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Chapter 840: No one else has such strong mathematical ability except him

After hanging up the call with the Naval Engineering University, Gao Hongming quickly re-encrypted the paper and sent it to Academician Wang Yong through a dedicated network.

Although it may seem unprofessional to send such files using tools such as email, overall, there is no problem with this.

On the one hand, although this paper is important, strictly speaking, the paper itself is purely mathematical research, and it does not involve national security as a whole.

On the other hand, they have established a dedicated confidential communication system over the years, which has stable security and can completely ensure that files will not be stolen or tampered with during transmission.

Of course, the latter is the most important. They are now confident enough to protect their own things.

Including Xu Chuan, the team responsible for security has also established a related confidential communication system long ago.


After quickly handling these matters, the assistant walked in quickly with Yu Wen and Mo Xiang carrying a thick stack of papers that had just been printed out.

"Director, the paper you requested has been sorted out."

"Give me."

Gao Hongming responded, quickly took the paper, flipped through it and said, "Arrange a vehicle, I want to go to the Academy of Sciences."


The assistant nodded and walked out quickly.

The black car quietly drove out of the science and technology building and rushed towards the headquarters of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on the other side of Chang'an Avenue.

At the same time, in the Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, and the State Key Laboratory of Magnetism.

Academician Wang Enge, who was wearing a white coat and a pair of glasses on his nose, was staring at the experimental equipment in front of him meticulously, frowning and thinking about something.

The State Key Laboratory of Magnetism was established very early. In the 1930s, before the founding of the motherland, its predecessor, the Modern Magnetism Research Laboratory, had already been established.

As for the research direction, you can tell from the name that it is guided by the basic research of magnetic physics, focusing on magnetic materials with important application background, and studying related theories, technologies, materials, devices, etc.

Before Xu Chuan returned to China to take charge of the Qixia controllable nuclear fusion project, among the major domestic controllable nuclear fusion projects, the State Key Laboratory of Magnetism of the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was working on establishing a control system for the ultra-high temperature plasma in the reactor.


As for establishing a complete mathematical model for the orbital magnetic field in the electromagnetic railgun, although everyone on the project believed that this task was extremely difficult, he still resolutely took the lead in shouldering this arduous task.

There is no other reason.

If even the academicians who stand at the top of domestic academic circles have shrunk, then the word responsibility will be out of the question.

Just as Academician Wang Enge was thinking about where to break through this problem, the door of the laboratory was suddenly pushed open.

"Academician Wang."

In the laboratory, a hearty voice with a hint of excitement sounded. Academician Wang Enge, who was thinking, was suddenly interrupted and couldn't help but frowned his thick eyebrows.

Who is it? Barging into his laboratory without even saying hello? And disturbing his thinking.

Just as he was thinking about it, a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face and a smile on his face came into his eyes.

After being stunned for a moment, Academician Wang Enge's frown softened a lot, and he said hello: "How come Gao Ting is free to come to my side?"

Gao Hongming laughed and asked, "Academician Wang, has your research on the electromagnetic railgun project made any progress?"

Academician Wang Enge shook his head directly and sighed: "There is no progress yet, has something happened?"

Gao Hongming chuckled and said: "Something happened? Something big happened!"


Academician Wang Enge cast a doubtful look, but he didn't have any worrying thoughts.

After all, although Gao Hongming said something big had happened, he could still feel the expression on his face and the emotions in his words.

Quickly taking out a paper from his bag, Gao Hongming smiled mysteriously: "Academician Wang, take a look at this first."

Looking at Gao Hongming with some surprise, Wang Enge took the paper he handed over and his eyes fell on the title of the paper.

"Research and Analysis of Three-Dimensional Elliptical Electromagnetic Fields and High-Dimensional Large-Scale Backscattering Problems"

When the title of the paper came into view, the pupils of the half-white-haired old academician tightened and he stared closely at the title.

The problem of electromagnetic railgun, whether it is precision guidance or orbit ablation problem, is actually a magnetic field problem in the final analysis.

Because an excessively strong magnetic field will not only destroy the electronic equipment and guidance chips in the missile, it will also cause orbit ablation problems, significantly reducing the service life of the orbit.

The title came into view, and before he could read the content of the paper, Academician Wang Enge quickly raised his head, his slightly cloudy eyes were shining brightly, and he looked at Gao Hongming and asked:

"Where did this paper come from?!"

The problem of three-dimensional elliptical electromagnetic fields and high-dimensional large-scale backscattering is one of the core mathematical problems in the field of magnetic fields.

Whether it is the determination of PDE coefficients, initial value reconstruction, estimation of field source functions, or testing of interfaces or boundary conditions, etc., all require the solution of ill-posed nonlinear operator equations.

Regarding large-scale forward and backscattering problems, a particularly important type of problem is the propagation of electromagnetism in complex media.

However, current mathematics does not support the solution of large wave number electromagnetic field problems.

This is also the core problem that they have not made any progress in the electromagnetic rail gun problem.

However, what Wang Enge didn't expect was that the answer to this mathematical conjecture, which is a difficult problem all over the world, seemed to appear in his hands.

Although he was not very sure about the accuracy of the paper in his hand, the accuracy of it was probably quite high if Gao Hongming, an important leader in science and technology, could personally bring it to him.

As for the source of the paper in his hand, he also had a rough guess in his mind.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! If we say that in China, the only one who can solve this problem is the person far away in Jinling.

What Wang Eng asked was just to confirm his own speculation.

Upon hearing Academician Wang Enge's inquiry, Gao Hongming laughed and said, "Mr. Wang, please read the paper first before talking."

Taking a deep breath, Academician Wang Enge nodded and said forcefully: "Okay."

His eyes immediately fell on the paper in his hand, and he read it carefully word for word.

"...Starting from the spectral theory of the Laplacian operator, we solve the lowest-order edge element approximation problem for the calculation of three-dimensional electromagnetic fields with singularities."

"...Using singular source field methods to solve far-field problems generated by plane waves."

"Optimal approximation to discrete accuracy for optimal computational complexity and exponential convergence via adaptive finite element methods..."

Page after page of the paper in his hand passed through his eyes, and with each mathematical formula reflected in his pupils, his slightly cloudy eyes would become brighter.

When the paper turned to the last page, Gao Hongming on the side smiled and asked: "Mr. Wang, what do you think?"

Academician Wang Enge closed the paper, breathed a long sigh of relief, and said with shining eyes, "This paper was written by Academician Xu Chuan, right?"

Before Gao Hongming could answer, he quickly added: "It must be him! Apart from him, no one in China has such strong mathematical skills!"

Gao Hongming smiled and nodded, saying: "Yes, the paper was indeed researched by Academician Xu. I would like to ask if this paper can be used to solve the problems we encountered on the electromagnetic rail gun?"

Hearing this question, Academician Wang Enge thought seriously for a while, shook his head, and said, "I don't know."

Hearing this, Gao Hongming was stunned for a moment.

Don’t know again?

Xu Chuan responded to him in the same way last time, so will Wang Enge do the same this time?

Looking at the paper in his hand, Academician Wang Enge continued: "On the one hand, I am still not sure whether this paper really solves the problem of three-dimensional elliptical electromagnetic field and high-dimensional large-scale backscattering."

"The paper is too complicated. I'm not a math major, so I couldn't fully understand it in a short time."

"On the other hand, even if it really solves the mathematical problem in theory, it is still a very difficult task to establish a corresponding mathematical model based on it to solve the magnetic field control problem of the electromagnetic rail gun."

After a slight pause and a deep breath, he continued: "I want to go to Jinling!"


Academician Wang Yong from Chubei Naval Engineering University has the same idea as Academician Wang Enge.

After receiving the paper, the two of them booked air tickets and high-speed rail tickets at the same time, and rushed to Jinling from Beijing and Seoul.

Even though the journey was far away, the two old academicians still rushed to Xinghai Research Institute with their teams at noon the next day.

Of course, in addition to the two academicians and related research teams, there is also Gao Hongming who acts as a middleman.

Xu Chuan, who had received the news in advance, met with the three people in his office.

After greeting Xu Chuan with a smile, Gao Hongming turned slightly sideways and said with a smile: "Academician Xu, please allow me to introduce you."

"This is Academician Wang Enge from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and this is Academician Wang Yong from the School of Engineering, Naval University of Engineering. Both academicians are the main developers of electromagnetic railgun technology."

"Hello, Academician Wang."

Xu Chuan smiled and stretched out his hand to shake hands with the two Academicians Wang and said hello respectively.

With a smile on his face, Academician Wang Enge from the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences took the lead to step forward and greet Xu Chuan warmly: "Academician Xu, I haven't seen you for a long time. It has been many years. I didn't expect that you would still be as young as before when we meet again.


Hearing this, Xu Chuan was stunned for a moment and tried to recall in his mind where he had seen Academician Wang Enge.

Fortunately, he had a pretty good memory. After thinking for a while, he smiled and said, "It's been a few years. I didn't expect Academician Wang to be here this time."

On the side, Gao Hongming asked curiously: "Do you two know each other?"

Academician Wang Enge smiled and explained: "At the International High Energy Physics Conference held in Beijing a few years ago, I was fortunate enough to meet and say hello to Academician Xu."

"But it's been several years, and I didn't expect Academician Xu to still remember me."

After the group exchanged some pleasantries, before Gao Hongming, the intermediary, could speak, Academician Wang Yong, who had rushed over from the Naval Engineering University, took a sip of tea and spoke.

"Academician Xu, I have taken the liberty to bother you this time, mainly because it has something to do with this paper."

As he spoke, he took out "Research and Analysis of Three-Dimensional Elliptical Electromagnetic Fields and High-Dimensional Large-Scale Backscattering Problems" from the backpack he carried with him, put it on the coffee table, and continued.

"As for the research and development of electromagnetic railgun technology, I believe Director Gao has already talked with you before, so I won't explain too much. I came here mainly for this technology."

After a slight pause, Academician Wang Yong said with some embarrassment: "We have read this paper you wrote several times, but there are still many things in it that we don't understand."

"I came here in a hurry this time because I wanted to trouble you to explain to us. This paper is the key basic theory of controlling magnetic fields. It is very important to us. It is of great significance to how to establish a magnetic field to control electromagnetic railguns."

Xu Chuan smiled and nodded, saying: "That's no problem, but it may not be convenient this afternoon. I have some urgent matters at the institute. How about tomorrow?"

The timing of the arrival of these two academicians was indeed not a coincidence. The Institute of Energy Research had made new breakthroughs in research on electromagnetic shields and magnetic polariton fields, and he really could not spare much time in the afternoon.

As soon as he finished speaking, Academician Wang Yong said with a smile: "No problem, of course no problem, it depends on your time. As long as you don't think it's troublesome for us, we can stay here."

On the side, Academician Wang Enge also smiled and nodded, saying: "We arrived suddenly and didn't say hello in advance."

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Then let's do it tomorrow. You two can prepare first."

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something, smiled and said: "That's right."

"Regarding magnetic field research, I happen to have a project here, and it happens to be this afternoon. Maybe it can provide some help in the research of electromagnetic rail gun technology. Do you two want to go and take a look with me?"

He is not sure whether the research on electromagnetic shields and magnetic polaron fields can be applied to electromagnetic orbit technology, but this project is also a study on the control of magnetic fields, and maybe it can provide some inspiration to the other party.

Hearing this, the two academicians Wang Enge and Wang Yong had interesting looks in their eyes, and they said with a smile.

"If it's convenient, please show us around."

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "It's not inconvenient, please come with me."

With that said, he put down the tea cup in his hand, stood up and took the lead in walking towards the Energy Research Institute.

Although the research on plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield technology is a highly confidential project, if the two academicians who study military technology are not at ease, then there is no one who can be trusted.


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