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Chapter 82 Stuck in the train of thought

Chapter 82 Stuck Ideas

The sudden inspiration made Xu Chuan swallow the cold medicine in his hand. The warm and slightly bitter medicine in the cup now became extremely sweet, like a cup of honey water, refreshing.

Putting down the cup in his hand, he took out a stack of pen and paper from the drawer, spread it out on the table and began to calculate.

He has figured out the weakened form of the Weyl-Berry conjecture, but it does not mean that the difficulty of proving the Weyl-Berry conjecture has become simpler.

This is like the weak Goldbach conjecture that was solved by two mathematicians in May of 2013, but today is already November of 2015, and more than two years have passed, but brother

The complete proof of Debach's conjecture is still far away.

Xu Chuan also does not feel that he can solve the Weyl-Berry conjecture in a short time after proving the weakened form of the Weyl-Berry conjecture.

Even if he had some mathematical knowledge from his previous life, and even if he had solved the weak Weyl-Berry conjecture, he didn't think he could solve the complete Weyl-Berry conjecture in a year or two.

But mathematics really depends on inspiration sometimes.

When you don't have enough inspiration, it's like writing a novel without updating, and you can't write a chapter for a month due to constipation.

Inspiration comes, and when the basic knowledge is solid enough, you will quickly be able to solve one problem after another.

The black pen in his hand continued to outline characters one by one on the white A4 paper.


Here Pn(t) is the function expression of Theorem 3.2.

Engaging in scientific research and learning is a long process. After all, people are not made of iron and must balance work and rest.

This also led to him encountering the same problem in his previous life and this life, that is, when researching certain mathematical problems, he could rely on his extremely broad knowledge to come up with some ideas and insights or problem-solving ideas, but there was no corresponding solution in his mind.

The basic knowledge cannot be perfected.

After breakfast, Xu Chuan neither went to class nor to the library, but was going to go for a walk to relax.

"That's great. With the blessing of my seniors, I will definitely pass this generation exam!"

Although it is already the end of November in the lunar calendar and there is no good scenery on the mountain, the dead leaves on the mountain are another kind of scenery.

Illnesses come and go like a mountain, and go away like silk threads. This is normal.

As for where to go, of course it is the observatory in Xianlin Campus. It is on a mountain, there are no people around, and the air is fresh.

The two school girls thanked them and ran away with their math books in their arms, leaving Xu Chuan behind who looked confused and didn't know what happened.

I did feel much better after taking medicine last night and having a good night's sleep. My headache no longer hurts, but the sequelae of the cold, such as some soft and sore muscles in my legs, may not go away for a while.

Before Xu Chuan could speak, one of the two schoolmates put the pen in his hand.

Although he didn't understand what was going on, and he didn't know why someone would ask him for something like an autograph, Xu Chuan still signed his name on the math book as requested by the two schoolmates.

After temporarily giving up on proving the Weyl-Berry conjecture, Xu Chuan sorted out the manuscript papers on the table, stuffed them into a drawer, and then got up to have breakfast.

After all, normally speaking, if the basic skills are not enough, you will not be able to come up with any problem-solving ideas at all.

He is not going to go to class today. Although there are main classes of physics and mathematics on Monday, his body has not fully recovered yet.

"Excuse me, are you Senior Xu Chuan?"

For example, the turbulence problem in controllable nuclear fusion in the previous life and the Weyl-Berry conjecture in this life are all.

Proof: If Neuman boundary conditions are added to the incisions (or holes) on each side of the open square Qκξ, while optimal Dirichlet boundary conditions are maintained elsewhere, the corresponding counting function is recorded as N(λ, Qκξ).

But before he could take a few steps, the students on the road saw him, and they all looked at him, and occasionally whispered to their companions.


Then he lived up to expectations and got stuck.

So we have: N(λ)-(λ)≤∑∞/k=0#

In the early days of inspiration, Xu Chuan wrote like a god, and he quickly defined the fractal dimension and the spectral invariant of the fractal measure conjectured by Weyl-Berry on a high-latitude boundary.

"Thank you, senior."

Looking back, Xu Chuan shook his head and continued walking towards the observatory.

Gauss's "Arithmetic Research" originally taught him to decompose the auxiliary equations of the circulatory equation through domain expansion, and also gave him the idea of ​​using the Dirichlet function field to convert the Laplace operator and the Laplace double.

Curved equation.

Not only now, but also when he went to have breakfast just now, he encountered students who looked at him strangely, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Brother Chuan, your old man is actually here!"

Not only that, but there were two school girls whose eyes suddenly lit up after seeing him and they trotted over.

Two undergraduate students who looked like they were both freshmen looked at him expectantly with bright eyes. Xu Chuan nodded in confusion, not understanding what was going on.

"Great, senior, can you sign your name for us?"

After staring at the manuscript paper filled with calculations for a long time, Xu Chuan finally threw the pen in his hand on the table, leaned back, and stared at the gray roof in a daze.

However, he has not learned much about domain expansion and how to convert functions into subgroups and establish connections with intermediate domains and collections. He did not learn this knowledge in his previous life. He has not yet had time to go to college for less than one semester.

Learn these.

So now he has no idea, but the basic mathematics in his mind cannot support the verification of this idea.

". Starting from Weyl's Theorem 3.2, construct a bounded and connected open set Ω. Let Ω be a bounded connected region in R (n ≥ 2) that satisfies the above condition (C), and its boundary has the internal Minkowski dimension δ∈

(n-1,n), then there is λ→+∞, and there is:

But he was different. Although his studies at Princeton in his previous life were mainly focused on physics, Princeton was a place for mathematics after all.

This kind of situation where he has ideas for solving problems but cannot complete the calculation with basic abilities probably happens to weirdos like him.

After accumulating over time, you will eventually come into contact with a lot of mathematics, but these mathematical knowledge are only superficial and do not go into the essence.

"Just sign this math book."

Before he could take two steps, an excited voice came from his side, and three figures ran over quickly.

They were his roommates in his previous life, one named Fan Hong, one named Zhou Lin, and the other named Kong Zhong.

Although they have never lived in the same dormitory again in this life, they are still in the same class and often take physics classes together, so after Xu Chuan's special dealings, they got to know each other again, and their relationship is not bad.

After all, they are both boys, so we can quickly get to know each other by chatting about lol, cf, etc.

(End of chapter)

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