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Chapter 826: America’s careful plan

The First International Symposium on Lunar Biosphere Engineering was held as scheduled at the Beijing Great Hall.

At the door of the Great Hall, neatly dressed scholars or politicians in suits and ties passed through the security check in an orderly manner and entered.

In the auditorium, Xu Chuan walked through the corridor and entered the backstage.

He casually took off his suit and as soon as he sat down, Director Wu Yuankang from the space agency hurried over.

"Academician Xu, you are here, looking for you."

Director Wu Yuankang walked over quickly and said.

"Director Wu."

Hearing the voice, Xu Chuan raised his head and said hello, stood up with a smile, and asked, "What do you want from me?"

"There's something going on at NASA. Can you take a look?"

Wu Yuankang said and handed over the tablet in his hand.

"What's wrong with NASA again?"

Xu Chuan glanced at him subconsciously and took the tablet smoothly.

Wu Yuankang hesitated for a moment, then spoke carefully: "They held a press conference two days ago and expressed some words that were 'not very good' towards us."

"not too good?"

With a surprised look in his eyes, Xu Chuan clicked on the news on his tablet.


NASA Director Bill Nelson, who was wearing a formal suit, came to the stage, nodded to the reporters and the cameras in their hands, and then announced the start of the press conference.

At the report meeting, Director Bill publicly stated at the press conference that China’s lunar base activities in the South China Sea constituted the occupation of international public resources.

The lunar base built by Xinghai Research Institute on the lunar South Pole is just like what China did at NSQD.

They are taking the resources on the South Pole of the moon as their own and prohibiting others from approaching them.

Nielsen declared that the south pole of the moon has a limited area that can be landed and used, and it is the area where lunar ice is most likely to be found. The moon belongs to all humans, and the interests of the international community need to be "protected."

If water ice is indeed discovered on the moon that could be used by future astronauts and spacecraft, NASA wants to ensure that all countries and people have access to this water.

In addition, Director Bill also said that China "lacks transparency" in its aerospace work.

For example, when they launched the Tiangong Space Station, the first stage of the booster rocket landed in the Indian Ocean, and they did not share tracking data with the United States or other countries.

There is also the construction of the lunar biosphere project. China is not willing to cooperate with the United States and has not proactively sent them an invitation letter.

He also claimed that NASA has been waiting for the other party for a whole year, but the other party has never shared the lunar soil with all countries around the world for free like NASA does. He regrets this.

After quickly watching the NASA press conference, Xu Chuan almost laughed out of anger at Director Bill Nelson.

"You are as shameless as ever."

The bad guys are the first to complain. There is little cooperation between China and America in the aerospace field. Is the root cause here?

Director Bill Nelson did not mention the Wolf Clause at all.

And how is NASA doing in terms of sharing lunar soil? Do they really not have any beta numbers in mind?

"At this point, NASA's release of these may have some impact on our subsequent lunar biosphere projects."

"What should we do next?" Director Wu Yuankang asked with a frown.

Xu Chuan took a deep breath, exhaled it slowly, handed the tablet back, and said, "Don't pay attention, we can just follow our own arrangements and pace."

"This is no longer the last century. We are leading in terms of space transportation capabilities. We don't need to ask them for help anymore. Whether the United States participates or not is not important to us."

Regarding NASA, not only him, but also the domestic aerospace industry has always had opinions.

The existence of the Wolf Clause is not only NASA's bias against them, but also a long-term suppression of their development of aerospace technology.

This time, the lunar biosphere project did not formally submit an invitation letter to NASA like other countries.

However, they tacitly allowed NASA and other U.S. aerospace agencies to come to attend meetings and apply to discuss the lunar biosphere project, which actually opened up channels for cooperation.

After all, the invitation letter is only for the International Lunar Biosphere Symposium, not for the specific decision on the allocation share of the lunar biosphere project.

The latter requires each country to take the initiative to apply. Since they choose to lump it together, let them do it.

Since NASA has said that they are not sincere in cooperating, then let them see if they are not sincere.


It was approaching nine o'clock, and the Great Hall of the Capital was crowded and dark.

Scholars in the biological field from all over the world, as well as experts in the field of aerospace engineering and high-level officials in the aerospace field from various countries are sitting here at this moment.

In addition, there are many students from abroad and abroad who have come to see the world with their tutors and professors and are discussing it.

"It is unimaginable that China has surpassed the United States in the field of aerospace. It can also lead super projects such as the lunar biosphere project."

"Yeah, in my memory, aren't they even able to afford meat?"

"Your impressions of other countries are too stereotyped. Didn't you see the city outside when you came here? The high-rise buildings and busy traffic are more prosperous than most countries."

On the side, a Chinese doctoral student looked over curiously and couldn't help but complain: "Who did you hear to say that we can't even afford meat? Isn't this rumor too outrageous?"

Next to him, a blond American scholar shrugged and said, "One of my Korean colleagues said that not only can you not afford meat, you can't even afford cabbage."


Hearing this, the Chinese doctor couldn't help laughing.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

"No, no problem. What I just want to say is that more than 90% of Korean spicy cabbage is imported from our country."

Along with the exchange and discussion among the audience and scholars, the time also pointed to nine o'clock.

On the stage, dark lights came on.

The noisy chatter disappeared, and everyone unconsciously stopped talking and looked towards the stage.

The first one to take the stage was naturally the big leader.

An old man in a Chinese tunic suit walked onto the stage and took the lead in expressing his welcome to the scholars and guests who came to attend the seminar on behalf of China, and also expressed his blessings for the lunar biosphere project.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, Xu Chuan, dressed in formal attire, walked from behind the scenes to the front of the stage.

Facing the eyes of countless viewers in the audience, he had a smile on his face, held the microphone in his hand and tried the sound check before speaking. The clear and steady voice spread throughout the entire auditorium at this moment.

"First of all, welcome to everyone who came to participate in the seminar. I am very happy to see you all at the International Lunar Biosphere Engineering Seminar."

"As you can see, today's meeting is about the construction of the lunar biosphere. I believe that this is a day worthy of being engraved in history and a day worthy of commemoration, whether it is for the aerospace community, the biological community, or even the world.


"Because it will change the development of the entire civilization!"

After a slight pause, Xu Chuan glanced at the audience, raised his voice, and continued:

"The establishment of the Lunar Biosphere Project not only means that it is a landmark and important step towards the interstellar journey in human exploration of space. It will also promote the unity and progress of all mankind and bring great significance and


"First of all, the construction of the lunar biosphere will not only promote the development of science and technology and conduct various experiments and observations to explore the mysteries of the universe. It will also promote the progress and unity of all mankind."

"In the process of achieving this ambitious goal, countries around the world need to work together and share risks and responsibilities. This will prompt countries to strengthen collaboration and promote peace and development of the international community."

"At the same time, the construction of the lunar base will also become a platform for exchanges and cooperation between countries, promote scientific, technological, cultural and commercial exchanges, and bring more opportunities for common development to mankind..."

"Finally, here, on behalf of the Chinese academic community, Chinese scholars, and all like-minded people, I would like to express to the world our beautiful vision for the lunar biosphere project, a century-old project."

At the opening ceremony, there was not much time left for Xu Chuan to speak.

According to the arrangement, it is only two and a half minutes.

When the final blessing fell, thunderous applause sounded like a storm in the assembly hall.

Facing the thunderous applause of the venue, Xu Chuan had a smile on his face, bowed slightly to show respect, and then walked behind the scenes.

Watching Xu Chuan leave, Professor John Allen, a biology professor sitting in the front row of the auditorium, clapped his hands and said with a smile to his friend Professor Peter Ratcliffe sitting next to him.

"Working together, sharing risks and responsibilities....Excellent presentation....What do you think?"

Professor John Allen, although not a Nobel Prize winner, is a very well-known professor in the field of biology.

Because the famous Biosphere 2 was designed and built by him himself.

Professor John Allen is also one of the few individual scholars actively invited by Xinghai Research Institute.

His rich experience in the construction of biosphere projects can greatly help the research and design of lunar biosphere projects.

His friend Professor Peter Ratcliffe sitting next to him is the 2019 Nobel Prize winner in biology.

Awarded for discovering how cells sense and adapt to oxygen supply, mainly engaged in research on cellular responses under hypoxic conditions.

He is also one of the few individual scholars actively invited by Xinghai Research Institute.

Professor Peter Ratcliffe smiled, clapped his hands and said, "I have the same opinion as you."

After a slight pause, he continued: "Professor Xu is indeed one of the most outstanding scholars in the 21st century..."

"He not only promotes the development of mathematics, physics and other fields in which he is good at research, but also shows his equal treatment of academics in biology, a field he has never been involved in."

"I am very fortunate that in the 21st century, there can be such a great scholar who is doing his best to promote the development of all disciplines that he can help."

On the side, Professor John Allen smiled and nodded, jokingly: "In your opinion, is he just one of the best scholars in the 21st century?"

Professor Peter Ratcliffe coughed slightly and explained: "I never deny his excellence, but there are still many outstanding scholars in the 21st century."


Professor John Allen looked at him with a smile and then said: "But in my opinion, he is the best one in the 21st century."

"Whether it is mathematics, physics, or astronomy, any of the achievements he has made are difficult for many scholars to complete in their lifetime."

"Isn't this enough?"

"Ahem... Maybe what you said makes sense, but that's not the content of today's discussion. Let's take a look at the content of the next meeting."

Meanwhile, on the other side, in the front row of the Great Hall.

Where representatives of space agencies from various countries were seated, representatives from the European Space Agency clapped with some emotion.

"It's unbelievable that China can actually lead the development of a century-old project like the Lunar Biosphere Project. In the past, didn't they always invest money to participate in other countries?"

On the side, a representative of the space agency from Tsarist Russia applauded and said: "Apart from them, which other country has this capability?"

"The United States? The European Union? Or our Tsarist Russia? The NASA space agency didn't even arrange for anyone to come here this time. The pattern of the global aerospace field has long since changed."

"Do you think the United States has chosen to give up participating in the biosphere project this time?"

"Probably not. Although no one from NASA came, there were also representatives from the United States."

The representative of the Russian Space Agency pointed to the American representative on the other side, and then said: "Look, look, the chairman of the National Science Foundation of the United States."

"How could the United States give up on the lunar biosphere project? If they give up, it doesn't mean they have given up on the development of the entire aerospace industry."

It has to be said that the United States still plays some tricks in this regard.

Although the aerospace field is restricted by the apparent "Wolf Clause" and is difficult to participate in, the National Science Foundation of the United States does not have this restriction.

Although NASA did not arrange for representatives to come, it does not mean that the United States did not arrange for representatives to come.

Regarding the lunar biosphere project, the United States arranged for the president of the National Science Foundation to attend this seminar.

It is an independent federal agency in the United States, equivalent to the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Its main mission is to promote the development of American science through funding basic scientific research programs, improving scientific education, developing scientific information, and enhancing international scientific cooperation.


As for this lunar biosphere project, almost all of the senior officials and representatives from other countries are from the biological and aerospace fields. Only those from the United States are from the Science Foundation.

It can be seen that although they are unwilling to see the rise of China in the aerospace field, they have to admit that China is already ahead of them in this field.


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