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Chapter 782: Dealing with unscrupulous reporters again

In mid-July, extraordinary news once again came from the ordinary world of physics.

The Chinese Society of Physics and the CRHPC organization jointly announced that the construction of the 'Ringual Super Particle Collider' has been completed. A formal press conference will be held three days later and arrangements for the operation of the CRHPC collider will be announced.

This dazzling news was like throwing a huge stone into a small pond, and it triggered a warm response in the entire physics community and even the world.

Not only the physics community is excited about it, but also the media and Internet enthusiasts have turned their attention to it.

The competition between CERN and CRHPC is about to officially begin!

Three days was not long, and countless media reporters from home and abroad rushed over.

The person who hosted this press conference was naturally Xu Chuan.

After all, as the chief engineer of the CRHPC Ring Super Particle Collider project, this is his unshirkable responsibility.

The press conference for the completion of the CRHPC collider was held in the dedicated lecture hall of the headquarters building. Countless media reporters had already taken their seats in the spacious room. Under the lecture table, a row of cameras were spread out.

At ten o'clock sharp, Xu Chuan, dressed in formal attire, walked out of the side door.

Under the reporting platform, countless flashlights lit up, and a row of cameras rushed to take photos from various angles.

Standing on the reporting stage, facing the gazes of many reporters in the audience, he straightened the microphone, cleared his throat, and spoke in a steady and clear voice.

"I'm glad to see you all here, and I welcome all journalists from the media to come from afar to report on the CRHPC Ring Super Particle Collider."

"After two and a half years of design and construction, standing here today, I can proudly announce that the CRHPC, a circular super particle collider wholly owned by China, has been officially completed!"

After a slight pause, Xu Chuan glanced around the whole place, with a confident smile on his lips, and then spoke.

"Compared with CERN's LH-LHC strong particle collider, CRHPC has greatly improved in terms of length, collision energy level, and detector performance."

"The first is the CRHPC pipeline. Its annular pipeline is 62 kilometers long. In contrast, the length of LH-LHC is only 27 kilometers. The length of CRHPC is more than twice that of LH-LHC."

"As we all know, the length of the collider pipeline can bring about a huge improvement in the collision energy level. In this regard, the collision energy level of CRHPC is several times that of the upgraded high-brightness LH-LHC."

"Theoretically, the energy level of the CRHPC ring super particle collider reaches an astonishing 130 Tev, and the ultra-limit collision can reach an energy level of 150 Tev. In contrast, even the upgraded LH-LHC

The collision energy level is only 35Tev.”

Along with Xu Chuan's words, the big screen that had been prepared beside him also reflected various data comparison charts of the two colliders, CRHPC and LH-LHC.

Judging from the PPT pictures, CRHPC has crushed CERN in most aspects such as the length, depth, performance, and collision energy level of the collider.

Xu Chuan glanced at the picture displayed on the PPT, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then said:

"For high-energy physics, the increase in energy level can make particle collisions more fragmented. The energy level of 130 Tev exceeds the node of 100 Tev. We can even use it to simulate the energy explosion infinitely close to the moment of the Big Bang.

, more mysterious and detailed particle manifestations and microscopic transformations were observed.”

"This will be an epic change for both the development of physics and the development of civilized science!"


At the press conference, based on the manuscript prepared by Director Tai Xuewen, Xu Chuan briefly introduced the situation of CRHPC to the media reporters, and then announced:

"The time for the launching ceremony of the CRHPC Ring High Particle Collider has been determined, and the CRHPC organization will officially hold it on August 1, 2024 at the Taohualing headquarters in Star City, China."

"On behalf of China and the CRHPC organization, I would like to welcome physics institutions and physicists from all over the world to participate in this event."

"By then, the CRHPC Ring Strong Particle Collider will conduct a 130Tev high-energy physics collision experiment to explore the microphysical world at ultra-high energy levels!"

"For the physics community, this is the first time to cross the hundred Tev energy level to explore a more mysterious world! I believe it is very likely to bring us completely different new discoveries!"

After Xu Chuan finished speaking, thunderous applause erupted in the press conference hall.

The report on the completion of the CRHPC collider and the arrangements for the launch ceremony have been completed, and this press conference is only half done.

The rest are naturally questions from media reporters.

Like academic reports, this is almost a necessary link.

After all, these academic research institutions also need media reporters to expand their visibility and achievements, etc.

After Xu Chuan announced the start of the question-and-answer session, pairs of arms in the audience immediately raised their arms.

It can be said that almost everyone is quite interested in CRHPC with a collision energy level as high as 130 Tev.

Among the countless questions, Xu Chuan did not hesitate and directly gave the first opportunity to ask questions to CTV, the big brother of the domestic media.

At his gesture, the beautiful CTV reporter stood up quickly, took the microphone from the staff, and asked in a clear and melodious voice:

"Hello, Academician Xu, I am a media reporter from CTV."

"I am honored to be given the first opportunity to ask questions. What I want to ask is that in your press conference just now, you mentioned that the CRHPC Ring Super Particle Collider will open the 130Tev energy level at the launch event.

Collision experiment, what will be the work arrangements of CRHPC after the launch ceremony is completed?"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! As the big brother of domestic media, CTV is quite calm in asking questions.

Xu Chuan smiled and replied: "We have already agreed on half of the work arrangements of CRHPC, such as verifying the unified theory of strong electricity, exploring dark matter, dark energy, and particles beyond the standard model."

"These arrangements will be made public at the launch ceremony."

"And the other half..."

After a slight pause, Xu Chuan looked at the media reporters in the audience and said with a smile: "China is a very tolerant and cooperative country. We welcome and are happy to meet scholars from other countries.

Participate in CRHPC’s collision work.”

"As for the other half of the collision arrangement planning, we will leave this opportunity to international friends. That is, after the launch ceremony of CRHPC, the CRHPC agency will officially open the channel for external cooperation, accepting other countries and even physics institutions to organize

Even applications from individual physicists to use the collider.”

"Of course, to apply for the use of the CRHPC Ring Super Particle Collider, you need to submit relevant collision application documents, state the goals of the collision observation, and pass the review of the CRHPC Board of Directors."

After a pause, Xu Chuan's tone improved a lot, and then he added: "CRHPC can even subsidize collision funds for countries or physicists with financial difficulties."

"Simply put, as long as you can submit valuable collision applications or ideas, even as an individual, CRHPC will consider providing free collision opportunities to help you verify your theories and projects."

As soon as these words came out, many media reporters in the audience showed surprise and surprise.

There were also whispers in the lecture hall.

In the eyes of many foreign media reporters, and even some domestic media reporters, this kind of free collision opportunity to help others verify their theories and ideas is really incredible.

After all, you must know that the Large Strong Particle Collider is a veritable gold-eating monster.

The first is construction. Take CRHPC as an example. Judging from the information disclosed by the previous CRHPC agency, it cost a total of 120 billion RMB to build this collider.

And this is a soft currency that is constantly appreciating. According to the current exchange rate, it has exceeded 25.5 billion meters of gold.

The cost of building this collider alone is beyond the reach of most countries today.

In addition, every startup of a large-scale strong particle collider like CRHPC consumes a lot of money, whether it is maintenance, power consumption, personnel wages, supercomputer use, etc.

This kind of subsidized funding, providing free collider funding to scholars from other countries, in the eyes of many people, is just throwing money into the collider.

And it can reach millions or even tens of millions at a time.

While many people were surprised and surprised, they were also shocked by the "heroism" of China.

After a burst of warm applause, the question-and-answer session continued.

Soon, some of the top domestic media had finished asking their questions, and the next step was naturally the foreign media. After all, this was a press conference for the whole world, and it was impossible not to give any opportunity to foreign "friends."

At this point, Xu Chuan just ordered it casually.

Soon, a media reporter who was in the front got this opportunity.

"Hello, Professor Xu, I am a media reporter from the BBC."

Under the stage, a female reporter stood up and first reported her home address. When she heard that the reporter was from the BBC, Xu Chuan frowned slightly. He was a little surprised that he clicked on this 'notorious' restaurant.


After all, the BBC is famous for making trouble at press conferences, and its butt is quite crooked.

But since the call has been made, there is nothing we can do but listen to what the other party wants to ask first.

The BBC female reporter stood up, took the microphone from the staff, stared at Xu Chuan closely, and asked: "As we all know, every time the Large Strong Particle Collider is started, it will give everyone a

Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and other huge disasters have occurred all over the world.”

"The CRHPC Ring High Particle Collider has such a high energy level, which may bring huge hidden dangers to the earth when it is started. I would like to ask the CRHPC agency and China to build the collider so insistently, have they considered this aspect?

issues, and the feelings of other countries and ordinary people who may have disasters in the future?"

On the reporting table, Xu Chuan stared at the female reporter.

Sure enough, the BBC reporters had bad intentions and immediately labeled China and the CRHPC organization as having no regard for the global environment and the safety of ordinary people because CRHPC would cause earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and other huge disasters.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Chuan replied: "I don't know where you got the result that the operation of the Large Strong Particle Collider will cause earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and other huge disasters."

"Of course, I know you may cite the 'so-called' evidence online about the startup of the LHC. There is no need to say more about this, because there is no evidence that those disasters were caused by the startup of the collider."

After a slight pause, he looked at the BBC reporter and continued: "Moreover, if you feel that the LHC startup caused those disasters, then you should ask CERN about this question."

"After all, these accidents all occurred while the LHC was operating, and the CRHPC has not yet launched any collision experiment."

"To put a big label on a scientific research institution that has not yet started and disregard the global environment and the safety of ordinary people. As a media reporter like you who indiscriminately fabricates 'scientific research accidents' out of thin air, I suggest you burn your reporters."

Prove it."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Because you do not have the persistence of a media reporter to pursue the truth, the spirit of being objective and fair, and accurately and simply reporting news, you are not enough to be a qualified reporter.


On the reporting stage, Xu Chuan retorted directly in front of media reporters from all over the world.

In the audience, the female BBC reporter's face was changing from green to red, black and white. She never expected that at this kind of press conference in front of reporters from all over the world, Xu Chuan would directly accuse her of not being worthy of being a reporter.

This is unprecedented in academia.

After all, such world-renowned scholars, usually even if they encounter difficulties from media reporters, will consider their own image and face and choose to take the overall situation into account, either by explaining directly or changing the subject.

Things like today are really rare in the world, and no one would have expected it.

More importantly, the other party never said a single curse word from beginning to end, so it was difficult for him to find an angle to refute.

Compared with the embarrassment experienced by the BBC reporter, others in the venue were much more excited.

It is indeed extremely rare for such a strong scholar who dares to directly 'defeat' people at a press conference, and who is speaking on behalf of a G-party organization.

Especially this Professor Xu Chuan, who is a famous top scholar all over the world, the news this afternoon is really explosive.

I believe that using this as a topic will definitely attract more traffic.

As for the embarrassment of the BBC reporter and the possible impact on Professor Xu's reputation after the press conference, they were completely out of their consideration.

After all, a dead Taoist friend will never die a poor Taoist, this saying is applicable everywhere.


This chapter has been completed!
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