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Chapter 903: Add more firepower to NASA

Shortly after NASA's Artemis 2 lunar module successfully returned to Earth, the three astronauts who landed on the moon were interviewed by reporters from the CNN American cable news channel in a nursing home.

Soon, a news interview with ulterior motives was broadcast.

In this interview, in addition to some regular questions about American manned spaceflight to stimulate the American people's confidence in their aerospace field, another thing was also highlighted.

That is to say, China is deliberately excluding other countries from participating in the development of the moon, and is plundering the lunar resources that originally belong to all mankind and the world on a large scale.

In an interview with CNN, astronaut Sheridan Kolker, who participated in the Artemis 2 lunar module manned lunar landing, said.

This is an extremely unfair plunder of resources for all mankind and all countries.

China is relying on its mature aerospace technology to endlessly develop scarce public resources on the moon, which will seriously affect the development of the moon by latecomers.

For example, there is scarce lunar ice on the moon, easy-to-exploit shallow mineral deposits on the moon's surface, etc. These resources are limited.

Once China engages in large-scale and endless plunder and takes all these resources into its own pocket, it will have a serious impact on other countries' moon landings and base construction in the future.

And more importantly, China is occupying land on the moon that originally belonged to all mankind on a large scale, building a large number of bases and even weapons facilities on it, and strictly prohibiting astronauts from other countries from entering.

These are serious violations of the Moon Agreement.

China is trying to turn the moon into their own private planet!


"Beware! China is trying to turn the moon into their private planet!"

As soon as this interview report by CNN, the American cable news network, came out, it immediately sparked a heated discussion throughout the United States.

For the Americans, who have always regarded themselves as a major aerospace country, it is already difficult to accept that Huami's space competition is in full swing, and losing manned spacecraft to the moon and returning to the moon is already a difficult thing to accept.

And this opponent has now surpassed them and is on the road to comprehensively developing the moon, and even trying to turn the moon into their private property.

For Americans who have always been extremely proud in the aerospace field, this is an even more difficult thing to accept.

Especially at this sensitive node, when the news comes out, it directly touches the most sensitive and vulnerable part of their hearts.

Countless American people took to the streets and organized demonstrations, demanding that NASA and the authorities stop the other party from unbridled mining and plundering of resources on the moon.

The authorities did not ban these actions, but even secretly promoted them, creating a lot of hype.

Because that's exactly what they need.

Only with the help of public opinion and enthusiasm, they can better spread this matter, so as to suppress their opponents through public opinion, and even publicly call for the opponent to stop developing the moon.


Not surprisingly, with the help of caring people, the relevant news was quickly spread across the country, sparking considerable enthusiasm and discussion on the Internet.

For example, under the relevant operation and rhythm of neck scarves, this news has become a hot search topic, and the related discussions are even more intense.

In Xinghai Research Institute, Xu Chuan also saw relevant news.

The news was brought here by Gao Hongming, who has been paying attention to this matter.

In the office, Xu Chuan flipped through the newspaper in his hand. Almost all of it contained serious criticisms of China's various projects on the moon.

In particular, the Yuehuatai Outpost Scientific Research Station base has been dismissed by these media as a tool deployed by China to occupy the moon and exploit scarce resources wantonly.

After briefly flipping through the newspaper in his hand, Xu Chuan threw it on the coffee table, looked at Gao Hongming with a smile, and said, "It seems that your plan and actions have worked, and the fish has taken the bait."

He was talking about the "leaked plan" for the lunar space elevator project.

It is impossible for the United States to suddenly and for no reason manipulate public opinion to suppress their development on the moon, because if they really want to do it, the other side has already done it.

After all, the construction of Yuehuatai Outpost Scientific Research Base is no longer a matter of a day or two.

Now that the first phase has been completed and has been put into use, they are currently constructing the second phase.

If it were really because of things like the "Moon Agreement", the United States would have jumped out and waved the flag long ago, instead of waiting until now.

This doesn't mean much to them.

Gao Hongming said with a smile: "I just got the news that NASA is communicating with the space agencies of the European Union, Tsarist Russia, Sakura Country and other countries and regions, and wants to organize a joint development of the moon."

"It also revealed that the United States has found a technology that can efficiently transfer and develop the moon. We hope that countries such as the European Union, Tsarist Russia, and Russia will unite to invest and fight against us."

After a pause, he looked at Xu Chuan with a smile and joked: "Academician Xu, you are so powerful. Just a research report that has not been fully confirmed has made the United States so nervous."

Xu Chuan smiled and blinked, and said: "I never said that I was the one who made this lunar space elevator research report."

"Moreover, I have never publicly expressed support for the lunar space elevator. These are all made up by their own minds."

Gao Hongming laughed and said jokingly: "How about you stand up and show your support? Say that you support the lunar space elevator project? Add fuel to their fire?"

Picking up the water glass on the coffee table and taking a sip, Xu Chuan smiled and said, "You are too bad."

After a pause, he continued: "It's okay to openly support the lunar space elevator project, but we don't have ways to add fuel to the fire."

Hearing this, Gao Hongming looked over with curiosity and interest: "Huh? How do you say it?"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Xu Chuan said with a smile: "Disclosure of our manned fire landing plan, as well as the unmanned fire detection project scheduled for next month."

It is now mid-to-late February, and in March, a first-generation space shuttle will be arranged at the Xiashu Space Base to carry various detection equipment to Mars.

On the one hand, it is to prepare the ground and collect data for the manned mission to launch the mission around mid-June.

On the other hand, it is to launch various probes to Mars and some preliminary backup materials for manned missions, etc.

These include ultrasonic detection equipment for the core of Mars, Mars soil analyzer, Mars atmosphere analyzer, etc.

These devices will initially collect a large amount of data on the environment on Mars. On the one hand, they will understand the situation on Mars, and on the other hand, they will provide data support and feasibility theories for the Mars transformation plan he is researching and thinking about.

(It is indeed problematic to apply a patch and directly implement manned landing on the fire without the need for unmanned detection of the fire. I will modify the previous chapters. Sorry, I was out of my mind at the time.)

Gao Hongming thought for a while and said with a smile: "If you disclose the manned mission plan, you will probably bring more oppression to the United States, and NASA will go crazy."

Manned landing on the moon and developing the moon are two completely different concepts.

The latter is a satellite of the earth, and its average distance from the earth is stable at less than 400,000 kilometers.

Although it is far away, it is not impossible to develop the moon with current human technology, but the cost will be relatively high.

But the former is different.

The average distance is more than 200 million kilometers. For the current technology that still uses chemical fuel launch vehicles as the mainstream space launch technology, just going to Mars is a huge problem.

Although there are already many probes heading to Mars, there has never been a manned mission to Mars.

Making the manned mission plan public will put no less pressure on Western countries such as the United States and the European Union than the development of the moon.

Xu Chuan smiled and said: "It was not made public before because the negotiations on the lunar biosphere project have not been completed. Now that it has been settled, the manned mission plan can naturally be made public."

Since the manned mission to Mars was negotiated and finalized last year, it has been kept secret and has not been circulated.

On the one hand, the current situation in space competition is not very optimistic.

Don't look at the fact that the European Union, Tsarist Russia and many other countries have chosen to invest in the lunar biosphere project, but they are just forced to have no choice.

The speed of their development in space and the moon has actually deeply touched their sensitive nerves.

If the manned mission plan is announced in advance, it may bring considerable obstacles to the previous negotiations on the lunar biosphere project.

On the other hand, if they had made public their plans for a manned mission last year, the Americans might have chosen to take some "risky" actions.

When they returned to the moon before, they chose to land first, regardless of the safety of the astronauts.

As for Mars, no humans have yet set foot on it.

For the aerospace field, this is the first honor.

As for now, there is no need to worry about these problems.

It is now mid-to-late February, and there are only four months left before the manned mission to land on Mars.

No matter how powerful NASA is, it is impossible to organize a manned mission to the moon within four months.

It's not that they don't have the ability to launch spacecraft to Mars, but they don't have the ability to send people there and then pick them back up.

Allowing astronauts to carry out this kind of aerospace project, which can be said to have almost no return, will cause an uproar among the people.

There was a lunar rescue, and they had lost all face. If they came to China again for help, NASA would probably disband on the spot.

Especially their current president is not very willing to invest in this kind of thing.


PS: There will be an update in the evening, please give me a monthly pass! For the sake of Yawei’s hard work, please give me a monthly pass as a reward~

This chapter has been completed!
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