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Chapter 833: Research on Riemann Hypothesis, review invitation for 'New Advances in Mathematics'

Jinling, Nanda.

Nearly ten days have passed since the National Day, and all kinds of students on campus are rushing to go to school early in the morning, either holding books or carrying schoolbags.

Xu Chuan got off the car and walked through the teaching building to his office.

Opening the door, only two girls, Yin Shi and Liu Jiaying, were in the office among the five students. The other three might have gone to class or were busy with other things.

Xu Chuan didn't care. After all, at the postgraduate and doctoral level, learning basically relies on consciousness.

On the other hand, the two little girls turned around and looked over after hearing the noise. When they discovered that it was their tutor, they shouted with some surprise and surprise.

"Professor, you are back!"

From the beginning of the year to now, the number of times these poor students have met Xu Chuan can be counted on one hand.

If there are special left-behind children on campus, they are definitely abandoned ‘orphans’ worthy of the name.

At the stage of master's and doctoral students, other people's tutors would like to break their students into eight pieces and use them.

Their family is pretty good, so they don't care.

If it weren't for the fact that when school started, I would check their homework, draw down the learning goals and scope for them, and occasionally give them guidance through emails, video calls, etc.

Neither of them even felt that they had a 'mentor'.

This is simply too pitiful.


Xu Chuan nodded, responded, and said with a smile: "The project at hand has come to an end for the time being. I have time to go back to school recently."

Hearing this, both Yin Shi and Liu Jiaying showed joy on their faces.

Although being kept free all year round is quite free, it is completely inconsistent with their status.

If I could have such freedom after work, I would definitely envy many people.

But now they are still students, and they are still mathematics students. If they did not learn more from their tutors during their student days, what should they do after graduation?

Xu Chuan didn't pay much attention to the little thoughts of the two students, although because of his research, it was difficult for him to guide several students as dedicatedly as other professors.

However, as a tutor, he still thought of various ways to deal with students' homework.

Such as customizing learning goals, checking learning results, or asking former students to teach as teachers, etc.

Whether it is Gu Bing or Cai Peng, their knowledge may not be as broad as his, but as scholars who can give a forty-five-minute report at the International Congress of Mathematicians, it is still enough to teach these students on his behalf.


Generally speaking, if scholars who are engaged in mathematics do not really love it, it will be difficult for them to continue on this path for a long time.

Most scholars who are engaged in mathematical theoretical research basically do two things every day.

Either I am studying in Baogan, brushing up on various papers and literature materials, or I am solving problems encountered in the study process in Baogan, and preparing for my graduation thesis or other papers.

Anyway, liver failure is a common occurrence for a mathematician.

Even at Xu Chuan's level, doing research in mathematics is actually not much different from being a doctoral student.

Putting aside the research projects at hand and some other work and things, after officially returning to campus, the most work he did every day was either reviewing various papers and looking for information, looking for literature in the fields he was interested in, or

I sit at my desk and think about my problems quietly.

In the field of mathematics, for him, there are only two problems that he is most interested in and currently researching.

The first one is undoubtedly the Riemann Hypothesis.

Therefore, in the past year, whether it is the entry of Riemann Hypothesis or research that may be related to Riemann Hypothesis.

For example, Jensen's inequality, Dirichlet polynomials, and other research that may solve the Riemann hypothesis, Xu Chuan has always paid attention to.

Although it is not very realistic to expect someone to do outstanding research in this field.

But he still hopes to get a little inspiration from other people's research, at least hoping to gain some knowledge that he has never thought of before.

After all, a full year has passed since the Weak Riemann Hypothesis was solved by him, and he has not made any breakthrough on this.

Last year, I used Jensen's inequality to regress the Riemann function to the prime counting function, and found this convergence curve function to solve the problem that the Riemann ζ(s) function does not have non-zero values ​​in the area of ​​0≤Re(s)≥1-e.

After being more ordinary.

Regarding the Riemann function, let alone a breakthrough, there is not even the slightest idea.

The whole thing is like a ship stuck in the void without a navigation system, unable to move.

Although he has spent most of his time in the fields of physics and aerospace from the beginning of the year to now, it does not mean that he is really busy and has no free time at all.

After all, most of the administrative work does not require him to worry too much.

Many times, after solving the work at hand, he would spend his trivial time on theoretical research such as mathematical physics.

For a year, there was no breakthrough in any research.

Perhaps to other scholars, this is not something surprising.

After all, this is the Riemann Hypothesis, the century's problem that ranks first among the seven millennium problems. It only lasts for one year. Isn't it normal that there is no breakthrough in this problem?

But for Xu Chuan, to put it in words that may sound very "Versailles" to others, it is unprecedented that he has not made any breakthroughs in his research for a year.

Whether it was in his previous life or this life, in the fields he was researching, except for the initial controllable nuclear fusion technology, which blocked him for a long time on the control model of high-temperature plasma turbulence, other research was almost smooth.

Even for the control model of high-temperature plasma turbulence, he collaborated with Professor Fefferman in the previous life and gained sufficient experience by using the PPPL plasma laboratory of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! If this were not the case, modeling high-temperature plasma turbulence would not be so smooth in this life.

It has to be said that for Xu Chuan, the Riemann Hypothesis is indeed the most difficult problem he has ever encountered in his two lives.


Xu Chuan returned to NTU and began to have time to attend classes. Naturally, the happiest students were those students who were determined to continue their academic career.

A scholar who stands at the pinnacle of the mathematics world can impart knowledge that most school professors in the world cannot match.

In particular, some of the experience, ideas and vision of solving problems cannot be learned from other places.

Even if some things are difficult to understand now, it is difficult to know why they are doing this, but as time goes by and in future research, one day they will suddenly understand it.

For a student, listening to such a lecture by an expert, even if you don't understand it, is a more worthy choice than reading a book by yourself.


For a week, he came to campus with the bell ringing. After sitting down in the office and solving some of Liu Jiaying's learning problems, Xu Chuan divided some new study areas for the little girl.

This little girl who took him under his wing at the end of last year is one of the hardest-working students he has ever seen.

The other is his eldest disciple, Gu Bing.

Gu Bing's talent is not outstanding, and it can even be said that he is almost the worst among the students he has accepted.

But he just relied on his own efforts to step onto the stage of the International Congress of Mathematicians and solved a world-class problem together with Amelia.

Even though he is not the most important person in solving this problem, Xu Chuan believes that Gu Bing's efforts in solving Bloch's problem will not be less than Amelia's, but more.

In this regard, Liu Jiaying's level of effort is no less than that of Gu Bing.

Judging from his stay at NTU in the past week, this little girl is the first to come and the last to leave every day.

Xu Chuan flipped through her notebooks and books, and the dense handwriting and insights on them proved that she was not just pretending, but really liked the subject of mathematics.

To be honest, Xu Chuan is looking forward to her future achievements based on her hard work and talent.


After asking his assistant Tang Ran to make a cup of tea, Xu Chuan spent almost an hour making a video call with the director of the CRHPC organization to learn about the current progress of the unified theory verification of strong power and CRHPC's

Operation status.

On the opposite side of the video, Senior Brother Lin Feng, who was responsible for his daily work there, smiled and said:

"The work here is progressing quite smoothly. I don't have too much trouble on a daily basis. Director Tai and the staff from the Institute of Physics will handle all the work under normal circumstances."

"As for the verification work of the unified theory of strong electricity, we can only say that experiments and related data analysis work are being carried out according to the planned arrangements."

"After the 'Verification of Coupling Constants for Strong Electric Symmetry Breaking' is completed, it will be a matter of course for other prediction data to be verified. Don't worry, if there is news in this regard, I will definitely notify you as soon as possible."

Xu Chuan smiled and nodded, saying: "I'll leave you with the work over there."

Lin Feng waved his hand. Dressed in a plaid shirt, he already looked like a middle-aged man. He smiled and said:

"What's the trouble? I'm luckier than most people to be able to engage in research that I like."

Xu Chuan smiled, what he said was indeed true.

For scholars like them, there are many people who first embark on the path of mathematics and physics.

He also believes that most people enter this hall with the dream of achieving something in the beginning.

But nine times out of ten things in life will be unsatisfactory.

Most scholars who enter basic science fields such as mathematical physics often end up leaving this industry, or disappear into a certain research institute or experimental institution, and become a low-level researcher who "drives screws".

"By the way, there's something I forgot to tell you."

Just when Xu Chuan was feeling a little sad, across the video, Senior Brother Lin Feng suddenly remembered another thing.

"Do you have time for my daughter's full moon wine?"

Hearing this question, Xu Chuan was in a daze for a moment, and then realized that this senior brother Lin Feng had been married two years ago.

The person she married was none other than Nunnally Kessler, a member of the project team who studied the 'Proton Radius Mystery' problem at CERN, a girl from the Germanic country.

Now that I have a daughter, it seems normal.

Smiling, Xu Chuan said curiously: "When did you give birth? Why didn't you tell me?"

He has many friends, but few real friends. This is Senior Brother Lin, who has been in the same class for two times.

Lin Feng smiled and said: "You just left CRHPC two weeks ago, and her due date has arrived. Seeing that you left in such a hurry, I didn't tell you, so it was too late."

Xu Chuan smiled and said, "When will the banquet be held? Where will it be?"

Lin Feng: "It's in my hometown, Sujiang Port City. I'll send you the specific address. The time is October 20th, which is one week from now."

Xu Chuan nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, I'll be there on time."

Lin Feng smiled and said: "Remember to prepare a gift for your eldest niece! It's not too light, you rich man!"

Xu Chuan laughed and said, "Okay."


After hanging up the video call and looking at the darkened mobile phone screen, Xu Chuan couldn't help but smile and shake his head, feeling a little emotional.

Time flies so fast.

Unknowingly, Senior Brother Lin, who was also in the prime of his youth, was already married and even had a daughter.

The thoughts in my mind flew away unknowingly. At this moment, a chat box popped up in the lower right corner of the laptop screen.

Xiao Ling: "Master, I have your review invitation!"

"Invitation to review?"

After coming back to his senses, Xu Chuan asked casually: "What aspect?"

"Of course it is related to the Riemann Hypothesis. Master, you told me that there are only a few specific review invitations that I will notify you. (?(????w????)?)"

The chat box jumped a bit, and Xiaoling's reply was sent quickly.

"Let me see."

Xu Chuan was a little curious, so he followed the link sent by Xiaoling and clicked into his mailbox.

The review invitation email was sent from New Advances in Mathematics.

The sender of the email was Professor Robert Morey Dean, and I was an acquaintance with him.

Xu Chuan still remembers that the first paper he published on the weakened proof of the 'Weyl_Berry conjecture' was published in "New Advances in Mathematics".

Later, I submitted a proof paper on the NS equation to this journal.

Although currently in the mathematics community, "New Advances in Mathematics" has a lower status than "Annals of Mathematics".

However, the academic value of the papers that can be published in this journal is still very objective.

As for the editor-in-chief Robert Morey Dean, who could personally send him an email and ask him to review it, it must be a very valuable paper on the Riemann Hypothesis.

Thinking of this, Xu Chuan raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said to himself: "Let me see if there is any new progress in the Riemann Hypothesis."


PS: There will be another chapter later, but it may be after 12 o'clock. Please vote for me!

This chapter has been completed!
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