quickly attracted the attention of the American media. At the NASA headquarters in Washington, Director Bill Nelson was crouched down by the media being interviewed.

In other words, he simply did not hide from the media reporters who were trying to interview him.

"Hello Director Nielsen, I am a media reporter from the Washington Post. I would like to ask if the rumor that NASA will restart the use of space shuttles is true."

Bill Nelson: "It's true. NASA has recently submitted a report to Congress on restarting the use of the space shuttle."

"Director Nelson, we all know that space shuttles such as Atlantis were decommissioned and no longer used after completing their missions more than ten years ago. Including the previous Artemis project, it was also completed through manned spacecraft.

Can Atlantis and other space shuttles perform normal space missions if they restart rashly? Is the safety of astronauts adequately guaranteed?"

Bill Nelson smiled and said: "This issue will be kept confidential for the time being, but there is no doubt that NASA and the United States will put the safety of astronauts' lives first."

"Even on the moon or Mars, we will do everything we can to ensure their safety and take them home! This is our promise and what we have always done!"

As soon as Bill Nelson finished speaking, the reporters standing there applauded.

Although the Artemis moon landing failed, NASA did fulfill its promise and found a way to bring the astronauts back from the moon.

Although it was China's Xinghai space shuttle that brought them back, they did do it.

Soon, others in the crowd eagerly continued to ask questions.

"Mr. Director, we all know that China has achieved great success in the space shuttle project. What I want to ask you is, is NASA's decision to restart the space shuttle influenced by China?"

Upon hearing this question, Bill Nelson glanced at the reporter with no emotion in his eyes.

This question is simply nonsense.

If China's Xinghai had not achieved great success in the aerospace field and had actually threatened space security, Mr. T would have been crazy and would have agreed to restart the space shuttle at the meeting.

After all, even the Sierra Nevada Corporation’s small and medium-sized ‘Endurance’ space shuttle costs hundreds of millions of dollars.

This is much more expensive than launching a manned spacecraft.

Of course, logic is logic, and Bill Nelson could not admit this, so he simply refuted it.

"This statement is baseless. We built the space shuttle half a century ago and successfully conducted hundreds of manned space activities. If you want to count, China's Xinghai space shuttle is undoubtedly

It only started due to the influence of our country, the United States."

"There is no doubt that we have richer experience in the space shuttle field!"


This chapter has been completed!
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