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Chapter 873: 'Exploration Physics', don't even learn Chinese if you have the skills.

With the official public release of the first issue of the General Journal of "Exploration", the attention within the academic community has also shifted from the acceptance results of the CRHPC institution to this newly created journal.

Whether it is Xu Chuan's reputation and aura, or the first published paper in this journal, Unified Theory of Strong Electricity, they have firmly captured the attention of the academic community.

Some people support it and believe that no matter which journal it is published in, a paper of this level on the unified theory of strong electricity will not affect its value and the honor it deserves.

There are also objections, thinking that the purely Chinese journal "Exploration" will come to an end sooner or later. After all, the purely Chinese journal is too narrow.

Even the unified theory of strong electricity can only provide a temporary boost.

Even in China, some people in the public intellectuals, Gao V, 500,000 and other groups believe that Xu Chuan is the last feudal dynasty in the academic world and is closed to the country, hindering the integration of domestic academic circles with the world.


California, at the University of California, Los Angeles.

"Professor, the journal you want."

In an office in the Institute of Physics, a plump female assistant walked in, holding a journal in her hand.

On the sofa, Barry Barish, who was communicating with others, took the paper from his assistant with a curious expression on his face.

"What's this?"

Opposite the sofa, Professor Wilcox Gustave, who looked a bit like an aristocrat with gold-rimmed glasses, took a look and asked.

"Journal Article."

Barry Barish replied concisely and concisely, his eyes falling on the freshly released general issue of "Discovery".

"Journal article? Which one is it from? I don't think I've seen anything like this before."

Professor Wilcox Gustave glanced at the paper in Barry Barish's hand with interest and asked curiously.

The words on the paper were not in English, nor were they the French and Germanic languages ​​he knew, which made him a little curious.

Barry Barish smiled and said: "Discovery is a journal that was founded not long ago. This is the first time it has published a publication."

Upon hearing this answer, Wilcox Gustave instantly lost interest, leaned on the sofa and looked at Barry Barish with a teasing look, and said disapprovingly:

"A newly established journal? When did you become interested in this kind of thing?"

Barry Barish glanced at his friend and handed over the "Discovery" journal in his hand.

Wilcox Gustave, who was born into a British aristocratic family, was naturally arrogant and looked down upon most things.

The key reason why he was able to become friends with him was Gustav's seriousness and pursuit of academics.

In the field of condensed matter physics, Gustav has achieved robust superconductivity in high magnetic fields through a new one-dimensional system, providing a new research path for long-term problems in condensed matter physics. Gustav is the most powerful contender for the next Nobel Prize.


As serious as he was academically, Gustav was just as arrogant in his daily life and communication.

Unless you can conquer him in the academic field, this person will not pay attention to you at all.

"What is this? Which country's language? A newly established journal does not use English as its standard. Which backward country published it? Is there not even a single scholar in their country who can speak English?"

After casually taking the publication and taking a glance at it, Wilcox Gustav began to complain endlessly.

Barry Barish said calmly: "If you don't know what is written above, I think your future academic career may end here forever."

"WT? What are you talking about?"

Wilcox Gustave looked over with a confused expression, a little confused that his friend would suddenly say such a thing.

You must know that he is the most promising scholar to compete for the Nobel Prize in the field of condensed matter physics in the next few years!

Barry glanced at his friend, took a sip of coffee and said, "Look who the author is."


Frowning and following the standard format of the paper, Wilcox Gustave found the signature of the paper. He did not know the Chinese characters, but he always felt that he had seen this name somewhere and it was very familiar.


Barry sighed and said: "The paper in the journal is called "Exploration", and the paper published in this journal is called "The Unified Normative Theory of Strong Electricity and the Prediction of Related Coupling Constants."

"Strong electricity unified...theory?"

Upon hearing this answer, Wilcox Gustave was immediately stunned and looked at Barry Barish in surprise and disbelief.


"He actually submitted such an important paper on the unified theory of strong electricity to a newly founded journal?"

Barry Barish: "Discovery was founded by Professor Xu Chuan from China. He submitted his paper to his own journal. Is there any problem?"

Wilcox Gustave frowned and said, "Isn't this a little too casual?"

"Of course, Professor Xu may no longer care about the division of journals and the reputation of the journal itself, but don't you think it is too low-level to put a paper like the unified theory of strong electricity in a newly established journal?"


Barry Barish took a sip of coffee and said calmly: "I don't think so."

"For academics, I think you know very well that the most important thing in a journal is never how well-known it is, but the specific papers and results it publishes."

"A truly excellent paper, no matter where it is placed, will sparkle and attract everyone's attention. Just like Perleman putting the proof of the three-dimensional Poincaré conjecture on a preprint website like Arxiv, it will not

Preventing it from gaining mathematical and world recognition."

"As for a rubbish paper, even if you submit it to journals such as Nature and Science, it will not be taken seriously."

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "For academia, what is important has always been academic results, not journals."

Wilcox Gustav frowned and said: "But after all, this is a new journal, and it only uses pure Chinese, which seriously hinders the development of the unified theory of strong electricity.


"Honestly, I doubt that Professor Xu Chuan did this on purpose. He didn't want the unified theory of strong electricity to be understood and studied too much by scholars from other countries, so he set up the barrier of a purely Chinese journal.


Shaking his head, Barry Barish glanced at his good friend and said, "You have almost forgotten your original academic intention, and you underestimate him too much."

"Or maybe you stubbornly believe in your heart that only scholars who use English can produce good results."

Wilcox Gustav shook his head and said stubbornly: "But you have to know, for academia, how long did it take for us to unify a language that can be used globally?"

"We've been doing this since the 19th century, haven't we?"

"And now, he insists on coming up with another language, and it does not provide an English version. For the academic community, this is a division..."

From the perspective of a traditional scholar, to be honest, Gustav felt that Xu Chuan's creation of a purely Chinese version of the journal was not a very good thing for the academic community.

If the "Discovery" journal doesn't take off, forget about it if it becomes popular. If it becomes popular, then this is not a good thing for the academic community.

Because there is no English version, it means that they can only learn Chinese and then read the journal. For many scholars, this is a very troublesome thing.

Some people may think that there are also professional translators?

However, papers in the academic field and works in the traditional literary field are two completely different concepts.

The latter may be even more outstanding and excellent through human translation, such as "The Moon and Sixpence" translated by Fu Weici, "Fragment of Chapters" and "Hamlet" translated by Bian Zhilin, etc.

After being polished by these literary masters, those foreign language masterpieces will be more suitable for readers in their own countries.

But for papers in academic fields, it doesn't work.

For scholars like them who explore science and search for the truth, looking at other people's translations is an inferior choice. It can even be said that they make a choice only after they have no choice.

For academic papers, whether it is an expert translation or a layman's professional translation, it is almost impossible to completely translate all the views expressed by the original author.

A difference of one word means a thousand miles of error.

So if there is a choice, it can be said that almost all scholars will choose to browse the original version. Then the only choice for everyone is to learn another Chinese language.

Although it is not a bad thing to learn another language, from a long-term perspective, Chinese journals and English journals will tear the entire academic world in half, and then pull them apart repeatedly.

This is not a good thing for academic prosperity.

Especially the scholar who founded the journal Discovery.

Wilcox Gustavus had no doubt that he was capable of doing this.

Not to mention other things, for example, in the field of physics, it is not impossible to require that all results of CRHPC institutions must be reported in Chinese, or that at least a Chinese version of the theory must be attached when reporting.

And if the CRHPC institution really does this, the academic community that is now barely unified will probably be divided.

This made Gustav very irritated, he didn't like this feeling.

Opposite the sofa, Barry Barish shook his head and said: "It is undeniable that in the past few decades, English has indeed been the most mainstream language in academia, and almost all top journals are in English."

"But no one has ever stipulated that top journals must be in English. Other languages ​​are also acceptable."

"Chinese will not become an obstacle to the dissemination of the unified theory of strong electricity. For scholars who love physics, it is not difficult to learn Chinese after working hard for a period of time."

"Unless you resist in your heart."

Wilcox Gustav frowned and said: "Resist? If it is beneficial to academics, I will never resist, but..."

Barry Barish interrupted him and said: "No, you just don't realize the resistance in your heart. Chinese is not that difficult to learn, it's just that you subconsciously don't want to accept it."

"Think about it carefully, are you really because Chinese will hinder the spread of the unified theory of strong electricity, or are you because of some other stubborn ideas."

For scholars like them, learning a language is not difficult.

Even Chinese and Mandarin, which are hailed as the "devil's language" by others, are only a matter of months and half a year for them.

In fact, it is destined that the influence of Chinese will expand.

At least in the physics community it is doomed.

Because the world's number one Large Strong Particle Collider is located in China, with a collision energy level as high as 130 Tev, it is destined to dominate the future physics community for at least thirty years, or even longer.

For physicists who want to study their own problems and theories, it is impossible to bypass Chinese and Chinese when going to the CRHPC institution.

The purely Chinese journal published by Professor Xu Chuan is just a further expansion and acceleration.

Barry Barish had a premonition that the national camp in the field of basic science would gradually transfer step by step, bit by bit, and fall into the hands of that red-pointed eastern power.

For him, of all the reasons for all this, apart from the growing prosperity and strong national power of China, the main reason is because of the appearance of that person.

His appearance has brought forward work that might have taken at least twenty, thirty or even more years to start now.

Well, even though his brain is far inferior to what it was when he was young, at least learning a language doesn't have too many problems now.

At most, it will only take a few more months.

If it really takes another twenty or thirty years, when he is eighty or ninety years old, it will be really beyond his reach.


In fact, among academics, Wilcox Gustav is not the only scholar who subconsciously resists Chinese and believes that Chinese is difficult to learn.

Maybe some people really think that Chinese is difficult to learn, or maybe some people are arrogant in their hearts, or maybe some people have other ideas.

Generally speaking, the academic community is still confused and wavering in its acceptance of the journal Discovery.

Perhaps most of the top physicists, research institutions and laboratories, and universities have subscribed, but there are not many people who really want to try to study Chinese seriously and read "Exploration" carefully.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that this is not the first time that the unified theory of strong electricity has been published publicly.

After all, it had been officially published in English on Arxiv a few months ago.

So it is more equivalent to a paper with both Chinese and English versions. If there is an English version, most physicists will naturally choose it.

At a time when the entire physics community is discussing the issue of the "Discovery" journal.

The official website of the "Exploration" journal has released a new message.

The sub-journal of "Exploration", "Exploration·Physics" will officially publish the first issue of the sub-journal in half a month!

The content is still the theoretical physics paper "The relationship between the condensed matter strong correlation electron unified framework and the room temperature superconducting mechanism!" written by Professor Xu Chuan himself!

This was prepared by Xu Chuan himself, and was compiled by combining some of the theories in "Condensed Matter Electron Localized Structure Theory" and "Room Temperature Superconducting Mechanism".

It does not involve the core room-temperature superconducting technology, but it describes some of the formation mechanisms and relationships of room-temperature superconductivity from the perspective of physical theory, which is crucial to the development of theoretical physics.

Don’t you all want to learn Chinese?

If you have the ability, then don’t learn it.


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