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Chapter 890: The third key to the era

After seeing off Mr. Lei of Xiaomi, Xu Chuan sat back at his desk and turned on the computer.

Looking at the preliminarily completed manuscript on the screen, he thought for a moment, opened the document, and started revising it again.

Since he is already doing it, he should complete it completely. It is not his character to give up halfway.

Although carbon-based chips are currently only semi-finished products, breakthroughs in ultra-high-density carbon nanotube integration technology, carbon transistors and carbon integrated circuits are all of great importance.

Perhaps the senior management may have learned about the breakthrough of carbon-based chips through various channels, but he still sent his suggestions.

In addition to recruiting Xiaomi to anchor cost-effective electronic products, let the bosses worry about other things.

After spending two and a half hours making complete revisions to the preliminary draft of the carbon-based chip plan, Xu Chuan clicked save and printed out the proposal document.

He took out the document with the lingering warmth and ink fragrance from the printer, and after checking it again, Xu Chuan picked up the signature pen from the table and signed his name on the letter.

For carbon-based chips, it is not only Xiaomi that he contacted that needs to be laid out. There are also various patents and other work that need to be completed.

And if this job is done by Xinghai Research Institute, the time required may be measured in years.

For example, after the research and development is completed, we need to find suitable manufacturers for each step. For example, ultra-high-purity silicon carbide substrates need to be produced, and ultra-high-density carbon nanotubes also need manufacturers.

In addition, there are patent applications and technology upgrades related to carbon-based chips.

For example, try to improve and further optimize the size of carbon-based transistors as much as possible, increase the number of carbon-based transistors per square millimeter on the chip, etc.

For carbon-based chips, even if they have developed a commercially viable finished product, they still need to further improve their performance to catch up with and surpass the silicon-based chips that have dominated the chip field for decades.

Xu Chuan never thought that as soon as carbon-based chips came out, they would be able to directly catch up with silicon-based chips in performance and overturn this huge aircraft carrier. This was impossible.

These things require a systematic industry and cannot be handled by Xinghai Research Institute alone.

Therefore, he needs the power of the country to twist the relevant systems in the domestic electronics industry into a rope and give full play to its maximum initiative.

The best way is to form a closed industrial chain from R&D - patents - raw materials - production - parts - assembly - sales.

As long as the performance of carbon-based chips is comparable to that of silicon-based chips, and this system is formed and accepted by the market, then with the advancement of the times, silicon-based chips will sooner or later be swept into the dust of history.

For China, this will be the third key to opening up the future era and leading the trend after controllable nuclear fusion technology and new space shuttle technology.

But now, they have initially mastered this key, and only need subsequent finishing to insert it into the door of the era and push it open!


After putting the documents in his hands into an envelope, Xu Chuan sent a message to Zheng Hai.

After a while, the other party rushed over.

"Professor, you are looking for me."

"Well, here is a letter, as usual, delivered to the small island in Beihai on Chang'an Street."

Zheng Hai took the letter, glanced at it and asked, "Is it important? If it's important, I'll go there."

Xu Chuan shook his head and said with a smile: "No, just find someone to send it over."

"Okay, is there anything else?"

"No more."

"Okay, I'll leave first."

Nodding, Zheng Hai stuffed the envelope into his arms, turned around and walked out. Since he didn't need to deliver it in person, just leave it to the national security personnel in the security team. People over there can go directly to Chang'an Street.


Xu Chuan didn't care about this. Zheng Hai had never been disappointed with this kind of work.

His eyes fell back on the laptop on his desk. Just as he was about to deal with the emails that had accumulated since the beginning of the new year in his mailbox, the phone at the corner of his desk vibrated.

Touching his cell phone casually, Xu Chuan glanced at the caller ID. The call was from Ouyang Ji, the editor-in-chief of the "Exploration" journal.

Ouyang Ji is a professor who graduated from Nanjing University in the early years and once served as the editor-in-chief of "Nature Physics".

Later, after Xu Chuan passed on the matter of establishing the journal "Discovery" to NTU, the president of Nanda, Tan Shaoyuan, personally called him to bring him back from the United States. Now he serves as one of the deputy editors-in-chief of "Discovery".

As for the editor-in-chief, except Xu Chuan himself.

Although it is said that the editor of an academic journal should try to avoid submitting articles to his own journal in the subconscious mind of the academic community, because doing so does not sound reasonable.

After all, in people's cognition, the idea that "acquaintances make things easier" is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so they are very concerned about the saying "avoiding suspicion".

If the editor of a journal can submit articles to his own journal, even if the editor-in-chief or a higher-level review editor does not intervene, the reviewers will automatically interpret it when they see the name of the author of the article, causing a certain degree of unfairness.

Some highly vigilant magazines may explicitly stipulate that editors-in-chief are not allowed to submit articles to the journals they are responsible for.

But the fact is that most magazines will not consider this issue and can only rely on personal awareness.

However, for "Discovery", they have no other choice.

Based on Xu Chuan's requirements for "Exploration", apart from himself, it may be difficult to find a suitable editor-in-chief in China.

As for the various papers he submitted to "Discovery" as the editor-in-chief, there is not much controversy in the academic world.

After all, Xu Chuan's reputation in the academic world has been top-notch since he became famous. In addition, when the journal "Exploration" was first established, it had considered this situation and had clear procedures to handle manuscripts submitted by editorial board members.


Therefore, the outside world has no objection to Xu Chuan becoming the editor-in-chief of the journal he founded.

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Thumb across the screen, Xu Chuan answered the phone: "Hello, Chief Editor Ouyang."

After calling for a meal, Ouyang Ji said with respect: "Academician Xu, the sub-journal of "Exploration", "Exploration Mathematics", has just received a submission. We are a little undecided here. Do you want to take a look?"

Hearing the submission to "Exploration·Mathematics", Xu Chuan's mind stirred and he asked: "Is it P=NP? Is it conjecture that there is a paper related to the problem of graph isomorphism?"

On the other side of the phone, Ouyang Ji nodded and replied: "Well, the contributor is Ms. Liu Jiaxin from Chuanhai Network Technology Co., Ltd."

"The paper she submitted is a study on the quasi-polynomial graph mapping method for the problem of graph isomorphism. The Discovery journal has no way to determine the specific situation of this paper, and it is difficult to find a suitable reviewer."

This kind of research involving the seven millennium problems is not even possible in China.

Even in countries such as the United States and France, which have the most developed mathematics, they are among the best. There are only a handful of mathematicians in China who can review papers of this level.

And P=NP? Conjecture, there are no well-known domestic scholars in this mathematical problem in the field of computational complexity theory in theoretical informatics.

As for foreign countries, it is honestly difficult for Discovery’s deputy editor-in-chief, editor-in-chief and other staff to have access to big names who can review papers of this level.

Although he himself once served as the editor-in-chief of the journal Nature and knew some big names, unfortunately he was not in the field of mathematics, but in physics.

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "Send the paper to me and I will be the reviewer."

Hearing this, Ouyang Ji hesitated and asked hesitantly: "Is this okay? I don't doubt your ability, but will there be some controversy over the fairness of the journal?"

After a slight pause, he quickly added: "Of course, I am not talking about your principle of impartiality, Academician Xu, but after the review is disclosed, this matter may cause some controversy in the academic community."

"After all, your relationship with Ms. Liu..."

Generally speaking, avoiding suspicion is an important principle in the review process of academic journals.

This is mainly to avoid potential conflicts of interest or bias and ensure the objectivity and fairness of the review.

Specifically, reviewers should avoid relationships with authors that may affect fair judgment, such as avoiding direct collaborative relationships, knowing the authors, etc.

Most SCI journals usually have a rule that recommended reviewers cannot be from the same organization as the author.

In other words, reviewers who have a relationship with the author must avoid suspicion, including scholars from the same institution, who by default fall into the category of avoidance.

This is just like when Xu Chuan proved Hodge's conjecture, the mathematics community organized six experts to review his paper, and the reviewers all avoided Princeton scholars.

Hearing this, Xu Chuan laughed dumbly, shook his head, and said: ""It's nothing. Although the principle of avoiding suspicion is necessary, for review, we only need to ensure the transparency, fairness and objectivity of the process.


"Send the paper to me and I will give corresponding review comments."

Ouyang Ji nodded and said: "Okay, in this case, I will follow the review invitation process of "Exploration"."

"Well, just follow the normal procedure." Xu Chuan responded with a smile.


On the other side, Beijing.

The sun has set and night is gradually falling. In a conference room on Chang'an Street, an emergency meeting is being held.

The invitation from the Presbytery was quickly passed through the commissioners to the senior leaders of each clan.

In addition, many experts and academicians in the electronics industry have also received invitations.

Many people just got home from get off work and were called back by a phone call.

There were even some people still on the dining table, and they were taken away by the special car that came to pick them up without even taking a bite of their food.

And all this is just because of a letter sent to the Beihai Island on Chang'an Street two and a half hours ago, a letter sent from Jinling.


Bright lights illuminated the entire city. In a building on Chang'an Street, an emergency meeting was being held in a spacious conference room.

Academician Wang Qiming walked into the conference room wearing a black down jacket and holding a thermos cup in his hand.

Walking along the corridor and following the signs to find his location, his eyes fell on an acquaintance.

After being stunned for a moment, he walked over with a smile and said hello: "Hey, Lao Liu, are you here too?"

In the conference room, Liu Quan, who was looking at the podium with squinted eyes, turned his head when he heard a familiar voice. When he saw this old friend, he was stunned for a moment, then stared and asked: "You are here too.


Academician Wang Qiming said with a smile: "You are here, why can't I come?"

Academician Liu Quan glanced at him and ignored him. He glanced around the conference room and said, "It seems that today's meeting is not simple."

Today's meeting was notified at short notice. It was said to be an urgent internal meeting, but the content was not disclosed.

At first, he thought it was just a small meeting, related to his professional field. Such meetings happened often to him and he didn't pay much attention to it.

Now it seems that there is something wrong with the speculation. Judging from the nameplates on the table and the people present, the number of academicians in the semiconductor field and electronics industry present at this meeting exceeded double digits.

Moreover, he just glanced at the nameplates in front of him. They were basically senior leaders of various sects, even top leaders.

Looking at this posture and formation, I am afraid that what is going to be discussed is a bit unexpected.

Could it be that the country wants to fully support the development of the chip field?

Thinking of this, Liu Quan became a little excited.

The semiconductor field has been suppressed by foreign countries for such a long time. This should have been done long ago!

Without self-production of chips, the electronics field is equivalent to having no protective walls.


As the hour hand on the wall reached ten o'clock, all the leaders, experts and scholars from various departments and fields participating in the meeting arrived.

In the spacious conference room, the staff maintaining order closed the door of the conference room and stood at attention behind the door.

At the conference table, the person presiding over the meeting was an elder from the National Academy of Sciences. The meeting finally started.

Standing in front of the microphone, the old man cleared his throat, announced the start of the meeting, and continued.

"Thank you so much for taking the time to come here to attend this meeting at such a late hour. Due to the tight schedule and confidentiality, we have not notified you of the content of the meeting in advance. I hope you can understand."

After a slight pause, he continued: "The content of the next meeting will involve a relatively sensitive international situation. Before the country officially announces it, please keep the content of today's meeting strictly confidential."

As he spoke, a PPT picture was displayed on the silver-white curtain behind him.

When I saw the displayed pictures, the originally quiet conference room suddenly became filled with some noisy discussions.

Everyone sitting in the conference room had different expressions on their faces.

There was surprise, astonishment, shock, and most of all, a kind of confusion that was caught off guard by this message.


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