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Chapter 843 Neutrino Communication Technology

Chapter 843: Neutrino Communication Technology

After a small internal meeting was held to arrange the scientific researchers involved in the development of magnetic polaron and electromagnetic shield technology, the time was almost up and Xu Chuan also announced the adjournment of the meeting.

"Today's meeting will end here for the time being. Academician Ming and Li Kaichang will stay here for now, and others can leave."

Hearing this, other researchers stood up and left one after another, and the last person to go out thoughtfully closed the door of the conference room.

The others left, and Academician Ming Chengbi and Researcher Li Kaichang looked at Xu Chuan, somewhat curious about what was going on.

Xu Chuan signaled: "Wait a moment."

Soon, the door to the conference room was pushed open again, and assistant Shen Shenyi walked in quickly holding a stack of documents.

Immediately afterwards, executives and researchers from the Information Research Institute walked in one after another.

After waiting for about five minutes, the meeting people were seated again in the small conference room.

After assistant Shen Yi sent the meeting report document, Xu Chuan knocked on the table and said: "Before the formal meeting, everyone should take some time to read the report document. We will discuss it after reading it."

Hearing this, other people in the conference room quickly picked up the report documents placed in front of them and started reading them.

Upon entering, the title on the report document surprised everyone.

"Feasibility Research Report on Neutrino Communication Technology"

Seeing the surprised and surprised expressions on the faces of the people in front of him, Xu Chuan just smiled faintly, picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip.

Neutrino communication technology was not a spur-of-the-moment research on his part, but something he had considered and prepared for a long time ago.

As discussed in the meeting that dispersed just ten minutes ago, the plasma electromagnetic deflection shield has a comprehensive shielding range for electromagnetic communication information.

As long as it is an electromagnetic signal, no matter which wave band it is, it cannot escape the fate of being intercepted by the plasma electromagnetic deflection shield.

Whether shield technology is used in deep space voyages or in military fields such as aircraft carriers, wireless communication methods are inseparable.

Perhaps in normal times, space shuttles and aircraft carriers that use shield technology can briefly turn off their plasma and electromagnetic deflection shields to maintain communications.

But when faced with a situation that requires protection, the black barrier-like shielding area intercepts not only the enemy's attacks, but also its own communications.

Faced with this situation, it is undoubtedly necessary to develop a communication technology that can adapt to shield technology.

At the beginning, Xu Chuan thought more about quantum communication technology.

It is not the kind of "quantum communication project" that uses quantum polarization states for key distribution, but real quantum communication technology that uses quantum entanglement as the basic core.

But after collecting relevant papers and technical reports, he decisively gave up on this technology and turned his attention to neutrino communication.

Without him, the former would be too difficult.

Real quantum communication technology is not the same thing at all as all the "quantum communication projects" that have been built or are under construction in various countries.

Regardless of whether it is China or the United States, they will release some research progress reports related to quantum communication technology from time to time, setting off a wave of discussions on the Internet.

But in fact, all quantum communication projects currently built or under construction are not a new communication technology at all.

And this "quantum communication project" is not an independent and complete new cryptographic system that ensures communication security, and it has nothing to do with quantum entanglement.

It is just a hardware technology that uses quantum polarization states for key distribution. It is a dispensable supporting role in symmetric cryptography systems, referred to as "quantum key distribution" technology (QKD).

Even so, this kind of quantum communication project still faces many difficulties.

For example, the Beijing-Shanghai quantum trunk line has various problems such as extremely low code rate, incompatibility with the traditional Internet, extremely insecure trusted relay stations, etc.

This is just a quantum technology developed based on quantum polarization state theory, and the difficulty is so huge, let alone real quantum communication technology.

Xu Chuan estimated that he might not be able to get this thing out even after he is laid to rest.

At least with current technological means, there really isn't much that can be done.

That's why he turned his attention to other communication methods, such as neutrino communication, laser communication, extremely low frequency communication, etc.

After examining these corresponding technologies and related communication methods, he finally focused on neutrino communication.

The so-called neutrino communication is a communication method that uses neutrinos to carry information.

As for this technology, the core and most basic one is the super penetrating property of neutrinos themselves.

Although it is one of the basic particles that make up atoms, like other particles such as protons and electrons.

But its mass is very light, not even one ten thousandth of that of an electron, and it is electrically neutral; there is only a weak interaction force with other particles, and there is no electromagnetic force.

It can be like Tu Xingsun in "The Legend of the Gods", who can penetrate the ground without knowing it, even the huge earth, and can penetrate the earth.

And because the interaction between neutrinos and other elementary particles that make up matter is very weak, the energy loss during its travel is also very small.

If we imagine that it travels through the earth along its diameter, its energy loss will be only one ten billionth.

This aspect can be said to be almost perfect for adapting to plasma and electromagnetic deflection shields.

Its high penetrating power can theoretically penetrate this shield that can shield all charged particles.

In addition, compared with quantum communication, the theoretical basis of neutrino communication is more solid and more likely to be realized, rather than floating in the sky.

In fact, as early as the late 1980s, neutrino communication experiments were successfully conducted in the laboratory.

But today, this technology is still in the laboratory, which shows how many difficulties it encounters.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! However, compared to quantum communication, neutrino communication is still a technology that is more likely to be realized at present.


In the conference room, the participating researchers are all the elite among the elite, so they naturally understand what it means not to waste time.

Although they were all quite surprised by what was discussed in today's meeting, they still controlled their emotions and quickly read through the report documents distributed to them in the most rational manner.

Sitting at the front seat, Xu Chuan waited quietly for about ten minutes. Then, he gently knocked on the conference table, attracted everyone's attention, and spoke.

"Everyone should have read the document by now. Do you have any thoughts on the content discussed today?"

Beside the conference table, Academician Ming Chengbi thought for a while and then asked: "Is this communication technology prepared for plasma and electromagnetic deflection shields?"

Xu Chuan nodded and said with a smile: "That's right."

"Plasma electromagnetic deflection shield technology has almost no solution to the suppression of traditional wireless communication technology, and it is impossible for us to lead a network cable to the protected target, so it is imperative to develop a communication technology that can penetrate the shield.


"Otherwise, the value of plasma and electromagnetic deflection shield technology will be greatly reduced."

"Of course, neutrino communication technology itself is of great value, and it has always been an international cutting-edge research field."

Academician Ming Chengbi nodded, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, and continued: "Although neutrino communication is not a problem in theory, there were even research institutions in the laboratory a long time ago.

Did it.”

"However, traditional neutrino emitters are bulky and expensive, and are currently not suitable for assembly and widespread application. In addition, the nuclear reaction between neutrinos and neutrons in water atoms produces high-energy negative muons, which will affect communications.


"These are not easy fixes."

It is undeniable that neutrino communication does have very high application value.

If neutrino beam communication is adopted, it will provide a powerful means for the Navy to conduct confidential communications with submarines; even in the event of a thermonuclear war, the neutrino beam transmitter placed in the command post deep in the rock will not be affected by atomic bombs.

damaged, it can still work normally.

In addition to being used for global human communication, neutrino communications can also penetrate the moon and communicate with the space station on the back of the moon, or serve as a special messenger to travel in space and directly communicate with spacecraft flying in the universe to serve mankind in conquering the universe.


Physicists can even use neutrino beams to take pictures of the earth to search for mineral resources in the earth's crust.

These are the values ​​or derived values ​​of neutrino communication technology.

But this technology is just like the NS equation, one of the seven millennium problems in mathematics.

Everyone knows that by solving the NS equation, human applications in the field of fluids will develop rapidly, and it can even be used to model plasma turbulence in controllable nuclear fusion reactors.

But it has been two hundred years since the NS equation was first proposed by Professor Navier in the 19th century.

In the past two hundred years, if it had not been for the freak Xu Chuan, I am afraid that human civilization's current understanding of the NS equation would still be limited to the staged search for solutions to its derivative equations.

This kind of problem is like a red apple hanging above your head. You can see it, but you can't touch it or eat it.

The same goes for the value of neutrino communications.

At the head of the table, Xu Chuan smiled and said, "This is the purpose of today's meeting."

After a slight pause, he continued: "Traditional neutrino communication technology uses high-energy proton accelerators to accelerate protons to obtain high-energy electron beams of hundreds of billions of electron volts."

"It is then used to bombard the target, thereby producing unstable particles. These particles undergo continuous changes and eventually form neutrinos and other particles, and then let them pass through the thick shielding material."

"In this way, charged particles can be screened out and uncharged neutrino beams can be obtained. These neutrino beams can then be used to scan objects, record information, and then transmit it."

"But this method requires a bulky and expensive high-energy proton accelerator, which is not suitable for practical applications."

"But the unified theory of strong electricity tells us that there are other ways to solve these problems."

As he spoke, he stood up, pulled out a blackboard from the corner of the conference room, picked up the marker, and wrote on it.

"In the unified theory of strong electricity, fermions gain mass through Yukawa coupling, but neutrinos maintain zero mass because they only have a left-hand component. Generally, if a fermion field ψ has mass, its mass term has the following form: "?

LD=mˉψψ=m(ψ L ψ R )(ψ L ψ R )= m(ˉψ Lψ R ψ Rψ L ).”

"The mass of the neutrino is M D ~ fν v, where the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field v = 246 GeV. The actually observed neutrino mass is below the eV level. To meet this experimental observation, it is required

Yukawa coupling of right-handed neutrino fν? O(10?12)....."

"...introduced the new right-handed neutrino N R and the real scalar field singlet x (or the real scalar field triplet Σ), the complex scalar field doublet eta and the singlet ξ"

".....(N R,x/Σ,η)Z 2?→?(N R,x/Σ,η)."

In the conference room, looking at the formula written by Xu Chuan on the blackboard, the researchers participating in the meeting collectively frowned.

Even if there is a corresponding explanation, it is difficult for most of the researchers here to understand what the things being described are.

In the front row of the conference room, after staring at the calculations on the whiteboard for a long time, Academician Ming Chengbi frowned and asked: "Is this... an inference from the unified theory of strong electricity?"

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! Although he does not study theoretical physics, he has a background in nuclear physics and nuclear engineering and is still familiar with the latest developments in the physics world.

Especially for this kind of research involving nuclear force, it is even more impossible for him to miss it.

The unified theory of strong electricity was naturally a paper he had read countless times, so he still barely understood what Xu Chuan was deriving.

Xu Chuan smiled, nodded, and said: "A method that detects heavy Majorana neutrinos and high-dimensional Weinberg operators through the vector boson scattering process, and detects particles with masses greater than 2TeV and up to 25TeV.

Heavy Majorana neutrinos, and the first direct restriction of the multidimensional Weinberg operator..."

"What...I don't understand a bit."

Academician Ming Chengbi looked confused, looked at Xu Chuan blankly, and said with some stuttering: "Can you...slowly...slowly explain?"

In the conference room, the expressions on other people's faces were almost exactly the same as the blank look on Academician Ming Chengbi's face.

This extrapolation based on the unified theory of strong electricity was a bit difficult to understand for everyone present.

After all, most of the people present are not engaged in theoretical physics.

There are only a few people who can roughly know that the things written by the person in front of me are deduced from the unified theory of strong electricity, let alone conduct in-depth research on it.

Xu Chuan sighed, feeling a little helpless.

This is still really confusing.

If you don’t even understand the theory, it will be very difficult to transform this technology into practical applications.

We can't always let him do the research himself.

It's okay to do it once in a while, but if this kind of thing takes too much effort, the domestic technological development may be disrupted.

When the time comes, no one will understand the top stuff.

There are still too few talents.


This chapter has been completed!
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