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Chapter 875: No one submitted? Simple!

As soon as the scheduled sales figures for the first issue of the "Exploration Physics" sub-journal were released, it shocked the entire academic community.

Although everyone knew that the theory of the paper written by Professor Xu Chuan would definitely be widely sought after by the academic community, no one expected that just one publication, and it was only the first issue, would create a new world in the physics world.

The highest record of subscriptions for a single journal issue.

In two days, the pre-ordered sales of the first issue of "Exploration Physics" have exceeded one million, which is a figure that other physics journals cannot match.

Although the sales data of major journals have always been kept confidential, they are rarely made public.

On the one hand, this is because it involves the revenue and profitability of journals, which are usually commercial secrets of major academic publishers.

On the other hand, when evaluating whether an academic journal is excellent or not, sales volume is usually not included.

Because for a top academic journal, once it is included in the subscription list of major research institutions or universities, it will usually maintain subscriptions for a long time.

Therefore, the sales of academic journals are generally quite stable.

For an academic journal, indicators such as the journal's citation frequency, impact factor, academic index, characteristic factor, average citation rate, etc. are the key.

For example, Nature, the world's leading scientific weekly, is the most cited multidisciplinary journal in the world, with more than 910,000 citations in 2023.

It has ranked first in the multi-disciplinary field for 12 consecutive years in terms of impact factor. Its impact factor will be as high as 50.5 in 2023, and its five-year impact factor will be as high as 54.4.

But even so, the sales volume of the "Nature" journal does not reach the number of one million per issue.

Only the top journals such as The Lancet and Reviews of Modern Physics can achieve such sales figures.

And it is not possible to have millions of subscriptions and sales every time. Only when it publishes papers of great value or has a prominent academic figure, the sales volume can exceed this number.

The first issue of "Exploration Physics" was able to exceed one million in pre-order sales in just two days. Even if it is only one issue, it is enough to prove its gold content.

The explosive sales data caused quite a stir and discussion in academia and social networks.

Especially in China, the over one million sales made many netizens who supported "Discovery" from the beginning feel proud and proud.

After all, in the past, a large number of people on the Internet were not optimistic about the purely Chinese "Exploration" journals, believing that purely Chinese journals would not be accepted by the academic community and their future would be worrying.

But now, "Exploration" has let its sales speak for itself and slapped it back hard, making netizens who support Xu Chuan and purely Chinese journals breathe a sigh of relief.

[In two days, millions of scheduled sales were achieved! "Exploration" is the god of Chinese periodicals! 】

[Hahahahaha, laugh to death, what about those people who said that pure Chinese journals would not be accepted by the academic community? 】

[The God of Sichuan is the God of Sichuan! If you don’t take action, it’s enough. If you take action, it will be a sure kill! Great!]

[What’s so good about sales? Do academic journals look at sales? Academic journals only look at influence! No matter how much sales there is, it’s useless if the impact factor is not good.]

[Then find a journal with a million-level single-issue sales. Is there any other journal besides "Exploration"? Facts have proved that purely Chinese journals can be popular all over the world! 】

[There’s nothing to say. I’m still saying the same thing. If purely Chinese journals can’t become popular, how can millions of sales be counted? The paper on the mechanism of room-temperature superconducting materials is the key. No matter which journal this paper is thrown into,

Sales can exceed one million.】

[Furthermore, being popular once does not mean that it will be popular again and again. In addition, journals have the most important issue of receiving manuscripts. If no one submits manuscripts to you, you will not be able to do it at all. How many scholars in academia can write papers in Chinese?

There are not many at all!]

[Requesting manuscripts is the real problem! "Nature" can publish one issue every week, but "Discover" can? Don't dream too much, Chinese journals just can't do it.]


Xu Chuan doesn’t know much about the controversy on the Internet, but he will definitely know the core of a journal better than those so-called ‘netizens’.

Indeed, requesting manuscripts is a very important thing for a journal.

As some people have said, it is quite difficult for purely Chinese journals to recruit manuscripts.

In particular, the "Exploration" magazine he founded has extremely high requirements for published papers, and it is even more difficult to request manuscripts.

But in fact, whether it is difficult or easy to get manuscripts for a journal does not depend on whether it is purely Chinese.

It is true that the main issue of "Exploration" is purely in Chinese, but scholars who have the ability to submit articles to the main issue will not be troubled by the purely Chinese threshold at all.

For them, it only takes a few months to learn Chinese and become proficient.

From the establishment of the CRHPC institution to the present, a large number of physicists have learned to communicate in Chinese without any teacher, and are even more fluent and standard in Mandarin than some Chinese people.

Moreover, for "Exploration", only the main issue is purely in Chinese, not its sub-journals. Currently, the sub-journals are in both Chinese and English.

To put it simply, the sub-journal accepts submissions of both Chinese and English papers. However, when publishing, professional translation will be used to achieve both Chinese and English.

Therefore, it is just a superficial reason and opinion to say that pure Chinese will limit the manuscript invitations for "Exploration".

What will really affect the selection of manuscripts for "Exploration" is the inertia of the academic community, the right to speak in basic disciplines, the prejudices of various countries, etc.

As Professor Wilcox Gustavus of the California Institute of Technology said, English is currently the mainstream language in academia.

This is something that has taken the academic community and Western countries more than a century to accomplish.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The mainstream language in academia is English, which means that the development of the most cutting-edge fields of basic science will also be based on English.

This is an undercurrent vortex hidden under the surface of the water. It has stronger inertia than the apparent circulation of knowledge, and is more difficult to change than the development of engineering technology.

And for Western countries led by the United States, they will not just watch the rise of "Discovery" to compete with them for the right to speak in the field of basic science.

Therefore, if we want scholars from other countries to submit articles to Discovery, the first thing that needs to be changed is this inertia and dealing with the destruction of other countries.

For Xu Chuan, in the past, he would not have had the ability to break the strong inertia of the academic world and the unspoken rules maintained by Western countries.

No matter how high his academic achievements are, there is still no good way to do it.

After all, an individual can never compare with a group.

But now the situation is different. The world's most powerful large particle collider is in China, controllable nuclear fusion technology is the first to be realized in China, and China is also at the forefront of the world in the aerospace field...

Whether it is the CRHPC ring super particle collider, the lunar biosphere project, or the lunar outpost scientific research station...these world's top scientific research equipment and projects, for scholars in various fields, and even academia in various countries,

Even the government's attraction can be said to be fatal.

It can be said that no researcher or scholar who wants to move forward on the academic road can resist these equipment and projects.

More importantly, only China can provide these!

Therefore, when the journal "Exploration" was released, some scholars who were responsive may have already thought about how Xu Chuan might solve the problem of requesting manuscripts.

After all, exploration is open to the whole world, and it cannot be done behind closed doors.

In this case, contributions from foreign scholars are definitely needed.


As these scholars expected, while discussions continued in academia and on the Internet, Star City, the headquarters of the CRHPC organization, officially held a press conference.

The content of the press conference was very simple. In addition to disclosing the current work of the CRHPC institution as well as experimental results and gains, there was also a seemingly insignificant announcement.

“From now on, the journal Discovery will be included in the review system of CRHPC for the first time.”

""Exploration" and "Exploration Physics" will truly serve as the academic reference standard of the CRHPC institution. For the thesis theories included in "Exploration" and "Exploration Physics", if necessary, you can submit relevant experimental resource applications to the CRHPC institution."

"The CRHPC Board of Directors will prioritize the review of relevant experimental resource applications..."

A piece of information that included the main journal of "Exploration" and the sub-journal of "Exploration Physics" into the CRHPC institutional review system as academic reference standards seemed to be just an insignificant announcement, but it caused an uproar in the physics community.

Thousands of physicists at the CRHPC headquarters immediately exploded upon learning of this announcement.

In the coffee shop of the CRHPC headquarters building, Frank Wilczek, who came from Europe just a few days ago for the acceptance report meeting of the 'High Quality Particle Mass and Weak Electric-Strong Coupling Strength' experimental data, sat by the floor-to-ceiling glass window.


While drinking a coffee cup, I looked at the physicists hurriedly walking outside, and listened to the occasional loud exchanges between other scholars in the coffee shop.

"CRHPC has incorporated "Exploration" and "Exploration Physics" founded by Professor Xu Chuan into the review system as academic reference standards!"

"Watt? When did this happen!"

"It's this morning! The spokesperson of the CRHPC organization officially announced it. And it is not only included in the review system as an academic reference standard. If you can publish a theoretical paper in the "Exploration" journal, you can also apply for experimental resources from the CRHPC organization.

, verify your results!”

"Oh! God! What on earth does CRHPC want to do?"

"Who knows..."

Listening to the conversation behind him with some exclamations from time to time, which was obviously higher than normal chat decibels, Frank Wilczek took a sip of coffee and looked at his friend who walked in through the door, Wedland from the Elementary Particle Physics Laboratory of Cornell University.

·Professor Maynard.

"Damn it! What on earth does CRHPC want to do? They actually included a journal into the review system and opened a priority application for experimental resources for this purpose!"

As soon as he sat down, Professor Vedran Maynard started complaining.

Across the coffee table, Frank Wilczek smiled nonchalantly and said, "Is there any problem with this?"


Professor Vedran Maynard said angrily: "What a big problem! This is unfair to other research!"

"If this rule is really implemented, CRHPC's application for experimental resources will no longer be open and fair! There may even be important experimental research that cannot compare with the insignificant experimental research published in Discovery!"

Frank Wilczek took a sip of his coffee and knew what he was talking about, but he just smiled indifferently.

His eyes fell on the CRHPC headquarters building not far away. Looking at the strange-looking Bagua building, he said:

"Fairness? Do you think there is pure fairness in this world?"

"All fairness is relative. CRHPC is an equipment built by China and can be opened to the outside world for physicists and research institutions from other countries to conduct experiments. It has even established a board of directors to review experimental applications in a targeted manner.

Providing resources in order of importance seems to me to be quite fair."

Hearing this, Professor Vedran Maynard looked over with a surprised look on his face, and couldn't help but ask: "You actually think this is fair?"

"Shouldn't this be a pretty scary thing? It will destroy the entire CRHPC review system!"

Wilzek ​​shook his head and said, "You think too much."

After a slight pause, he continued: "You have to know that there is no absolute fairness in this world. And the current experimental review system of CRHPC is honestly almost the fairest among physics institutions I have ever seen."

"Isn't it enough that CRHPC can carefully review every experimental application regardless of nationality or skin color, and provide experimental resources according to importance?"

Maynard: "But now comes the exception!"

Hearing this, Wilzek ​​smiled and said: "Special case? Maybe, papers that can be published in Discovery and Discovery Physics may indeed receive some preferential treatment."

"But that's only for experimental applications of the same level."

"If you have read their announcement carefully, you should know that in this announcement, the priority is only review."

"I have already asked the directors of CRHPC. If your experiment is of higher weight in the CRHPC collision experiment application, even if the latter's paper is published in Discovery, it will not squeeze out your resources.


"What it corresponds to is just to raise some priorities among resources of the same level."

"In my opinion, it's not a big deal."

After a pause, he looked at Vedran Maynard with a smile and continued: "And if you think this is not enough, why don't you submit your paper to Discovery or Discovery Physics?"

"You can also have this opportunity fairly. It is not unique to Chinese scholars."


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