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Chapter 780 The CRHPC Ring Super Particle Collider is completed!

For Xu Chuan, the research on the plasma electromagnetic deflection shield project is a large project that consumes a lot of time and energy.

Even though they have made quite a breakthrough in the magnetic polaron electromagnetic shield generator, no one knows how far away the final results are.

He would certainly welcome an experienced academician with rich experience in electromagnetic research to join us.

After leaving matters such as signing confidentiality agreements and arranging work to Wen Yuanhang and Liang Qu from the Energy Research Institute, Xu Chuan took the lead in leaving Shenzhou.

Compared with the research on plasma and electromagnetic deflection shields, he now has a more important task to deal with.

That is the CRHPC Ring Super Particle Collider, which has been completed!

Currently undergoing final debugging and finishing, he needs to lead related tests and collider launch ceremonies.

In the second half of the year, a large part of him will probably be transferred from Aurous Ling to Star City.


In mid-July, it was cloudless and the sky was blue.

The sun hung like a fireball in the clear blue sky, and the clouds in the past seemed to have been melted by the scorching sun and disappeared without a trace.

Star City, South High Speed ​​Rail Station.

"Hahahaha, Sichuan God!"

At the pick-up point, Xu Chuan had just walked out of the passage, and a hearty laugh with some ridicule in his ears came from not far away.

He knew it was Lin Feng without even looking.

They are both students of Chen Zhengping and Edward Witten, and they have a close relationship. They have known each other nearly ten years ago, or in a previous life.

As a scholar in the field of physics, I had many interactions with him both at Princeton and CERN, the European Atomic Energy Research Center.

Compared with the other senior fellow apprentice Fan Pengyue, Lin Feng, who was a few years old in the morning, has a more cheerful and funny personality.

Walking up quickly, Xu Chuan smiled and greeted Senior Brother Lin Feng: "Senior Brother Lin, long time no see."

Lin Feng looked Xu Chuan up and down, smiled and teased: "Are you finally willing to come here?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "I can't help it. I have a lot of other research work and I really can't spare it. Don't you still have your help here to keep an eye on it?"

Lin Feng rolled his eyes and complained: "Then you can't use me like an animal. Look at me, I'm so tan."

As he spoke, he also pulled up the short sleeves on his arms. Judging from the dividing line, the areas covered by clothes were white, no matter how white they were, but they still had a yellow skin color. However, the areas such as the forearms that were not covered by clothes were still yellow. , he is a proper African.

Seeing the clear skin color of Chu River and Han Dynasty, Xu Chuan couldn't help laughing and said: "You didn't go to Africa, why did you change your skin color?"

Lin Feng said angrily: "You want to give it a try? I am a theoretical physicist, I have not done any research, and I have been running on construction sites for two whole years. I am absolutely amazing!"

Xu Chuan said with a smile: "It's really hard work, Senior Brother Lin, but CRHPC has been completed and experiments can be carried out soon. If Senior Brother Lin has any ideas, you can mention it more."

Xu Chuan was quite grateful to Senior Brother Lin who was working for him.

In the construction of CRHPC, Lin Feng basically replaced him here to deal with the Chinese Physical Society and be responsible for the work report.

Hearing what Xu Chuan said, Lin Feng smiled and said, "It's our own collider anyway, so we can build it as we like, right?"

Xu Chuan smiled and said nothing.

But the meaning is indeed very obvious.

The CRHPC Circular Super Particle Collider is a large-scale strong particle collider built solely by them.

Although subsequent collision experiments will be open to the outside world with the goal of attracting physicists from other countries and moving the holy land of physics, they have the final say on how to use it.

In this case, if local scholars have valuable or worthwhile discoveries, they will naturally give priority to the work of their own people.

After exchanging a few words, Lin Feng took the lead and walked towards the vehicles outside: "Let's go, go there first, we are already waiting at the headquarters."



The distance from the South High-Speed ​​Railway Station to Taohualing is not very long, and the journey of more than ten kilometers only takes half an hour.

Soon, the headquarters of CRHPC came into view.

Although he is the chief designer and person in charge of the CRHPC Ring Super Particle Collider project, Xu Chuan has indeed not been here for nearly half a year.

The last time I came here to inspect the situation was when I went back to my hometown for the Chinese New Year at the end of last year.

It's not that he doesn't care about the progress of the Large Strong Particle Collider project. On the contrary, as a scholar who stands at the forefront of theoretical physics, it can be said that no one cares more about the construction of the collider than he does.

But this thing, apart from the detection equipment, is actually not very technically difficult. In other words, the current physics community, whether it is CERN or China, has made great efforts in the construction of the Large Strong Particle Collider.

We already have quite complete technical reserves.

Even in the early 2000s, when Mr. Yang opposed the construction of the collider and China had not yet joined CERN as a member state and acquired the LHC collider, there was actually a set of standards in China.

The collider construction technology is just not as advanced as CERN.

So overall, except for the dark matter detector, which requires his own hands-on inspection and design, other construction work of the collider does not require his meticulous attention.

He can spend more time on research in mathematics, physics, aerospace and other fields.

It is precisely because of this that there are technologies and theories such as Xinghai and the unified theory of strong electricity that have been launched in the past two years.


Taohualing, CRHPC headquarters, was an area to be developed in Hexi, Star City, two years ago.

According to Star City's planning, although it is not considered a suburb, due to its proximity to the backside of Yuelu Mountain and the Taohualing Mountains, there is not much development here, and it maintains a model similar to a rural town gathering place.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! However, two years have passed, and a spacious eight-lane road has been opened here. As the CRHPC headquarters, at the foot of the Taohualing Scenic Area, there are buildings one after another. Buildings rise from the ground.

If you want to say that the most eye-catching thing is undoubtedly the CRHPC headquarters building.

This is a building similar to the 'Bagua Array', with an overall height of 22 meters, six floors above ground and three floors underground. If calculated according to the overall condition of the building, the overall building is actually 33 meters tall.

The entire building is also arranged according to the shape and symbol of the Bagua array. The work area is divided into eight major areas according to the shape of the Bagua diagram, which symbolizes the eight types of material basis of "Heaven, Earth, Thunder, Fengshui, Volcano and Ze" which are regarded as the material base for all things in nature. substance.

It also has the meaning of Qiankangen Zhenxunli Kundui. Even the general layout of these eight regions is completed according to these forms:?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?.

The center of the building is built into a circular flower bed, using the layout of yin and yang fish, with green plants and two small pools.

This corresponds to the symbol of the Bagua array. The two hexagrams of Qian, Kun, Tian and Earth are regarded as the mother of all things, and all things are born between heaven, earth and the universe.

Some people may say that such a layout of buildings is superstitious, but in Xu Chuan's view, this happens to be the best representative.

The Bagua array symbolizes luck, auspiciousness, the cycle of life in the universe, and the origin of all things.

Compared with the Large Strong Particle Collider, the two have similar approaches.

The collider explores elementary particles in the microscopic realm, and these particles, just like the yin and yang fish in the headquarters building, are the foundation of the entire world.

Of course, apart from these things, there is another point, which is to promote the traditional culture of Chinese civilization to scholars from other countries!

Bagua is closely related to Taoist philosophy and is undoubtedly an important concept that represents Taoism.

Although Confucianism has run through the development of the entire feudal history, if we want to pick a representative one among the traditional culture of Chinese civilization, I believe that more people will vote for Taoism.

Although it is difficult to compete with Confucianism in the development of feudal history, it is the foundation that profoundly affects the entire Chinese civilization.

If Confucianism is more inclined to moral precepts, it has a great influence on Chinese people's social life, ethics and the entire Chinese culture.

Then Taoism is more philosophical and spiritual, and has profound guidance for exploring man and nature, man and society.

For physics, a basic science that studies the laws of material motion and the basic structure of matter, and explores and analyzes phenomena that occur in nature, there is no doubt that it is more consistent to use the more representative Taoist culture.


Under the headquarters building of CRHPC, after receiving the news from Lin Feng, Tai Xuewen, the chairman of the Chinese Society of Physics and others waited at the door of the building without time.

Soon, a red flag motorcade drove in smoothly from the park.

"Academician Xu, welcome."

Seeing Xu Chuan get out of the car, Zhang Jie's face was full of smiles, he walked over quickly and extended his hands enthusiastically.

"President Zhang, long time no see."

Xu Chuan smiled and stretched out his hand to shake hands with the chairman of the Chinese Physical Society.

Although he has the same name as a big star, Chairman Zhang Jie is an out-and-out academician of the Academy of Sciences and the dean of the Institute of Physics of Shanghai Jiaotong University.

In 2017, the two met at CERN.

At that time, when Xu Chuan perfected the use of mathematical methods to calculate the search channel signals of high-energy physics particles, the academician Zhang Jie also led the research team of Jiaotong University to cooperate with other research teams at CERN to complete the Higgs and the third

Exploration of the Yukawa coupling phenomenon on behalf of heavy quarks.

For the high-energy physics community at that time, this achievement was undoubtedly brilliant.

As a partner for cooperation, Academician Zhang Jie also added a bright honor to his resume.

Immediately behind Academician Zhang Jie, Tai Xuewen, who is in charge of the construction of the circular super particle collider, walked forward with a smile and also extended his hands.

"Academician Xu, long time no see. I originally planned to pick you up at the high-speed rail station, but I need to arrange the launching ceremony after the completion of CRHPC. I really can't spare the time, so I can only wait here at the headquarters.


Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Work is important, everything else is trivial."

On the side, Academician Zhang Jie said with a smile: "Let's go up first, so we can discuss the arrangements related to the collider launch ceremony."

Xu Chuan nodded and said with a smile: "Please."


This chapter has been completed!
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