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Chapter 815: China and America are no longer at the same starting point

In the satellite monitoring center, looking at the silver-black space shuttle on the screen, Director Bill Nelson adjusted it in front of the console, and then the screen switched to NASA's research and development center.

In the spacious and tall factory building, a large launch vehicle that is not inferior to SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket is being assembled and constructed.

Looking at the newly developed launch vehicle in front of him, Bill Nelson said with confidence in his eyes:

"The research and development of the 'Pulse Plasma Rocket' technology is going very smoothly. We have successfully developed the pulse plasma engine, and the test results are even better than the theory!"

"I think it won't be long before we can regain our glory in the aerospace field."

‘Pulse Plasma Rocket’ is a technology under the ‘NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts’ program.

This program is a project to fund space research and explore new concepts.

It was formally proposed by NASA in 2011. Two years later, in 2013, the plan officially passed the review of the US Congress and entered the stage of formal development and funding support.

Although it was said that there were no rivals in the aerospace field at the time, and the plan was shelved by the United States because of its huge cost. It only invested a relatively small amount of money for NASA to conduct research, and no other actions were taken.

But in this plan, there are many technologies and ideas that seem quite "sci-fi" today.

For example, building a large radio telescope in the lunar crater on the far side of the moon;

For example, ‘Star Navigation’ is an autonomous spacecraft navigation system based on starlight relativistic perturbation;

Or the pulse plasma rocket technology that NASA is currently developing with all its strength, etc.

In the past ten years, the investment in these technologies has not been large, and they have been basically allocated to various aerospace companies in the United States. Each aerospace technology company conducts research, and then NASA conducts bidding.

After all, the United States was not in a hurry at that time.

However, with the development and rise of China in the aerospace field, especially after the Xinghai space shuttle officially landed on the moon, the United States urgently needs to regain national confidence in the aerospace field and have sufficient strength to compete in the aerospace field.

Both NASA and Congress have no choice but to officially launch some of the feasible technologies in the "NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts" program to solve the urgent needs at hand.

‘Pulse plasma rocket’ technology is one of the reserve technologies in this plan.

On the one hand, this technology is more complete than other technologies.

Its theory has been completed in the last century, and both Hongsu and the United States have manufactured similar thrusters.

To put it simply, the most traditional pulse plasma rocket is actually throwing miniature nuclear bombs behind the spacecraft. When they leave, they will explode. The force generated by these explosions will push the spacecraft forward.

This sounds crazy, but it works.

For example, in 1958, the U.S. Orion project was born at General Atomics in San Diego.

The company was founded by Frederic de Hoffman to develop commercial nuclear reactors and is now a subsidiary of defense giant General Dynamics.

The Orion project at that time was a spacecraft research plan designed to be driven directly by a series of atomic bomb explosions behind the detector (nuclear pulse propulsion).

Professor Freeman Dyson, who proposed the famous "Dyson Sphere" concept, is one of the main developers of the Orion project.

Compared with traditional chemical launch rockets, nuclear pulse-propelled spacecraft have higher thrust and specific impulse.

But unfortunately, it was limited by people's inherent impression of "nuclear bombs" at that time, coupled with the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty signed in 1963, and NASA's "non-nuclear" plan for space competition, etc.


Nuclear pulse-propelled spacecraft eventually came to an end during the Cold War and Space Race of the time.

Now, more than half a century has passed.

With the development of science and technology, the development of nuclear pulse propulsion technology has become more advanced than in the middle of the last century. It is no longer necessary to detonate nuclear bombs. They can use fission and fusion technology to achieve pulse propulsion in a safer and more stable manner.

Compared with the Endurance space shuttle developed by Sierra Nevada Corporation, this is NASA's new trump card.

Help them regain the first place in aerospace from their opponents!


After hearing the good news, the CIA deputy director who stood next to him with a frown finally showed some smile on his face.

He nodded and said: "As soon as possible, there is a lot of pressure from outside. Not only China, but also many allies have different intentions."

"We need to prove our strength in the space field."

As time goes by, the influence of controllable nuclear fusion technology is also fermenting.

At the same time, the country across the Pacific also gained momentum by leaps and bounds.

Today's China's influence in the world is probably not weaker than that of Hongsu, which was at its peak in the last century.

Maybe even stronger.

After all, although Hongsu was powerful in the last century, it could still be suppressed by the United States, Europe and other Western countries.

But now, in the country on the other side, even if they unite all the Western countries such as the European Union, Australia, and North America, they are only equally divided.

It can even be said to be weaker to some extent.

After all, the influence of controllable nuclear fusion technology is too great.

It was barely okay when it first appeared. China also needs to take care of its domestic development.

But as time went by, when they freed up their hands and began to have the ability to "support" other countries, the influence of controllable nuclear fusion technology exploded.

Energy, materials, and information are the three pillars of modern society.

But if we want to go deeper, energy is the only core.

Because energy shortage is a problem that exists in every country.

Just like oil, you have not seen how many conflicts have occurred around it. Almost all the turmoil in the Middle East is caused by oil.

If the energy problem can be solved, the difference in materials and information will not actually matter.

In particular, controllable nuclear fusion, an energy source that is cheaper than oil, cannot be rejected even by the United States or Europe.

Because you refuse, you fall behind.

Although countries in Europe, Australia, America and other regions still choose to stand with them, with the rise of the other side, this alliance that was originally closely united by controllable nuclear fusion has a tendency to break up.


Especially after the changes in the aerospace field, some countries have begun to favor China.

Nowadays, they urgently need some new breakthroughs to save the situation for themselves.

Especially in the aerospace field.

After all, this is the key track for future development.

If the resources of the earth are limited for humans, then the resources of the universe are unlimited for humans.

The various resources contained in the solar system alone, or even the nearest moon, are enough to be considered inexhaustible for all countries today.

Whoever has the ability to step out of the earth first and exploit the resources of other planets in the solar system will be able to take the lead in the new era.

That's right, it's a new era.

When controllable nuclear fusion technology is completed, the information age has quietly entered the fusion era.

The next direction is undoubtedly the space above our heads.


At the same time, on the other side.

When NASA was preparing to regain the glory of the aerospace field from China, Xinghai Research Institute and Xia Shu Space Base.

"Academician Xu, the latest intelligence news is that the 'pulse plasma rocket' technology being developed by NASA has made a major breakthrough."

In the office, Wen Yuanhang hurried over from outside and brought a brand new news and intelligence to Xu Chuan who was busy.

"Pulse plasma rocket?"

Xu Chuan raised his head with interest, looked at Wen Yuanhang who hurried over, and took the intelligence information from his hands.

Wen Yuanhang nodded and continued with some concern: "Well, judging from the information collected so far, this new 'pulse plasma rocket' technology developed by NASA has a specific impulse of up to 5,000 seconds and can provide a thrust of 100,000 Newtons.


"There is accurate information that this new rocket can allow spacecraft to travel to Mars faster than SpaceX's Falcon Heavy and other launch vehicles, reducing travel time from 8 months to just 2 months.


It takes two months to travel from Earth to Mars.

To be honest, this speed is not much slower than their space shuttle.

This technology is really about to be completed, and the United States may be able to quickly catch up with them in the aerospace field.

Xu Chuan didn't pay much attention, he turned over the information in his hand.

He knew about pulse propulsion technology, but he didn't know much about this new type of pulse plasma rocket.

Judging from the data, NASA's newly developed pulse propulsion technology uses an electromagnetic launcher to launch "radioactive material bullets" from the barrel of the rocket as propulsion.

To put it simply, the launch vehicle or spacecraft itself is a gun, and when the 'radioactive bullet' passes through the 'barrel', a series of pulse lasers deployed on the wall of the barrel will be actively excited, thereby firing millions of

Neutrons are injected into this radioactive bullet.

With the promotion of neutrons, the bullet will gradually superheat to an incredibly high temperature, triggering a nuclear fission reaction in the uranium, thereby splitting the atoms and starting fission.

The energy generated by fission will then trigger a nuclear fusion reaction in dysprosium and tritium, acting like a cascade of energy releases, immediately producing a massive expansion of supercharged particles, also known as plasma.

Finally, a magnetic nozzle at the end of the rocket will repel all charged particles from behind and propel the spacecraft forward.

And every time the bullet is fired, it will bring huge thrust to the spacecraft.

This is called pulsed plasma propulsion.

Somewhat similar to the 'inertial confinement' route in controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Judging from the information and data collected from the materials, it has to be said that the United States does have a very deep foundation in the aerospace field.

It’s really good to catch up quickly after failing in the aerospace field.

However, in Xu Chuan's view, the so-called pulsed plasma propulsion technology is just like this.

If small-scale controllable nuclear fusion technology and aerospace engines are not realized, perhaps this technology will be advanced enough for the whole world to look up to.

But now, when faced with the combination of aerospace engines and controllable nuclear fusion technology, pulsed plasma propulsion technology is really not enough.

After reading the intelligence information in his hand, Xu Chuan smiled and said: "It takes two months to travel from the earth to Mars. It's a very good technology."

"If it were a few years ago, it would have been top-notch."


After a slight pause, he continued: "Compared with the aerospace engine, there is still a big gap."

This is indeed not something he is bragging about, but a fact.

A space shuttle based on aerospace engine and controllable nuclear fusion technology, whether it is a first-generation or second-generation aircraft, can go to Mars based on the landing window period. In theory, one month is enough.

Smiling, Xu Chuan put the information in his hand on the table. Xu Chuan didn't pay much attention to NASA's new technology. He looked at Wen Yuanhang and asked:

"How are the preparations for the Mid-Autumn Festival moon landing going?"

Wen Yuanhang quickly replied: "The first-generation Xinghai and Fuyao have made comprehensive preparations, and the second-generation Hanhai is undergoing final inspections."

"Relevant materials have been transported to the Xiashu Space Base and are being installed. The moon landing can be started on time in three days."

Xu Chuan nodded and said: "Keep an eye on aerospace technology, science and industry and other companies that cooperate with this operation, and don't fall behind."


Wen Yuanhang nodded, with a gentle smile on his face, and said: "Academician Xu, don't worry, I have always been paying attention to these matters, and the cooperation there is going very smoothly."

Hearing this, Xu Chuan also showed a relaxed smile on his face, and said: "That's okay. After this moon landing project, if everything goes well, we can contact representatives from other countries to start the lunar biosphere project."

It was his temporary decision to send the second-generation Hanhai to the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival to pick up the lunar landers launched in previous years.

However, this time the Xinghai and Fuyao were missions that had been planned for a long time.

Not only the two first-generation aircraft, but also the cooperation between the aerospace science and technology industry and some private aerospace enterprises have been coordinated long ago.

In the past nearly a year, Xinghai and Fuyao have successively carried out more than double-digit lunar landing missions.

In addition to transporting a large number of supplies, equipment and engineers, several residential cabins, life support units and scientific research platforms were also built on the lunar Antarctic.

This time, the three space shuttles will simultaneously launch the manned lunar landing project, not only transporting astronauts, scientific researchers and engineers to the moon, but also a large amount of equipment and supplies.

After completing this mission, they will officially carry out various scientific research work on the lunar Antarctic.

Such as conducting batch concrete production experiments on the moon, refining titanium, iron and other metals in the South Pole-Aitken Basin on the moon, growing crops without soil on the moon, experimental verification of lunar resource utilization, etc.

These experiments will provide the most basic data for China's subsequent development of the moon, and are one of the things Xu Chuan is most looking forward to.

If the United States is still trying to develop spacecraft of various properties to regain their glory in the aerospace field.

So for China, their eyes are no longer on a certain aerospace field.

The construction of the lunar scientific research outpost is not only scientific research, but also means that they will soon have the qualifications and strength to colonize extraterrestrial planets on a large scale.

The two are no longer at the same starting point and on the same platform!


PS: There will be more later, but it will be after 12 o'clock, so everyone should watch it when you get up in the morning.

This chapter has been completed!
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