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Chapter 828 We have objections!

The dinner of the International Lunar Biosphere Project was also held in the Beijing City Hall.

But the dinner was divided into two places.

One is prepared for scholars, experts and other guests who come to participate in this seminar.

In another place, only top scholars, political representatives from various countries, and some well-known experts in biology can participate in the event after receiving invitations.

No matter which one is served, for most people, almost no one rushes to eat.

After all, being able to participate in such an international event and being in such a circle, even if you just find someone you are interested in to have a glass of wine and chat for a few words, the rewards will be incomparable to those at any dinner at an academic conference.

But for Xu Chuan, he is purely here to make a living.

After entering the banquet hall, we rushed to the white table where the dishes were placed.

The guy who hit the back of his head with his front foot had been busy all afternoon, and he was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back without even taking a few sips of water.

At a dinner party, Xu Chuan barely managed to eat until he was eighty cents full.

It wasn't that there wasn't enough food at the banquet, but that no matter how hard he concentrated on cooking, scholars and dignitaries kept coming to greet him.

Dealing with these scholars and dignitaries took him a lot of time.

In particular, the top biological institutions that have come together hope to befriend him and obtain some experimental resources for the lunar biosphere from him.

After dealing with these tedious tasks, Xu Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, returned to the hotel, took a shower, and lay on the bed thinking about tomorrow's lunar biosphere project share allocation meeting.

The meeting he attended this evening really surprised him.

A country that has always been mediocre suddenly decided to show its edge, which really made him feel a little uncomfortable.

But this is becoming more and more exciting.

To be honest, Xu Chuan really wants to see what the faces of NASA and the United States, which have been targeting them, will look like after tomorrow.


"The opening ceremony of the International Symposium on Lunar Biosphere Engineering came to a successful conclusion, and Academician Xu Chuan delivered an important speech at the Beijing City Hall!"

The opening ceremony of the International Lunar Biosphere Engineering Symposium ended, and relevant news quickly spread throughout the world through media, newspapers and the Internet.

The lunar biosphere project will be officially launched within a month, with a total project budget of 150 billion yuan and more than 33 billion gold.

There are more than 40 countries around the world, and more than 150 biological research institutions, aerospace research institutes, and related research institutions around the world will participate in this 'project of the century'!

In addition to the countries participating in the project, it also includes world-renowned biological institutions, such as the Max Planck Institute, the Francis Crick Institute, the Salk Institute of Biology, etc. Even in academia,

A very famous research institution before.

Of course, the most surprising thing is not these things.

It is the entire lunar biosphere project, which is rare for China to take the lead.

The seminar was held in the capital of China, and the headquarters of the construction committee of the Lunar Biosphere Project is also in China.

Almost as soon as the relevant news came out, the relevant discussions had already attracted everyone's attention on the Internet and major political forums.

for a while

[Holy shit? The lunar biosphere project is about to start? 】

[Awesome! Immigration to the moon is just around the corner! 】

[I heard that the United States also sent people to participate in this project and invested tens of billions.]

[Ten tens of billions? When did the Americans become so generous? Also, didn’t you say that this is an international cooperation project led by us? To actually let the Americans invest so much, is this to seize power? 】

[Seizing power? What are they using to seize power? This is to build a biosphere on the moon. Space transportation capacity is the key. The Americans don’t even have a space shuttle, so it’s nothing.]

[I am afraid that the superiors will wrong me and take the overall situation into consideration, e=(′o`*))) Alas. 】

[Damn, I can’t stand it. The Wolf Clause of the United States and NASA has been targeting our aerospace field for so long. Now that we have finally taken the lead, we still want to lead them to play? It’s really annoying!]

[Nothing can be done about international cooperation. If you don’t let the United States in, it’s a troublemaker, and it might cause some troubles.]

[As long as the bald eagle dares to cause trouble, we will kick it out! Now it is no longer the hegemony of the US dollar!]


The news triggered quite a heated discussion on the Internet, and the discussion about the lunar biosphere project was the top trending search.

Soon, not only scarves, but also news related to this event occupied the headlines on almost all domestic news media platforms.

An international project involving more than 50 major countries around the world;

A project of the century with an investment of more than 150 billion coins on an alien planet...

It was actually started by China and took the dominant position.

Even the United States has to bow its head in the fiercely competitive aerospace field and turn to cooperation.

If it were more than ten years ago, or even a few years ago, this would be something that absolutely no one would have dared to imagine.

You know, more than ten or twenty years ago, when they were in dire straits, the Americans wouldn't even let them go up to the International Space Station.

It also toyed with provisions such as the "Wolf Clause" and the "Competition Act" to restrict and hinder exchanges and cooperation in the aerospace field between the two parties and suppress their aerospace technology development.

But now, leaving aside the EU, Japan and South Korea, as well as the United States itself, have come to seek cooperation.

More importantly, the area of ​​cooperation is still in the aerospace field, which the Americans are proud of.

Such a change in identity and status really makes people sigh.

The once mighty bald eagle has now fallen into such a state of desolation that he is just living with others.


The next day, early morning.

Xu Chuan got up early, washed up and had breakfast, then walked along the sightseeing corridor of Beihai Park to relax, and when he saw that it was almost time, he walked towards the Capital City Hall.

The International Symposium on Lunar Biosphere Engineering has concluded, but related work has just begun, and various tedious matters need to be discussed at meetings.

Today, a meeting on the specific share allocation of the lunar biosphere project was also held in the Beijing City Hall.

However, the specific location was not the Great Hall of Ten Thousand People where the seminar was held yesterday, but in another conference room.

When Xu Chuan arrived, there were already many people in the conference room.

There are top experts and scholars in the aerospace and biological fields, as well as officials assigned by various countries to be responsible for negotiations.

Seeing Xu Chuan come in, the conference room suddenly became lively.

An expert and professor from the Tsarist Russian Space Agency took the initiative to come over and opened his hands enthusiastically, wanting to give Xu Chuan a polite hug.

"Hello, Academician Xu, I am Alexander Nov, the director of the lunar exploration project of the Russian Space Agency, and I am also a professor in the aerospace field. I am very happy to meet you here."

However, Xu Chuan had no intention of hugging such a bearded man. He smiled and extended his right hand, shaking hands with him as a greeting.

"Hello, Professor Nove." Xu Chuan smiled and nodded in greeting.

Alexander Nov said in a familiar voice: "I have read many papers about the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem that you published, and the calculation of the properties of celestial bodies through the amplitude function of Besov space fluctuations and periodic oscillations.

That’s it.”

"It is no exaggeration to say that this is simply the most exquisite paper I have ever seen."

Xu Chuan could only keep smiling as the bearded man was flattering him, and he couldn't help but felt a little embarrassed for a while.

Obviously, Professor Alexander Nov is not very familiar with the paper on the extended application of the Xu-Weyl-Berry theorem he published.

Maybe I have seen it, but it is impossible to be proficient in it.

After all, if one were really proficient, it would be impossible to describe Sobolev space fluctuations as Besov space fluctuation calculations.

Although the latter is another form of generalization of the former, in mathematics, the research scope of the two is still different, especially in the calculation method of space surface.

However, in public, he was not very good at directly exposing the other party, so he could only smile slightly awkwardly.

Fortunately, he came relatively late, and the meeting was about to start soon.


At nine o'clock sharp, with the arrival of the last few slightly late officials, the meeting began quickly.

The first thing to discuss was undoubtedly the specific allocation of funds for the lunar biosphere project.

After all, for a large-scale international cooperation project, the first thing to be determined is naturally the investment funds.

In fact, the plan in this regard has already been finalized.

The lunar biosphere project has a total investment of 150 billion yuan, of which China invested 50 billion, the United States invested 30 billion, the European Union invested 15 billion, and Tsarist Russia invested 4 billion...

After all, without consultation and confirmation, it is impossible for each country to formally arrange for representatives to attend the seminar and send blessings.

Today is just a formality.

Just when everyone thought that this negotiation would end quickly and smoothly, Lai Yuan, the representative from the diplomatic side, took a deep breath and interrupted everyone's communication.

"The Chinese side has some objections to the allocation of cooperation shares for the International Lunar Biosphere Project!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire conference room suddenly became quiet. Except for a few people in the country who knew about it, everyone else cast a surprised look.

Wasn't the allocation of cooperation shares for the lunar biosphere project already finalized more than a month ago?

Hua Guo...do you have any objections to this point?

For a moment, the atmosphere in the conference room became a little weird.

In particular, the chairman of the National Science Foundation and the official representatives of the United States had an unpleasant premonition in their hearts.

Sure enough, Lai Yuan spoke next.

"Regarding the share allocation of the International Lunar Biosphere Project, we have objections to the 30 billion soft coins invested by the United States!"


PS: Please give me monthly votes. There will be another chapter later. Before 12 o'clock, there are still 300 to 3,000 votes left. Please give QAQ to the big guys.

This chapter has been completed!
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