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Chapter 831: Breakthrough of the electromagnetic shield·magnetic polariton field!

Xu Chuan does not need to worry about the disputes between the lunar biosphere projects. Things related to funding, voice, and management rights are well organized, and leaders in the outer suburbs and other places will take care of them.

So after the relevant meeting, he was ready to leave.

After all, he only held a false position, and being able to stand up and support the lunar biosphere project at the seminar can be said to have fulfilled his duties.

He said hello to Zheng Hai and came to Beihang University again.

After making a phone call to contact Academician Jiang Xinghuai, Xu Chuan walked along the green path to the laboratory.

"Academician Xu."

Downstairs, Liu Xi, wearing a white coat and excited eyes, came forward with admiration: "Academician Jiang asked me to pick you up."

"Sorry to trouble you." Xu Chuan said with a smile.

"No trouble, no trouble." Liu Xi said quickly: "Please come with me, Academician Xu."

After walking through the corridor and verifying the access control, under the leadership of Liu Xi, the two entered the core laboratory.

It was still the same laboratory as a few days ago, with the silver-white metal robotic arm still placed on the experimental table covered with PVC plastic.

However, it was different from what Xu Chuan had seen before. This time, the metal robotic arm was connected to a piece of equipment that looked a lot like a motorcycle helmet through a metal hose on the side.

In the laboratory, Xu Xiao, wearing a white coat and a pair of black-rimmed glasses, is busy with his research.

This is the first time Xu Chuan has seen Xu Xiao working so seriously. I have to say that in terms of research, there is really something like him, and he deserves to be the one who brought it out.

"Brother, why are you here!"

In the laboratory, Xu Xiao, who was playing with the facilities, shouted in surprise.

"Come and see you."

Xu Chuan walked forward with a smile, looked at the equipment in front of him, and said, "Are you going to connect the bioelectrode chip you studied before to this robotic arm?"

Xu Xiao nodded and said excitedly: "Well, the human bionic robotic arm studied by Grandpa Jiang is quite suitable for the bioelectrode chip I have studied."

"So I asked someone to send a piece of equipment over and it's being tested."

Xu Chuan fiddled with the helmet in front of him and asked curiously: "How do you say it?"

Xu Xiao thought for a while and said: "To put it simply, the bionic robotic arm studied by Grandpa Jiang developed a composite mechanism built from a complex synthetic muscle system and software."

"Fine motion control capabilities are achieved through different servo motors. Each muscle on it is composed of a special muscle or a pneumatic artificial muscle. It is not only filled with air or hydraulic oil, but can also be transmitted through the servo motor.

Signal instructions, contraction and relaxation, control, etc.”

"This kind of robotic arm, which imitates the structure of the human arm to the greatest extent, can accept the command of brain nerve electrical signals to a greater extent than conventional robotic arms."

"It will also greatly reduce the burden on the brain."

"Brother, you may not be aware that in virtual technology, whether it is VR technology or brain-computer interface research, there is always a burden on the human brain in the transmission of neural signals."

Speaking of this, Xu Xiao's eyes were full of excitement, and she continued: "The vertigo in 3DVR is very likely to come from here!"

"I want to figure this out, and maybe I can publish another "Lancet" article this time!"

Seeing Xu Xiao's excited face, indulging in research and experiments, Xu Chuan couldn't help but smile.

This kind of true love for something cannot be faked. He knew it very well and was very happy that she could find her own happiness in research.

After chatting about research work for a while, Xu Chuan looked at Xu Xiao and said, "I'm going back to Jinling. Are you coming with me, or?"

Xu Xiao quickly shook his little head and said quickly: "No, no, no, brother, I want to stay here for the time being. You can go back alone first."

"Okay, then you take care of yourself." Xu Chuan was not surprised, nodded, looked at Academician Jiang Xinghuai aside, and said with a smile: "Mr. Jiang, Xiaoxiao said that he will stay here for a while, will it trouble you?


Jiang Xinghuai smiled and waved his hand and said: "No trouble, no trouble. With Xu Xiao joining us, our research progress is much faster than before. She is a lucky star."

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Then I'll trouble you to take care of me for a while."

Jiang Xinghuai: "Ouch, that's too polite."

"Okay, okay, brother, please leave quickly!" Xu Xiao pushed his brother, and then said: "I have grown up a long time ago and can take care of myself."

Xu Chuan glanced at her, waved his hand, and said nothing more.

At home, he is still relieved.


Jinling, Xinghai Research Institute.

Just when Xu Chuan had just opened the door of the office and was about to walk to his desk, the assistant Shen Yi, who was handling the work at hand in the cubicle, suddenly brightened up and quickly stood up.

"Professor, you are back."

Hearing the shout, Xu Chuan turned to look at her, nodded, and asked, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Shen Shenyi walked out quickly and reported: "It's like this. Regarding the plasma electromagnetic deflection shield project, researcher Li Kaichang said that there is progress in the project and he wants to report to you personally."

"Li Kaichang? OK, I understand."

Xu Chuan nodded, put the backpack on his shoulders on the sofa in the office, then turned and walked towards the Energy Research Institute.

He quickly passed the access control of the Energy Research Institute, walked straight to the corner of the experimental building, knocked on the door of Li Kaichang's office, and walked in.

Since taking charge of the research on magnetic polaron electromagnetic shields, Li Kaichang's office has also been moved from the public office area to the independent office area of ​​the Energy Research Institute.

"Academician Xu, you are back."

Behind the desk, Li Kaichang, who was dealing with the work at hand, stood up quickly and said hello after seeing Xu Chuan come in.

"Well, I just arrived." Xu Chuan nodded and said, "The assistant said that regarding the research on magnetic polaron electromagnetic shields, if you have any questions, please contact me."

"How's the situation?"

The research on plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield technology was split into two parts.

Part of it is the relatively simple ion wall technology, which is being studied by a researcher named Luo Ming from the Institute of Energy Research.

The other part is the magnetic polaron electromagnetic shield. Compared with the plasma technology that has paths to pursue, the magnetic polaron electromagnetic shield technology is the real cutting-edge technology, a field that no one has ever set foot on.

Not only is the magnetic polaron theory a new perspective proposed after the completion of the unified theory of strong electricity, but also how to construct the magnetic polaron field is also a huge problem.

Therefore, Xu Chuan handed over this part of the research to the relatively mature Li Kaichang to take charge and personally led the team.

As early as when the aerospace engine was being researched, Li Kaichang was one of the main scientific researchers at that time.

The most important components in the aerospace engine are the ionization acceleration field and the spiral magnetic field. These two are undoubtedly the core of the aerospace engine.

The strong magnetic regulator and electrode ion generator inside the engine were developed by Li Kaichang.

Xu Chuan was relieved to hand over the technology related to magnetic fields to him.

"Academician Xu, your idea is correct!"

Behind the desk, Li Kaichang stood up quickly, with an excited look on his face, and said quickly: "The key to hindering the electromagnetic field guidance rate of magnetic polarons and the disorder of magnetic lines is the Zeeman splitting principle!"

"The cyclotron resonance frequency of magnetic polarons in parabolic quantum dots will split into two branches due to Zeeman in the magnetic polaron field."

"The binding energy of ground state and excited state magnetic polarons and the resonance frequency of magnetic polarons increase with the increase of cyclotron frequency, and decrease with the increase of the effective binding strength of quantum dots. This leads to the electron spin energy

The ratio to the magnetic polaron self-trapping energy will increase to a maximum value..."

In order to restrain the excitement in his heart and make himself speak more eloquently, Li Kaichang clenched his fists tightly when speaking, and his arms were trembling a little.

Zeeman splitting was last detected in the Shenzhou Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences with the help of the SQUID superconducting quantum interference magnetometer laboratory.

Xu Chuan was quite confident about his research. He quickly asked: "How did you solve this problem?"

Li Kaichang quickly replied: "It has not been completely solved yet, but we contacted the programmers at the Institute of Information Science and Technology to establish relevant mathematical models for the Zeeman split theory."

"Through this model, we have correctly guided the ground state resonance and cyclotron frequency of magnetic polarons to a certain extent, and controlled the increase in electron spin energy to a certain extent."

After a pause, he looked at Xu Chuan hesitantly, and then said after hesitation: "However, although the mathematical model is effective, it cannot perfectly control all magnetic field lines."

"Well, Academician Xu, do you want to..."

Xu Chuan knew what he meant and just wanted him to take a look. He smiled and said, "Is there any experimental data? Let me take a look first."

"Yes, yes."

Li Kaichang nodded quickly, quickly returned to the desk, touched the mouse and tapped it a few times.

Immediately, in the office, the sound of printer printing was heard.

Picking up several printed experimental data reports from the printer port, Xu Chuan flipped through them with interest in his eyes.

As we all know, because the mass of the nucleus far exceeds the mass of the electron, the latter Boltz particle in the formula is much smaller than the former.

The magnetic moment of electrons consists of orbital magnetic moment and spin magnetic moment, but in weak fields, the nuclear magnetic moment is not affected by the magnetic field.

Not many things can affect the nuclear magnetic moment, generally only strong magnetic fields and hyperfine structures.

The mathematical model established by the Information Institute for the ground state resonance and cyclotron frequency of magnetic polarons is based on the hyperfine structure.

Perturbation theory is used to define the g factor and magnetic moment to obtain the magnetic moment line projection in the magnetic polaron field, and then use supercomputing to simulate the operation of the magnetic polaron and control it.

Some are similar to previous mathematical control models of ultra-high temperature plasma turbulence in controllable nuclear fusion reactors.

Both collect magnetic field information data and then feed it back to the supercomputer, using the powerful computing power of the supercomputer to simulate subsequent operating conditions, and then make adjustments through the simulation data.

However, compared with the high-temperature plasma turbulence control model in a controllable nuclear fusion reactor, the difficulty of establishing a mathematical model of the magnetic polaron field is more than one level lower.

The former is based on the solution of a millennium problem, while the latter, judging from the current experimental data, is not that difficult to solve, at least according to Xu Chuan.

Of course, just because the modeling is relatively simple does not mean that the computing power required to calculate the model is also simple.

In Xu Chuan's view, if it is under normal conditions, it may not be very difficult to control the magnetic polaron field through mathematical models.

But if there is external interference, such as using a magnetic polaron field to assist in controlling the plasma wall to resist external interference, the difficulty increases exponentially.

You must know that the high-temperature plasma in the controllable nuclear fusion reactor was operated in a vacuum environment with almost no external interference.

The plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield is deployed in a normal environment.

Even in pseudo-vacuum environments such as outer space and the moon, we will encounter interference from various electromagnetic radiations, cosmic rays, fine dust, etc.

Not to mention the normal atmospheric environment on the earth, and the possible attacks from kinetic energy weapons, particle weapons, and electromagnetic weapons.

For the stably controlled magnetic polaron electromagnetic field, for every additional external interference factor, the difficulty of mathematical model calculation increases by an exponential amount.

Even in the end, the supercomputer may be unable to cope with the situation.

After briefly flipping through the experimental data in his hand and the mathematical model established by the Institute of Information for the control of magnetic polaron fields, Xu Chuan raised his head and said with a smile.

"There is something wrong with the core foundation of the mathematical model you established."

Hearing this, Li Kaichang was stunned for a moment and looked over: "Is there... a problem?"

Xu Chuan smiled, threw the printed report on the table, and said:

"Well, the control model established by the Information Institute for the weak magnetic polaron field is based on hyperfine structure and perturbation theory to obtain the projection of the magnetic moment line in the magnetic polaron field."

"This kind of mathematical logic can indeed control the magnetic polaron field to a certain extent. But its performance is not enough for controlling interference variables."

"The magnetic polaron field is a component of the plasma electromagnetic deflection shield. Its application environment cannot be compared with the plasma turbulence model in controllable nuclear fusion technology."

"Your thinking has become rigid and you have not changed your mind."

"So once the plasma electromagnetic deflection shield encounters a large amount of external interference, this control model may collapse directly, and even the supercomputing center cannot drive it."

Hearing this, Li Kaichang's expression suddenly changed.

Indeed, as Xu Chuan said, the control models of plasma electromagnetic deflection shield and high-temperature plasma turbulence are completely different.

The environments the two adapt to are not at the same level at all.

Although the energy level controlled by the magnetic polaron field is far from the height in the controllable nuclear fusion reactor chamber, the interference levels are not at the same level.

The former cannot be compared with the latter at all.


PS: There will be another chapter later, but it will be quite late. Please read it in the morning.

Also: Please give me the guaranteed monthly tickets from the big guys, it’s the 1st ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

This chapter has been completed!
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